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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gita Dwiputri
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini melihat kontribusi penggunaan gaya pengasuhan autonomy dan conformity terhadap kemampuan anak memahami kondisi mental orang lain dalam situasi yang terkait dengan moralitas (morally-relevant theory of mind atau MoToM) dan melakukan penilaian moral. Pemahaman MoToM dan penilaian moral diukur dengan morally-relevant theory of mind task dan prototypic moral transgression scale (Killen, Mulvey, Richardson, Jampol, Woodward, 2011) kepada 122 partisipan anak usia 4 hingga 6 tahun. Gaya pengasuhan orangtua diukur dengan Parenting Attitudes Inventory (PAI) (Vinden, 2001; O‟Reilly & Peterson, 2014). Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa gaya pengasuhan orangtua dan theory of mind anak berkontribusi sebanyak 35% terhadap pemahaman morally-relevant theory of mind anak. Kemampuan theory of mind berkontribusi terhadap kemampuan anak dalam melakukan penilaian moral akan situasi pelanggaran moral yang terjadi secara intensional (prototypic transgression). Tidak terdapat hubungan yang signifikan antara gaya pegnasuhan orangtua dan penilaian moral anak.
ABSTRACT This study aims to explore autonomy and conformity parenting style contribution to children‟s understanding of others mental state in a moral situation (morally-relevant theory of mind or MoToM) and doing moral judgments. MoToM understanding and children‟s moral judgments were measured by morally-relevant theory of mind task and prototypic moral transgression scale (Killen, Mulvey, Richardson, Jampol, Woodward, 2011) to 122 children aged 4 ? 6 years old. Parenting style was assessed by Parenting Attitudes Inventory (PAI) (Vinden, 2001; O‟Reilly & Peterson, 2014). The result of this study showed that parenting style and children‟s theory of mind contributed to children‟s morally-relevant theory of mind understanding by 35%. Theory of mind understanding also contributed to children‟s moral judgments in an intentional moral transgression situasion (prototypic transgression). However, there was null significant links between parenting style and children‟s moral judgments, This study aims to explore autonomy and conformity parenting style contribution to children‟s understanding of others mental state in a moral situation (morally-relevant theory of mind or MoToM) and doing moral judgments. MoToM understanding and children‟s moral judgments were measured by morally-relevant theory of mind task and prototypic moral transgression scale (Killen, Mulvey, Richardson, Jampol, Woodward, 2011) to 122 children aged 4 – 6 years old. Parenting style was assessed by Parenting Attitudes Inventory (PAI) (Vinden, 2001; O‟Reilly & Peterson, 2014). The result of this study showed that parenting style and children‟s theory of mind contributed to children‟s morally-relevant theory of mind understanding by 35%. Theory of mind understanding also contributed to children‟s moral judgments in an intentional moral transgression situasion (prototypic transgression). However, there was null significant links between parenting style and children‟s moral judgments]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Pradipta Christy Pratiwi
Abstrak :
[Latar Belakang : Konflik relasi berpacaran rentan dialami oleh dewasa muda. Konflik yang tidak terselesaikan memunculkan kekerasan dalam pacaran. Kekerasan dalam pacaran mungkin terjadi dalam bentuk fisik, psikologis, seksual dan ekonomi. Riwayat pengalaman traumatis yang dialami sebelumnya oleh individu, membentuk self-esteem rendah pada individu dan membuka peluang pada individu untuk kembali terjebak pada relasi berkekerasan yang serupa, salah satunya kekerasan dalam pacaran. Self-esteem yang rendah mengakibatkan korban sulit untuk keluar dari siklus relasi berkekerasan tersebut. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan intervensi untuk meningkatkan self-esteem pada dewasa muda yang mengalami kekerasan dalam pacaran. Intervensi yang telah terbukti efektif dalam menangani self-esteem yang rendah adalah cognitive behavior therapy. Metode : Penelitian ini berupa intervensi CBT pada 4 orang partisipan. Desain penelitian ini termasuk dalam one group pretest-posttest design (before and after). Analisis : Analisis dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan data kuantitatif dari hasil pre-test dan post-test pada alat ukur RSES. Analisa kualitatif dilakukan melalui wawancara dan observasi terhadap perkembangan dan perubahan yang dialami partisipan. Hasil : CBT cukup berpengaruh dalam meningkatkan self-esteem pada partisipan, namun demikian intervensi selama 6 sesi pertemuan ini dirasa belum cukup untuk mengatasi permasalahan kekerasan dalam pacaran secara menyeluruh. Partisipan mengalami perubahan aspek kognitif dan perilaku. Partisipan merasa percaya diri dan nyaman terhadap penampilan fisik maupun kemampuan yang dimiliki. Partisipan memperoleh pemikiran yang lebih realistis untuk keluar dari relasi pacaran yang tidak sehat. ......Background: Conflicts in dating relationship are commonly experienced by young adults. Unfinished conflict provokes violence in dating relationship. Dating violence may occur in physical, psychological, sexual, and economic matter. Previous traumatic events, experienced by individual, conceive low self-esteem and provide more possible chance for individual to get back to the same violence based relationship, including dating violence. Low self-esteem causes the victims to withdraw themselves from the violence-based relationship. Hence, interventions are required to enhance self-esteem on young adults who experience dating violence. