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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Depok: HISKI, 1990
899.22 KON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Himpunan Sarjana-Kesusastraan Indonesia, 1990
899.209 IND k
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta : Wedatama Widya Sastra, 2004
899.2 MEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: HISKI, 1990
899.22 KON
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Pasang surut bisnis alat berat di Indonesia sangat dinamis. Bagi Komatsu Indonesia—yang pada 2022 memasuki usia ke-40—filosofi perusahaan untuk mengedepankan kualitas dan keandalan demi kepuasan pelanggan menjadi pegangan dalam menghadapi perubahan. Komatsu Indonesia memulai usahanya dari sekadar penjahit yang merangkai komponen-komponen yang didatangkan dari Jepang—dengan melokalkan komponen—dan kemudian berkembang menjadi perusahaan yang merupakan pemain kunci dalam strategy global principal. Konsekuensinya, perusahaan diharapkan mampu memberikan dampak positif bagi lingkungan dan sosial, serta memberikan kontribusi bagi pembangunan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan. Komatsu Indonesia percaya, tanggung jawab sosial berkelindan dengan inti bisnis. Mustahil perusahaan mengingkari tanggung jawab sosialnya. Buku ini menyuguhkan contoh-contoh terbaik yang telah dilakukan oleh Komatsu Indonesia berdasarkan nilai-nilai perusahaan. Semua ditulis oleh karyawan sendiri. Kita akan melihat, misalnya, betapa suatu teladan jauh lebih efektif bagi berjalannya roda bisnis daripada beragam peraturan dan larangan. Kita juga bisa melihat betapa perusahaan selalu mempertimbangkan nilainilai kemanusiaan, mendorong anggotanya untuk selalu peka dan tanggap terhadap apa yang terjadi di sekitarnya, memiliki tekad yang kuat untuk bertanggung jawab atas semua yang sudah dijanjikan, tekun, gigih, pantang menyerah, serta tulus dalam bertindak.
Jakarta: KPG (Kepustakaan Populer Gramedia), 2022
658.152 42 EMP
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia, 1995
499.221 ARO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Depok: Fakultas Sastra Universitas Indonesia, 1994
499.221 ERO
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fionita Kristianti
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas mengenai tokoh dan penokohan Jong Jeong-seok, Hwang Kyung-min, Kim Cheol, dan Kang-min sebagai tokoh utama di dalam film animasi Dwaeji-eui Wang arahan sutradara Yeon Sang-ho. Dalam menganalisis tokoh dan penokohan, metode yang digunakan adalah deskriptif analitik. Melalui film ini Yeon Sang-ho mengisahkan tentang kehidupan kelam para tokoh utamanya saat duduk di bangku Sekolah Mengah Pertama. Di sekolah mereka terbagi menjadi dua golongan, yaitu “anjing”, anak-anak pintar dari keluarga kaya yang menguasai sekolah dan mem-bully “babi”, anak-anak dari keluarga yang kurang atau tidak terpandang yang tidak mempunyai kekuatan dan kekuasaan.
This thesis analyze the character and the characterization of Jong Jeong-seok, Hwang Kyung-min, Kim Cheol, and Kang-min as the main characters in the Dwaeji-eui Wang, a animation movie directed by Yeon Sang-ho. Descriptive analytic methodology is used to analyze the character and the characterization in the movie. Through this movie, Yeon Sang-ho tells the terrible live of the main characters in junior high school. There are two groups in their shool , “dogs” are the smart boys from well-rich families who rule the school and bullies the “pigs”, who come from poorer or less respectable backgrounds and have no power
[Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, ], 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Mustika Ayu Rakhadiyanti
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas Naskah Surat Perjanjian Ternate sebagai salah satu surat formal di Indonesia pada abad ke-19. Penelitian filologi dilakukan untuk menghasilkan edisi teks agar masyarakat yang tidak mengerti aksara Jawi pada naskah klasik dapat memahami isi naskah dengan mudah. Naskah ditransliterasi dan disunting dengan menggunakan metode kritis. Selanjutnya, naskah dibandingkan dengan Naskah Surat Perjanjian Ternate lain yang ditulis beberapa tahun sebelumnya. Selain itu, naskah juga dianalisis dari segi sejarah untuk menggambarkan situasi yang terjadi saat itu, siapa tokoh yang terlibat dan tugasnya, waktu dan lokasi kejadian, serta dampak adanya naskah terhadap KesultananTernate.
