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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Deanda Dewindaru
Abstrak :
Skripsi ini membahas tentang komunikasi internal yang terjadi selama krisis berlangsung pada Bank BTN (studi kasus pemberitaan Bank BTN yang akan diakuisisi Bank Mandiri tahun 2014). Fokus dari penelitian ini adalah bagaimana upaya pihak manajemen dan tim manajemen krisis mengurangi ketidakpastian karyawan ketika pemberitaan wacana akuisisi. Pendekatan pada penelitian ini adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan desain deskriptif. Sedangkan konfirmasi data pada penelitian ini menggunakan triangulasi data kuantitatif (survei). Peneliti menyarankan bahwa pihak manajemen Bank BTN perlu melakukan komunikasi internal secara terbuka untuk mengurangi ketidakpastian karyawan ketika krisis berlangsung. Selain itu, pihak manajemen Bank BTN perlu membuat tim manajamen krisis untuk menangani komunikasi krisis, terutama kepada pihak internal. Tim manajemen krisis perlu membuat Peraturan Standar Operasional (PSO) agar informasi yang diberikan jelas dan tidak simpang siur. Terakhir, Bank BTN perlu melibatkan manajemen senior dalam menangani krisis.
ABSTRACTTittle of Thesis: A Study of Internal Communication during Crisis in Bank BTN (A Case of News Regarding Planned Bank BTN Acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014) This thesis discusses about the internal communication that occurred during the crisis in Bank BTN (case study of news regarding planned Bank BTN acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014). The focus of this research is the efforts of the management and its crisis management team to reduce employees? uncertainty when the news about the acquisition was circulating. The approach in this study is a qualitative research with descriptive design. While confirmation of the data in this study is done using quantitative data triangulation (survey). The researcher suggest that Bank BTN management should do an open internal communication in order to reduce employees? uncertainty when the crisis was taking place. Moreover, the management should form a crisis management team to deal with crisis communication, especially to internal parties. The crisis management team should make a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that the information provided will be as clear as possible. Finally, the management should involve the senior management in handling the crisis.;Tittle of Thesis: A Study of Internal Communication during Crisis in Bank BTN (A Case of News Regarding Planned Bank BTN Acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014) This thesis discusses about the internal communication that occurred during the crisis in Bank BTN (case study of news regarding planned Bank BTN acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014). The focus of this research is the efforts of the management and its crisis management team to reduce employees? uncertainty when the news about the acquisition was circulating. The approach in this study is a qualitative research with descriptive design. While confirmation of the data in this study is done using quantitative data triangulation (survey). The researcher suggest that Bank BTN management should do an open internal communication in order to reduce employees? uncertainty when the crisis was taking place. Moreover, the management should form a crisis management team to deal with crisis communication, especially to internal parties. The crisis management team should make a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that the information provided will be as clear as possible. Finally, the management should involve the senior management in handling the crisis.;Tittle of Thesis: A Study of Internal Communication during Crisis in Bank BTN (A Case of News Regarding Planned Bank BTN Acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014) This thesis discusses about the internal communication that occurred during the crisis in Bank BTN (case study of news regarding planned Bank BTN acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014). The focus of this research is the efforts of the management and its crisis management team to reduce employees? uncertainty when the news about the acquisition was circulating. The approach in this study is a qualitative research with descriptive design. While confirmation of the data in this study is done using quantitative data triangulation (survey). The researcher suggest that Bank BTN management should do an open internal communication in order to reduce employees? uncertainty when the crisis was taking place. Moreover, the management should form