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered effective in enhancing self-esteem. Method: This research investigated CBT intervention on 4 participants with the research design of one group pretest-posttestdesign(before and after). Analysis: Analysis was carried out by comparing quantitative data of pre-test and post-test result acquired from RSES instrument. Qualitative analysis was carried out through interview and observation on the development and changes experienced by participants. Results: CBT is influential enough in enhancing self-esteem on participants, nevertheless 6 meetings session of intervention are considered less effective in solving dating violence entirely. Qualitative result indicated that participants experienced changes in cognitive and behavior aspects. Participants felt confident and secure either about their physical performance or their competence. Participants obtained realistic thinking to withdraw themselves from unhealthy dating relationship.;Background: Conflicts in dating relationship are commonly experienced by young adults. Unfinished conflict provokes violence in dating relationship. Dating violence may occur in physical, psychological, sexual, and economic matter. Previous traumatic events, experienced by individual, conceive low self-esteem and provide more possible chance for individual to get back to the same violence based relationship, including dating violence. Low self-esteem causes the victims to withdraw themselves from the violence-based relationship. Hence, interventions are required to enhance self-esteem on young adults who experience dating violence. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered effective in enhancing self-esteem. Method: This research investigated CBT intervention on 4 participants with the research design of one group pretest-posttestdesign(before and after). Analysis: Analysis was carried out by comparing quantitative data of pre-test and post-test result acquired from RSES instrument. Qualitative analysis was carried out through interview and observation on the development and changes experienced by participants. Results: CBT is influential enough in enhancing self-esteem on participants, nevertheless 6 meetings session of intervention are considered less effective in solving dating violence entirely. Qualitative result indicated that participants experienced changes in cognitive and behavior aspects. Participants felt confident and secure either about their physical performance or their competence. Participants obtained realistic thinking to withdraw themselves from unhealthy dating relationship., Background: Conflicts in dating relationship are commonly experienced by young adults. Unfinished conflict provokes violence in dating relationship. Dating violence may occur in physical, psychological, sexual, and economic matter. Previous traumatic events, experienced by individual, conceive low self-esteem and provide more possible chance for individual to get back to the same violence based relationship, including dating violence. Low self-esteem causes the victims to withdraw themselves from the violence-based relationship. Hence, interventions are required to enhance self-esteem on young adults who experience dating violence. Cognitive behavior therapy is considered effective in enhancing self-esteem. Method: This research investigated CBT intervention on 4 participants with the research design of one group pretest-posttestdesign(before and after). Analysis: Analysis was carried out by comparing quantitative data of pre-test and post-test result acquired from RSES instrument. Qualitative analysis was carried out through interview and observation on the development and changes experienced by participants. Results: CBT is influential enough in enhancing self-esteem on participants, nevertheless 6 meetings session of intervention are considered less effective in solving dating violence entirely. Qualitative result indicated that participants experienced changes in cognitive and behavior aspects. Participants felt confident and secure either about their physical performance or their competence. Participants obtained realistic thinking to withdraw themselves from unhealthy dating relationship.]
