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Ditemukan 66 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mezano Muhammad
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai waterworks, yaitu sebuah bentuk sajian elemen air yang bergerak, dan penggunaannya dalam sebuah ruang publik. Tujuannya ialah untuk mengetahui peranan dari waterworks tersebut terhadap sebuah ruang publik. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan merujuk pada teori voyeur dan walker oleh de Certeau (1984) yang melihat pembentukan sebuah ruang publik dari dua sisi, yaitu dari sisi voyeur dimana manusia melihat dari atas dan dari sisi walker dimana manusia mengalami ruang-ruang yang ada di kota dengan berjalan disana. Dengan melihat kedua viewpoint tersebut, skripsi ini mencoba mengupas bagaimana pembentukan sebuah ruang publik yang dilakukan menggunakan sebuah elemen waterworks dan interaksi manusia terhadap waterworks tersebut.

This paper discuss about waterworks, a display of moving waters, and it's usage in public space. The purpose of this paper is to know the effect of waterworks usage towards the public space. The discussion will be conducted with de Certeau's (1984) theory of voyeur and walker, to observe the creation of public space from the voyeur's viewpoint as the all-seeing bird, and from the walker's viewpoint as the people who experiencing the public space itself. From those two viewpoints, this paper will discuss about the creation of public space through a waterworks element, and human interaction with the element itself.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jessica Octaviani Gunawan
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas peran elemen aural dalam persepsi manusia yang selama ini didominasi oleh visual. Pembahasan dilakukan dengan mengkaji sistem visual dan auditori milik Gibson serta mengkaji kemampuan tuna netra yang mampu mengandalkan pantulan suara untuk mempersepsikan objek serta ruang di sekitarnya (echolocation) tanpa melibatkan kemampuan visual. Penelitian dilakukan melalui eksperimen pribadi dan pengamatan langsung tanpa menggunakan pengukuran teknis.Hasil penelitian berupa persepsi yang bersifat subjektif dan menunjukkan potensi elemen aural dalam membantu manusia mempersepsikan sekitarnya hingga mampu berorientasi dan bernavigasi di dalam ruang tanpa menggunakan bantuan pengelihatan.

This study focuses on the role of aural element in human perception, which has been dominated by visual. The study is based on Gibson’s visual and auditory system and also based on blind’s ability to use echo in perceiving object and space (echolocation) without using visual ability. This research is done through personal experience and observation without using any technical measurement. The result of this study is a subjective perception that shows the potential of aural element to help human perceives his surrounding so they can orient and navigate in space without any visual help.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marhamah Zahara
Abstrak :
Ketidaknyamanan pengunjung Puskesmas ketika menunggu karena ada bagian pada ruang tunggu yang selalu ramai dan bagian lainnya selalu sepi sehingga terjadi penggunaan ruang yang kurang optimal. Hal ini disebabkan oleh adanya hubungan dengan ruang yang akan dituju dan ketidakmerataan pembagian tempat duduk.
Tujuan dari penulisan skripsi ini adalah untuk memberikan penjelasan secara rinci mengenai hubungan antar pengunjung yang terbagi menjadi dua yaitu, manusia sakit dan manusia sehat pada ruang tunggu Puskesmas terkait sistem sensorik tubuh mereka yang mana sistem sensorik manusia sakit berbeda dengan manusia sehat. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ini adalah melalui studi literatur mengenai privasi yang merupakan salah satu aspek pembentuk interaksi. Studi kasus dilakukan pada dua puskesmas untuk memperlihatkan bagaimana kualitas ruang tunggu pada Puskesmas dilihat dari tingkat privasi, pengalaman ruang dan bentuk interaksi antar pengunjung.
Dari studi literatur dan studi kasus tersebut dapat disimpulkan bahwa ruang tunggu Puskesmas kurang memenuhi kriteria ruang tunggu pada umumnya, khususnya pada fasilitas kesehatan. Privasi antar pengunjung selalu meningkat dalam keadaan ramai dan bentuk interaksi yang dominan terjadi adalah bentuk penolakan untuk melakukan hubungan. Hal ini terjadi karena sebagian besar pengunjung adalah manusia sakit yang mempunyai tingkat sensitif lebih tinggi.

