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Ditemukan 13 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Julia Suryantan
"This study aimed to assess the dietary changes of overweight and obese subjects and its relation to the body weight changes during 24 week of orlistat study. This study was an observational study as part of an open-labelled, randomised, parallel﷓group, real life study of the efficacy of orlistat for 36 weeks. However, this observational study followed the subjects until 24 weeks. The subjects were 64 overweight and obese Indonesian adults with body mass index 25.08 - 37.4 kglm2 and mean weight 76.7 kg (58,2 - 106.7 kg). Subjects were being prescribed a nutritionally balanced mild hypocaloric low fat diet. Caloric levels prescribed were a deficit of 500 kcal/day from daily caloric requirement (BMR corrected with physical activity level). 32 subjects were given orlistat 120 mg tid. On week-24, data of 38 subjects were being pooled and analyzed together. Until week-24, the subjects had lost an average of 7.8% of their initial body weight and 5.9% of their initial waist circumference. Total energy (p<0.05), protein (p<0.05), fat (p<0.001), carbohydrate (p<0.001) and PUFA intake (p<0.005) significantly reduce from week-0 to week-24.
The mean percentage reduced were 19.3% of energy intake, 32.7% of fat intake, 17.4% of carbohydrate intake and 7.5% of protein intake. Several predictors that may influence the body weight changes were treatment (orlistat), carbohydrate, and PUFA intake changes. In conclusion the dietary intake changes might influence the body weight reduction and waist circumference reduction, regardless the treatment, especially because typical Indonesian diet the energy source mostly from carbohydrate.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Josephine Lacsina Guiao
"This cross sectional study in the Philippines, is a part of CRONOS study. Data on dietary intake, anthropometry, biochemical assessment and socio - economic and self perceived health status were collected from 300 elderly Filipino men and women between 60-75 years old in middle income and low income areas in Metro Manila and rural areas in Rizal province during the period of October to November 1996.
Results of dietary intake showed both sexes had very low intakes of energy nutrients. Rural elderly for both sexes had low intakes of energy and nutrients compared with urban middle income and urban low income.
Anthropometric finding showed that rural elderly had lower nutritional status as compared to urban elderly. Chronic energy deficiency was higher in male than female elderly. A high prevalence of anemia (38%) among male elderly was also found to exist. A high prevalence of hypertension was also observed in the urban low income elderly (33%).
Majority of the elderly rated their self rated health as good and fair. The reported self perceived diseases common among the elderly were arthritis, cough, and hypertension.
Previous jobs engaged by the elderly were mostly blue collar jobs and owing to loss of income, most elderly are dependent on their families for support."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Henie Soesanto
Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh pada lansia.
Tempat : Puskesmas Kecamatan Kotamadya Semarang yang mempunyai program lansia binaan.
Bahan dan cara : Studi cross-sectional pada lansia 60 tahun ke atas(69 pria dan 173 wanita), subyek penelitian dipilih secara acak sederhana pada tingkat Puskesmas. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi : data non nutrisi, data nutrisi, antropometri, kadar lipid serum data gula darah puasa .Penetapan nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh (IMT, Lpe, rasioLPe/Lpa ,ML) ditetapkan pada nilai median. Sedangkan nilai indikator metabolik sebagai faktor risiko PJK ditetapkan pada batas diwaspadai (berdasarkan Konsensus Nasional Dislipidemia Indonesia, 1993).
Hasil : Profil kol. total dan kol. HDL serum subyek wanita lebih tinggi daripada subyek pria (p = 0,001). Prevalensi faktor risiko PJK seperti dislipidemia pada subyek wanita lebih tinggi dibandingkan subyek pria (p < 0.05). Nilai-nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini yaitu IMT (pria 21 kg/m2; wanita 23 kg/m2 ), LPe (pria 79 cm; wanita> 80 cm), rasio LPe-LPa (pria) 0,91; wanita > 0,85), massa lemak tubuh (pria > 22 %; wanita > 35 %). Sensitifitasnya dikaitkan dengan profit lipid sebagai faktor risiko PJK yaitu 40 - 60 %, sedangkan spesifisitasnya 70 - 80 %. Terdapat perbedaan determinan komposisi tubuh terhadap gangguan metabolik pada subyek pria dan wanita. Pada subyek pria nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh berkorelasi dengan TG dan GDP, sedangkan pada subyek wanita berkorelasi dengan kol. HDL, kol. total, kol. LDL dan TO.
