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Gustin Sukmarini
Abstrak :
Latar belakang:Sepsis adalah infeksi bakteri dalam darah yang sangat serius (SBI) karena akan mengancam jiwa. Masih tingginya angka kematian balita karena infeksi berat dan keterbatasan fasilitas di rumah sakit daerah untuk mendiagnosis terjadinya SBI, maka penilaian secara klinis dengan menggunakan standar yang valid dalam menegakkan diagnosis SBI sangat diperlukan. Salah satu metode yang dapat digunakan untuk menilai apakah anak diprediksi menderita SBI adalah dengan skala Acute illness observation scale (AIOS). Peneliti terdahulu menemukan skalaAIOS >8 mempunyai titik potong paling baik, tapi validasi keakuratannya perlu diteliti lebih lanjut. Tujuan:Melakukan validasi menggunakan skala AIOS>8 untuk mendeteksi terjadinya infeksi bakteri serius pada usia 3-36 bulan yang datang dengan demam, dan membandingkannya dengan diagnosis akhir dari dokter spesialis anak. Metode :Uji diagnostik potong lintang dan validasi skor menggunakan tabel dua kali dua, untuk mendapatkan nilai sensitifitas, spesifisitas, nilai duga positif, nilai duga negatif dan rasio kemungkinan positif dan negatif. Hasil penelitian :Dari 143 sampel, subjek penderita SBI sebesar 44(30,77%), proporsi anak laki-laki sama dengan perempuan. dan usia terbanyak adalah 3-12 bulan yaitu 27(61,4%) subjek. Subjek penderita SBI dengan skoring AIOS > 8 sebanyak 41( (93,2%%). Penyakit SBI terbanyak adalah pnemonia 21(47,7%) subjek, diikuti ISK (13,6%), diare bakterial, sepsis dan ensefalitis masing masing (9,1%), selulitis (6,8%) dan meningitis (4,6%) dan penyakit bukan SBI terbanyak adalah ISPA 36(36,4%) subjek. Sensitifitas skor AIOS 95,5% (IK 95%; 84,5-99,4%), spesifisitas 29,3% (IK 95%; 20,6-39,3%), nilai duga positif 37,5% (IK 95%; 34,3-40,9%), nilai duga negatif 93,6% (IK 95%; 78,4-98,3%), rasio kemungkinan positif 1,4 (IK95%; 1,2-1,6), rasio kemungkinan negatif 0,2 (IK95%; 0,04-0,6). AUC(area under receiver operating characteristic curve 0,655 dengan p 0,002 dan IK 95% 0,6-0,8) dapat mendiskriminasi pasien-pasien yang dicurigai SBI dengan baik. Kesimpulan : Penggunaan skala AIOS>8 sangat sensitif untuk mendeteksi terjadinya infeksi bakteri serius pada usia 3-36 bulan.
Back ground. Sepsis is a very serious bacterial infection in the blood (SBI) because it will be life-threatening. The high rates of under-five mortality due to severe infections and limited facilities in local hospitals, a clinical assessment must be use a valid standard to diagnose SBI. One method that can be used to assess whether a child is predicted to have SBI is the scale of the Acute illness observation scale (AIOS). The previous researcher found that the scale of AIOS > 8 has the best cutoff point, but the validation of accuracy needs to be further investigated.. Aim: Validate using AIOS scale> 8 to detect the occurrence of serious bacterial infections at the age of 3-36 months who come with fever, and compare it with the final diagnosis of pediatrician. Method. The cross-sectional diagnostic test and the scoring validation use the two-by-two tables, to obtain sensitivity, specificity, positive predictor, negative predictor and