Most of the time spent when visiting Puskesmas (community health care center) is for queing and waiting activity. The visitors, either as a patient or companion, often experience discomfort and crowding due to high density of people and limited seating arrangements, especially in peak time at particular waiting areas. On the other hand, there are also other waiting areas, which are seldom occupied. This phenomena shows that there are unequal distribution of waiting areas and seating arrangements in Puskemas, that may affect to the image of the center and affect the healing process of the patients.
The purpose of this thesis is to illuminate the spatial need of waiting activity, related to the condition of the visitors - healthy and ill, through literature study and participative observation in two Puskesmas. The findings from the observation of the waiting activity in Puskesmas are then related to the need of certain form of privacy as well as intimacy, to identify the interaction pattern between the visitors while waiting, so better design of waiting room can be achieved.
As a result, the waiting activity in Puskemas has not been catered well and the waiting areas haven't met yet the criteria of waiting room in general and health care facilities in particular. The crowded situation can be avoided by regulate the circulation in the Puskesmas. The patients (sick condition) show not only higher sensitivity, but also higher need for privacy as well as intimacy, lesser interest for interaction even in form of refusal, which should be considered in the design of waiting rooms in Puskesmas as part of the healing process.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Nugraha Salim
Abstrak :
Penelitian dilakukan untuk mencari tahu kriteria ruang-ruang publik di kota Gorontalo yang dijadikan sebagai tempat rekreasi masyarakat. Penelitan ini dilakukan berdasarkan fenomena dari kegiatan masyarakat yang menjadikan beberapa ruang publik bukan dengan peruntukan kegiatan rekreasi sebagai tempat untuk melakukan kegiatan rekreasi. Penelitan juga dikembangkan pada kondisi ruang terbuka dengan peruntukan rekreasi yang ada, untuk menunjukan kriteria-kriteria ruang terbuka yang berhasil. Peneletian ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif. Data penelitian dikumpulkan dari wawancara terhadap pengguna ruang terbuka, kuesioner, observasi serta dokumentasi yang dianalisis berdasarkan teori dari studi literatur.
Hasil dari peneltian menunjukan adanya kriteria-kriteria khusus yang membuat masyarakat Kota Gorontalo tertarik untuk berekreasi di suatu ruang terbuka. Kriteria yang dimaksud adalah potensi kualitas ruang lingkungan sekitar berupa lingkungan alami, keadaan eksisting dan fasilitas yang ada di suatu ruang terbuka yang berdampak pada keberhasilan suatu ruang publik kota.

This research is conducted to reveal the criteria of public places in Gorontalo which are potential for the citizens’ recreational spot. This research is done based on the the citizens’ tendency to turn a public space, not meant to be a recreational spot, into one. To show the criteria of a successful open space, this research focuses on the open space with recreational utility. Research data are gathered by interview with open space users, questionnaires, observation and analised documentation based on theories and text studies.
Results shows specific criteria of an open space that attracts citizens of Gorontalo to recreate there. These criteria are the potential environment’s spatial quality which are natural environment, existing site, and facilities in open spaces that contribute to the success of an open city space.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kota kota besar di Australia sedang mengahadapi masalah ledakan penduduk yang tidak dapat terbendung. Hal ini dikarenakan oleh angka kelahiran dan jumlah pendatang yg tidak terkontrol. Ledakan penduduk tersebut menyebabkan hilangnya ruang hijau di kota besar untuk menyesuaikan kebutuhan akan ruang hidup. Masalah yang terjadi menjadi isu regional. Daerah Woodford yang terletak di tengah Queensland berpotensi untuk menguji ide dan nilai untuk menghubungkan kembali alam dan manusia. Observasi dan riset membuahkan hasil kepada terciptanya solusi untuk ide master plan dan arsitektur di tahun 2050. Gaya hidup produktif adalah hasil dari proses perancangan master plan dan arsitektur yang terukur melalui interaksi mutualisme antara pendatang dan orang lokal dalam beraktivitas di Woodford.

Big cities in Australia are facing an undeniable urban sprawl that is caused by the uncontrollable birth and high number of incoming immigrants. The urban sprawl results on the absence of greenspace in big cities, adjusting spaces to people to live inside the cities. Moreover, architects are important to vision the condition of the city and analyze how the city will be livable or not. Communicating future scenario will be essential as the trigger to create potential solution for living in big cities. Architecture rise radically in the future, creating a severe condition of neighborhood. Big cities of Australia offer modern lifestyle yet destroying its heritage, nature and identity.
