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Bulaksumur, Yogyakarta : Gajah Mada University Press, 2016
641.563 5 POL
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Leila Sacdalan Africa
Abstrak :
LATAR BELAKANG: Katiadaan instrumen penilaian kompetensi yang valid menyulitkan penilaian praktik konseling terhadap tenaga gizi desa (Barangay Nutrition Scholars, BNS) yang mendapat pelatihan konseling pemberian makanan pada bayi dan anak (infant and young child feeding, IYCF). Studi ini dirancang untuk mengembangkan dan memvalidasi instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS dalam memberikan konseling IYCF. METODE: Desain penelitian metodologi digunakan untuk mengembangkan dan validasi instrumen pengukur kompetensi konseling IYCF meliputi pengetahuan, sikap, dan keterampilan, berdasarkan frekuensi, intensitas, dan aktivitas. Instrumen ini ditujukan penggunaanya oleh BNS, supervisor, maupun klien. Uji coba dan revisi berdasarkan hasil analisis item dilakukan pada 320 BNS dan dilanjutkan dengan uji lapangan terhadap 280 BNS. Validitas isi (content validity) dikaji oleh beberapa pakar, sedangkan konsistensi internal (internal consistency) dan validitas konstruk (construct validity) diuji dengan Cronbach?s alpha dan, exploratory dan confirmatory factor analysis. Distribusi bobot pengetahuan, sikap dan keterampilan dan nilai titik potong kompetensi untuk tiap construct dan instrumen ditetapkan berdasarkan sensitivitas dan spesifisitas menggunakan ROC Curve. HASIL: Instrumen yang valid terdiri dari: 1) 28 item terkait pengetahuan BNS dengan tipe memilih benar atau salah suatu pertanyaan, pertanyaan dengan jawaban singkat, dan pilihan ganda; 2) 10 item terkait sikap BNS dengan Likert scale untuk menilai pandangan pribadi, sikap terhadap implementasi, dan hambatan yang dirasakan saat konseling IYCF; 3) 18 item menggunakan 5 skala frekuensi penilaian BNS dalam mendengarkan, memberikan support, dan praktik penilaian dan keterampilan; 4) 18 item dengan 4 skala nilai untuk atasan BNS menilai intensitas proses konseling, penilaian dan penggunaan materi IYCF; dan 5) 17 item berupa daftar tilik kegiatan untuk klien menilai pemberian support, penilaian, dan praktik keterampilan. Gabungan item masing-masing menjadi instrumen penilaian kompetensi KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM dan KAS-COM dengan nilai titik potong masing-masing yaitu 75%, 50%, 80% dan 65%. Berdasarkan pembobotan 20% untuk pengetahuan, 10% sikap, dan 70% keterampilan diperoleh 30% BNS yang kompeten dalam konseling IYCF. KESIMPULAN: Hasil pengembangan instrumen penilaian kompetensi BNS melakukan konseling IYCF memiliki konsistensi internal dan tingkat validitas yang sedang sampai tinggi.
BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling? METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS, supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320 BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS. Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS. RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and 5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%, 80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%. CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making dependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling? METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS, supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320 BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS. Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS. RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and 5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%, 80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%. CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making dependable judgments and interpretations.;BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling? METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS, supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320 BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS. Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were assessed using Cronbach?s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS. RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and 5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%, 80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%. CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making dependable judgments and interpretations., BACKGROUND: The Barangay (Village) Nutrition Scholars (BNS) has been trained to do infant and young child feeding (IYCF) counseling but the absence of a validated competency instruments constrained the assessment of their competency to do IYCF counseling to their client. This study was designed to develop and validate the instruments to assess the competency of BNS on IYCF counseling and answer the question: how valid and reliable were the developed instrument to measure the competency of trained BNS on IYCF counseling? METHODS: Methodological research design were used to develop and validate the instruments to measure IYCF counseling competency based on knowledge, attitude and skills in terms of frequency, intensity and activity designed for the BNS, supervisor and client, respectively. The instruments were pilot-tested to assess 320 BNS. Item analyses results were used for revisions prior to field test to 280 BNS. Experts checked the content validity; internal consistency and construct validity were assessed using Cronbach’s alpha and exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis, respectively. The weighting distribution for knowledge, attitude and skills and cut-off score for each construct and instrument were established based on sensitivity and specificity using ROC Curve to calculate the score and to identify competent BNS. RESULTS: The validated instruments included: 1) 28 items for BNS knowledge test with true or false, fill-in-the-blanks and multiple-choice formats; 2) 10 items for BNS attitude test with four scale Likert scale to assess personal view, attitude towards implementation, and perceived barriers on IYCF counseling; 3) 18 items of five-scale frequency instrument for BNS to assess listening, giving support, assessment and action skills; 4) 18-item four-scale instrument for BNS supervisor to assess the intensity in doing the counseling process, assessment and use of IYCF materials; and 5) 17-item activity checklist designed for client to assess giving support, assessment and actions skills. These constructs were combined into competency assessment instruments KAS-WOR, KAS-SUP, KAS-MOM and KAS-COM with 75%, 50%, 80% and 65% as cut-off score. Based on the 20-10-70 weighting distributions for knowledge-attitude-skills competent BNS on IYCF counseling was about 30%. CONCLUSIONS: The assessment instruments developed to measure the IYCF counseling competency of BNS had relatively moderate to high internal consistency and validity. This assures that the results of the tests can be relied upon for making dependable judgments and interpretations.]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rita Ramayulis
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Kewajiban mencantumkan informasi kandungan Gula, Garam dan Lemak GGL serta pesan kesehatan pada pangan siap saji telah diatur dalam Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 30 tahun 2013 tentang Pencantuman Informasi Kandungan Gula, Garam dan Lemak serta Pesan Kesehatan untuk Pangan Olahan dan Pangan Siap Saji Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2013 Nomor 617 ; sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia Nomor 63 Tahun 2015 tentang Perubahan atas Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 30 Tahun 2013, akan diberlakukan paling lambat tahun 2019 empat tahun setelah diundangkan . Saat ini belum diketahui keberhasilan pencantuman informasi kandungan GGL serta pesan kesehatan bagi peningkatan pengetahuan, perbaikan pemilihan menu serta penurunan asupan GGL masyarakat untuk mengurangi risiko Penyakit Tidak Menular PTM serta belum tersedia petunjuk teknis pencantuman informasi kandungan GGL serta pesan kesehatan ini pada tempat penyedia pangan siap saji. Tujuan dan Metode : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media papan menu untuk pencantuman informasi kandungan GGL serta pesan kesehatan dan menganalisis pengaruhnya terhadap tingkat pengetahuan tentang GGL serta pesan kesehatan, pemilihan menu dan asupan GGL. Subyek penelitian berasal dari dua SMA di kota Depok sebanyak 374 siswa SMA yang dipilih secara bertingkat Multi Stage Random Sampling . Model pengembangan papan menu meliputi tahapan analisis kebutuhan, desain pembelajaran, pengembangan produk, dan evaluasi produk yang terdiri dari evaluasi formatif dan evaluasi sumatif. Tingkat pengetahuan diukur dengan kuesioner pengetahuan, pemilihan menu dinilai berdasarkan formulir Healthiness Quotient HQ , dan asupan GGL diukur dengan formulir food recall. Hasil : Disain papan menu yang memperoleh nilai paling baik adalah warna dasar papan menu hitam, dan warna tulisan daftar menu, harga, kandungan GGL putih, serta warna tulisan pesan kesehatan kuning. Penulisan daftar menu, harga dan kandungan GGL dalam bentuk tabel. Penulisan pesan kesehatan diletakkan di bawah tabel dengan posisi tengah disertai dengan sumber pesan kesehatan tersebut yaitu