positive and negative probability ratios. Result. Of the 143 samples, the subject of SBI was 44 (30.77%), the proportion of boys was the same as for women. And the most ages were 3-12 months ie 27 (61.4%) subjects. Subjects of SBI patients with AIOS scores > 8 were 41 ((93.2 %%) . The highest SBI disease was pneumonia 21 (47.7%) subjects, followed by UTI (13.6%), bacterial diarrhea, sepsis and encephalitis respectively (9,1%), cellulitis (6.8%) and meningitis (4.6%) and non-SBI disease were mostly ARI 36 (36.4%) subjects, AIOS score sensitivity 95.5% (95% IK; 84,5-99,4%), specificity 29,3% (95% IK, 20,6-39,3%), positive predictive value 37,5% (95% IK, 34,3-40,9% ), A negative predictive value of 93.6% (95% IK, 78.4-98.3%), a positive likelihood ratio of 1.4 (IK95%, 1.2-1.6), a negative likelihood ratio of 0.2 ( IK95%; 0.04-0.6). AUC (area under receiver operating characteristic curve 0.655 with p 0.002 and 95% IK 0.6-0.8) can discriminate well-suspected SBI patients. Conclusion. The use of AIOS scale> 8 is very sensitive to detect serious bacterial infections at 3-36 months of age in area.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ari Prayitno
Abstrak :
ATS telah banyak digunakan di Indonesia dalam mengobati tetanus. Sejak tahun 2010, penggunaan HTIG sebagai antitoksin semakin meningkat Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG. Method: Penelitian retrospektif pada kasus tetanus anak yang dirawat di Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo dari 2006-2014 Results: Ada 69 pasien tetanus anak yang menjadi subjek penelitian, dengan kelompok usia terbanyak adalah 1 ? 5 tahun yaitu 53,6 % dan proporsi laki-laki lebih banyak dibanding perempuan (2:1), dengan 59,4 % subyek tidak pernah mendapat imunisasi dasar. Port d‟entree terbanyak adalah OMSK (47,8 %) dan tetanus derajat 3 merupakan diagnosis terbanyak (39,1 %). Semua subjek datang dirawat dengan gejala trismus, disertai kejang rangsang (75,4 %), kaku kuduk dan opistotonus (73,9 %), spasme spontan (69,6 %) dan perut papan 65,2 % subjek. Enam puluh tujuh persen subjek diobati dengan ATS dan 33 % dengan HTIG. Lama rawat subjek yang mendapat ATS 9,98 (SB 4,58) dan HTIG 10,91 (SB 5,88) hari. Subjek yang meninggal di akhir perawatan, pada kelompok ATS 4,4 % dan HTIG 21,7 %. Pada kelompok ATS, trismus terjadi selama 8 hari sejak dirawat, kejang rangsang dan kaku kuduk 3 hari, opistotonus dan perut papan 2 hari serta kejang spontan 1 hari. Sedangkan pada kelompok HTIG, trismus 8 hari, kejang rangsang, kaku kuduk, opistotonus dan perut papan 2 hari serta kejang spontan selama 1 hri. Tidak ada data mengenai risus sardonicus. Harga HTIG satu juta rupiah lebih murah dibanding ATS (Rp 4.414.711,- vs Rp 5.512.724,-) ATS dan HTIG memiliki efektifitas yang sama dalam hal lama rawat, lama terjadinya spasme dan hasil akhir perawatan. Harga HTIG lebih murah dibanding ATS. Disarankan memilih HTIG sebagai pilihan pertama pengobatan tetanus anak dan ATS hanya digunakan bila HTIG tidak dapat diberikan.;Background: ATS has been widely used in Indonesia in tetanus management. Since 2010, the use of antitoxin HTIG as increasing Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG.