As the issue becomes regionally concerned, the Woodford site in central Queensland becomes the potential experiment whether the values to reconnect the nature and identity will be successful or not. Observation and research for masterplanning covers up solution that is needed for the region and applicable for 2050. Keeping the site to preserve its natural context becomes an important point for promoting 2050 Woodford site. Further observation leads to ideas of how to create feasible masterplan and vibrant society. Woodford Festival which happens annually becomes the promotional event to adjust the values in the site to the visitors. Expected change of habits of visitors that come to the site will be the answer to achieve contrasts outcome.
Productive lifestyle that occurs from the design is the result of thoughtful masterplanning that shifts into architecture. Interactions between locals and visitors which are mutually shaped in the site will bring back the idea of reconnecting with the nature. The design derives from the spirit of sustain food production as well as creating boundaries for privacy level. Thus, concept can be experimented and tested from this exclusive design for the people at Woodford.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Lydia Fitriana Hamid
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan ekonomi Kota Brisbane diperlukan untuk menunjukkan hubungan sosial ekonomi dan lingkungan yang seimbang dari daerah lingkungan pelengkap seperti Fortitude Valley. Hasilnya dapat meliputi keragaman social, budaya dan warisan daerah.
Dengan menerapkan rencana Ketahanan Perkotaan di Fortitude Valley, tidak diragukan lagi daerah tersebut akan menjadi salah satu bait budaya yang paling kreatif dan inklusif di Brisbane, dengan peluang untuk input budaya dan masyarakat melalui karya seni, desain ruang publik dan pembaruan jalan.
Tujuan utama dari rencana tersebut akan terpelihara dengan baik dan ditingkatkan dengan menyediakan fungsi komersial yang mendukung ke pusat kota dan memastikan keeksistensian warisan budaya daerah.

The growth of Brisbane City economy is required to demonstrate balanced social, economic and environmental outcomes and complement of its neighborhood areas like Fortitude Valley. The outcomes include social, cultural and heritage diversity.
By applying the Urban Resilience plan in Fortitude Valley, the area no doubt will be one of Brisbane’s most creative and inclusive cultural precincts, with opportunities for cultural and community input through artwork, signage, public space design and street furnishing.
The main purposes of the plan will be well-maintained and enhanced by providing both a supportive commercial function to the City Centre and ensuring the cultural heritage of the area.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Breninta Kharissa Ainani
Abstrak :
Cara manusia hidup sangat dipengaruhi oleh lingkungan yang terbentuk
disekitarnya yang juga mempengaruhi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan masyarakat.
Sudah merupakan tugas arsitek untuk berkontribusi dalam menciptakan lingkungan
yang tidak hanya menarik secara estetika, namun juga meningkatkan kesehatan
psikologis. Menggambungkan aspek kesehatan ke dalam arsitektur dimulai dari
tempat di mana manusia bernanung, yaitu tempat tinggal, Ide mendirikan tempat
tinggal yang sehat diimplementasikan ke dalam skala yang lebih besar, yaitu sebuah
bangunan mixed-use, di mana komunitas masyarakat menjadi penentu besar
kesehatan itu sendiri. Kehadiran lingkungan alam di tempat tinggal sangat penting
untuk menciptakan sebuah bangunan yang bergabung dengan lingkungan
sekitarnya. Banyak produk arsitektur yang berhasil menggabungkan aspek tersebut,
tapi tidak bekerja dengan baik dengan keadaan wilayah mereka. Dengan demikian,
memperkenalkan lingkungan alam dengan kearifan lokal, termasuk iklim seperti
yang diusulkan dalam bioclimatic architecture, menjadi pendekatan dalam
membangun tempat tinggal sehat yang mengangkat kesehatan manusia. Memalui
berbagai macam penelitian, dari studi teoritis, preseden, observasi situs, dan
perkembangan desain berkelanjutan, laporan desain ini akan membahas tiga aspek
iklim, lingkungan, dan masyarakat sebagai penentu efektif dalam menciptakan
lingkungan tempat tinggal yang sehat.

