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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Linda Siti Rohaeti
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Upik Rukmini
Abstrak :
Penyusunan Perencanaan Strategis lima tahun kedepan (2010 - 2014) di Balai Kesehatan Mata Masyarakat (BKMM) Cikampek Jawa Barat merupakan langkah awal bagi BKMM Cikampek untuk dapat melaksanakan tugas dan fungsinya.·Fungsi manajemcn di BKMM dimulai dari pereacanaan, pelaksanaan, pengendalian dan penilaian kegiatan-kegiatan kesebatan mata masyarakat untuk penanggalangan gangguan pengiibatan dan kebutaan. Perencanaan strategis adalab proses yang dilaksanakan oleh organisasi untuk menelaah situasi lingkungan ekslemal dan internal, dan mengernbangkan pedoman dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk mencapai tujuan organisasi. Perencanaan Strategis di BKMM Cikampek disusun memlalui penelitian operasional yang dimulai dari analisis situasi lingkungan eksternal dan internal organisasi untuk mengidentifikasi factor-faktor peluang dan ancaman serta factor kelemahan dan kekuatan di Balai Kesehatan Mata Masyarakat Cikampek. Dari hasil penelitian ini ditetapkan strategi-strategi yang cocok untuk diterapkan di BKMM Cikampek. Strategi tersebut adalah peningkata promosi, memberikan pelayanan prima, menjalin kerjasama dengan klinik mata dan rumah sakit, mengembangkan inovasi baru untuk pelayanan dalam gedung, memberikan pelayanan prima, mngembangkan sistem informasi, mengembangkan pelatihan kesehatan mala kepada masyarakat, meningkatkan pendapatan melalui PNBP, meningkatkan advokasi, meningkatkan motivasi staf dan pengembangan gedung. Strategi yang telah ditetapkan ini dipatakan dengan pendekalan balance scorecard dalam empat perspektif sasanm strategis yaitu: keuangan, palanggan, proses bisnis internal dam pembelajaran pertumbaban. Untuk pengukuran kinerja setiap sasaran stretagi ditetapkan Key Performance Indicator(KPI) yang merupakan indikator hasil dan indikator pendorong. Tahap implementasi pada tesis ini baru bisa dilakulrnn sampai pada tahap - rencana implementasi dengan menyusun rencana kegiatan dan rencana monitoring - evaluasi untuk menilai tujuan jangka panjang dan menilai kinerja organisasi. Kesimpulan secara umum adalab ditetapkannya visi: Balai Kesehatan Mata Masyarakat Cikampek sebagai pusat kegiatan kesehatan mata masyarakat Visi BKMM Cikampek adalah Melakukan promosi kesehatan mata untuk pemberdayaan masyarakat, melaksanakan dan mengernbangkan pelayanan kesehatan mata yang bermutu dan terjangkau kepada maeyarakat di dalam dan di luar gedung, Mengembangkan jejaring kemitraan dan koordinasi di bidang kesehatan mata dangan institusi terkait untuk mengatasi masalab kesehatan mata di masyarakat dan melaksanakan penelitian untuk mengembangkan pelayanan kesehatan mata sesuai permasalahan masyarakat Untuk tercapainya visi dan misi tersehat diptalnpkan 13 strategi dangan 15 tujuan sttategi dan 16 indikator yang ditetapkan sebagai tolok ukur pencapaian tujuan strategis. Perencanaan strategis yang teiah disusun ini dapat diterapkan oleh Pimpinan dan staf BKMM dengan komitmen bersama. Untuk itu rencana strategis ini perlu disosialisasikan oleh Pimpinan kepada semua staf yang ada di BKMM. Selajutnya setelah rencana strategis ini diimplementasikan perlu dilaksanakan monitoring dan evaluasi secara terus menerus oleh Pimpinan penanggung jawab KPI.