To evaluate the differences between the outcomes in pediatric tetanus who received HTIG and ATS Method: A retrospective study on pediatric tetanus case who admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital since 2006 to 2014 Results: There were 69 patients with pediatric tetanus as study subjects, with 1-5 years as the largest age group is 53.6% and the proportion of men more than women (2: 1), with 59.4% of the subjects never got primary immunization. The most of port d'entree was CSOM (47.8%) and tetanus grade 3 as most fequent diagnosis (39.1%). All subjects came hospitalized with symptoms of trismus, accompanied spasms excitatory (75.4%), neck stiffness and opisthotonos (73.9%), spontaneous seizures (69.6%) and 65.2% of the subjects belly board. Sixty-seven percent of subjects treated with ATS and 33% with HTIG. Length of stay subjects who received ATS 9.98 (SB 4.58) and HTIG 10.91 (SB 5.88) a day. Subjects who died at the end of hospitalization, the ATS group is 4.4% and and HTIG group is 21.7%. In the ATS group, trismus occurred during the 8 days of hospitalization, a stiff neck and spasms excitatory 3 days, opisthotonos and belly boards 2 days and 1 day of spontaneous seizures. While the group HTIG, trismus 8 days, spasm excitatory, stiff neck, and abdomen board opistotonus 2 days and spontaneous seizures for 1 day. No data on risus sardonicus. Price HTIG one million rupiahs cheaper than ATS (Rp 4,414,711, - vs Rp 5,512,724, -) ATS and HTIG have the same effectiveness in terms of length of stay, duration of occurrence of spasms and outcomes of hospitalization. HTIG price is cheaper than the ATS. HTIG can the first choice treatment of pediatric tetanusr and ATS are only used when HTIG can not be given.;Background: ATS has been widely used in Indonesia in tetanus management. Since 2010, the use of antitoxin HTIG as increasing Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG. Objective: To evaluate the differences between the outcomes in pediatric tetanus who received HTIG and ATS Method: A retrospective study on pediatric tetanus case who admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital since 2006 to 2014 Results: There were 69 patients with pediatric tetanus as study subjects, with 1-5 years as the largest age group is 53.6% and the proportion of men more than women (2: 1), with 59.4% of the subjects never got primary immunization. The most of port d'entree was CSOM (47.8%) and tetanus grade 3 as most fequent diagnosis (39.1%). All subjects came hospitalized with symptoms of trismus, accompanied spasms excitatory (75.4%), neck stiffness and opisthotonos (73.9%), spontaneous seizures (69.6%) and 65.2% of the subjects belly board. Sixty-seven percent of subjects treated with ATS and 33% with HTIG. Length of stay subjects who received ATS 9.98 (SB 4.58) and HTIG 10.91 (SB 5.88) a day. Subjects who died at the end of hospitalization, the ATS group is 4.4% and and HTIG group is 21.7%. In the ATS group, trismus occurred during the 8 days of hospitalization, a stiff neck and spasms excitatory 3 days, opisthotonos and belly boards 2 days and 1 day of spontaneous seizures. While the group HTIG, trismus 8 days, spasm excitatory, stiff neck, and abdomen board opistotonus 2 days and spontaneous seizures for 1 day. No data on risus sardonicus. Price HTIG one million rupiahs cheaper than ATS (Rp 4,414,711, - vs Rp 5,512,724, -) ATS and HTIG have the same effectiveness in terms of length of stay, duration of occurrence of spasms and outcomes of hospitalization. HTIG price is cheaper than the ATS. HTIG can the first choice treatment of pediatric tetanusr and ATS are only used when HTIG can not be given.;Background: ATS has been widely used in Indonesia in tetanus management. Since 2010, the use of antitoxin HTIG as increasing Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG. Objective: To evaluate the differences between the outcomes in pediatric tetanus who received HTIG and ATS Method: A retrospective study on pediatric tetanus case who admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital since 2006 to 2014 Results: There were 69 patients with pediatric tetanus as study subjects, with 1-5 years as the largest age group is 53.6% and the proportion of men more than women (2: 1), with 59.4% of the subjects never got primary immunization. The most of port d'entree was CSOM (47.8%) and tetanus grade 3 as most fequent diagnosis (39.1%). All subjects came hospitalized with symptoms of trismus, accompanied spasms excitatory (75.4%), neck stiffness and opisthotonos (73.9%), spontaneous seizures (69.6%) and 65.2% of the subjects belly