This thesis discusses a manuscript entitled Surat Perjanjian Ternate as a formal letter in Indonesia in the 19th century. Philological study is performed to produce a text edition in order for people not understanding the Jawi letter in a classic manuscript to easily get the idea of the script. This manuscript transliterated and edited using critical method. Moreover, this manuscript is compared to another Surat Perjanjian Ternate written in the previous years. Besides, this manuscript is also analyzed from the historical perspective so as to depict the situation at that time, who were involved, their roles, the date and location when the situation happened, and finally, the effect of the existence of the manuscript on the Ternate’s Kingdom.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Muhammad Deden Purnama
Abstrak :
[Dalam tinjauan sosiologi sastra, kenyataan sejarah yang menjadi inti cerita novel sejarah merupakan hasil penafsiran pengarang. Sang Gubernur Jenderal adalah novel sejarah yang berlatar belakang konflik Kerajaan Mataram dan VOC di masa pemerintahan Sultan Agung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat aspek-aspek sejarah yang terdapat dalam novel tersebut. Selain itu, dalam Sang Gubernur Jenderal, pengarang juga menciptakan tokoh fiktif bernama Pande Wulung sebagai representasi gagasannya. Sebagai karya sastra yang bersifat rekaan, aspek sejarah seperti tokoh dan peristiwa yang terdapat dalam Sang Gubernur Jenderal merupakan hasil imajinasi pengarang dalam menafsirkan sebuah kenyataan sejarah menurut pandangannya. Oleh sebab itu, novel sejarah tidak dapat dijadikan sebagai referensi suatu fakta sejarah. ;In the review of sociology of literature, the reality of history which is the core of the historical novel?s story that was the result of the author?s interpretation. Sang Gubernur Jenderal is a historical based novel of the conflict between Mataram Kingdom and The VOC during Sultan Agung?s era. This thesis aims to preview the historical aspects in the Sang Gubernur Jenderal novel. On the other side, the author also created a fictional character named Pande Wulung as his view and idea representation in Sang Gubernur Jenderal. As a fiction-historical based novel, the historical aspects such as characters and events on Sang Gubernur Jenderal are the author?s imagination in interpreting his views on a historical fact. Therefore, historical novel cannot be used as a reference of historical facts. ;In the review of sociology of literature, the reality of history which is the core of the historical novel?s story that was the result of the author?s interpretation. Sang Gubernur Jenderal is a historical based novel of the conflict between Mataram Kingdom and The VOC during Sultan Agung?s era. This thesis aims to preview the historical aspects in the Sang Gubernur Jenderal novel. On the other side, the author also created a fictional character named Pande Wulung as his view and idea representation in Sang Gubernur Jenderal. As a fiction-historical based novel, the historical aspects such as characters and events on Sang Gubernur Jenderal are the author?s imagination in interpreting his views on a historical fact. Therefore, historical novel cannot be used as a reference of historical facts. ;In the review of sociology of literature, the reality of history which is the core of the historical novel?s story that was the result of the author?s interpretation. Sang Gubernur Jenderal is a historical based novel of the conflict between Mataram Kingdom and The VOC during Sultan Agung?s era. This thesis aims to preview the historical aspects in the Sang Gubernur Jenderal novel. On the other side, the author also created a fictional character named Pande Wulung as his view and idea representation in Sang Gubernur Jenderal. As a fiction-historical based novel, the historical aspects such as characters and events on Sang Gubernur Jenderal are the author?s imagination in interpreting his views on a historical fact. Therefore, historical novel cannot be used as a reference of historical facts. ;In the review of sociology of literature, the reality of history which is the core of the historical novel?s story that was the result of the author?s interpretation. Sang Gubernur Jenderal is a historical based novel of the conflict between Mataram Kingdom and The VOC during Sultan Agung?s era. This thesis aims to preview the historical aspects in the Sang Gubernur Jenderal novel. On the other side, the author also created a fictional character named Pande Wulung as his view and idea representation in Sang Gubernur Jenderal. As a fiction-historical based novel, the historical aspects such as characters and events on Sang Gubernur Jenderal are the author?s imagination in interpreting his views on a historical fact. Therefore, historical novel cannot be used as a reference of historical facts. , In the review of sociology of literature, the reality of history which is the core of the historical novel’s story that was the result of the author’s interpretation. Sang Gubernur Jenderal is a historical based novel of the conflict between Mataram Kingdom and The VOC during Sultan Agung’s era. This thesis aims to preview the historical aspects in the Sang Gubernur Jenderal novel. On the other side, the author also created a fictional character named Pande Wulung as his view and idea representation in Sang Gubernur Jenderal. As a fiction-historical based novel, the historical aspects such as characters and events on Sang Gubernur Jenderal are the author’s imagination in interpreting his views on a historical fact. Therefore, historical novel cannot be used as a reference of historical facts. ]
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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