a crisis management team to deal with crisis communication, especially to internal parties. The crisis management team should make a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that the information provided will be as clear as possible. Finally, the management should involve the senior management in handling the crisis.;Tittle of Thesis: A Study of Internal Communication during Crisis in Bank BTN (A Case of News Regarding Planned Bank BTN Acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014) This thesis discusses about the internal communication that occurred during the crisis in Bank BTN (case study of news regarding planned Bank BTN acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014). The focus of this research is the efforts of the management and its crisis management team to reduce employees? uncertainty when the news about the acquisition was circulating. The approach in this study is a qualitative research with descriptive design. While confirmation of the data in this study is done using quantitative data triangulation (survey). The researcher suggest that Bank BTN management should do an open internal communication in order to reduce employees? uncertainty when the crisis was taking place. Moreover, the management should form a crisis management team to deal with crisis communication, especially to internal parties. The crisis management team should make a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that the information provided will be as clear as possible. Finally, the management should involve the senior management in handling the crisis., Tittle of Thesis: A Study of Internal Communication during Crisis in Bank BTN (A Case of News Regarding Planned Bank BTN Acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014) This thesis discusses about the internal communication that occurred during the crisis in Bank BTN (case study of news regarding planned Bank BTN acquisition by Bank Mandiri in 2014). The focus of this research is the efforts of the management and its crisis management team to reduce employees’ uncertainty when the news about the acquisition was circulating. The approach in this study is a qualitative research with descriptive design. While confirmation of the data in this study is done using quantitative data triangulation (survey). The researcher suggest that Bank BTN management should do an open internal communication in order to reduce employees’ uncertainty when the crisis was taking place. Moreover, the management should form a crisis management team to deal with crisis communication, especially to internal parties. The crisis management team should make a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) so that the information provided will be as clear as possible. Finally, the management should involve the senior management in handling the crisis.]
Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Alif Hidayatullah Prizasaputra
Abstrak :
Ridwan Kamil menggunakan media sosial untuk membangun personal brand dan alat komunikasi kepada publiknya. Media sosial digunakannya sebagai media interaktif dengan warga Bandung dan alat membangun citra atau personal brand. Personal branding merupakan upaya untuk mengidentifikasikan apa yang membuat brand relevan sehingga brand berbeda. Berbagai cara digunakan untuk memotivasi publik berinteraksi dengan brand termasuk melibatkan publik dalam strategi-strategi perusahaan dalam tingkatan fisik, kognitif, dan emosional yang bersifat jangka panjang didasari kepentingan masing-masing pihak atau disebut dengan customer engagement. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa customer engagement Ridwan Kamil melalui media sosial membantu pembentukan personal brandnya. Meski customer engagement hanya berkontribusi sebesar
Ridwan Kamil uses social media to build personal brand and communication tools to the public. Social media used as interactive media for the citizens of Bandung and image building and personal branding tools. Personal branding is an attempt to identify what makes a brand relevant and differentiate them from another brand. Various means are used to motivate the public to interact with the brand that includes engaging the public in the companie strategies on physical, cognitive, emotional levels in a long-term based on the interests of each party or commonly known as customer engagement. This study found that Ridwan Kamil customer engagement through social media help build his personal brand. Although it only contribute of 20% to the Ridwan Kamil?s personal branding, respondents stated that Ridwan Kamil?s official Facebook account management had involved the public with collaboration dimension values as the most influential according to the respondents. Research also shows that Ridwan Kamil had build a very good and strong personal brand in respondent?s mind.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Audrey Sarah Kristina
