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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Fitria Chaerunnisa
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Prevalensi Early Childhood Caries (ECC) anak usia 3-5 tahun masih tinggi. Lidah merupakan sumber bakteri terbesar pada rongga mulut. Oral Veillonella merupakan bakteri yang berhubungan dengan karies. Tujuan: Menganalisis keberadaan dan perbandingan kuantitas Oral Veillonella pada plak lidah anak usia 3-5 tahun kategori risiko karies rendah dan tinggi. Metode: Sampel plak lidah diekstraksi DNA dan dikuantifikasi dengan Real-Time PCR. Hasil: Tidak terdapat perbedaan kuantitas Oral Veillonella yang signifikan pada plak lidah subjek kategori risiko karies rendah dan tinggi (p>0,05). Kesimpulan: Kuantitas Oral Veillonella pada plak lidah kategori risiko karies tinggi lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan kategori risiko karies rendah.
Background:The prevalence of Early Childhood Caries (ECC) among 3-5 years old children is still high. Tongue is the biggest bacterial source in mouth. Oral Veillonella is bacteria that associate with dental caries. Objectives: Analyze the presence and comparison of Oral Veillonella quantity on the tongue plaque among 3-5 years old children with low and high caries risk category. Methods: The tongue plaque DNA are extracted and quantified by Real-Time PCR. Results: There was no significant difference of Oral Veillonella quantity between low and high caries risk category (p>0,05). Conclusion: Quantity of Oral Veillonella on the tongue plaque‟s with high caries risk is more than low caries risk.
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Qurrotu 039Aini
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Penanganan Early Childhood Caries (ECC) di Indonesia belum menunjukkan hasil yang baik. Saliva merupakan salah satu habitat bakteri. Oral Veillonella merupakan bakteri yang berhubungan dengan karies. Tujuan: Menganalisis keberadaan dan perbandingan kuantitas Oral Veillonella pada saliva anak usia 3-5 tahun dengan kategori risiko karies tinggi dan rendah. Metode: Kuantitas Oral Veillonella dari sampel saliva dikuantifikasi menggunakan Real-Time PCR. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna (P<0,05) antara kuantitas Oral Veillonella pada saliva anak usia 3-5 tahun yang memiliki kategori risiko karies tinggi dan rendah. Kesimpulan:Kuantitas Oral Veillonella pada saliva anak usia 3-5 tahun dengan kategori risiko karies tinggi lebih banyak dibandingkan dengan risiko karies rendah.
Background: ECC handling in Indonesia not yet gave the good of the result. Saliva is the one of the place that consist a bacteria. Oral Veillonella is the bacteria that corelate with caries. Aim: Analyzing the existence and comparison of Oral Veillonella quantity in children’s saliva aged 3-5 with high and low caries risk category. Method: Oral Veillonella quantity from the saliva sample quantified using Real-Time PCR. Result: There is a main differences between Oral Veillonella quantity in children’s saliva aged 3-5 whom had a high and low caries risk category. Conclusion: Quantity of Oral Veillonella in children’s saliva aged 3-5 whom had high caries risk is higher than low caries risk category
Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Titis Maulanti
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Gen MGMT berperan dalam mekanisme perbaikan DNA melalui transfer alkil mencegah terjadinya mutasi gen ? gen terkait orofacial cleft. Metilasi pada promoter gen MGMT mempengaruhi regulasi ekspresi gen tersebut. Tujuan: Mengetahui gambaran kejadian metilasi gen MGMT penderita orofacial cleft. Metode: Dua puluh empat sampel orofacial cleft dan 24 sampel normal dilakukan deteksi status metilasi melalui methylation specific-PCR (MSP). Hasil: Diperoleh 33.3% orofacial cleft berstatus fully methylated dan 66.7% partially methylated. Sedangkan pada kontrol, 100% berstatus partially methylated. Kesimpulan: Terjadi metilasi gen MGMT pada penderita orofacial cleft dan distribusinya berbeda dengan individu normal (p=0.004). ...... Background: MGMT gene plays a role in DNA repair mechanisms via the transfer of alkyl to prevent mutation of gene related orofacial cleft. Methylation at MGMT gene promoter has effect in the regulation of gene expression. Objective: To determine MGMT gene methylation status in orofacial cleft. Methods: Methylation status were detected in 24 orofacial cleft and 24 healthy individuals samples by methylation-specific PCR (MSP). Results: 33.3% orofacial cleft were fully methylated and 66.7% were partially methylated. Meanwhile, in control group, 100% were partially methylated. Conclusion: MGMT gene methylation occurred in orofacial cleft and the distributions are different from healthy individuals (p=0.004).