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maulida Kurniasari
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efektivitas pelatihan teknik read-aloud dalam meningkatkan kualitas interaksi guru dengan siswa usia 3-4 tahun melalui pelatihan selama 12 jam, yang dibagi dalam 3 hari dan 6 sesi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain pre-test dan post-test dengan guru sebagai partisipan. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah lembar panduan observasi interaksi guru-siswa saat kegiatan read-aloud. Pelatihan ini menggunakan beberapa metode, yaitu diskusi, role-play, observasi video kegiatan read-aloud, dan ceramah. Hasil uji statistik dengan menggunakan wilcoxon sign ranks menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan yang signifikan dalam interaksi guru-siswa saat kegiatan read-aloud antara sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan (Z=-1.826, p = 0.068> 0.05). Akan tetapi, secara kualitatif, ditemukan sejumlah perubahan dalam kualitas interaksi guru-siswa saat kegiatan read-aloud antara sebelum dan sesudah pelatihan.
ABSTRACT The aim of this research is to understand the effectiveness of training on Read- Aloud technique in increasing the quality of teacher-student interaction (study of children 3-4 years old). The Read-Aloud technique is given through a 12 hours training that has been divided into 3 days and 6 sessions training program. Research was conducted using a pre-test and a post-test design, teachers as participant. Teacher-student interaction observation while doing read-aloud guide was used as the instrument. There are several methods was applied in this training, that is discussion, role-play, observation on read-aloud activity video and lecture. Statistical test using wilcoxon sign ranks shows there are no significant difference in teacher-student interaction while doing read-aloud before and after training (Z=-1,826, p>0,068>0,05). But, qualitatively, there are several changes in quality teacher-student interaction before and after training., The aim of this research is to understand the effectiveness of training on Read- Aloud technique in increasing the quality of teacher-student interaction (study of children 3-4 years old). The Read-Aloud technique is given through a 12 hours training that has been divided into 3 days and 6 sessions training program. Research was conducted using a pre-test and a post-test design, teachers as participant. Teacher-student interaction observation while doing read-aloud guide was used as the instrument. There are several methods was applied in this training, that is discussion, role-play, observation on read-aloud activity video and lecture. Statistical test using wilcoxon sign ranks shows there are no significant difference in teacher-student interaction while doing read-aloud before and after training (Z=-1,826, p>0,068>0,05). But, qualitatively, there are several changes in quality teacher-student interaction before and after training.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Risanita Fardian Farid
Abstrak :
Tesis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efektivitas program SDLMI dalam meningkatkan keterampilan pemecahan masalah sosial pada slow-learner. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain subyek tunggal dan efektivitas program diukur dengan membandingkan kondisi sebelum (pretest) dan setelah intervensi diberikan (posttest). Pada penelitian ini, subyek tidak hanya menunjukkan adanya peningkatan keterampilan pemecahan masalah sosial, tetapi juga dapat mempertahankan keterampilan tersebut seminggu setelah diberikan instruksi pemecahan masalah. Edukasi mengenai SDLMI perlu diberikan kepada orangtua dan guru yang menghadapi siswa berkebutuhan khusus atau siswa dengan karakteristik seperti slowlearners.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the efectiveness of SDLMI in increasing social problem solving skills for slow-learner. This research used single subject design and program effectiveness was measured by comparing pretest and posttest data. Research's result not only suggested an improvement but also maintenance in partisipant's problem-solving skill, one week after problem solving instruction was given. Furthermore, educations about SDLMI need to be given for parents and teacher who struggle with special-need or slow-learner student.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library