Permenkes Nomor 30 tahun 2013. Secara keseluruhan penulisan tulisan pada papan menu ini mengikuti pola F yaitu pada tulisan bagian pertama ditulis secara horizontal dan pesan kesehatan ditulis dengan area yang lebih pendek. Daftar makanan yang dicantumkan pada papan menu tidak hanya pada hidangan yang dijual tetapi juga mencantumkan bahan yang sering ditambahkan pada makanan yang dipesan seperti saos, kecap, mayonaise, gula, sirup dan kerupuk. Uji GLM Multivariate Repeated Measure memperlihatkan setelah dikontrol jenis kelamin, status gizi, jumlah uang jajan, sikap, norma subyektif dan persepsi kontrol perilaku, terdapat pengaruh pencantuman informasi kandungan GGL serta pesan kesehatan pada papan menu di kantin sekolah terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan tentang GGL serta pesan kesehatan, perbaikan pemilihan menu jajanan dan penurunan asupan GGL di kantin sekolah, luar kantin sekolah dan sehari-hari. Pengukuran di lakukan mulai pre intervensi, minggu ke-3, ke-6 dan ke-9 setelah intervensi. Pada kelompok intervensi terjadi peningkatan rata-rata skor pengetahuan dari 45,1, menjadi 49,6, 55,4 dan 58,8, rata-rata skor HQ pemilihan menu jajanan semakin sehat dari 1,5 menjadi 1,2, 1,2 dan 0,9 kantin sekolah , 3,4 menjadi 2,8, 2,5 dan 2,2 luar kantin sekolah , dan 4,7 menjadi 3,7, 3,6 dan 2,9 sehari-hari , rata-rata asupan gula menurun dari 36,5 g menjadi 32,4 g, 30,2 g dan 21,1 g di kantin sekolah , 46,1 g menjadi 39,9 g, 34,7 g dan 30,3 g luar kantin sekolah , dan 82,3 g menjadi 71,7 g, 64,9 g, dan 51,4 g sehari-hari , rata-rata asupan garam menurun dari 897,5 mgNa menjadi 669,4 mgNa, 707,5 mgNa dan 584,8 mgNa kantin sekolah , 1997,3 mgNa menjadi 1646,4 mg Na, 1409,8 mgNa dan 1335,8 mgNa luar kantin sekolah , dan 2894 mgNa menjadi 2299,7 mgNa, 2111,9 mgNa dan 1902 mgNa sehari-hari , rata-rata asupan lemak menurun dari 21,3 g menjadi 16,8 g, 16,8 g dan 16,2 g kantin sekolah , 67,1 g menjadi 60,1 g, 49,9 g dan 44,9 g luar kantin sekolah , dan 88,4 g menjadi 76,9 g, 66,7 g dan 61,2 g sehari-hari . Pada kelompok kontrol tidak terjadi peningkatan pengetahuan skor 42,7 menjadi 43,9, 42,8, dan 43,4 , tidak terjadi perbaikan pemilihan menu di kantin sekolah skor 1,6, menjadi 1,5, 1,8 dan 2,0 , luar kantin sekolah skor 3,0 menjadi 2,9, 2,8 dan 3,1 , dan sehari-hari skor 4,2 menjadi 4,2, 4,2 dan 4,6 , tidak terjadi penurunan asupan gula dari makanan di kantin sekolah 40,9 g menjadi 39,8 g, 47,5 g dan 57,5 g , luar kantin sekolah 39,7 g menjadi 48,1 g, 40,6 g dan 47,6 g dan sehari-hari 78,9 g menjadi 88,9 g, 87,2 g dan 102,5 g , tidak terjadi penurunan asupan garam dari makanan di kantin sekolah 900 mgNa menjadi 854,9 mgNa, 1002,9 mgNa dan 888,1 mgNa , luar kantin sekolah 1715,3 mgNa menjadi 1777,5 mgNa, 1601,8 mgNa dan 1676 mgNa , dan sehari-hari 2592,9 mgNa menjadi 2480,4 mgNa, 2599,4 mgNa dan 2551,6 mgNa , tidak terjadi penurunan asupan lemak dari makanan di kantin sekolah 25,2 g menjadi 22,3 g, 26,6 g dan 24,7 g , luar kantin sekolah 59 g menjadi 55,8 g, 51,2 g dan 56,9 g dan sehari-hari 83,9 g menjadi 77,7 g, 77,8 g dan 81,7 g. Kesimpulan : Pencantuman informasi kandungan GGL serta pesan kesehatan pada papan menu di kantin sekolah meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa SMA tentang GGL serta pesan kesehatan, memperbaiki pemilihan menu dan menurunkan asupan GGL.Saran : Hasil penelitian ini dapat dijadikan referensi yang menguatkan kewajiban pencantuman informasi GGL serta pesan kesehatan untuk mengurangi risiko penyakit tidak menular dengan mengedukasi masyarakat melalui pencantuman informasi GGL serta pesan kesehatan pada pangan siap saji dan disain papan menunya dapat diadop oleh kementerian kesehatan untuk menjadi bagian dari petunjuk teknis pelaksanaan Permenkes Nomor 30 tahun 2013 Berita Negara Republik Indonesia Tahun 2013 Nomor 617 terutama untuk pangan siap saji.Kata kunci : kandungan GGL, pesan kesehatan, papan menu, asupan GGL. ......Background: The obligation to include information on the content of Sugar, Salt and Fat SSF also health messages on ready to eat foods has been regulated in Minister of Health Regulation No. 30 of 2013 on inclusion of information on sugar, salt and fat contents also health message for prepared food and ready to eat State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia No. 617 of 2013 as already amended by Minister of Health Regulation No. 63 of 2015 on Amendment to Regulation of the Minister of Health No. 30 of 2013, shall be effective in 2019 four years after the enactment . It isn rsquo t currently known the success of the inclusion of information on SSF contents also health messages for the improvement of knowledge, improvement of menu