board. Sixty-seven percent of subjects treated with ATS and 33% with HTIG. Length of stay subjects who received ATS 9.98 (SB 4.58) and HTIG 10.91 (SB 5.88) a day. Subjects who died at the end of hospitalization, the ATS group is 4.4% and and HTIG group is 21.7%. In the ATS group, trismus occurred during the 8 days of hospitalization, a stiff neck and spasms excitatory 3 days, opisthotonos and belly boards 2 days and 1 day of spontaneous seizures. While the group HTIG, trismus 8 days, spasm excitatory, stiff neck, and abdomen board opistotonus 2 days and spontaneous seizures for 1 day. No data on risus sardonicus. Price HTIG one million rupiahs cheaper than ATS (Rp 4,414,711, - vs Rp 5,512,724, -) ATS and HTIG have the same effectiveness in terms of length of stay, duration of occurrence of spasms and outcomes of hospitalization. HTIG price is cheaper than the ATS. HTIG can the first choice treatment of pediatric tetanusr and ATS are only used when HTIG can not be given.;Background: ATS has been widely used in Indonesia in tetanus management. Since 2010, the use of antitoxin HTIG as increasing Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG. Objective: To evaluate the differences between the outcomes in pediatric tetanus who received HTIG and ATS Method: A retrospective study on pediatric tetanus case who admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital since 2006 to 2014 Results: There were 69 patients with pediatric tetanus as study subjects, with 1-5 years as the largest age group is 53.6% and the proportion of men more than women (2: 1), with 59.4% of the subjects never got primary immunization. The most of port d'entree was CSOM (47.8%) and tetanus grade 3 as most fequent diagnosis (39.1%). All subjects came hospitalized with symptoms of trismus, accompanied spasms excitatory (75.4%), neck stiffness and opisthotonos (73.9%), spontaneous seizures (69.6%) and 65.2% of the subjects belly board. Sixty-seven percent of subjects treated with ATS and 33% with HTIG. Length of stay subjects who received ATS 9.98 (SB 4.58) and HTIG 10.91 (SB 5.88) a day. Subjects who died at the end of hospitalization, the ATS group is 4.4% and and HTIG group is 21.7%. In the ATS group, trismus occurred during the 8 days of hospitalization, a stiff neck and spasms excitatory 3 days, opisthotonos and belly boards 2 days and 1 day of spontaneous seizures. While the group HTIG, trismus 8 days, spasm excitatory, stiff neck, and abdomen board opistotonus 2 days and spontaneous seizures for 1 day. No data on risus sardonicus. Price HTIG one million rupiahs cheaper than ATS (Rp 4,414,711, - vs Rp 5,512,724, -) ATS and HTIG have the same effectiveness in terms of length of stay, duration of occurrence of spasms and outcomes of hospitalization. HTIG price is cheaper than the ATS. HTIG can the first choice treatment of pediatric tetanusr and ATS are only used when HTIG can not be given.;Background: ATS has been widely used in Indonesia in tetanus management. Since 2010, the use of antitoxin HTIG as increasing Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG. Objective: To evaluate the differences between the outcomes in pediatric tetanus who received HTIG and ATS Method: A retrospective study on pediatric tetanus case who admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital since 2006 to 2014 Results: There were 69 patients with pediatric tetanus as study subjects, with 1-5 years as the largest age group is 53.6% and the proportion of men more than women (2: 1), with 59.4% of the subjects never got primary immunization. The most of port d'entree was CSOM (47.8%) and tetanus grade 3 as most fequent diagnosis (39.1%). All subjects came hospitalized with symptoms of trismus, accompanied spasms excitatory (75.4%), neck stiffness and opisthotonos (73.9%), spontaneous seizures (69.6%) and 65.2% of the subjects belly board. Sixty-seven percent of subjects treated with ATS and 33% with HTIG. Length of stay subjects who received ATS 9.98 (SB 4.58) and HTIG 10.91 (SB 5.88) a day. Subjects who died at the end of hospitalization, the ATS group is 4.4% and and HTIG group is 21.7%. In the ATS group, trismus occurred during the 8 days of hospitalization, a stiff neck and spasms excitatory 3 days, opisthotonos and belly boards 2 days and 1 day of spontaneous seizures. While the group HTIG, trismus 8 days, spasm excitatory, stiff neck, and abdomen board opistotonus 2 days and spontaneous seizures for 1 day. No data on risus sardonicus. Price HTIG one million rupiahs cheaper than ATS (Rp 4,414,711, - vs Rp 5,512,724, -) ATS and HTIG have the same effectiveness in terms of length of stay, duration