Kesimpulan : Nilai-nilai pembatas indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh yang didapat pada penelitian ini cenderung memberi spesifisitas yang lebih tinggi dibanding dengan sensitifitasnya (dikaitkan dengan dislipidemia). Pada subyek pria indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh lebih terkait pada TG den GDP. Sedangkan pada subyek wanita indikator kelebihan lemak tubuh lebih terkait pada dislipidemia.

The Cut Off Point Determination Of Overfatness In Relation to Selected CHD Risks In Elderly In Semarang
Objective :
To determine cut off points of overfatness in the elderly using CHD risks factors as the end points.
Place :
Seven public health centers with elderly clubs in Semarang municipal.
Materials and Methods :
This cross-sectional study involved 242 elderly individuals (69 males & 173 females), aged 60 years and over. Simple random sampling was applied at the PHC level. Structured questionnaires were used to collect information on sosiodemography, life styles, food habits and practices Anthropometric assessments were done to estimate body compositional status. Serum lipids and fasting blood glucose were measured to identify metabolic disorders. High body mass index, high abdominal circumference, high abdominal hip ratio and high fat mass values were used as overfatness indicators. The Indonesian National Consensus on Dyslipidemia was used to identify dyslipidemic cut off values.
Results :
Mean serum total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol in females were higher than those in males (220.99 ± 46.66 vs 199.31 ± 35.71, p = 0.001 and 51.17 ± 11.58 vs 45.22 ± 12.52, p = 0.001, respectively). The prevalence of CHD risks (dyslipidemic profiles) in females were also higher than that in males (p < 0.05). With respect to CHD risks, cut-off points for overfatness using BM1 values were > 21 kglr2 and ) 23 kglm2 for males and females respectively. Cut off points for other overfatness indicators were AC) 79 cm and ) 80 cm; AHR > 0.91 and ) 0.85 and percent body fat 3 22% and ) 35% for males and females, respectively. Using these cut off values, the sensitivity ranged from 40 -- 60% and the specificity ranged from 70 -- 80%. There were gender differences in the determinants of metabolic disorders. In males, overfatness was more related to TG and fasting blood glucose values. On the other hand, in females, overfatness was more related to total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and TG.
Conclusion :
This study supports the findings reported by other investigators that cut off values for overfatness, in relation to metabolic disorders, are more specific than sensitive. Gender differences in the determinants of metabolic disorders indicate that interpretation on body compositional disorders in the elderly should be taken cautiously.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarif Husin
"Tujuan : Untuk mengetahui gambaran status vitamin B-12, asam folat, nutrisi dan profit lipid serum pada lanjut usia, agar dapat dimanfaatkan untuk pertimbangan pencegahan dan terapi penyakit jantung ; coroner (PJK) dan aterosklerosis.
Tempat : Sepuluh puskesmas kecamatan di Jakarta Selatan,
Cara : Studi cross-sectional pada lanjut usia z 60 tahun, subjek dipilih secara acak pada tingkat puskesmas. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi sosio-demografi; pola makan; asupan energi, karbohidrat, lemak, protein, kolesterol, vitamin B-12, asam folat; kadar vitamin B-12; asam folat dan lipid serum, indeks massa tubuh (A.fl) dan rasio LPe-LPa.
Hasil : Prevalensi kekurangan vitamin B-12 serum 34,6% dan kekurangan asam folat serum 34,0%. Konsentrasi vitamin B-12 serum dan asam folat serum pada pria lebih rendah dari wanita. Pada pria dan wanita vitamin B-12 serum kelompok umur z 70 tahun lebih rendah dibanding kelompok umur 60-69 tahun. Prevalensi hiperkolesterolemia dan kolesterol LDL serum yang tinggi (z 160 mg/dL) adalah, 42,6% dan 24,1%. Pada pria dan wanita kolesterol total serum pada kelompok umur z 70 tahun lebih rendah dibanding kelompok umur 60-69 tahun. Di lain pihak kolesteroI HDL serum pada pria dan wanita kelompok umur Z 70 tahun lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok umur 60-69 tahun. Rata-rata IMl' untuk pria 23,9 dan wanita 24,1 dan rata-rata rasio LPe-LPa untuk pria 0,93 dan wanita 0,85. Pada lanjut usia dengan konsentrasi vitamin B-I2 serum < 350 pg/mL berkorelasi positif dengan kolesterol HDL serum (r = 0,29; P = 0,03), tetapi tidak berkorelasi dengan kolesterol total serum, kolesterol LDL serum, rasio kolesterol total/ kolesterol HDL dan rasio kolesterol LDLlkolesterol HDL. Di lain pihak lanjut usia dengan konsentrasi vitamin B-I2 serum Z 350 mg/mL tidak berkorelasi dengan lipid serum.
