ABSTRAKKarya tulis ini berfokus pada isu pemekaran wilayah (khususnya kota dan
kabupaten) di Indonesia. Teori-teori menyarankan bahwa pemekaran,
dikombinasikan dengan desentralisasi dapat membawa manfaat bagi masyarakat.
Para pendukung pemekaran menekankan keunggulan pemerintahan yang kecil
dengan masyarakat yang lebih homogen dapat lebih efektif dalam memberikan
pelayanan public. Hal ini didukung dengan adanya transfer fiskal dari pemerintah
pusat yang menjamin kelangsungan operasi pemerintah daerah. Tapi, banyak
penelitian menyimpulkan pelayanan public di daerah otonomi baru belum sesuai
dengan apa yang diharapkan.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai kinerja daerah otonom baru dalam
memberikan pelayanan public dan meningkatkan kinerja ekonomi dengan
menggunakan metode difference in difference. Kami menemukan bahwa, kota
baru berhasil mengoptimalkan otonomi yang lebih luas untuk menjaga atau
bahkan melampaui prestasi pelayan public dari kota yang tidak mengalami
pemekaran. Sebaliknya, kabupaten baru mengalami kesulitan untuk memperbaiki
kondisi mereka setelah pemekaran. Kami menekankan pentingnya perbaikan
prosedur evaluasi terhadap pengusulan pembentukan daerah otonomi baru untuk
menghasilkan daerah otonomi baru yang lebih berkualitas.
ABSTRACTThis paper focuses on the separation of municipalities (cities and districts)
in Indonesia. Theories suggest that separations, combined with decentralization,
bring about benefits to the people. Proponents of separations in the real world also
emphasize various promises of separations and the creation of new local
governments. The presence of generous fiscal transfers from the central
government is also likely to allow the newly created municipalities to provide a
higher level of public services. But anecdotes suggest that public services have
not improved in many of the new regions.
This research aimed to assess new autonomous region performance in
delivering public service and improving economic performance by using
Difference in Difference method. We found that, in following years after
separation, new cities was managed to optimize the effect of separation to keep up
or even surpass unseparated region?s public service achievement. In contrast, new
rural districts suffer difficulties to improve their condition following the
separation. We stressed the improvement of screening procedure in order to create
more qualified and self-reliant new autonomous regions in the future.;This paper focuses on the separation of municipalities (cities and districts)
in Indonesia. Theories suggest that separations, combined with decentralization,
bring about benefits to the people. Proponents of separations in the real world also
emphasize various promises of separations and the creation of new local
governments. The presence of generous fiscal transfers from the central
government is also likely to allow the newly created municipalities to provide a
higher level of public services. But anecdotes suggest that public services have
not improved in many of the new regions.
This research aimed to assess new autonomous region performance in
delivering public service and improving economic performance by using
Difference in Difference method. We found that, in following years after
separation, new cities was managed to optimize the effect of separation to keep up
or even surpass unseparated region?s public service achievement. In contrast, new
rural districts suffer difficulties to improve their condition following the
separation. We stressed the improvement of screening procedure in order to create
more qualified and self-reliant new autonomous regions in the future., This paper focuses on the separation of municipalities (cities and districts)
in Indonesia. Theories suggest that separations, combined with decentralization,
bring about benefits to the people. Proponents of separations in the real world also
emphasize various promises of separations and the creation of new local
governments. The presence of generous fiscal transfers from the central
government is also likely to allow the newly created municipalities to provide a
higher level of public services. But anecdotes suggest that public services have
not improved in many of the new regions.
This research aimed to assess new autonomous region performance in
delivering public service and improving economic performance by using
Difference in Difference method. We found that, in following years after
separation, new cities was managed to optimize the effect of separation to keep up
or even surpass unseparated region’s public service achievement. In contrast, new
rural districts suffer difficulties to improve their condition following the
separation. We stressed the improvement of screening procedure in order to create
more qualified and self-reliant new autonomous regions in the future.]"