of occurrence of spasms and outcomes of hospitalization. HTIG price is cheaper than the ATS. HTIG can the first choice treatment of pediatric tetanusr and ATS are only used when HTIG can not be given.;Background: ATS has been widely used in Indonesia in tetanus management. Since 2010, the use of antitoxin HTIG as increasing Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG. Objective: To evaluate the differences between the outcomes in pediatric tetanus who received HTIG and ATS Method: A retrospective study on pediatric tetanus case who admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital since 2006 to 2014 Results: There were 69 patients with pediatric tetanus as study subjects, with 1-5 years as the largest age group is 53.6% and the proportion of men more than women (2: 1), with 59.4% of the subjects never got primary immunization. The most of port d'entree was CSOM (47.8%) and tetanus grade 3 as most fequent diagnosis (39.1%). All subjects came hospitalized with symptoms of trismus, accompanied spasms excitatory (75.4%), neck stiffness and opisthotonos (73.9%), spontaneous seizures (69.6%) and 65.2% of the subjects belly board. Sixty-seven percent of subjects treated with ATS and 33% with HTIG. Length of stay subjects who received ATS 9.98 (SB 4.58) and HTIG 10.91 (SB 5.88) a day. Subjects who died at the end of hospitalization, the ATS group is 4.4% and and HTIG group is 21.7%. In the ATS group, trismus occurred during the 8 days of hospitalization, a stiff neck and spasms excitatory 3 days, opisthotonos and belly boards 2 days and 1 day of spontaneous seizures. While the group HTIG, trismus 8 days, spasm excitatory, stiff neck, and abdomen board opistotonus 2 days and spontaneous seizures for 1 day. No data on risus sardonicus. Price HTIG one million rupiahs cheaper than ATS (Rp 4,414,711, - vs Rp 5,512,724, -) ATS and HTIG have the same effectiveness in terms of length of stay, duration of occurrence of spasms and outcomes of hospitalization. HTIG price is cheaper than the ATS. HTIG can the first choice treatment of pediatric tetanusr and ATS are only used when HTIG can not be given., Background: ATS has been widely used in Indonesia in tetanus management. Since 2010, the use of antitoxin HTIG as increasing Tujuan: mengevaluasi perbedaan luaran pada tetanus anak antara yang mendapat ATS dan HTIG. Objective: To evaluate the differences between the outcomes in pediatric tetanus who received HTIG and ATS Method: A retrospective study on pediatric tetanus case who admitted to Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital since 2006 to 2014 Results: There were 69 patients with pediatric tetanus as study subjects, with 1-5 years as the largest age group is 53.6% and the proportion of men more than women (2: 1), with 59.4% of the subjects never got primary immunization. The most of port d'entree was CSOM (47.8%) and tetanus grade 3 as most fequent diagnosis (39.1%). All subjects came hospitalized with symptoms of trismus, accompanied spasms excitatory (75.4%), neck stiffness and opisthotonos (73.9%), spontaneous seizures (69.6%) and 65.2% of the subjects belly board. Sixty-seven percent of subjects treated with ATS and 33% with HTIG. Length of stay subjects who received ATS 9.98 (SB 4.58) and HTIG 10.91 (SB 5.88) a day. Subjects who died at the end of hospitalization, the ATS group is 4.4% and and HTIG group is 21.7%. In the ATS group, trismus occurred during the 8 days of hospitalization, a stiff neck and spasms excitatory 3 days, opisthotonos and belly boards 2 days and 1 day of spontaneous seizures. While the group HTIG, trismus 8 days, spasm excitatory, stiff neck, and abdomen board opistotonus 2 days and spontaneous seizures for 1 day. No data on risus sardonicus. Price HTIG one million rupiahs cheaper than ATS (Rp 4,414,711, - vs Rp 5,512,724, -) ATS and HTIG have the same effectiveness in terms of length of stay, duration of occurrence of spasms and outcomes of hospitalization. HTIG price is cheaper than the ATS. HTIG can the first choice treatment of pediatric tetanusr and ATS are only used when HTIG can not be given.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Theresia Santi
Abstrak :
