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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Anne Suwan Djaja
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Normal saline adalah cairan yang selama ini digunakan dan terbukti memiliki efek samping yang merugikan yaitu asidosis metabolik hiperkloremik. Balanced Electrolyte Solution (BES) merupakan cairan kristaloid isotonus yang memiliki kandungan lebih menyerupai plasma darah dan memiliki kandungan klorida lebih rendah. Tujuan: Membandingkan rerata SBE pasien ketoasidosis diabetikum (KAD) yang diresusitasi dengan menggunakan normal saline dan balanced electrolyte solution (BES). Metode: Tiga puluh subyek KAD, usia 18-65 tahun, yang sesuai dengan kriteria inklusi dan tidak dieksklusi, secara berturut-turut dimasukan menjadi sampel penelitian. Pembagian kelompok ditentukan secara acak berdasarkan undian. Sampel dikelompokan menjadi dua, yaitu kelompok kontrol (normal saline) dan kelompok perlakuan (BES). Kedua kelompok kecuali dalam hal jenis cairan resusitasi. Pemeriksaan kesadaran, gula darah sewaktu, dan tanda-tanda vital dilakukan setiap jam selama enam jam pertama, dan setiap 12 jam hingga jam ke 48. Pemeriksaan analisa gas darah, laktat dan elektrolit dilakukan setiap dua jam selama enam jam pertama, dan setiap 12 jam hingga jam ke 48. Pemeriksaan keton dilakukan setiap enam jam hingga jam ke 48. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimental terbuka consecutive sampling. Hasil: rerata SBE kelompok BES selalu lebih tinggi daripada kelopok NS. Rerata SBE kelompok BES lebih tinggi bermakna daripada rerata SBE kelompok NS pada jam ke 24 dan 48. SID kelompok BES selalu lebih tinggi secara bermakna di setiap jam yang diukur daripada kelompok NS. Kesimpulan: SBE kelompok BES lebih mendekati normal daripada kelompok NS di setiap jam yang diukur. ......Background: Normal saline is the resuscitation solution which is regularly used in diabetic ketoacidosis management. This solution has negative side effect causes hyperchloremic acidosis. Balanced Electrolyte Solution (BES) is isotoniccrystaloid solution, more resembling plasma than normal saline, and it has less chloride than normal saline. Objectives: This study compares the SBE mean in diabetic ketoacidosis, using normal saline and BES. Methods: Thirty diabetic ketoacidosis patients, 18-65 years age, who full filled the inclusion criteria and were not excluded, were consecutively enrolled to this study. Group was determined by tossed. Both groups received the same treatment except the kind of resuscitation fluid. The consciousness, blood sugar, and vital sign were recorded every hour until first six hour and every 12 hour until 48 hour. the blood gas analysis, lactate, and electrolyte were recorded every two hour until six hour, and every 12 hour until 48 hour. Blood ketones ware recorded every six hour until 48 hour. This is an open experimental consecutive study. Result: Mean SBE value in BES group was higher in every record. Mean SBE value in 24th and 48th hour were significantly higher in BES group than in NS group. Conclusion: SBE in BES group were closer to normal limit than in NS group.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christoffel, Louis Martin
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang. Penilaian derajat kesadaran penting dilakukan pada pasien di Unit Gawat Darurat untuk memperkirakan prognosis. Banyak sistem penilaian dipakai untuk mengevaluasi pasien, masing-masing dengan kelebihan dan kekurangannya. Sistem penilaian yang baru, yaitu Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR )Score, dapat digunakan menilai derajat kesadaran dan memprediksi prognosis pasien. FOUR Score dapat memberikan data neurologis yang lebih detail dan dapat digunakan pada pasien yang terintubasi. Belum ada penelitian yang menilai validitas FOUR Score sebagai prediktor outcome pada pasien dengan penurunan kesadaran di IGD RSCM sebelumnya. Metode. Penelitian kohort prospektif observasional pada pasien dengan penurunan kesadaran yang dirawat di IGD RSCM. Evaluasi FOUR Score dilakukan terhadap 120 pasien baru yang dirawat di IGD RSCM. Outcome pasien dicatat setelah perawatan 72 jam. Analisis bivariat digunakan untuk menentukan hubungan FOUR Score terhadap outcome. Analisis regresi logistik untuk menentukan hubungan komponen FOUR Score terhadap outcome. Nilai area di bawah kurva (AUC) digunakan untuk sebagai uji dsikriminasi FOUR Score terhadap outcome. Hasil. Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara nilai FOUR Score dengan outcome (p <0,001). Komponen respon membuka mata (FOUR-E) dan pola respirasi (FOUR-R) adalah komponen yang mempunyai nilai prediksi terhadap outcome. AUC FOUR Score adalah 0,864 (95% IK 0,784-0,928).Uji kesesuaian antarpenilai antara dokter dan perawat menunjukkan kesesuaian yang sangat baik dengan κ = 0,836 (95% IK 0,786- 0,894), p <0,001.