Kesimpulan : Melalui pendekalan faktor resiko PiK, prevalensi kekurangan vitamin B-12 dan kekurangan asam folat di Indonesia relatif tinggi dan sesuai dengan penelitan-penelitian yang telah dilakukan di negara-negara maju. Interaksi antara vitamin B-12 serum dan lipid serum belum dapat ditentukan sebagai interaksi yang linier tanpa adanya informasi mengenai homosistein serum. Kecukupan vitamin B-12 serum untuk lanjut usia sangatlah esensial untuk memperkecil terjadinya dislipidemia sebagai salah satu faktor resiko PJK.

Objective : To determine vitamin B-l2, folic acid, anthropometric and serum lipid profiles of the Indonesian elderly which are considered to be important in the prevention and treatment of coronary atherosclerosis.
Place : Ten PHC in the district of South Jakarta.
Methods : A cross-sectional study on the elderly (z 60 year) was carried out in 10 PHCs, Subjects were drawn randomly at the PHC levels. Data collected were sosio-demography; food habits; intakes of energy, carbohydrate, fat, protein, cholesterol, vitamin B-12, and folic acid; serum vitamin B-12, serum folic acid, serum lipids; anthropometry [body mass index (BMI) and waist-hip ratio].
Results : The prevalence of biochemical vitamin B-12 and folic acid deficiencies were 34.6% and 34.0% respectively. Serum vitamin B-12 and folic acid concentrations of the elderly men were lower than those of the elderly women. Serum vitamin B-12 of both elderly men and women aged Z 70 years was lower than their younger counterparts aged 60-69 years. The prevalence of hypercholesterolemia and high serum LDL cholesterol (z 160 mg/di.) was 42.6% and 24.1% respectively. Mean serum total cholesterol of both elderly men and women aged z 70 years was lower than those aged 60-69 years old. On the other hand, serum HOL cholesterol of both elderly men and women aged z 70 years was higher than their younger counterparts aged 60-69 years. Mean BMI values were 23.9 kglm2 for the elderly men and 24,1 kglrn2 for the elderly women. Mean waist-hip ratios for the elderly men and women were 0.93 and 0.85 respectively, In the elderly subjects with low serum vitamin B-12 (< 350 pg/mL), positive correlations were found between serum vitamin B-12 and serum HDL cholesterol (r 0.29; P = 0.03), but not with any of serum total cholesterol, serum LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol/HDL cholesterol ratio, and LDLIHDL ratio. On the other hand, in the elderly subjects with normal and high serum vitamin B-12 (z 350 pglmL), there were no correlations between serum vitamin B-I2 and serum lipids.
Conclusions: Using the CHD-risk approach, the prevalence of biochemical vitamin B-12 and folic acid deficiencies of the Indonesian elderly was relatively high and comparable with existing studies in developed countries. Without information on serum homocysteine concentration, the interactions between serum vitamin B-12 and lipids were not linear. Clearly, adequacy of serum vitamin B-12 for the elderly is essential to minimize disorder of lipid metabolism as one amongst other CHD risk factors.