Golongan usia anak merupakan golongan usia yang paling ringan terdampak infeksi COVID-19. Salah satu kemungkinan penyebab keadaan tersebut adalah perlindungan dari efek nonspesifik vaksinasi rutin yang diterima anak sebelumnya. Vaksinasi rutin yang diterima anak dapat memodulasi sistem imun anak terhadap infeksi lain di luar target imunisasi yang dituju melalui mekanisme imunitas heterolog. Bukti-bukti penelitian terdahulu menimbulkan hipotesis antigen vaksin DTP berpotensi menimbulkan imunitas heterolog dengan SARS-CoV-2. Hal ini berdasarkan kemiripan epitop antara antigen SARS-CoV-2 dengan antigen pada vaksin DTP. Belum diketahui bagaimana pengaruh vaksinasi DT booster terhadap respons imun (antibodi S-RBD SARS-CoV-2 dan IFN-ɤ-sel T spesifik SARS-CoV-2) pascavaksinasi COVID-19 inaktif pada anak usia 6–7 tahun. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pemberian vaksinasi DT booster pada anak yang mendapat vaksinasi COVID-19 inaktif terhadap respons imun humoral dan selular anak. Studi potong lintang dilakukan dengan didahului tahapan pengambilan data pada orang tua subjek penelitian di wilayah Senen, Jakarta Pusat. Pengambilan data menggunakan kuesioner yang disebarkan secara luring kepada orang tua melalui guru sekolah anaknya. Dari kuesioner didapatkan data status vaksinasi anak, yang dibedakan dalam 4 kelompok yaitu COVID+/DT+, COVID+/DT–, COVID–/DT+ dan COVID–/DT–, dan diukur antibodi S-RBD, IFN-ɤ-sel T spesifik SARS-CoV-2 dan IgG antidifteri. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan 113 dari 154 subjek penelitian (73,4%) telah memiliki status relative immune terhadap difteri, dengan hasil IgG antidifteri > 0,1 IU/mL. Terdapat imunitas heterolog vaksinasi DT booster terhadap COVID-19 dengan adanya perbedaan bermakna kadar antibodi S-RBD SARS-CoV-2 antara anak yang sudah mendapat vaksin DT booster dibanding yang belum (1182 U/mL vs. 612,5 U/mL, p = 0,026), dan perbedaan bermakna IFN-ɤ-sel T spesifik SARS-CoV-2 pada anak COVID+/DT+ dibanding COVID+/DT– (560,87 mIU/mL vs. 318,03 mIU/mL, p = 0,03). Tidak didapatkan korelasi antara IgG antidifteri dan S-RBD SARS-CoV-2. Selain hasil penelitian data laboratorium, didapatkan pula data keinginan orang tua untuk vaksinasi COVID-19 bagi anaknya adalah sebesar 69,7%. Disimpulkan vaksin DT booster dapat berperan menguatkan respons imun spesifik SARS-CoV-2 pada anak yang menerima vaksin COVID-19 inaktif. ......Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in children tends to be mild. A possible cause is existing protection from the routine vaccination previously received by children. Routine vaccinations can modulate the child's immune system against other pathogen, presumably through a mechanism of heterologous immunity. Previous research had suggested that the Diphtheria-Tetanus-Pertussis (DTP) vaccine antigen has potential to incite heterologous immunity towards SARS-CoV-2, due to similarities between SARS-CoV-2 epitopes and various epitopes found within the DTP vaccine. It was not known whether the Diphtheria-Tetanus (DT) vaccination could modulate the SARS-CoV-2-specific immune response among children aged 6–7 years who received inactivated COVID-19 vaccine. This study thus aimed to assess the impact of DT booster immunization in SARS-CoV-2-specific humoral and cellular immune responses among children who received two doses of CoronaVac. A cross-sectional study was performed on children aged 6–7 years old in the Senen area, Central Jakarta. This study was started with data collection from parents of eligible subjects using questionnaire that was distributed to parents via their children’ school teachers. Based on the collected demographic data and the child's vaccination status, eligible subjects were further screened. The participating subjects were subsequently classified into 4 groups, i.e., COVID+/DT+, COVID+/DT-, COVID-/DT+ and COVID-/DT-. Blood collections were performed to determine anti-diphtheria toxoid antibodies, anti-S-RBD antibodies and SARS-CoV-2-specific T cell-produced IFN-ɤ. The results showed that 113 of 154 subjects (73.4%) had relative immune-status against diphtheria as the result of the anti–diphtheria toxoid antibodies was > 0.1 IU/mL. There was a heterologous immunity of DT booster and COVID-19 vaccine, as there was significant difference in anti-S-RBD antibody titers between the group with DT booster compared to non-DT booster (1182 U/mL vs. 612.5 U/mL, p = 0.026), and a significant difference in IFN-ɤ concentration between the group of COVID+/DT+ and COVID+/DT- (560.87 mIU/mL vs. 318.03 mIU/mL, p = 0.03). No correlation was found between anti-diphtheria and anti-S-RBD antibodies. In addition, our data indicated that parental intention to vaccinate their children against COVID-19 in the Senen area was 69.7%. In conclusion, our results suggested that DT booster vaccine might able to enhance SARS-CoV-2-specific immune responses among children who received inactivated COVID-19 vaccine.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2024
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library