Abstrak :
Dalam suatu interaksi, terdapat upaya pemaknaan suatu hal konseptual sebagai bagian dari pemahaman suatu konteks. Konstruksi makna, atau yang disebut konstruksi sosial suatu makna tidak hanya terjadi pada interaksi tatap muka, tetapi juga komunikasi termediasi dan dalam jaringan, salah satunya melalui group chat, fitur dari aplikasi pesan instan sebagai media baru, yang berisi ragam individu dengan latar belakang yang bervariasi, dengan remaja sebagai demografi pengguna terbesarnya di Indonesia. Setiap isu yang dibahas merupakan bentuk konstruksi sosial yang melibatkan kebebasan pikiran sehingga kebenarannya bersifat relatif. Hal ini menyebabkan kebebasan sebagai suatu konteks menjadi penting untuk diteliti, dengan mengingat juga banyaknya riset terdahulu yang membahas kebebasan sebagai hak maupun pencitraan dengan tidak terpusat dan dianggap menjadi makna yang statis, dengan kata lain one size fits all. Riset ini menyediakan interpretasi dari pemaknaan kebebasan pada interaksi group chat remaja dengan menggunakan model Coordinated Management of Meaning dan metode netnografi yang disempurnakan sesuai unit analisis. Riset ini menunjukkan adanya penggunaan simbol atau emoji dalam interaksi, adanya pola partisipasi, klasifikasi anggota, nilai individu benteng diri yang dilibatkan, kebutuhan akan interaksi tatap muka, adanya preferensi pemaknaan dari bahasa lain, serta tidak adanya makna kebebasan yang fundamental. Pada akhirnya, riset ini mengindikasikan bahwa kebebasan dalam konteks interaksi berbasis internet memiliki makna konstruktif yang utama, yakni bentuk penentuan sikap dalam menghadapi lawan bicara di suatu percakapan remaja Indonesia. <
In an interaction, there rsquo s an effort to purpose the conceptual meaning as a part of understanding the context given. Construction of meaning, or so called social construction of meaning doesnt rsquo only occur in face to face communication, but also mediated and online communication, one is a group chat, a feature of instant messaging application as the new media which containts a variety of individual backgrounds, in this case, teenagers as the biggest number of instant messaging user demographic in Indonesia. Every discussed issue is a social construction which takes personal thoughts as granted that lead into the relative truth. This causes the importance of study the meaning of liberty and or freedom, with bear in mind that recent studies refer only to the definition as rights or image branding that still unsettled, more like one size fits all. This research provides the interpretation of constructing the meaning of liberty and or freedom in group chat with Coordinated Management of Meaning model and an enhanced netnography method according to unit of analysis. Then this research shows the use of emoji and symbol in interaction, participation patterns, member classifications, involvement of individual values self fortress , need for face to face interaction, other language preferences of liberty or freedom, and there is no essential meaning of liberty and or freedom as well. At the end, this indicates that liberty and or freedom does have primary constructed meaning, that is the behavior of decision making in interacting to other, by Indonesian teenagers in an online discussion.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Cut Miranda Ayu Fitria
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Ringkasan Eksekutif Profil Perusahaan PT Pertamina Persero adalah sebuah BUMN yang dahulu bernama Perusahaan Pertambangan Minyak dan Gas Bumi Negara yang menempati urutan ke 122 dalam Fortune Global 500 pada tahun 2013. Pertamina adalah hasil gabungan dari perusahaan Pertamin dengan Permina yang didirikan pada tanggal 10 Desember 1957. PT Pertamina Persero merupakan perusahaan milik negara yang bergerak di bidang energi meliputi minyak gas serta energi baru dan terbarukan berdasarkan prinsip prinsip tata kelola korporasi yang baik sehingga dapat berdaya saing yang tinggi di dalam era globalisasi. Analisis SituasiDalam rangka memperkenalkan praktik praktik Pertamina Values kepada seluruh pekerja salah satunya PT Pertamina Persero menggelar Road Map Internalisasi Budaya Perusahaan Setelah road map berjalan akan diadakan 6 monthly values assessment setiap tahunnya pada tahun 2013 dan 2014 hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa tata nilai Competitive Commercial dan Capable kembali menjadi tata nilai terendah