The strategic planning arrangement for five years future (2010- 2014) in the Community Eyes Care Institution (CECI) Cikampek, West Java is the early step for CECI Cikampek to carry out the task and function. The function of management in CECI begin first with planning, actuating, controlling and evaluation to the activities of community eyes care for Prevention of Visual Impairment and Blindness. The strategic planning is a process that crry out by an organization to analyze the situation, and developing the guideline in taking a decision to achieve the goal of organization. The strategic planning in CECl Cikampek is arranged through an operational research with begin from the environment situation analyze of the external and internal to identify the opportunity factor and the threat and also the strength and weakness factor in Community Eyes Care Institution. From this research result had been appointed the suitable strategics to be implemented in CECI Cikampek. The strategies are increasing the promotion, giving the service excellence, making a cooperation with eyes clinic and the hospital, developing the innovation for eye care in building, developing information system, developing eye health training for community, raising the income through retribution, developing advocation, developing staff motivation and developing the building. The strategies that has been established with consensus was followed by mapping the objectives through approach of balance scorecard in four perspectives, are financial perspective customer perspective, internal business and growing and building perspective. The Measurement of performance for each of strategic objective was established with key performance indicator that consist of lag indicator and lead indicator. The implementation step has been done with formulation of action plan and monitoring evaluation planning toward long term objective achievement and performance assessment. The general conclusion of the research is established the vision: Cikampek Community Eye Care institution as a central of community eye health. The missions are, developing eye health promotion for people empowerment, developing the excellent and achievable service for eye health care in building and out of building, developing the partnership networking and coordination of the community eye care with the related institutions and developing the research for developing the eye health has been appropriated with the people health problem. To reach the vision and missions has been appointed 13 the strategies, 15 strategy objectives, and 16 indicator as the measurement of the strategy objective achievement. The strategic planning that has been arranged can be done by the leader and staff of CECI with the commitment Therefor the strategic planning must be disseminated by the leader to the staffs of CECI. After the strategic planning had been implemented must be followed by continous monitoring and evaluation by the leader and the bolder of KPI.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nufus Dwi Talitha
Abstrak :
[Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional menerapkan sistem pembayaran prospektif yaitu dengan tarif INA CBG?s untuk pelayanan di rumah sakit. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu untuk menganalisis selisih biaya layanan dengan tarif INA CBG?s dan tarif rumah sakit khusus kasus sectio caesaria dengan kode ICD X (O.342) pada pasien BPJS berdasarkan komponen biaya serta mengetahui gambaran perbedaan biaya layanan tersebut berdasarkan karakteristik pasien. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif dengan metode cross sectional dengan sampel sebanyak 89 pasien. Dari hasil penelitian didapat rata-rata selisih biaya layanan untuk kasus sectio caesaria dengan diagnosa utama O.342 terhadap tarif rumah sakit adalah selisih negatif (efisien) sebesar Rp 1,236,793,- dengan CRR (cost recovery rate) 120% dan terhadap tarif INA CBG?s adalah selisih positif (tidak efisien) sebesar Rp 1,974,050,- dengan CRR (cost recovery rate) 68% Gambaran perbedaan biaya layanan berdasarkan karakteristik pasien yang memiliki hubungan dengan besarnya biaya layanan adalah kelas rawat (p=0,000), diagnosis sekunder (p=0,050) dan lama hari rawat (p=0,046), sedangkan yang tidak memiliki hubungan dengan besarnya biaya layanan adalah umur pasien (p=0,956).;The National Health Insurance Scheme implementing prospective payment system INA CBG's rates for hospital services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference in cost services with INA CBG's rates and hospitals rates specialty in patients BPJS with sectio caesaria cases with ICD X (O.342) based component costs and reveal the differences in cost of these services is based on the characteristics of the patient. This type of research is quantitative descriptive cross sectional method with a sample of 89 patients. The result is the average difference between the cost of services for Caesaria sectio cases with primary diagnosis O.342 against hospital rates are negative difference (efficient) to Rp 1,236,793, - with the CRR (cost recovery rate) of 120% and against the CBG's INA rates are positive difference (inefficient) to Rp 1,974,050, - with the CRR (cost recovery rate) of 68% service charge difference picture based on the characteristics of patients who have a relationship with the cost of the service is ambulatory class (p = 0.000), a secondary diagnosis (p = 0.050) and the length of stay (p = 0.046), whereas no relation to the cost of the service is the age of the patients (p = 0.956)., The National Health Insurance Scheme implementing prospective payment system INA CBG's rates for hospital services. The purpose of this study is to analyze the difference in cost services with INA CBG's rates and hospitals rates specialty in patients BPJS with sectio caesaria cases with ICD X (O.342) based component costs and reveal the differences in cost of these services is based on the characteristics of the patient. This type of research is quantitative descriptive cross sectional method with a sample of 89 patients. The result is the average difference between the cost of services for Caesaria sectio cases with primary diagnosis O.342 against hospital rates are negative difference (efficient) to Rp 1,236,793, - with the CRR (cost recovery rate) of 120% and against the CBG's INA rates are positive difference (inefficient) to Rp 1,974,050, - with the CRR (cost recovery rate) of 68% service charge difference picture based on the characteristics of patients who have a relationship with the cost of the service is ambulatory class (p = 0.000), a secondary diagnosis (p = 0.050) and the length of stay (p = 0.046), whereas no relation to the cost of the service is the age of the patients (p = 0.956).]
Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library