Ditemukan 17 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Farah Sofa, author
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Simorangkir, F. P. Budi, author
Marsh Inc. is the world's leading risk and insurance firm. Its mission is "To create and
deliver risk solutions and services that make our clients more successful." Since its
formation in 1871, It has grown into an enterprise with 35,000 colleagues serving clients
in more than 100 countries from more than...
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Irman D. Rumadja, author
Improving The Billing System of Eau Et Force, Ondeo Services, Paris ? Ile de
- To understand what is Eau Et Force, the enterprise of water distribution, the filial
of Ondeo Services (Lyonnaise Des Eaux), Paris ? 11e de France. The aim is to
explain: their major activities, how they do the service...
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Syaiful Amri, author
The introduction of the euro, the unique European currency, is aimed at conveying its advantages to the individuals, which are, among others:
a) The stability and solidity of a single currency, which will bring steady and low interest rates and low inflation for saving protection.
b) With a single currency, an individual...
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Subanindiyo Ardi, author
Currently, in some countries the utilisation of cellulars keeps growing. This phenomenon is also accompanied by the increasing number of the cellulars providers. Like in Indonesia, there are some accompanies that will engage in this sector and commence to serve the cellulars, including lndosat-M3. From the development of the present...
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendy Hidayat, author
Les ?n?truments des investissement en Indonésie n?est pas encore
beaucoup passé d?évolution. Pour devélopper leur monnaie, les peuples est
encore compté sur les inves sment traditionèltes comme la banque, le
terrain, la maison, la Voiture, l?assurance etc. Malgré cela, dans ces quelques
années les investisseurs ont déjà commençés d?investir sur le marché du
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Halim, author
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Herju Gutanto Notoprayitno, author
By giving the internship report a title : PETTY CASH AUDITING IMPLEMENTATION AND COUNTER SYSTEM APPLICATION IDEA AT LOGISTIC AT PT. PALYJA (PT. PAM Lyaonnaise Jaya), the writer tried to implementate the petty cash auditirg, observe, analize arad evaluate the auditing result. The purpose and use was to find out...
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinaldy Awaluddin, author
L'Astra Otopart a ete nee en 1976 sous le nom de PT Pacific Western comme une entreprise commerciale d'exportation et importation. Posterieurement, le nom changea a PT Astra Pradipta Internusa. En 1979 Astra Pradipta Internusa a ete nomme comme le seu! distributee d'accumulateur de la marque GS et Kayaba en...
Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library
Zefri Jacob, author
Ce rapport de stage est fait à partir du stage qui effectué à Dragages Singapore Pie Ltd dans un des ses sites de consturction à Jurong West Executive Condominium Project. Ce stage est réalisé à patir du 8 juin jusqu?à 3 1 août 2000.
Ce rapport de stage analyse comment Bouygues...
Fakultas Eknonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2000
UI - Tesis (Membership) Universitas Indonesia Library