Hal ini disebabkan jiwa berkompetisi pegawai PT Pertamina Persero baru mulai ditanamkan sejak tahun 2007 saat adanya transisi nilai dari Pertamina lama menuju Pertamina baru Di sisi lain PT Pertamina Persero akan menghadapi tantangan terkait akan diberlakukannya Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean MEA sehingga ia akan bersaing dengan berbagai perusahaan lain baik BUMN dan Non BUMN untuk meraih sumber daya manusia yang kompeten dan mempertahankan sumber daya manusia yang telah ada Pernyataan MasalahKurangnya peresapan Tata Nilai Perusahaan Pertamina 6C dan implementasinya oleh khalayak internal PT Pertamina SolusiSpecial events Perlombaan PR Campaign Publisitas internal magazines Siaran televisi internal Pameran Presentasi final Gathering Realisasi karyaTujuan ProgramUntuk menginternalisasi Tata Nilai Perusahaan secara mendalam pada khalayak internalnya secara pengetahuan dan implementasi Khalayak SasaranKhalayak internal PT Pertamina Persero pada kelompok M30 terdiri dari Level3 Level4 Manajemen F28 terdiri dari Level5 Level8 Karyawan Pesan Kunci PT Pertamina Persero ingin meningkatkan pemahaman khalayak internalnya akan Tata Nilai Perusahaan 6C dengan melibatkan mereka melalui program perlombaan komunikasi secara aktif Jadwal ProgramFebruari September 2015Tempat Pelaksanaan Ballroom Utama Gedung Utama Kantor Pertamina PusatKerangka EvaluasiMatriks Evaluasi Input Output dan Outcome 6 Monthly Value Assessment AnggaranRp 196 295 000.
ABSTRACT Executive Summary Company Profile PT Pertamina Persero is a state owned company which formerly known as Oil and Gas Company ranks 122 in the Fortune Global 500 on 2013 PT Pertamina Persero is the combined result of the Pertamin and Permina which established on December 10 1957 PT Pertamina Persero is a state owned company engaged in the energy sector include oil gas and renewable energy based on the principles of good corporate governance so as it was very competitive in this era globalization era Situational AnalysisIn order to introduce the practices of Pertamina Values to all employees one of which PT Pertamina Persero held a Road Map Internalization of Corporate Culture After that will be held a six monthly assessment values annually In 2013 and 2014 the results show that the values Competitive Commercial and Capable are back into the lowest values This is due to compete soul employees of PT Pertamina Persero just has started implanted since 2007 when the transition value from the old to the new Pertamina Pertamina On the other hand PT Pertamina Persero will face challenges related to will the enactment of the Asean Economic Community AEC so it will be competing with many other companies both SOEs and non SOEs to achieve human resources competent and retain the human resources that have been exist Problem StatementLack of internalization of Pertamina rsquo s Company Values 6C and the implementation by their internal audiences SolutionSpecial events PR Campaign Competition Internal magazines publicity Internal television broadcast Exhibition Final Presentation Gathering RealizationProgram AimInternalizating corporate values in depth in the Company 39 s for the internal audiences by knowledge and implementation Target AudiencesInternal audiences of PT Pertamina Persero in the group bull M30 consists of Level3 Level4 Management bull F28 consists of Level5 Level8 Employees Key MessagePT Pertamina Persero wants to increase the understanding of their internal Company Values 6C company by engaging them through an active communication program TimelineFebruary September 2015thLocationGrand Ballroom Main Building The Central Office of PERTAMINAEvaluationMatrix Evaluation 6 Monthly Values Assessment BudgetingRp 196 295 000.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tengku Randa Prawira
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Analisis Situasi
  1. Pasar mobil mewah di Indonesia memiliki profil yang unik. Berkat pangsa pasarnya sangat kecil terhadap seluruh pasar otomotif Indonesia, persaingan perusahaan penjual mobil mewah (Agen Tunggal Pemegang Merek) tidak bersaing secara volume penjual semata. Hubungan ATPM dengan konsumennya sangat bersifat tersegmentasi, loyalitas tinggi, dan hubungan emosional. Maka, para ATPM lebih berlomba menyediakan customer services daripada produk mobil semata
  2. Lexus Indonesia sejauh ini telah menjawab fenomena tersebut dengan fungsi customer services terpadu dan berkelas bernama Lexus Concierge Services (LCS). LCS pun diterapkan dengan konsep serta standar kemewahan, personalisasi, dan hospitality. Lexus Indonesia telah mempunya customer loyalty yang tinggi tercermin dari repeat buyer sebesar 60%-70% per tahun.