selection and the decrease of SSF intake to reduce the risk of NonCommunicable Diseases NCDs and the technical guidance inclusion of information on SSF contents and health message is not yet available at the food seller. Objectives and Methods: This study aims to develop menu board media for the inclusion of information on SSF contents also health messages and analyze its effect on the level of knowledge about SSF also health messages, menu selections and SSF intake. The research subjects are from two senior high schools in Depok city as many as 374 high school students selected in stages Multi Stage Random Sampling . The menu board development model includes the stages of needs analysis, instructional design, product development, and product evaluation consisting of formative evaluation and summative evaluation. The level of knowledge measured by a knowledge questionnaire, menu selection assessed by the Healthiness Quotient HQ form, and the SSF intake measured by a food recall form. Result: The best menu board design that get the best value is the basic color of the black menu board, and white color is for the menu listing, price, SSF content, while yellow color is for health message. Writing menu lists, pricing and SSF content in tabular form. Health message writing placed under the table at the middle position accompanied by the health message source is Minister of Health Regulation No. 30 of 2013. Overall writing on board menu follows the F pattern that is on the first part of the writing is written horizontally and health messages written have more areas. The list of foods that listed on the menu board is not only on the dishes that they sold but also lists of the ingredients that are often added to the ordered food such as sauces, soy sauce, mayonnaise, sugar, syrup and crackers. GLM Multivariate Repeated Measure test shows after sex, nutritional status, amount of money, attitude, subjective norm and perception of behavior control had controlled, and there is influence of inclusion of information on SSF contents also health message on school menu board in school cafeteria to increase knowledge about SSF and health message , improved menu selections and decreased SSF intake at the school cafeteria, outside of the school cafeteria and daily intake. Measurements made from pre intervention, 3rd, 6th and 9th week after intervention. In the intervention group there was an increase in the average of score of knowledge from 45.1, to 49.6, 55.4 and 58.8, the average of HQ score from 1.5 to 1.2, 1.2 and 0.9 school cafeteria , 3.4 to 2.8, 2.5 and 2.2 outside of the school cafeteria , and 4.7 to 3.7, 3.6 and 2.9 daily intake , the average of sugar intake decreased from 36.5 g to 32.4 g, 30.2 g and 21.1 g school cafeteria , 46.1 g to 39.9 g, 34.7 g and 30 , 3 g outside of the school cafeteria , and 82.3 g to 71.7 g, 64.9 g, and 51.4 g daily intake , the average of salt intake decreased from 897.5 mgNa to 669, 4 mgNa, 707,5 mgNa and 584,8 mgNa school cafeteria , 1997,3 mgNa to 1646,4 mg Na, 1409,8 mgNa and 1335,8 mgNa outside of the school cafeteria , and 2894 mgNa become 2299,7 mgNa, 2111.9 mgNa and 1902 mgNa daily intake , while the average of fat intake decreased from 21.3 g to 16.8 g, 16.8 g and 16.2 g school cafeteria , 67.1 g to 60.1 g, 49.9 g and 44.9 g outside of the school cafeteria , and 88.4 g at 76.9 g, 66.7 g and 61.2 g daily intake . Meanwhile, the control group, there wasn rsquo t increase in knowledge scores of 42.7 to 43.9, 42.8, and 43.4 , no improvement in menu selections in the school cafeteria scores 1.6, 1.5, 1.8 and 2.0 , outside of the school cafeteria score 3.0 to 2.9, 2.8 and 3.1 , and daily intake score 4.2 to 4.2, 4.2 and 4.6 , there was not decrease in the intake of sugar from school cafeteria 40.9 g to 39.8 g, 47.5 g and 57.5 g , outside of the school cafeteria 39.7 g to 48.1 g, 40.6 g and 47.6 g and daily intake 78.9 g to 88.9 g, 87.2 g and 102.5 g , there was no decrease of salt intake from school cafeteria 900 mg Na to 854.9 mgNa , 1002.9 mgNa and 888.1 mgNa , outside of school cafeteria 1715.3 mgNa to 1777.5 mgNa, 1601.8 mgNa and 1676 mgNa , and daily intake 2592.9 mgNa to 2480.4 mgNa, 2599.4 mgNa and 2551.6 mgNa , no decrease in dietary fat intake in the school cafeteria 25.2 g to 22.3 g, 26.6 g and 24.7 g , outside of the school cafeteria 59 g being 55.8 g, 51.2 g and 56.9 g and daily intake 83.9 g to 77.7 g, 77.8 g and 81.7 g. Conclusion: Inclusion of information on SSF contents also health messages on the menu boards in the school cafeteria enhances senior high school students rsquo knowledge of SSF and health messages, improves menu selections and decrease SSF intake.Suggestions The results of this study can be use as a reference to strengthen the obligation of inclusion of information on SSF information also health messages to reduce the risk of non communicable diseases NCDs by educate the public through the inclusion of information on SSF contents and health messages on fast food and design of the menu board can be adopted by the Health Ministry to be part of the technical guidance on the implementation of Health Ministry Regulation No. 30 of 2013 State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2013 Number 617 , especially for fast food.Keywords SSF contents, health message, menu board, SSF intake.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Tri Waluyanti