Human?s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment that
also affect people?s health and wellbeing. It has been architects? job to contribute
in creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologically
improving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the place
where people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing is
implemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, where
community becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a natural
environment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with its
surrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, but
do not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing natural
environment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimatic
architecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplift
human?s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,
precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design report
will discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as the
effective determinant in creating a healthy housing.;Human?s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment that
also affect people?s health and wellbeing. It has been architects? job to contribute
in creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologically
improving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the place
where people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing is
implemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, where
community becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a natural
environment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with its
surrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, but
do not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing natural
environment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimatic
architecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplift
human?s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,
precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design report
will discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as the
effective determinant in creating a healthy housing.;Human?s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment that
also affect people?s health and wellbeing. It has been architects? job to contribute
in creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologically
improving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the place
where people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing is
implemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, where
community becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a natural
environment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with its
surrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, but
do not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing natural
environment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimatic
architecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplift
human?s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,
precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design report
will discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as the
effective determinant in creating a healthy housing., Human’s way of life is highly influenced by the surrounding built environment that
also affect people’s health and wellbeing. It has been architects’ job to contribute
in creating places that are not only aesthetically appealing, but also psychologically
improving health. Initiating wellbeing into architecture is started from the place
where people dwell, a housing. The idea of establishing a healthy housing is
implemented into a bigger scale of a mixed-use residential building, where
community becomes a big determinant of health itself. The presence of a natural
environment in the housing is essential to create a building that is merged with its
surrounding. Many architecture products succeeded in combining those aspects, but
do not work well with the circumstance of their locality. Thus, introducing natural
environment with local wisdom, including climate as proposed in bioclimatic
architecture, becomes the approach in establishing a healthy housing that uplift
human’s wellbeing. Throughout various kinds of research from theoretical studies,
precedents, site observation, and ongoing design developments, this design report
will discuss the three aspects of climate, environment, and community as the
effective determinant in creating a healthy housing.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dravinda Adeera Putri
Abstrak :
In this constant changing environment, architecture and health are strongly
interrelated which affect the environment. People often consider factors that affect
their health within their surroundings. It is important that proper response to the
local environment condition is addressed thoroughly through the building itself.
Thus, a considerable architecture performance is required as the base of planning
which protect the public?s health. Based on the problems in a specific suburb in
Perth, the idea of healthy living challenges the creation of mixed-use building
development, which generate the aspects of healthy environment into architecture.
A healthy living building is an approach where activities are mainly designed with
the help of natural elements and providing as much open spaces as possible,
which catalyzes maximum social interaction.

Dalam keadaan lingkungan dunia yang terus berubah, arsitektur dan kesehatan
sama-sama saling terkait dan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Rata-rata masyarakat
sering mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka
dalam lingkungan sekitarnya. Respon terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar yang
diwujudkan melalui gedung tersebut sangatlah penting. Dengan demikian, kinerja
arsitektur yang cukup sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar perencanaan, yang dapat
melindungi kesehatan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahan di daerah di Perth,
pembangunan bangunan mixed-use disini terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup yang sehat,
dengan menghasilkan aspek lingkungan yang sehat ke dalam arsitektur. Sebuah
konsep bangunan yang memicu kesehatan adalah sebuah pendekatan dimana
unsur-unsur alam membantu merancang kegiatan di dalamnya, dengan
menyediakan ruangan terbuka, yang dapat memicu interaksi.;Dalam keadaan lingkungan dunia yang terus berubah, arsitektur dan kesehatan
sama-sama saling terkait dan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Rata-rata masyarakat
