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Wahyu Indianti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang penelitian ini berawal dari masalah yang sering muncul dalam perkembangan karir pada remaja terutama dalam hal memilih, meningkatkan, dan mempertahankan konsistensi dalam memilih karir seperti pilihan pendidikan. Kemampuan itu disebut adaptabilitas karir. Penelitian ini mempertanyakan faktor apa yang mempengaruhi peningkatan adaptabilitas karir. Asumsi yang ditegakkan adalah ketika individu berhasil menerapkan regulasi diri dalam belajar, yang pembentukannya dipengaruhi oleh dukungan sosial, maka perencanaan, pemilihan dan pengembangan karir akan lebih mudah dilakukan. Untuk membuktikan asumsi tersebut, penelitian ini melihat keterakaitan antara dukungan sosial sebagai sumber yang membantu pembentukan keterampilan regulasi diri dalam belajar dengan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir sebagai sikap dan kesiapan dalam menghadapi tantangan perkembangan karir. Penelitian ini menguji kesesuaian model yang melihat peranan dukungan sosial dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar sehingga dapat meningkatkan pembangunan adaptabilitas karir yang tinggi. Penelitian ini mengukur tiga variabel yaitu dukungan sosial sebagai variabel independen, regulasi diri dalam belajar sebagai variabel mediator dan adaptabilitas karir sebagai variabel dependen. Partisipan dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 1012 mahasiswa baru dari semua fakultas yang ada di UI dengan pengolahan data menggunakan structural equation model dari Lisrel 8.80, teknik regresi berganda untuk menguji hipotesis yang ditegakkan dan menggunakan anovar untuk memperkaya hasil penelitian. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan model yang diajukan sesuai dengan data di lapangan dan membuktikan bahwa variabel regulasi diri dalam belajar adalah mediator penuh antara variabel dukungan sosial dengan variabel adaptabilitas karir. Artinya dukungan sosial hanya akan bermakna dalam pembangunan adaptabilitas karir apabila dimediasi oleh regulasi diri dalam belajar. Perlunya peningkatan peranan dukungan sosial untuk membantu remaja dalam internalisasi regulasi diri dalam belajar agar mereka dapat membangun adaptabilitas karir yang kuat.;
The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people;The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people, The background of this study come from problems that often arise in career developmental skill, especially in terms of choosing a career, improve, and maintain consistency in choosing a career (e.g. education). That ability is called career adaptability. This study questioned what factors influence the increase career adaptability. The assumption made is when an individual successfully implementing self-regulation in learning, that its formation is influenced by social support, the planning, selection and career development will be easier to do. To prove these assumptions, this study will look at a relationship between social support as an agent of the formation of self-regulation skills in the development of career adaptability as attitude and readiness to face the challenges of career development task and the situational changes. This study examined the suitability of the model that saw the role of social support in the internalization of self-regulated learning to improve the development of strong and high career adaptability. This study measured three variables: social support as an independent variable, self-regulated learning as mediator variables and career adaptability as the dependent variable. Participants in this study amounted to 1012 new students of all faculties at the UI. For processing the data, this study using structural equation model of Lisrel 8.80, and using multiple regression techniques to test the hypothesis. Anovar was used to rich the rusult. The results of this study indicate that the model proposed in accordance with the data in the field and prove that the variables of self-regulated learning is a full mediator between social support and career adaptability. The implication from this study is, social support such as parents, teachers and peers, had a strategic influence in building regulated learning skill in order to strengthen career adaptability in young people]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Melly Latifah
Abstrak :
Keterampilan membaca untuk tujuan memahami materi bacaan merupakan faktor penting dalam pembelajaran dan keberhasilan siswa di sekolah. Membaca bukan sekedar aktivitas menyimpan informasi dalam ingatan, namun lebih dari itu, merupakan proses membangun pengetahuan yang melibatkan pengolahan informasi pada tingkat yang lebih tinggi dari sekedar merekam informasi. Untuk membangun pemahaman, diperlukan strategi metakognitif yang berfungsi memfasilitasi proses pemahaman siswa. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengkaji penggunaan strategi metakognitif dalam pemahaman bacaan pada siswa-siswa sekolah menengah pertama di wilayah Jawa pesisir dan Jawa pedalaman. Penelitian ini menggunakan mixed methods research design, yang melibatkan 61 siswa dari wilayah pesisir dan 55 siswa dari wilayah pedalaman. Penelitian menggunakan prosedur think-aloud untuk mengetahui jenis-jenis strategi metakognitif yang digunakan selama proses memahami bacaan. Hasil penelitian menemukan tiga hal. Pertama, ada perbedaan penggunaan strategi metakognitif dalam membaca antara siswa di wilayah Jawa pesisir dan pedalaman. Siswa pedalaman terbukti menggunakan strategi lebih sering dari siswa pesisir. Akan tetapi, jenis strategi yang digunakan siswa di pesisir cenderung lebih beragam dan lebih berkualitas. Kedua, penggunaan strategi metakognitif dalam membaca terbukti berpengaruh terhadap tingkat pemahaman bacaan siswa. Ketiga, masing-masing wilayah penelitian Jawa pesisir dan Jawa pedalaman memiliki jenis-jenis strategi metakognitif khas. Strategi metakognitif khas yang dimiliki siswa di Jawa pesisir lebih banyak dan lebih menyebar di wilayah jenis strategi metakognitif yang lebih tinggi kualitasnya. Sebaliknya, strategi metakognitif khas siswa Jawa pedalaman jumlahnya lebih sedikit dan lebih menyebar di wilayah jenis strategi metakognitif yang lebih rendah. Implikasi dari penelitian ini adalah keterampilan metakognitif siswa SMP dalam pemahaman bacaan perlu ditingkatkan. Untuk itu, perlu dirumuskan suatu model pelatihan perancah metakognitif bagi guru agar mereka dapat melatih keterampilan metakognitif siswa-siswanya. ...... Reading skills for understanding reading materials are important factors in student learning and success in school. Reading is not just an act of storing information in memory, but