Abstrak :
Kejadian malnutrisi pada balita menjadi perhatian besar karena menyangkut investasi sumber daya manusia. Indonesia menghadapi triple burden status gizi balita yang menjadi beban negara. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menurunkan prevalensi kurang gizi balita. Growth faltering sebagai indikator awal risiko terjadinya stunting menjadi titik awal intervensi intensif dilakukan untuk mencegah stunting. Upaya mengatasi growth faltering dilakukan melalui intervensi spesifik terutama pemberian makan bayi dan anak pada baduta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas brief intervention terhadap praktik pemberian makan responsif pada bayi growth faltering usia 6-23 bulan. Desain penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental study dengan sampel 33 responden di kelompok kontrol (mendapatkan intervensi konseling pemberian makan bayi dan anak/PMBA dan kelompok intervensi (mendapatkan intervensi konseling PMBA dan brief intervention). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelompok yang mendapatkan intervensi cenderung meningkatkan skor total pemberian makan responsif dan skor active feeding, meskipun tidak ditemukan signifikansi (pValue > 0,05); sedangkan pad kelompok kontrol selisih skor menunjukkan penurunan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok yang mendapat intervensi konseling PMBA dengan kelompok yang mendapatkan intervensi PMBA dan brief intervention “Mentari”. Rekomendasi pelayanan menunjukkan bahwa konseling PMBA tetap dapat menjadi intervensi mengubah praktik pemberian makan. ......The incidence of malnutrition in children under five is a big concern because it involves investing in human resources. Indonesia faces a triple burden on the nutritional status of children under five. Various efforts were made to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition. Growth faltering as an early indicator of the risk of stunting is the starting point for intensive interventions to prevent stunting. Efforts to overcome growth faltering are carried out through specific interventions, especially infant and young child feeding practices. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of the brief intervention on responsive feeding practices in growth-faltering infants aged 6-23 months. The design of this study was a pre-experimental study with a sample of 33 respondents in the control group (getting infant and young child feeding counselling interventions/IYCF and intervention groups (getting IYCF counselling interventions and brief intervention). The results of this study showed that the group that received the intervention tended to improve the total responsive feeding score and active feeding score, although no significance was found (pValue > 0.05); Meanwhile, in the control group, the difference in scores showed a decrease. These results showed no significant difference between the group that received IYCF counselling intervention and the group that received IYCF intervention and brief intervention. Service recommendations suggest that IYCF counselling can still be an intervention to change feeding practices.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dwi Cahya Rahmadiyah
Abstrak :
Stunting dipengaruhi oleh faktor keluarga dan rumah tangga, yang akan mempengaruhi kemampuan keluarga dalam melakukan pemenuhan gizi balita, yang tentunya tidak lepas dari peran keluarga. Keluarga berperan sebagai penyedia sumber daya baik fisik maupun psikis yang dapat mencegah timbulnya masalah kesehatan, sehingga keluarga memiliki peran yang signifikan dalam pencegahan stunting. Ketahanan keluarga dimediasi oleh fungsi keluarga. Penelitian deskriptif kualitatif bertujuan untuk menggali ketahanan keluarga dalam memenuhi kebutuhan gizi anak stunting. Studi ini melibatkan wawancara mendalam dengan 23 keluarga anak stunting usia 24–59 bulan. Melalui analisis isi, kami mengidentifikasi 3 tema: 1) ketahanan keluarga termasuk keyakinan keluarga bahwa penyebab