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Aquino, Mina Grace Cunanan
"Malnutrition, caused by excessive and lack of nutrient intakes, and increased susceptibility to infection, is a strong contributor to increasing morbidity, mortality and poor mental development affecting millions of children worldwide. Thus, many nutrition preventive and intervention programs are targeting children to improve their nutritional status and to prevent the associated lifelong health consequences of malnutrition. Success of monitoring these intervention programs depends on accurate report of dietary intakes which in turn depends on self-reported information of individuals. Hence, dietary assessment method should be scrutinized to determine if such method provides valid measures of intakes. As no single measure of diet can be considered as entirely valid, it is the task of nutrition professionals to determine how to obtain the best possible measure of dietary intakes of individuals. Therefore, validation of dietary assessment method with a "gold standard" or against an independent marker of intakes is of great importance to determine the best strategy for collecting dietary' information in children. Up to now, there is no known method on how best to assess the intakes of children in both developed and developing countries. Thus, this study has attempted to validate the widely-used and most preferred method in dietary surveys, 24-hour recall among schoolchildren in developing urban city of Central Jakarta, using the observed weighed food record as a "gold standard" and energy expenditure as a "reference" of energy intakes.
This study is divided into three (3) parts.
Part I consists of background of the study, review of related literature, research problem, rationale, research questions, objectives, hypotheses and conceptual framework.
Part II contains the MANUSCRIPT OF THE STUDY, entitled "Comparison of dietary assessment methods against energy expenditure by PAL approach among selected primary schoolchildren, 9-11-y-old, in Central Jakarta. The manuscript is written following the requirement for submission to the Asia Pacific Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
Part III encloses the APPENDICES including detailed methodology, other results of the study, questionnaires, ethical approval, informed consent, grant approval, references and curriculum vitae which were made to accomplish the whole study."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rumawas, Marcella
Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2001
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Agustina
"Diarrheal disease remains an important public health problem in developing countries (Black, 1993) and is enormously associated with one-fourth of all deaths in children less than 5 years in developing countries (Richards et. at, 1993). Despite a remarkable declining in mortality rate, the morbidity rate of acute diarrhea of under five children is still fairly high (Murray, 1992). Alarcon et. al. (1991) reported that each year, diarrheal disease causes approximately more than 1 billion episodes of illness. Therefore, the reported attack rates range from 1 to 12 episodes per child per year with a global average of 3 episodes per child (Richards et. al, 1993) and nearly 5 millions deaths worldwide in children less than 5 years (Shamir, 1998). In Indonesia, the incidence of diarrhea is accounted for up to 200-400 per 1000 population per year; 60-80% of them are under five, mostly infants (Lubis, 1992). Rotavirus is the most common cause of acute diarrheal disease in infants. It is the most commonly identified enter pathogens for infants who admitted to hospital in the USA and many other countries (Saavedra et. al., 1994) included Indonesia, (Soenarto, 1997). In USA accounts for up to 50% of the cases of children hospitalized with diarrhea and dehydration (Cohen, 1991) and is responsible for approximately 1 million cases of severe infantile diarrhea and up to 150 deaths annually (Guarino et.al.,1994). In Indonesia accounts for up to 16% of childhood diarrhea in urban area of North Jakarta and 19-40% of chldhood diarrhea age 0-36 months in Bandung, West Java (Yuwono, 1993).
The incidence of diarrheal disease is higher and the severity of the illness is greater in infants than in older children and adults. Several major factors become predisposed to an increased frequency of diarrheal diseases in infants are increased fecal-oral contamination and infants have a relatively unchallenged immune system that has not previously been exposed to many pathogens and has not acquired protective antibodies. Immune system tolerance of life to some polysaccharide antigens in the first year may diminish the infant's ability to defend against intestinal infections (Cohen, 1991). Non-breastfed infants are at greater age of experiencing diarrhea than those who are partially breast-fed, however infants who are partially breast-fed are at greater risk than those who are exclusively breast-fed (Lubis, 1992). The global diarrheal disease control programs have concentrated almost exclusively on the prevention and treatment of dehydration by promoting appropriate fluid and electrolyte therapy, such as increased of oral rehydration solution-ORS (Alarcon, et. al, 1991). ORS has been considered by World Health Organization as the cornerstone of global efforts to reduce mortality from acute diarrhea (Richards et. al, 1993; Behrens, 1993). Until recently, however, more attention has been directed to the nutritional complications of diarrhea (Alarcon, et. al, 1991)."
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Idawati Karjadidjaja
"Tujuan : menentukan status protein, hubungannya dengan KEK dan status usia senja pada lansia yang tinggal di komunitas di kota Semarang.
Tempat : Tujuh puskesmas kecamatan di kotamadya Semarang.