  3. Walaupun demikian, sistem LCS Lexus Indonesia masih sebatas fungsi ­after-sales di mana ?keterlibatan? customer masih sekadar keperluan mobil mereka. Padahal untuk memelihara maupun meningkatkan customer loyalty hendaknya dibuat instrumen layanan yang menciptakan engagement rutin kepada customer. Artinya, Lexus Indonesia membutuhkan cabang baru di sistem LCS yang berfokus kepada program komunikasi terhadap pelanggannya yang bersifat menciptakan keterlibatan rutin terhadap pelanggan Lexus Indonesia.
Tujuan Meningkatkan dan memelihara keterlibatan rutin pelanggan Lexus Indonesia. Sasaran Sasaran program komunikasi:
  • Menumbuhkan awareness dalam lingkup existing customer mengenai sistem LCS sebagai komitmen Lexus Indonesia untuk menjunjung costumer satisfaction.
  • Membangun reputasi Lexus Indonesia di pasar mobil mewah tentang sistem LCS yang berkelas dan terpadu.
Sasaran bisnis perusahaan:
  • Meningkatkan repeat buyer pada penjualan mobil sebanyak minimal 75% per tahun.
  • Meningkatkan penjualan mobil Lexus secara keseluruhan sebanyak 20% per tahun.
Strategi Pembuatan instrumen untuk customer loyalty program melalui peluncuran special event serta publisitas press conference dan press release. Khalayak Sasaran
  1. Existing customer Lexus Indonesia
  2. Media Massa
Pesan Kunci Lexus Indonesia membuat customer loyalty program sebagai bentuk komitmen meningkatkan customer engagement yang bersifat rutin, emosional, dan positif. Program
  1. Customer loyalty program
  2. Special event
  3. Press conference
  4. Jadwal Januari ? Desember 2016 Anggaran Total anggaran yang dibutuhkan sebesar Rp 387,050,000 Evaluasi Metode evaluasi yang digunakan adalah metode input, output, dan outcome. Input: evaluasi terhadap segala proses yang berlangsung dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan Output: evaluasi terhadap sesuatu yang nyata sebagai hasil dari kegiatan Outcome: pengukuran dampak dan evaluasi hasil pelaksanaan kegiatan.
    ABSTRACT Situation Analysis
    1. Luxury cars market in Indonesia?s automobile industry has a unique profile. Since their market share among the total car market is very small, every luxury car brands not compete against the sales volume primely ? instead, they?re really chasing how to catch the customer loyalty. Their relationship with their existing customer has a very segmented profile, and emotional deep-bond. Due to that condition, many of luxury car brands in Indonesia deployed many personalized customer relations management with their own style.
    2. Lexus Indonesia, so far, has responded to face the reality or the nature of competition on the luxury car segment. Lexus Indonesia has been deployed a integrated customer services system called Lexus Concierge Services (LCS). Furthermore, LCS has been apllied with their brand standards like hospitality and personalized luxury experience. Lexus Indonesia confirmed their LCS system usage is in order to meet or even catch a customer loyalty. Their customer loyalty is reflected through 60%-70% repeat buyer every year.
    3. However, Lexus Indonesia?s LCS system currently only having a after-sales function. Which is the engagement from the customers only occur simply because of customer?s car business. Eventough, to gain customer loyalty, a company or brand need more a frequently engagement by deploying a customer loyalty program.
    Goal To gain and maintain the customer engagement through customer loyalty program. Objectives Communication program objectives:
    • Gaining awareness in existing customers scope regarding the new LCS system.
