Priyo Wahyudi
Abstrak :
Polisakarida intrasel adalah penyusun dinding sel hifa dan karpus cendawan yang
menunjukkan aktivitas farmakologi yang cukup luas. Polisakarida cendawan
umumnya diproduksi dengan mengekstrak dari karpus. Namun dibutuhkan waktu
beberapa bulan untuk menumbuhkan hifa dari inokulum hingga karpus cendawan.
Oleh karena itu diupayakan alternatif produksi polisakarida cendawan langsung
dari miselia, melalui fermentasi cair.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk
mengetahui kondisi optimal produksi polisakarida intrasel dari miselia cendawan
tiram putih melalui fermentasi cair, dan mengetahui aktivitas imunomodulatornya.
Faktor-faktor yang dioptimasi pada penelitian ini adalah: suhu, pH, agitasi dan
waktu inkubasi, dengan desain central composite design (CCD) dari metode
respon permukaan (RSM). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi optimal
fermentasi cair P. ostreatus BPPTCC 6017 untuk menghasilkan biomassa dan
polisakarida yang terbaik adalah pada suhu 27,89°C, pH awal medium of 5,49,
agitasi 124,08 rpm, dan waktu fermentasi 11,44 hari yang menghasilkan biomassa
kering 32,00±1,25 g/l, polisakarida intrasel larut air 0,29±0,01 g/l (rendemen
0,91%), dan polisakarida intrasel larut alkali 0,60±0,02 g/l (rendemen 1,88%),
yang mendekati kondisi teoritik. Aktivitas imunomodulator polisakarida intrasel
larut air dan larut alkali miselium P. ostreatus BPPTCC 6017 diujikan pada
sistem imun alamiah berdasar aktivitas dan kapasitas fagositosis makrofag
peritoneum mencit secara in vitro, bersihan karbon, dan sistem komplemen jalur
klasik. Efek imunomodulator juga diujikan pada sistem imun adaptif sel dan
humoral berdasar peningkatan jumlah limfosit total dan limfosit T, serta kadar
imunoglobulin G. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa polisakarida intrasel larut
air dan larut alkali miselium tiram putih mempunyai aktivitas imunomodulator
terhadap sistem imun alamiah dan adaptif masing-masing adalah 2 mg/20 g BB
mencit dan 4 mg/20 g BB mencit atau setara 100 mg/kg BB dan 200 mg/kg BB.;
Intracellular polysaccharide is a component of fungal cell-wall that has a wide
pharmacological activity. Mushroom polysaccharide commonly produced by
extracting the fruit body. However, it takes several months starting by growing
hyphae until forming fruit body, therefore an alternative for producing it directly
from mycelia instead of fruit body through submerged fermentation.
This study
was aimed to determine the optimal submerged fermentation conditions for
producing intracellular polysaccharide of oyster mushroom. Four variables were
tested in this study: initial pH medium, agitation speed, incubation time and
temperature, using a central composite design (CCD), one of the design in
response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions of submerged
fermentation obtained as follows: 27.89°C, initial pH medium of 5.49, agitation
speed of 124.08 rpm, and fermentation time of 11.44 days. Verification of optimal
conditions produced 32.00±1.25 g/l dried mycelia, 0.29±0.01 g/l water-soluble
POP (yield 0.91%), and 0.60±0.02 g/l alkali-soluble POP (yield 1.88%), which
were close to the theoretical conditions. Immunomodulatory activity of
intracellular polysaccharide then assessed on the innate immune system, based on
activity and capacity phagocytic of murine peritoneum macrophages in vitro,
carbon clearance, and on the classical complement pathway. Immunomodulatory
assay also conducted on the cellular and humoral adaptive immune system, based
on the increasing number of total lymphocyte, T lymphocyte, and
Immunoglobulin G. Result of a series of immunomodulatory activity assay
showed that the intracellular polysaccharides of P. ostreatus BPPTCC 6017 have
immunomodulatory activity on the innate and adaptive immune system at a dose
of 2 mg/20 g BW mice and 4 mg/20 g BW mice respectively, equivalent to 100
mg/kg BW and 200 mg/kg BW., Intracellular polysaccharide is a component of fungal cell-wall that has a wide
pharmacological activity. Mushroom polysaccharide commonly produced by
extracting the fruit body. However, it takes several months starting by growing
hyphae until forming fruit body, therefore an alternative for producing it directly
from mycelia instead of fruit body through submerged fermentation. This study
was aimed to determine the optimal submerged fermentation conditions for
producing intracellular polysaccharide of oyster mushroom. Four variables were
tested in this study: initial pH medium, agitation speed, incubation time and
temperature, using a central composite design (CCD), one of the design in
response surface methodology (RSM). The optimal conditions of submerged
fermentation obtained as follows: 27.89°C, initial pH medium of 5.49, agitation
speed of 124.08 rpm, and fermentation time of 11.44 days. Verification of optimal
conditions produced 32.00±1.25 g/l dried mycelia, 0.29±0.01 g/l water-soluble
POP (yield 0.91%), and 0.60±0.02 g/l alkali-soluble POP (yield 1.88%), which
were close to the theoretical conditions. Immunomodulatory activity of
intracellular polysaccharide then assessed on the innate immune system, based on
activity and capacity phagocytic of murine peritoneum macrophages in vitro,
carbon clearance, and on the classical complement pathway. Immunomodulatory
assay also conducted on the cellular and humoral adaptive immune system, based
on the increasing number of total lymphocyte, T lymphocyte, and
Immunoglobulin G. Result of a series of immunomodulatory activity assay
showed that the intracellular polysaccharides of P. ostreatus BPPTCC 6017 have
immunomodulatory activity on the innate and adaptive immune system at a dose
of 2 mg/20 g BW mice and 4 mg/20 g BW mice respectively, equivalent to 100
mg/kg BW and 200 mg/kg BW.]
UI - Disertasi Membership Universitas Indonesia Library