sering mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka
dalam lingkungan sekitarnya. Respon terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar yang
diwujudkan melalui gedung tersebut sangatlah penting. Dengan demikian, kinerja
arsitektur yang cukup sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar perencanaan, yang dapat
melindungi kesehatan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahan di daerah di Perth,
pembangunan bangunan mixed-use disini terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup yang sehat,
dengan menghasilkan aspek lingkungan yang sehat ke dalam arsitektur. Sebuah
konsep bangunan yang memicu kesehatan adalah sebuah pendekatan dimana
unsur-unsur alam membantu merancang kegiatan di dalamnya, dengan
menyediakan ruangan terbuka, yang dapat memicu interaksi.;Dalam keadaan lingkungan dunia yang terus berubah, arsitektur dan kesehatan
sama-sama saling terkait dan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Rata-rata masyarakat
sering mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka
dalam lingkungan sekitarnya. Respon terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar yang
diwujudkan melalui gedung tersebut sangatlah penting. Dengan demikian, kinerja
arsitektur yang cukup sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar perencanaan, yang dapat
melindungi kesehatan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahan di daerah di Perth,
pembangunan bangunan mixed-use disini terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup yang sehat,
dengan menghasilkan aspek lingkungan yang sehat ke dalam arsitektur. Sebuah
konsep bangunan yang memicu kesehatan adalah sebuah pendekatan dimana
unsur-unsur alam membantu merancang kegiatan di dalamnya, dengan
menyediakan ruangan terbuka, yang dapat memicu interaksi.;Dalam keadaan lingkungan dunia yang terus berubah, arsitektur dan kesehatan
sama-sama saling terkait dan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Rata-rata masyarakat
sering mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka
dalam lingkungan sekitarnya. Respon terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar yang
diwujudkan melalui gedung tersebut sangatlah penting. Dengan demikian, kinerja
arsitektur yang cukup sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar perencanaan, yang dapat
melindungi kesehatan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahan di daerah di Perth,
pembangunan bangunan mixed-use disini terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup yang sehat,
dengan menghasilkan aspek lingkungan yang sehat ke dalam arsitektur. Sebuah
konsep bangunan yang memicu kesehatan adalah sebuah pendekatan dimana
unsur-unsur alam membantu merancang kegiatan di dalamnya, dengan
menyediakan ruangan terbuka, yang dapat memicu interaksi.;Dalam keadaan lingkungan dunia yang terus berubah, arsitektur dan kesehatan
sama-sama saling terkait dan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Rata-rata masyarakat
sering mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka
dalam lingkungan sekitarnya. Respon terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar yang
diwujudkan melalui gedung tersebut sangatlah penting. Dengan demikian, kinerja
arsitektur yang cukup sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar perencanaan, yang dapat
melindungi kesehatan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahan di daerah di Perth,
pembangunan bangunan mixed-use disini terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup yang sehat,
dengan menghasilkan aspek lingkungan yang sehat ke dalam arsitektur. Sebuah
konsep bangunan yang memicu kesehatan adalah sebuah pendekatan dimana
unsur-unsur alam membantu merancang kegiatan di dalamnya, dengan
menyediakan ruangan terbuka, yang dapat memicu interaksi.;Dalam keadaan lingkungan dunia yang terus berubah, arsitektur dan kesehatan
sama-sama saling terkait dan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Rata-rata masyarakat
sering mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka
dalam lingkungan sekitarnya. Respon terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar yang
diwujudkan melalui gedung tersebut sangatlah penting. Dengan demikian, kinerja
arsitektur yang cukup sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar perencanaan, yang dapat
melindungi kesehatan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahan di daerah di Perth,
pembangunan bangunan mixed-use disini terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup yang sehat,
dengan menghasilkan aspek lingkungan yang sehat ke dalam arsitektur. Sebuah
konsep bangunan yang memicu kesehatan adalah sebuah pendekatan dimana
unsur-unsur alam membantu merancang kegiatan di dalamnya, dengan
menyediakan ruangan terbuka, yang dapat memicu interaksi., Dalam keadaan lingkungan dunia yang terus berubah, arsitektur dan kesehatan
sama-sama saling terkait dan mempengaruhi lingkungan. Rata-rata masyarakat
sering mempertimbangkan faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kesehatan mereka
dalam lingkungan sekitarnya. Respon terhadap kondisi lingkungan sekitar yang
diwujudkan melalui gedung tersebut sangatlah penting. Dengan demikian, kinerja
arsitektur yang cukup sangat diperlukan sebagai dasar perencanaan, yang dapat
melindungi kesehatan publik. Berdasarkan permasalahan di daerah di Perth,
pembangunan bangunan mixed-use disini terinspirasi oleh gaya hidup yang sehat,
dengan menghasilkan aspek lingkungan yang sehat ke dalam arsitektur. Sebuah
konsep bangunan yang memicu kesehatan adalah sebuah pendekatan dimana
unsur-unsur alam membantu merancang kegiatan di dalamnya, dengan
menyediakan ruangan terbuka, yang dapat memicu interaksi.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Luh Astrid Mayadinta
Abstrak :
Perubahan kondisi lingkungan menjadi masalah utama yang menimpa masyarakat,
diikuti oleh perubahan gaya hidup di kalangan tersebut. Peran arsitek disini adalah
untuk mencari solusi terbaik, bukan hanya untuk menyediakan tempat tinggal, namun
juga mendorong masyarakat untuk mencapai gaya hidup sehat yang kemudian akan
menghasilkan karakter kota yang lebih baik. Fokus dari desain ini adalah untuk
mendukung konsep ?sustainability? dan memberi antusiasme akan hidup sehat
kepada masyarakat. Bangunan serba guna yang menggabungkan area hijau dan
konsep modern akan menghasilkan komunitas yang lebih hidup. Dengan metode
identifikasi masalah, menyediakan pilihan solusi, studi kasus, dan penelitian tentang
teori, teknologi, preseden dan observasi langsung, karya tulis ini dibuat dengan tujuan
menawarkan konsep lingkungan sehat yang akan disajikan dengan diagram, gambar
dan berbagai analisis.
