Harfan Sakti
Abstrak :
Pengembangan sebuah wilayah perkotaan sudah seharusnya mempertimbangkan
berbagai zona yang padat dan sibuk dengan aktivitas ekonomi termasuk stasiun
kereta. Moda transportasi ini mempunyai kapasitas dapat mengangkut
penumpang dalam jumlah yang besar, beroperasi secara cepat, nyaman, aman dan
terjadwal dengan frekwensi operasi yang tinggi. Keselamatan jiwa penumpang
dan orang yang bekerja di area tersebut harus menjadi prioritas utama dalam tahap
desain, konstruksi, operasi dan pemeliharaan sistem. Kebakaran yang terjadi pada
area padat dan sibuk seperti stasiun masih menjadi permasalahan besar, termasuk
di Jakarta, Indonesia. Kebakaran di sistem transportasi massal memberikan
dampak yang serius karena dapat membawa korban jiwa dan kerugian ekonomi
yang besar. Kondisi keramaian dan padat yang berakibat orang terluka atau tewas
tidak terbatas hanya pada keadaan darurat kebakaran. Bahkan kondisi ini dapat
terjadi dalam keadaan yang nampak seperti normal. Dalam tahap desain stasiun
komuterline dan mass rapid transit yang baru, karakteristik pergerakan
penumpang lokal harus menjadi pertimbangan utama. Tulisan ini menampilkan
hasil analisis pergerakan penumpang berdasarkan survey dari tiga stasiun
komuterline tersibuk di Jakarta. Survey dilaksanakan selama jam-jam sibuk pada
pagi hari dan sore hari. Hasil survey menunjukkan bahwa pergerakan penumpang
dipengaruhi oleh kepadatan di berbagai lokasi di stasiun, di peron, di concourse
dan tiket gate. Nilai aliran spesifik yang optimum juga diperoleh untuk dijadikan
kerangka acuan yang dapat dipertimbangkan selama tahap desain. Secara umum,
hasil penelitian memperlihatkan bahwa rata-rata kecepatan berjalan dan aliran
spesifik penumpang lokal dalam tingkat kepadatan tertentu sedikit lebih rendah
dibanding standard dinegara yang telah berpengalaman dengan sistem tranportasi
sejenis (Singapura, USA dan Jepang). Analisis teknik keselamatan kebakaran
digunakan untuk mendapatkan tingkat keselamatan optimum di stasiun, jumlah,
luasan, panjang/lebar lintasan evakuasi dan sistem pendukung lainnya. Hasil
analisis diaplikasikan sebagai masukan dalam menyusun tingkatan optimum
dalam peningkatan layanan normal dan darurat kebakaran di stasiun.
The development of an urban area have to include the consideration of various
zone which crowded by economic activity. Railway have become the most
popular transportation mode due to by its capacity in carrying large number of
passengers, rapid operation, comfort, safety and high frequency of operation. Life
safety of the passenger is the main consideration during the design stage,
construction, operation and maintenance of the whole systems. In this issue, a fire
disaster that occurs in crowded and busy areas is still major problem, including in
the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. A fire disaster in a mass public transportation
system could cause serious impact due to thousand of pupils may be affected.
During design stage of a new mass rapid transit lines, the walking characteristics
of the local passengers should be greatly considered. This paper presented the
result of passenger movement based on survey of three busiest commuterline
stations in Jakarta. The survey was carried out during the peak hours both in the
morning and in the evening. It is observed that the walking of the passenger was
affected by density at various locations measured on the platform and concourse
levels as well as at the ticket gates. The corresponding value of the specific flow
was also derived to frame the average value that could be considered during the
design stage of a new line. In general, the study show that both the average
walking speed and the specific flow of the local passengers at certain density are
slightly lower than the average value given in the international standards such as
Standard for Fire Safety in Rapid Transit System (Singapore), NFPA 130 (USA)
and MLIT (Technical Standard Requirement for Japan Railway). The study show
that fire engineering analysis is necessary to determine system means of escape,
number means of escape, area means of escape, width/distance means of escape
and others ancylary system. Result of analysis applied as inputs in prepeparing the
optimum level in improving services normal condition and fire mergency at
railstation.;The development of an urban area have to include the consideration of various
zone which crowded by economic activity. Railway have become the most
popular transportation mode due to by its capacity in carrying large number of
passengers, rapid operation, comfort, safety and high frequency of operation. Life
safety of the passenger is the main consideration during the design stage,
construction, operation and maintenance of the whole systems. In this issue, a fire
disaster that occurs in crowded and busy areas is still major problem, including in
the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. A fire disaster in a mass public transportation
system could cause serious impact due to thousand of pupils may be affected.
During design stage of a new mass rapid transit lines, the walking characteristics
of the local passengers should be greatly considered. This paper presented the
result of passenger movement based on survey of three busiest commuterline
stations in Jakarta. The survey was carried out during the peak hours both in the
morning and in the evening. It is observed that the walking of the passenger was
affected by density at various locations measured on the platform and concourse
levels as well as at the ticket gates. The corresponding value of the specific flow
was also derived to frame the average value that could be considered during the
design stage of a new line. In general, the study show that both the average
walking speed and the specific flow of the local passengers at certain density are
slightly lower than the average value given in the international standards such as
Standard for Fire Safety in Rapid Transit System (Singapore), NFPA 130 (USA)
and MLIT (Technical Standard Requirement for Japan Railway). The study show
that fire engineering analysis is necessary to determine system means of escape,
number means of escape, area means of escape, width/distance means of escape
and others ancylary system. Result of analysis applied as inputs in prepeparing the
optimum level in improving services normal condition and fire mergency at
railstation., The development of an urban area have to include the consideration of various
zone which crowded by economic activity. Railway have become the most
popular transportation mode due to by its capacity in carrying large number of
passengers, rapid operation, comfort, safety and high frequency of operation. Life
safety of the passenger is the main consideration during the design stage,
construction, operation and maintenance of the whole systems. In this issue, a fire
disaster that occurs in crowded and busy areas is still major problem, including in
the city of Jakarta, Indonesia. A fire disaster in a mass public transportation
system could cause serious impact due to thousand of pupils may be affected.
During design stage of a new mass rapid transit lines, the walking characteristics
of the local passengers should be greatly considered. This paper presented the
result of passenger movement based on survey of three busiest commuterline
stations in Jakarta. The survey was carried out during the peak hours both in the
morning and in the evening. It is observed that the walking of the passenger was
affected by density at various locations measured on the platform and concourse
levels as well as at the ticket gates. The corresponding value of the specific flow
was also derived to frame the average value that could be considered during the
design stage of a new line. In general, the study show that both the average
walking speed and the specific flow of the local passengers at certain density are
slightly lower than the average value given in the international standards such as
Standard for Fire Safety in Rapid Transit System (Singapore), NFPA 130 (USA)
and MLIT (Technical Standard Requirement for Japan Railway). The study show
that fire engineering analysis is necessary to determine system means of escape,
number means of escape, area means of escape, width/distance means of escape
and others ancylary system. Result of analysis applied as inputs in prepeparing the
optimum level in improving services normal condition and fire mergency at
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library