Background. Asssessment of conciousness is important in patients in emergency room to estimate prognosis. Many scoring systems used to evaluate patients? level of conciousness, each with their advantages and disadvantages Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR) Score is a new system to assess patients?s level of conciousness and future prognosis. FOUR Score can provide a detailed neurological data and can be used in patients who are intubated. There have never been done a research on validity of FOUR Score as a predictor of outcome in RSCM?s ER before. Method. Observational, prospective cohort study in patients with decreased of conciousness treated in the RSCM?s ER. FOUR Score?s evaluation conducted on 120 new patients. Patient?s outcome was recorded after 72 hours of treatment, and classified as dead or alive. Bivariate analysis conducted to determine the relation between FOUR Score and outcome. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the relation between components of the FOUR Score and the outcome, and the value of area under the curve (AUC) of the FOUR Score to outcome was determined to measure discrimination of FOUR Score. Results. There is a significant correlation statistically between the value of the FOUR Score with the outcome (p <0.001). From all the components had been measured, the eye response (FOUR-E) and respiratory pattern (FOUR-R) had predictive value related to the outcome. AUC of the FOUR Score is 0,864 (95% CI 0,784-0,928). Inter-rater agreement between doctor and nurse shows a very good strength of agreement wtith κ = 0,836 (95% CI 0,786- 0,894), p <0,001. Conclusion. FOUR Score can accurately predict the outcome of patients with decreased of consciousness in the RSCM?s ER after 72 hours of treatment.;Background. Asssessment of conciousness is important in patients in emergency room to estimate prognosis. Many scoring systems used to evaluate patients? level of conciousness, each with their advantages and disadvantages Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR) Score is a new system to assess patients?s level of conciousness and future prognosis. FOUR Score can provide a detailed neurological data and can be used in patients who are intubated. There have never been done a research on validity of FOUR Score as a predictor of outcome in RSCM?s ER before. Method. Observational, prospective cohort study in patients with decreased of conciousness treated in the RSCM?s ER. FOUR Score?s evaluation conducted on 120 new patients. Patient?s outcome was recorded after 72 hours of treatment, and classified as dead or alive. Bivariate analysis conducted to determine the relation between FOUR Score and outcome. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the relation between components of the FOUR Score and the outcome, and the value of area under the curve (AUC) of the FOUR Score to outcome was determined to measure discrimination of FOUR Score. Results. There is a significant correlation statistically between the value of the FOUR Score with the outcome (p <0.001). From all the components had been measured, the eye response (FOUR-E) and respiratory pattern (FOUR-R) had predictive value related to the outcome. AUC of the FOUR Score is 0,864 (95% CI 0,784-0,928). Inter-rater agreement between doctor and nurse shows a very good strength of agreement wtith κ = 0,836 (95% CI 0,786- 0,894), p <0,001. Conclusion. FOUR Score can accurately predict the outcome of patients with decreased of consciousness in the RSCM?s ER after 72 hours of treatment., Background. Asssessment of conciousness is important in patients in emergency room to estimate prognosis. Many scoring systems used to evaluate patients? level of conciousness, each with their advantages and disadvantages Full Outline of Unresponsiveness (FOUR) Score is a new system to assess patients?s level of conciousness and future prognosis. FOUR Score can provide a detailed neurological data and can be used in patients who are intubated. There have never been done a research on validity of FOUR Score as a predictor of outcome in RSCM?s ER before. Method. Observational, prospective cohort study in patients with decreased of conciousness