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Diniwati Mukhtar
Abstrak :
Overweight dan obesitas adalah akumulasi lemak yang berlebihan yang dapat mengganggu kesehatan. Obesitas merupakan salah satu risiko untuk terjadinya gangguan kardiometabolik. Adanya polimorfisme gen UCP1, menyebabkan bervariasinya respons terhadap olahraga teratur SALI.Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis pengaruh senam aerobik low impact SALI pada perempuan obes abdominal yang memiliki polimorfisme gen UCP1 terhadap parameter kardiometabolik lingkar pinggang LP , kadar trigliserida TG dan penanda inflamasi Monocyte Chemmoattractant Protein-1 MCP1 .Desain penelitian adalah non randomized controlled trial. Intervensi 12 minggu terhadap 55 orang wanita obes abdominal, terdiri dari 32 orang kelompok intervensi SALI dan 23 orang kelompok kontrol. Sebelum dan sesudah program dilakukan pemeriksaan parameter kardiometabolik LP, kadar TG dan MCP1. Pemeriksaan polimorfisme -3826 A>G gen UCP1 menggunakan teknik PCR diikuti teknik RFLP.Ditemukan frekuensi genotip AA 21 orang 38,2 , genotip AG 27 49,1 dan genotip GG 7 12,7 , dengan frekuensi alel G 0,40 . Subjek dengan kadar TG ge; 130 mg/dL kelompok SALI 100 responders, Kontrol 55 , dan kelompok kadar TG < 130 mg/dL, 22 . Subjek genotip GG polimorfisme gen UCP1 dengan kadar TG ge; 130 mg/dL high responders. genotip AA low responders. Temuan ini diperkirakan terkait jumlah langkah per hari kelompok genotip GG dengan TG ge; 130 mg/dL lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok nonresponders.
Overweight and obesity were the accumulation of excessive fat that could harm health. Obesity was a risk for cardiometabolic disorders. The polymorhism of UCP1 gene, caused variations in response to regular exercise. This study aims to investigate the influence of low impact aerobics exercise LIAE in abdominal obes women who had the polymorphism of UCP1 gene on cardiometabolic parameters, waist circumference WC , levels of triglyceride TG and inflammatory markers Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein 1 MCP1 . The study design was non randomized controlled trial. A total of 55 women subjects moderately obes women were divided into two groups on the basis of location. Thirty two subjects of LIAE group and 23 a non LIAE control group. Subjects were not restricted in foods consumed. The study period was 12 weeks. Outcome assessments for analyses were completed at baseline and 12 weeks for cardiometabolic parameters WC, TG and MCP1. Examination of the polymorphism 3826 A G UCP1 gene using PCR technique followed by RFLP technique. The frequencies of three genotypes of 3826 A G polymorphism of UCP1 gene were AA, AG, and GG were of 21 38.2 , 27 49.1 and 7 12.7 respectively with the G allele frequency of 0.40 . Post study obtained the subjects with TG baseline TG ge 130 mg dL 100 LIAE responders group, Control 55 , while TG
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Andon Hestiantoro
Abstrak :
Pada perempuan pascamenopause diperlukan marka biokimiawi dan klinis pada masa jendela terapeutik yang diharapkan dapat digunakan untuk menapis HKND yang berperan sangat penting dalam menghindari dampak demensia tipe alzheimer setelah terapi hormon. Penapisan HKND dapat dimanfaatkan juga untuk upaya terapeutik HKND pada perempuan pascamenopause dan mencegah perburukan ke dalam kondisi demensia tipe alzheimer. Dilakukan studi potong lintang pada 282 perempuan pascamenopause di Jakarta yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, yaitu kelompok positif dengan HKND dan kelompok tanpa HKND. Pemeriksaan dilakukan pada sejumlah variabel seperti usia, lama menopause, keluhan vasomotor, IMT, kadar FSH, kadar LH, kadar leptin, kadar estradiol, dan status kognitif, kemudian dianalisis secara statistik. Diperoleh nilai FSH yang berhubungan bermakna dengan kejadian HKND p = 0,018 , serta variabel lain seperti nisbah FSH/estradiol p = 0,029 dan nisbah FSH/sOB-R p = 0,011 , sementara variabel lain tidak bermakna. Analisis multivariat menunjukkan nisbah FSH/estradiol adalah variabel yang paling berperan terhadap kejadian HKND, dengan nilai OR 1,15. Berdasarkan kurva ROC didapat nilai titik potong nisbah FSH/estradiol dalam memprediksi HKND adalah 1,94 dengan sensitivitas 66,5 dan spesifisitas 46,8 . Nisbah FSH/estradiol pada perempuan pascamenopause yang menderita HKND yang lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan kelompok tanpa HKND dikaitkan dengan peran neuron KNDy terhadap peningkatan sekresi GnRH dan rendahnya neurosteroid estradiol di otak perempuan pascamenopause yang berisiko menderita HKND. Nilai nisbah FSH/estradiol > 1,94 dapat digunakan untuk penapis diagnostik HKND pada perempuan pascamenopause.
Biochemical and clinically important markers are needed in the window therapeutic period for postmenopausal women which are expected to be used as a screening methods for CIND as it is very important in avoiding the effect of dementia associated Alzheimer disease after hormone therapy. CIND screening was also useful for CIND treatment strategies in postmenopausal women and preventing postmenopausal women from impaired cognitive function due to dementia. A cross sectional study included 282 postmenopausal women in Jakarta was done, and subjects were further classified into two groups, with CIND and without CIND. Several related variables such as age, duration of menopause, vasomotor symptoms, BMI, FSH level, LH level, leptin level, estradiol level, and cognitive status, were assessed and analyzed statistically. The prevalence of CIND was significantly correlated with FSH level p 0.018 , along with ratio of FSH levels estradiol p 0.029 and ratio of FSH sOB R p 0.011 , while other variables were not. By multivariate analysis, FSH estradiol ratio of 1.15 was found as the most significant factor with probability of having CIND in postmenopausal women. Using the ROC curve, the ratio threshold of FSH estradiol to predict CIND was 1.94, with sensitivity 66.5 and specificity 46.8 . Level of FSH estradiol ratio in postmenopausal women with CIND was significantly higher than women without CIND, and is related to the role of KNDy neurons that induce the secretion of GnRH, and low level of neurosteroid estradiol in postmenopausal women rsquo s brain with risk of CIND. Ratio of FSH estradiol levels 1.94 could be used for screening methods of CIND in postmenopausal women.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library