    • Building a Lexus Indonesia reputation about the advanced new LCS system
    Company?s business objectives:
    • Increase the amount of repeat buyer on car sales by 75% minimum per year.
    • Increase the whole car sales by 20% per year.
    Strategies Make a tools or instruments for the customer loyaty program through grand launching event that creates publicity on mass media. Target Audiences
    1. Lexus Indonesia?s existing customer
    2. Mass media
    Key Message Lexus Indonesia deploying a customer loyalty program as a commitment to build & maintain customer engagement through an emotional and a long-term relationship. Programs
    1. Customer loyalty program
    2. Special event
    3. Press conference
    Schedule January ? December 2016 Budget Grand total budget to make these programs is 387,050,000 IDR. Evaluation The evaluation method that used in this program is input, output, and outcome method. Input: an evaluation towards all process that take place in the implementation of activities Output: an evaluation towards tangible things as a result of activities Outcome: impact measurement and evaluation of the activities implementation.
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Meliala, Refaya Ulina
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menguji pengaplikasian teori Elaboration Likelihood Model ELM pada media persuasi berupa infografis, terkhusus pada infografis amnesti pajak. Teori ELM menjelaskan bahwa terdapat dua jalur yang berpengaruh pada pembentukan sikap seseorang ketika merespon sebuah pesan persuasif, yakni jalur sentral dan periferal. Penelitian menggunakan dimensi kualitas pesan sebagai faktor penanda jalur sentral, serta dimensi daya tarik pesan sebagai faktor jalur periferal. Metode perbandingan independen sampel T-Test dan uji korelasi Product Moment Pearson digunakan untuk menguji model tersebut. Hasil penelitian membuktikan bahwa pada infografis amnesti pajak, kedua jalur berperan signifikan, namun jalur sentral lebih berperan dibanding jalur periferal dalam mempengaruhi sikap positif terhadap infografis amnesti pajak. ......This research tested the application of Elaboration Likelihood Model Theory in infographic as persuasive media, specifically on Tax Amnesty rsquo s infographic. The theory describes two routes that can affect attitudes when someone respond to persuasive message, called central route and peripheral route.This research uses message quality as central route's cue, and message attractiveness as peripheral route's cue. Independent Sample T Test and Correlation Moment Pearson Test used as the method of testing this model. The result of this research proved that in tax amnesty's infographic, both routes affected attitude significantly, where central route affect more significantly than peripheral route to positive attitude towards tax amnesty's infographic.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jegeg Tribhuwana Ekadewi Sudjana
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi konsep peran Public Relations menurut Cutlip, Center Broom yaitu peran expert prescriber, peran problem solving process facilitator, peran communication facilitator, dan peran communication technician pada Hotel Borobudur Jakarta untuk mengetahui peran Public Relations di Hotel Borobudur Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan karena peran Public Relations sangat beragam dan terus berkembang seiring berkembangnya zaman dan teknologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitaif dengan melakukan wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Triangulasi yang digunakan adalah sumber data primer, data sekunder, dan tinjauan literatur. Penelitian ini menemukan adanya tiga dari empat peran Public Relations. Peran yang ditemukan adalah peran expert prescriber, peran communication facilitator, dan peran communication technician. Dalam penelitian ini juga ditemukan adanya tumpang tindih antar peran yaitu peran Exper Prexcriber dengan Communication Technician dan peran Communications Facilitator dengan peran Communication Technician. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah empat peran Public Relations menurut Cutlip, Center, Broom dapat diterapkan pada industri perhotelan. Peran Public Relations tersebut juga bisa tumpang tindih jika tidak ada divisi ataupun departemen khusus untuk Public Relations.