treated in the RSCM?s ER. FOUR Score?s evaluation conducted on 120 new patients. Patient?s outcome was recorded after 72 hours of treatment, and classified as dead or alive. Bivariate analysis conducted to determine the relation between FOUR Score and outcome. Logistic regression analysis was performed to determine the relation between components of the FOUR Score and the outcome, and the value of area under the curve (AUC) of the FOUR Score to outcome was determined to measure discrimination of FOUR Score. Results. There is a significant correlation statistically between the value of the FOUR Score with the outcome (p <0.001). From all the components had been measured, the eye response (FOUR-E) and respiratory pattern (FOUR-R) had predictive value related to the outcome. AUC of the FOUR Score is 0,864 (95% CI 0,784-0,928). Inter-rater agreement between doctor and nurse shows a very good strength of agreement wtith κ = 0,836 (95% CI 0,786- 0,894), p <0,001. Conclusion. FOUR Score can accurately predict the outcome of patients with decreased of consciousness in the RSCM?s ER after 72 hours of treatment.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vincent Chrisnata
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Peningkatan konsumsi oksigen selama tindakan bedah risiko tinggi dapat menyebabkan gangguan oksigenasi organ vital, sehingga tubuh akan mengambil kompensasi, misalnya melalui vasokonstriksi splanknik. Saluran cerna akan rentan terhadap kerusakan yang akan mengakibatkan disfungsi gastrointestinal. Lama perawatan ICU dan penggunaan ventilasi mekanik lebih panjang pada pasien-pasien yang mengalami disfungsi gastrointestinal. Oleh karena itu pada pasien yang berisiko perlu mendapat perhatian dan tatalaksana lebih awal. Metode: Penelitian ini adalah kohort prospektif yang dilakukan di RSCM selama bulan Februari sampai Juni 2023 yang bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran kadar I-FABP plasma, skor SOFA, balans cairan, dan dosis vasopresor dalam memprediksi terjadinya disfungsi gastrointestinal pada pasien pascabedah risiko tinggi yang dirawat di ICU. Sebanyak 66 subyek diambil dengan metode consecutive sampling. Pengambilan data skor SOFA, balans cairan dan dosis vasopresor dilakukan pada saat pasien admisi di ICU, sedangkan kadar I-FABP diukur pada saat admisi dan 24 jam kemudian. Analisis data dilakukan dengan SPSS. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna kadar I-FABP hari ke-0 (p=0,001) dan hari ke-1 (p=0,001), serta skor SOFA (p=0,03) pada subjek yang mengalami disfungsi gastrointestinal dengan yang tidak mengalami disfungsi gastrointestinal. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada balans cairan dan rerata dosis vasopresor pada subjek yang mengalami disfungsi gastrointestinal dengan yang tidak mengalami disfungsi gastrointestinal. Kadar I-FABP plasma, dengan titik potong ≥2.890,27 pg/ml pada hari ke-0 dan ≥1.501,2 pg/ml pada hari ke-1 dapat menjadi prediktor disfungsi gastrointestinal pada pasien pascabedah risiko tinggi yang dirawat di ICU. Simpulan: Kadar I-FABP plasma dapat memprediksi kejadian disfungsi gastro- intestinal pada pasien pascabedah risiko tinggi yang dirawat di ICU. ......Background: Increased oxygen demand during high-risk surgery can lead to impaired oxygenation of vital organs so that the body will compensate, for example, through splanchnic vasoconstriction. The gastrointestinal tract will be prone to injury, resulting in gastrointestinal dysfunction. ICU length of stay and use of mechanical ventilation are longer in patients with gastrointestinal dysfunction. Therefore, patients who are at risk need to receive early consideration and management. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study conducted at RSCM from February to June 2023, which aims to determine the role of plasma I-FABP levels, SOFA scores, fluid balance, and vasopressor doses in predicting the incidence of postoperative gastrointestinal dysfunction in high-risk surgery patients admitted to the ICU. A total of 66 subjects were taken by consecutive sampling method. SOFA score data, fluid balance, and vasopressor doses were collected at admission to the ICU, while I-FABP levels were measured at admission and 24 hours later. Data analysis was performed with SPSS. Results: There was a significant difference in I-FABP levels on day 0 (p=0.001) and day 1 (p=0.001) and the SOFA score (p=0.03) in subjects with gastrointestinal dysfunction and those without gastrointestinal dysfunction. There were no significant differences in fluid balance and the average dose of vasopressors in subjects with gastrointestinal dysfunction and those without gastrointestinal dysfunction. Plasma I- FABP levels, with cut points of ≥2,890.27 pg/ml on day 0 and ≥1,501.2 pg/ml on day 1, can be a predictor of postoperative gastrointestinal dysfunction in high-risk surgery patients admitted to the ICU. Conclusions: Plasma I-FABP levels can predict the incidence of postoperative gastrointestinal dysfunction in high-risk surgery patients admitted to the ICU.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rudy Nugroho
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : Penyapihan dari ventilasi mekanik adalah hal yang penting dalam merawat pasien kritis dan mendapatkan ventilasi mekanik. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui ketepatan parameter fraksi penebalan diafragma, nilai CRP, jumlah balans kumulatif dan nilai Rapid Shallow Breathing Index dalam memprediksi kemudahan penyapihan ventilasi mekanik pada pasien kritis di ICU. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort prospektif dengan subjek penelitian adalah pasien dewasa yang dirawat menggunakan ventilasi mekanik. Dilakukan pemeriksaan fraksi penebalan diafragma, nilai CRP, jumlah balans kumulatif dan nilai Rapid Shallow Breathing Index pada saat 24 jam pertama di ICU dan pada saat ventilasi mekanik mode PS<8 atau T-Piece sampai maksimal hari ketujuh perawatan di ICU atau pada hari ketujuh bila belum berhasil disapih. Hasil: Pada penelitian ini didapatkan ketidakbermaknaan secara statistik antara fraksi penebalan diafragma terhadap kemudahan penyapihan ventilasi mekanik (p=0,071) pada uji bivariat. Pada analisis bivariat, pengaruh CRP terhadap kemudahan penyapihan ventilasi mekanik didapatkan hasil yang tidak bermakna secara statistik (p=0,724). Balans kumulatif dan nilai RSBI juga didapatkan hasil yang tidak bermakna secara statistik untuk memprediksi kemudahan penyapihan ventilasi mekanik (p=0,510 dan p=0,116). Kesimpulan: Fraksi Penebalan Diafragma, Nilai CRP, Jumlah Balans Kumulatif dan Nilai Rapid Shallow Breathing Index secara statistik tidak tepat untuk memprediksi kemudahan penyapihan ventilasi mekanik pada pasien kritis di ICU. ......Background: Weaning from mechanical ventilation is essential in caring for critically ill patients and obtaining mechanical ventilation. The purpose of this study was to determine the accuracy of diaphragm thickening fraction, CRP, cumulative fluid balance and Rapid Shallow Breathing Index in predicting the ease of weaning mechanical ventilation in critical patients in the ICU. Method: This study is a prospective cohort study in which the subjects were adult patients wo were treated using mechanical ventilation. The diaphragm thickening fraction, CRP value, cumulative fluid balance and Rapid Shallow Breathing Index value were examined during the first 24 hours in the ICU and during mechanical ventilation in PS <8 or T-Piece mode until a maximum of the seventh day of the treatment in the ICU or on the seventh day if have not been successfully weaned. Result: in this study, it was found that there was no statistical significance between the diaphragm thickening fraction and the ease of weaning from mechanical ventilation (p=0.071) in both bivariate. In bivariate analysis, the effect of CRP on the ease of weaning on mechanical ventilation was not statistically significant (p=0.724). The cumulative balance and RSBI values were also not statistically significant to predict the ease of mechanical ventilation weaning (p=0.510 and p=0.116) Conclusion: the diaphragm thickening fraction, CRP value, cumulative fluid balance and Rapid Shallow Breathing Index statistically not accurate to predict the ease of weaning mechanical ventilation in critical patients in the ICU.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library