Bahan dan Cara : Studi belah lintang (cross sectional) pada lansia 60 tahun ke atas, yang dipilih secara acak sederbana pada tingkat puskesmas. Dikumpulkan data sosiodemografi, asupan nutrisi dan pola makan, antropometri, albumin dan lipid serum. Indikator protein somatik yang dikumpulkan adalah MBL (kg dan %) IMBL, LOLA, AOLA dan LB. .Kriteria KEK menggunakan kriteria WHO dan status usia senja dari studi IUNS.
Hasil : Prevalensi KEK lansia pria 35%, wanita 29%,Uji diagnosis KEK dengan manggunakan indikator protein somatik yang dibandingkan dengan nilai IMT<18,5 (nilai pembatas sebesar P30 untuk populasi total dan wanita serta P35 untuk pria) membuktikan bahwa indikator protein somatik yang terbaik adalah LB untuk populasi total (sensitivitas 73 %, spesifisitas 92 %), IMBL (sensitivitas 88 04, spesifisitas 93 %) untuk pria, IML dan ML (kg) (sensitivitas 94 %, spesifisitas 96 %). untuk wanita. Uji diagnosis KEK dengan LLA manurut Ferro-Luzzi dan James memberikan hasil sensitivitas 83 %, spesifisitas 84 % untuk lansia dengan IMT < 16. Terdapat korelasi kuat antara IMT dengan indikator massa protein somatik dan massa lemak (P<0,001).
Ditemukan korelasi positif antara albumin dan ML(kg) (r= 0,1428, P = 0,014) IML (r= 0,1534, P = 0,009); AOLA dikoreksi (r= 0,1223, P = 0,030); LOLA (r 0,1239, P = 0,028) serta LLA (r= 0,1496, P = 0,011). Skor tertinggi untuk status usia senja adalah aktivitas hidup sehari-hari (9,71) dan terrendah aktivitas sosial (2,88). Analisis kategorikal memakai nilai pembatas yang sama seperti indikator status protein dan antropometri membuktikan LB adalah indikator yang paling sensitif untuk status usia senja. Untuk status usia senja skor aktivitas sosial merupakan detenninan terbesar terhadap status protein somatik. Selain terdapat kadar kholesteroi total rendah, terdapat masalah dislipidemia pada lansia penderita KEK.
Kesimpulan. Nilai pembatas IMT, LB, IMBL dan LML dapat digunakan untuk mendiagnosa KEK pada lansia yang tinggal di komunitas. Lingkar betis merupakan indikator yang paling sensitif untuk memprediksi status usia senja dan aktivitas sosial merupakan determinan terbesar."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1998
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuniar Rosmalina Purwono
"A single blind intervention study for 9 weeks was conducted in Kelurahan Cempaka Putih Barat, Center Jakarta. This was to determine the effects of micronutrient supplementation an the immune status and hand grip strength of the free-living male elderly aged 60 -75 years old. The total number of subjects at baseline study were 97 male elderly, which were then randomly assigned into 49 subjects in the supplemented group and 48 subjects in the placebo group. The percentage of T-suppresor cells of the micronutrient supplemented group increased significantly from 28.3 % to 30.7 %. The absolute counts of immune status also increased. In the micronutrient supplemented group TLC , T- cells, T -Helper cells, T-suppresor and NK-cells increased significantly after 9 week micromttrient supplementation. However compared to the placebo group only TLC ( 787.4 vs 287.0), T-cells (453.2 vs 160.3), and T- suppresor cells (183.7 vs 57.4) showed significant improvement. The hand grip strength as expressed by the lefthand, right hand and sum of both values remained similar to baseline. The serum zinc and-retinol of the supplemented group significantly increased after nine weeks micronutrient supplementation (13.7 to 18.8 umol/L and 1.10 to 1.42 umol/L, respectively). The changes of serum zinc and retinol were significantly higher in the supplemented group compared to the placebo group. The micronutrients status (serum retinol and serum Zinc) had increased in the supplemented group and lead to lower prevalence of hyporetinolemia and hypozincemia. The improvement of the immune status in the micronutrient supplemented group were not correlated with the serum retinol and zinc. However in the placebo group the change of serum retinol had negative correlation with the T-cel/, T helper and T -suppresor."
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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