The research explores the concept of Public Relations role according to Cutlip, Center Broom, which are the Role of Expert Prescriber, the Role of Problem Solving Process Facilitator, the Role of Communication Facilitator, and the Role of Communication Technician at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta. The aim is to know the role of Public Relations in Hotel Borobudur Jakarta. In addition, the research is also made because the role of Public Relations is immensely diverse and continues to evolve with the development of the era and technology. The research utilizes qualitative method by conducting in depth interview and observation. Furthermore, the Triangulation uses included primary data sources, secondary data, and literature review. This research explores the role of Public Relations according to Cutlip, Center Broom which is the role of expert prescriber, the role of problem solving process facilitator, the role of communication facilitator, and the role of communication technician at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta to know the role of Public Relations at Hotel Borobudur Jakarta. This research is done because the role of Public Relations is very diverse and continues to evolve with the development of the era and technology. This research uses qualitative method by conducting in depth interview and observation. Triangulation used is primary data source, secondary data, and literature review. The study found three of the four public relations roles. The roles found are the role of expert prescriber, the role of communication facilitator, and the role of communication technician. In this research also found an overlap between roles namely the role of Expert Prescriber with Communication Technician and the role of Communications Facilitator with the role of Communication Technician. The conclusion of this research is four public relations role according to Cutlip, Center, Broom can be applied to hotel industry. The role of Public Relations can also overlap if there is no division or special department for Public Relations.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novita Arlika Rahmayanti
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan strategi pengelolaan pesan melalui media sosial Twitter yang dilakukan oleh Humas Direktorat Jenderal Pajak dan peranannya dalam membangun citra di mata masyarakat. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Direktorat Jenderal Pajak merupakan salah satu instansi pemerintah yang dalam menjalankan program kehumasan memanfaatkan cyber public relations. Bentuk cyber public relations yang digunakan salah satunya adalah media sosial, Twitter. Dalam mengelola pesan di Twitter, Humas Direktorat Jenderal Pajak menggunakan 2 pendekatan yaitu pendekatan emosi emotion appeal dan pendekatan humor humorious appeal dan berhasil menciptakan citra yang friendly, muda, tidak kaku, transparan dan menyenangkan. Bagi masyarakat, hal ini dianggap positif dan layak menjadi percontohan bagi instansi pemerintah lainnya.
This study describes the strategy of managing messages through social media, Twitter made by Public Relations of Direktorat Jenderal Pajak and its role in building the image in the eyes of the society. This research is a qualitative research. The results showed that the Direktorat Jenderal Pajak is one of the government institution in running Public Relations programs utilizing Cyber PR. The form of Cyber PR used one of them is social media, Twitter. In managing messages on Twitter, the Public Relations of Direktorat Jenderal Pajak uses two approaches emotion appeal and humorious appeal and succeeds in creating a friendly, young, non rigid, transparent and fun image. This is certainly positive and feasible to be a good example when the image of other institution are still known old, rigid, closed and have a distance with the society.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Margaretha Nazhesda
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan penggunaan PR cyber untuk mendukung tugas dan fungsi Public Relations pemerintah, memeriksa hambatan untuk menggunakan Cyber ​​PR di The Social Badan Administrasi Keamanan untuk Ketenagakerjaan, dan untuk mengetahui pendapat keanggotaan dari organisasi. Penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif dengan strategi studi kasus. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam dengan informan. Itu hasil menunjukkan bahwa optimalisasi Cyber ​​Cyber ​​dalam mendukung tugas dan fungsi Hubungan Masyarakat Badan Administrasi Jaminan Sosial untuk Ketenagakerjaan telah dioptimalkan dalam aspek strategis dan bertarget. Optimalisasi Cyber ​​PR telah dibuat hubungan, reputasi, dan relevansi secara strategis. Implikasi teknologi dari Arnold Pacey menunjukkan bahwa Cyber ​​PR telah berjalan dengan baik berdasarkan aspek teknis dan kebutuhan untuk lebih ditingkatkan dalam aspek organisasi dan budaya. Kemudian, hambatan datang dari berbagai faktor termasuk kondisi lingkungan, bagian internal organisasi, dan sikap masyarakat yang cenderung pasif dan cuek. Berdasarkan sudut pandang peserta, informasi yang diberikan dengan PR siber yang ada Salurannya cukup menarik tetapi masih belum optimal karena pesertanya kurang tertarik pada mereka. ...... This study aims to illustrate the use of cyber PR to support the duties and functions of government public relations, examine barriers to using Cyber ​​PR in The Social Security Administration Agency for Employment, and to find out membership opinions of organizations. This research uses descriptive qualitative case study strategy. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews with informants. The results show that the optimization of Cyber ​​Cyber ​​in supporting the tasks and functions of the Public Relations Administration Agency for Social Security for Employment has been optimized in strategic and targeted aspects. Optimization of Cyber ​​PR has made strategic relationships, reputation and relevance. The technological implications of Arnold Pacey show that Cyber ​​PR has run well based on technical aspects and needs to be further improved in organizational and cultural aspects. Then, obstacles come from various factors including environmental conditions, internal parts of the organization, and attitudes of people who tend to be passive and ignorant. From the participants point of view, the information provided with the existing cyber homework Channels is quite interesting but is still not optimal because the participants are less interested in them.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Naomi Noviyanti
Abstrak :
Analisis Situasi: Reblood memiliki tujuan untuk menyelesaikan masalah defisit kantong darah di Indonesia. Semenjak tahun 2015 hingga per Oktober 2017, Reblood sudah memiliki 10.586 pengguna. Namun masih banyak target khalayak dari Reblood yang belum mengetahui apa itu Reblood meskipun sudah memiliki informasi yang cukup mengenai donor darah. Oleh karena itu, berdasarkan hasil wawancara yang telah dilakukan dengan CEO Reblood dan survei terhadap 108 target khalayak Reblood, disimpulkan bahwa dibutuhkannya sebuah program untuk meningkatkan brand awareness dari Reblood. Tujuan: Untuk memperkenalkan Reblood kepada target khalayak dan memberikan informasi mengenai fitur dan keuntungan dalam menggunakan Reblood. Serta mengajak lebih banyak lagi orang untuk melakukan donor darah melalui Reblood. Sasaran Program Komunikasi Meningkatkan brand awareness target khalayak mengenai Reblood. Mengajak lebih banyak orang untuk donor darah menggunakan Reblood. Strategi: Melakukan publikasi mengenai Reblood dengan metode offline dan online di berbagai media dan tempat. Khalayak Sasaran: 1. Jenis kelamin : Laki-laki dan perempuan. 2. Usia : 17-30 tahun.3. Tempat tinggal : Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi Jabodetabek. 4. Pekerjaan : Mahasiswa dan karyawan. 5. Pengguna smartphone. 6. Pengguna sosial media Instagram dan/atau Facebook.
Situation Analysis: Reblood has a mission to solve the deficit of blood supply in Indonesia. Since 2015 until October 2017, Reblood already has 10.586 members. But there are still so many of the target audience that don rsquo t know about Reblood, although they already have enough information about blood donor. Therefore, based on an interview with the CEO of Reblood and survey with 108 of Reblood rsquo s target audience, it can be concluded that Reblood needs a program to increase the brand awareness of Reblood. Goals To introduce: Reblood to the target audience and give them information about Reblood rsquo s features and benefits when using Reblood. Also to persuade more people to donate their blood using Reblood. Communication Objectives: To increase target audience rsquo's brand awareness of Reblood.To persuade more people to donate their blood using Reblood.StrategyDoin publications about Reblood with offline and online methods in various medias and places. Target Audience: 1. Gender Male and female. 2. Age 17 30 years old. 3. Ocuppation University students and employee. 4. Domicile Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Tangerang, dan Bekasi Jabodetabek. 5. Smartphone users. 6. Instagram and or Facebook users.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
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