ABSTRACT The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.;The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people?s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis., The changing environmental condition that happens globally has become the main
issues that people experienced, since it is becoming the main reason of people’s
changing lifestyle. In this case, architects are assigned to find solution to provide
space, not only for people to live in, but also to embolden them to have a better
lifestyle that would lead to a better city. The focus is to design a building to help in
achieving sustainability and encourage people to live a healthy lifestyle. Having a
mixed-use building that integrates green space and modern concept would generate a
better community in the chosen site, which is now established in a quite bad
condition. Through identification of problems, choices of solutions, study of the case,
and research about theory, technological aspect, precedent and direct observation, this
report is constructed to offer the concept of creating a healthy environment that would
be presented through diagrams, drawings and various analysis.]
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Said Hafizh
Abstrak :
Kemajuan teknologi secara tidak langsung turut berperan serta dalam terjadinya pemanasan global, perubahan kondisi lingkungan yang ditengarai dapat membahayakan kelangsungan hidup manusia. Seiring dengan berjalannya waktu, para Arsitek mulai menyadari akan peran penting mereka sebagai agen perubahan untuk menyelamatkan masa depan bumi lewat inovasi teknologi yang terus berkembang dengan memanfanfaatkan sumber daya alam yang dapat terus diperbarui seperti angin, cahaya matahari, air, dan lain lain. Kesadaran akan pentingnya beralih ke teknologi hijau semakin terlihat dengan maraknya gagasan desain pasif yang ?sustainable?, contohnya inovasi dalam pemanasan dan pendinginan pasif dengan memanfaatkan cahaya matahari dan hembusan angin alami, cahaya matahari sebagai sumber cahaya natural di siang hari, filtrasi udara oleh tanaman, dan lain lain. Berawal dari inovasi, selanjutnya diharapkan dapat menjadi kebiasaan yang mengakar dalam kehidupan sehari hari masyarakat untuk menghasilkan gaya hidup sehat demi bumi yang lebih nyaman untuk ditinggali. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan karya tulis ini adalah identifikasi masalah, studi kasus, pemilihan solusi terbaik, dan penelitian tentang teori, teknologi, preseden dan observasi langsung, karya tulis ini dibuat dengan tujuan menawarkan solusi untuk mengoptimalkan kenyamanan penghuni melalui teknologi yang lebih ramah lingkungan yang akan disajikan dengan diagram, gambar ilustrasi dan berbagai analisis.

Advances in technology has indirectly participated in the occurrence of global warming, changes in environmental conditions that is harmful to human survival. Over time, the architect began to realize the important role they held as agents of change to save the future of the Earth through technological innovations that continue to grow by taking advantage of natural resources that could be renewed such as wind, sunlight, water, and others. Awareness of the importance of switching to green technologies increasingly visible with the rise of the idea of passive design that is "sustainable", ie innovation in passive heating and cooling by utilizing sunlight and wind gusts natural sunlight as a source of natural light during the day, air filtration by plants, and others. Starting from innovation, then expected to be an ingrained habit in the daily life of the community to produce a healthy lifestyle for the sake of the earth as a more comfortable place to live. The method used in the writing of this paper is to identify problems, case studies, selecting the best solution, and studies of the theory, technology, precedent and direct observation. This paper made with the aim of offering solutions to optimize occupant comfort through technologies that are more environmentally friendly, will be presented with diagrams, illustrations and various analyzes.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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