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sazkia Febradhany Tania
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Metilasi di area promoter berpotensi mengakibatkan gene silencing pada gen CDH1 yang berperan penting dalam adhesi antarsel dan morfogenesis kraniofasial. Tujuan: Mengetahui distribusi metilasi antara individu cleft dan non-cleft. Metode: 24 sampel DNA penderita orofacial cleft dan 24 sampel kontrol dianalisis menggunakan teknik methylation-specific PCR (MSP). Hasil: Dari kelompok cleft didapatkan 5 sampel (20,83%) berstatus fully methylated dan 19 sampel (79,17%) berstatus partially methylated, sedangkan dari kelompok kontrol didapatkan 24 sampel (100%) berstatus partially methylated. Kesimpulan: Terjadi metilasi CDH1 pada penderita orofacial cleft, namun secara statistik tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna pada distribusi status metilasi CDH1 antara individu cleft dan non-cleft (p=0,05).
Background: Methylation at promoter area potentially results in silencing of CDH1 gene which plays important role in cell adhesion and craniofacial morphogenesis. Objective: To obtain the distribution of CDH1 methylation in cleft and non-cleft individuals. Methods: 24 DNA samples of individuals with orofacial cleft and 24 control samples were analyzed with methylation-specific PCR (MSP) technique. Results: From cleft group, 5 (20.83%) were fully methylated and 19 (79.17%) were partially methylated; while from control group, 24 (100%) were partially methylated. Conclusion: CDH1 methylation was observed in orofacial cleft affected individuals but there is no significant difference in CDH1 methylation status between cleft and non-cleft individuals (p=0.05).
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Medwin Setia
Abstrak :
Kanker mulut berada diurutan 32 dunia penyebab kematian yang paling sering terjadi. Pada beberapa penelitian, kitosan berefek pada beberapa jenis sel baik menaikkan maupun menurunkan viabilitas sel. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui efek kitosan terhadap galur sel kanker skuamosa mulut (HSC-4) dan sel epitel dental (HAT-7) in vitro dan dipajan kitosan pada konsentrasi 0,0005%; 0,0025%; 0,005%; 0,25%; 0,5%. Kemudian hasilnya diukur dengan 3-(4,5- dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay atau MTT assay. Viabilitas pada kedua jenis sel lebih tinggi pada konsentrasi 0,0005%; 0,0025%; 0,005%, sedangkan pada konsentrasi 0,25% dan 0,5% lebih rendah dibandingkan kontrol. Kitosan memiliki efek pada kedua jenis sel bergantung pada konsentrasinya.
Oral cancer ranked 32th as most causes of death in the world. From past research, chitosan has inhibit proliferation effect. The present study examined the effect of chitosan to oral cancer squamous carcinoma cell line (HSC-4) and dental epithelial cell line (HAT-7) in vitro. Both cells were exposed by chitosan with concentration 0,0005%; 0,0025%; 0,005%; 0,25%; and 0,5%. Then, the result was measured by 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay or MTT assay. Both cells has higher viability at 0,000%; 0,0025%; and 0,005%, whereas lower viability showed at 0,25% and 0,5%. Chitosan has effect on both cells depends on concentration.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Bramadita Satya
Abstrak :
Pit Fissure Sealant berbahan resin merupakan salah satu produk pencegahan karies. Pada penelitian sebelumnya, ditunjukkan adanya pelepasan komponen dan material tersebut ke lingkungannya yang menimbulkan respon hipersensitifitas. Tujuan : untuk mengetahui biokompatibilitas dari Resin Pit Fissure Sealant terhadap sel keratinosit kulit yang dicerminkan dari viabilitas sel HaCaT. Material dan Metode: Spesimen Resin Pit & Fissure Sealant dibuat pada cetakan akrilik (N=18; diameter 15mm; ketebalan 1mm) menurut ISO 4049 dan dipolimerisasi dengan UV dari QTH (Quartz Tungsten Halogen) ( = 400 nm). Spesimen dipersiapkan dan disterilisasi untuk menghindari kontaminasi dari bakteri atau jamur. Setelah itu, spesimen direndam dalam DMEM (5mL) dan disimpan dalam inkubator (370C) selama 1, 2, dan 7 hari. Kultur sel dipersiapkan pada 96 well dan diinkubasi selama 24 jam. Rendaman spesimen dipaparkan ke setiap well dan diuji tingkat viabilitas selnya menggunakan MTT assay. Tingkat viabilitas sel diukur dengan microplate reader = 490 nm. Signifikansi diukur dengan metode analisis ragam satu arah Anova. Hasil : Viabilitas sel menurun pada hari pertama dan setelah hari kedua. Kesimpulan : Waktu perendaman mempengaruhi viabilitas sel, tetapi masih cukup aman untuk digunakan untuk perawatan gigi. ...... Resin based Pit Fissure Sealant is one of dental