stunting adalah karena faktor keturunan dan 2) stunting dapat “disembuhkan”, dan 3) kurangnya komunikasi dalam keluarga tentang stunting pada anak . Penelitian selanjutnya sebaiknya membahas model intervensi untuk meningkatkan resiliensi dan mencegah stunting pada anak di bawah usia lima tahun. ......Stunting is influenced by family and household factors, that will affect the ability of families to practice fulfilling toddler nutrition, which certainly cannot be separated from the role of the family. Family has a role as a provider of both physical and psychological resources that can prevent the health problems, so that the family has a significant role in preventing stunting. Family resilience is mediated by family functioning. A qualitative descriptive study aimed to explore family resilience in fulfilling the nutritional needs of stunted children. This study involved in-depth interviews with 23 families of stunted children aged 24–59 months. Through content analysis, we identified 3 themes: 1) the family resilience including the family belief in the causes of stunting are due to heredity and 2) stunting can be “cured”, and 3) lack of communication within the family about the child's stunting. Future studies should discuss intervention models to increase resilience and prevent stunting in children under five years of age.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Fajar Tri Waluyanti
Abstrak :
Kejadian malnutrisi pada balita menjadi perhatian besar karena menyangkut investasi sumber daya manusia. Indonesia menghadapi triple burden status gizi balita yang menjadi beban negara. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk menurunkan prevalensi kurang gizi balita. Growth faltering sebagai indikator awal risiko terjadinya stunting menjadi titik awal intervensi intensif dilakukan untuk mencegah stunting. Upaya mengatasi growth faltering dilakukan melalui intervensi spesifik terutama pemberian makan bayi dan anak pada baduta. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi efektivitas brief intervention terhadap praktik pemberian makan responsif pada bayi growth faltering usia 6-23 bulan. Desain penelitian ini adalah pre-experimental study dengan sampel 29 responden di kelompok kontrol (mendapatkan intervensi konseling pemberian makan bayi dan anak/PMBA dan 27 responden kelompok intervensi (mendapatkan intervensi konseling PMBA dan brief intervention). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kelompok yang mendapatkan intervensi cenderung meningkatkan skor total pemberian makan responsif dan skor active feeding, meskipun tidak ditemukan signifikansi (pValue > 0,05); sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol selisih skor menunjukkan penurunan. Hasil ini menunjukkan bahwa tidak ada perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok yang mendapat intervensi konseling PMBA dengan kelompok yang mendapatkan intervensi PMBA dan brief intervention “Mentari”. Rekomendasi pelayanan menunjukkan bahwa konseling PMBA tetap dapat menjadi intervensi mengubah praktik pemberian makan. ......The incidence of malnutrition in children under five is a big concern because it involves investing in human resources. Indonesia faces a triple burden on the nutritional status of children under five. Various efforts were made to reduce the prevalence of malnutrition. Growth faltering as an early indicator of the risk of stunting is the starting point for intensive interventions to prevent stunting. Efforts to overcome growth faltering are carried out through specific interventions, especially infant and young child feeding practices. This study aims to identify the effectiveness of the brief intervention on responsive feeding practices in growth-faltering infants aged 6-23 months. The design of this study was a pre-experimental study with a sample of 29 respondents in the control group (getting infant and young child feeding counselling interventions/IYCF and 27 respondents in the intervention groups (getting IYCF counselling interventions and brief intervention). The results of this study showed that the group that received the intervention tended to improve the total responsive feeding score and active feeding score, although no significance was found (pValue > 0.05); Meanwhile, in the control group, the difference in scores showed a decrease. These results showed no significant difference between the group that received IYCF counselling intervention and the group that received IYCF intervention and brief intervention. Service recommendations suggest that IYCF counselling can still be an intervention to change feeding practices.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library