more than that is a process of building knowledge that involves information processing at a higher level than just recording information. The metacognitive strategy is needed to facilitate the process of understanding. This study was conducted to examine the use of metacognitive strategies in reading comprehension among junior high school students in coastal and upland Java areas. This research uses mixed methods research design, involving 61 students from coastal areas and 55 students from upland areas. The study used a think-aloud procedure to identify the types of metacognitive strategies used during the reading comprehension process. The results of this study found three things. First, there is a difference in the use of metacognitive strategies in reading between students in coastal and upland Java areas. Upland students use strategies more often than coastal students. However, the types of strategies used by students on the coast are more diverse and more qualified. Second, the use of metacognitive strategies in reading affected the level of students 39; reading comprehension. Third, each research group coastal Java and upland Java has typical types of metacognitive strategies. The typical metacognitive strategies of students in coastal Java are more and more widespread in areas of higher quality metacognitive strategies. In contrast, the metacognitive strategy typical of upland students is fewer and more widespread in areas of lower metacognitive strategy. The implication of this research is the junior high school students 39; metacognitive skill in reading comprehension need to be improved. Therefore, it is necessary to formulate a model of metacognitive scaffolding training for junior high school teachers so that teachers can train the metacognitive skills of their students. With this training, teachers can help students to improve their skills in using metacognitive strategies so that students 39; reading comprehension can be improved.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Eva Septiana
Abstrak :
Kecurangan akademik merupakan fenomena yang dampaknya merugikan bagi pengembangan karakter mahasiswa karena akan memengaruhi perilaku mahasiswa selanjutnya di masyarakat. Studi ini bertujuan untuk meneliti pengaruh emosi moral yang terdiri dari emosi malu, emosi bersalah, dan emosi bangga hubris yang dimoderasi oleh identitas moral terhadap kecurangan akademik pada mahasiswa. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksperimen yang melibatkan 189 mahasiswa dari seluruh fakultas di Universitas Indonesia. Partisipan diminta untuk mengisi emosi yang dirasakan setelah membaca skenario emosi malu, emosi bersalah dan emosi bangga hubris, Moral Identity Questionaire dan tugas matriks angka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa emosi bersalah berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecurangan akademik, semakin merasa bersalah maka mahasiswa semakin tidak melakukan kecurangan. Hasil lain juga menunjukkan bahwa identitas moral berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kecurangan akademik mahasiswa. Mahasiswa yang memiliki identitas moral yang tinggi, tidak akan melakukan kecurangan. Selain itu ditemukan hasil bahwa identitas moral berperan sebagai moderator pada pengaruh antara emosi bersalah terhadap kecurangan akademik mahasiswa. Penelitian ini memiliki keterbatasan teoritik karena peneliti tidak memperhitungkan faktor eksternal yang memengaruhi kecurangan akademik. Padahal secara teori, perilaku manusia dipengaruhi oleh faktor internal dan eksternal. Penelitian ini memiliki implikasi praktis bahwa yang perlu didahulukan adalah pendidikan kepedulian dan empati. Dengan pendidikan ini sedari dini, bila keduanya hadir/bisa dididik, maka seseorang akan merasa bersalah bila melakukan yang tidak sesuai dengan norma yang berlaku. Selain itu nilai-nilai kejujuran, keadilan dan tanggung jawab juga perlu ditanamkan sejak kecil. Dengan identitas moral yang kuat, individu akan menampilkan dirinya secara konsisten sebagai orang yang bermoral. Saran penelitian ini antara lain instansi pendidikan perlu memantapkan standar moral yang berlaku, kesamaan persepsi mengenai kecurangan akademik, penerapan peraturan tentang kecurangan akademik secara konsisten, penghargaan perlu diberikan pada mahasiswa yang menerapkan kejujuran, serta hukuman perlu mengandung aspek emosi bersalah, yang berisi nilai-nilai yang sudah terinternalisasi. ......Academic dishonesty is a phenomenon whose impact is detrimental to the development of student character as it will affect the behavior of subsequent students in the community. This study aims to examine the influence of moral emotions consisting of shame, guilt, and hubris pride emotions that are moderated by the moral identity of academic dishonesty on the college students. This research is an experimental research involving 189 students from all faculties at Universitas Indonesia. Participants were asked to fill the perceived emotion after reading the shame, guilt and hubris pride scenario, the Moral Identity Questionaire and the numerical matrix assignment. The results showed that the guilty emotions have a significant effect on academic dishonesty, the more guilty the students are the less the cheating. Other results also show that moral identity has a significant effect on student academic dishonesty. Students who have a high moral identity, will not commit cheating. In addition, it was found out that moral identity acts as a moderator on the influence of emotion of guilt against student academic dishonesty. This study has theoretical limitations because researchers do not take into account the external factors that affect academic dishonesty. Whereas in theory, human behavior is influenced by internal and external factors. This study has practical implications that what needs to come first is education of care and empathy. With this education early on, if both are present/can be educated, then someone will feel guilty when doing that is not in accordance with prevailing norms. In addition, the values ?? ??of honesty, fairness and responsibility also need to be instilled since childhood. With a strong moral identity, the individual will present himself consistently as a moral person. Suggestions of this research include educational institutions need to strengthen applicable moral standards, common perceptions of academic dishonesty, the application of rules on academic dishonesty consistently, awards need to be given to students who apply honesty, and punishment needs to contain aspects of emotional guilt, which contains the values which has already been internalized.
Depok: Fakultas Psikologi Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library