caries prevention product. Previous research of resin showed that some components leached into aqueous environment and cause hypersensitivity responses. Objectives: To observe the biocompatibility of Resin Pit Fissure Sealant due to skin keratinocytes which is determined by viability of HaCaT Cell lines. Material & Methods : Resin based Pit Fissure Sealant were made in acrylic mould (N= 18; diameter 15mm; thickness 1mm) according to ISO 4049 and polymerized by UV light from QTH (Quartz Tungsten Halogen) ( = 400 nm). Specimen were prepared and sterilized to avoid contamination from bacterial or germs. After that, Specimens were immersed in DMEM (5mL) and stored in incubator (370C) for 1, 2, and 7 days. Cell Culture were prepared into 96 well and stored in incubator for 24 hours. The elution of specimens was exposed into every well, and examined the viability of cells by MTT assay. Viability Cell were counted in 490 nm microplate reader. Significance were measured by One Way Anova. Results : The viability of HaCaT Cell Lines were decreased in first and after second days. Conclusion : The elution time of Resin based Pit Fissure Sealant affect the viability of HaCat Cell line, but still safe to be used in dental clinic.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Kitosan merupakan suatu turunan kitin yang memiliki efek anti kanker. Dalam penelitiaan ini, akan diuji efek kitosan terhadap HSC-4, yang berupa galur sel kanker skuamosa mulut, dan A-549, yang berupa galur adenokarsinoma paruparu, dalam medium kultur. Kedua jenis sel kanker dipajan dengan kitosan pada konsentrasi 0,0005%; 0,0025%; 0,005%; 0,25%; dan 0,5%. Viabillitas sel akan dilihat setelah empat jam pemaparan menggunakan metode MTT assay. Viabilitas kedua jenis sel lebih tinggi pada konsentrasi 0,0005%; 0,0025%; dan 0,005% serta lebih rendah pada konsentrasi 0,25% dan 0,5% dibandingkan dengan kontrol. Kitosan dengan konsentrasi 0,25% dan 0,5% mempunyai efek paling sitotoksik terhadap kedua jenis sel.
Chitosan is derivate of chitin that has anticancer effect. This present study examined the anticancer effect of chitosan against HSC-4, which is oral squamous cell carcinoma, and A-549, which is lung adenocarcinoma, in vitro. Both cancer cells were exposed to chitosan, each with 0.0005%; 0.0025%; 0,005%; 0.25%; and 0.5% concentration. Cell viability was read after four hours with MTT assay. Both cancer cells were more viable at 0.0005%; 0.0025%; and 0.005% concentration; at 0.25% and 0.5% concentration were less viable than control. These result suggest that chitosan at 0.25% and 0.5% concentration have the most cytotoxic effect on both cells.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Citra Fragrantia Theodorea
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Interaksi fisik pada tahap adesi dan invasi sangat penting dalam patogenesis periodontitis Tujuan: Mengetahui hasil perbandingan level ekspresi mRNA GroEL Fusobacterium nucleatum dan level ekspresi mRNA HSP60 dan IL-6 sel epitel pada proses adesi dan invasi. Metode: Eksperimen laboratorik in vitro pada interaksi antara Fusobacterium nucleatum dan sel epitel, tahap adesi dan invasi. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji komparatif Kruskal-Wallis. Hasil: mRNA GroEL tidak terekspresi pada tahap adesi dan invasi. Hasil uji komparatif Kruskal-Wallis, perbandingan mRNA HSP60 dan IL-6 pada tahap adesi dan invasi berbeda bermakna p=0.02 (p<0.05) dan p=0.04 (p<0.05). Kesimpulan, terdapat hasil perbandingan yang signifikan antara ekspresi mRNA HSP60 dan IL-6 pada tahap adesi dan invasi, sedangkan mRNA GroEL tidak terekspresi pada kedua tahap tersebut. ......Background: Interaction in adhesion and invasion stage is very important in the pathogenesis of periodontitis Objective: To Know the comparison of GroEL mRNA expression levels of Fusobacterium nucleatum and HSP60-IL-6 mRNA expression levels of epithelial cell in adhesion and invasion stage. Material and Methods: In vitro laboratory experiments of Fusobacterium nucleatum and epithelial cells interaction in adhesion and invasion stage. Statistical analysis using Kruskal-Wallis comparation test. Results: GroEL mRNA is not express at adhesion and invasion stage. The results of the Kruskal-Wallis comparation test comparison of HSP60 and IL-6 mRNA at adhesion and invasion stage is significantly different p = 0:02 (p <0.05) and p = 0:04 (p <0.05). Conclusion: there is a significant result of the comparison between the expression of HSP60 and IL-6 at adhesion and invasion stage, whereas GroEL is not express neither those stage.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library