ABSTRAK Praktek Kerja Profesi (PKP) di apotek bertempat di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 366
Depok. Kegiatan ini berlangsung selama lima minggu dari tanggal 1 sampai
dengan tanggal 31 Oktober 2015. PKP di apotek bertujuan agar mahasiswa
apoteker mengerti peranan Apoteker Pengelola Apotek (APA), memiliki wawasan
tentang pelaksanaan pekerjaan kefarmasian, dan memiliki gambaran nyata akan
permasalahan pekerjaan kefarmasian yang terjadi di apotek. Berdasarkan kegiatan
PKP yang dilakukan, APA di Apotek Kimia Farma No. 366 Depok secara umum
telah melaksanakan tugas dan tanggung jawab dalam pengelolaan apotek terkait
kegiatan teknis kefarmasian dan kegiatan nonteknis kefarmasian sesuai dengan
peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku. Mahasiswa apoteker telah berhasil
memperoleh wawasan mengenai kegiatan rutin yang dilakukan di apotek.
Kegiatan teknis kefarmasian yang dilakukan di apotek meliputi pengadaan,
penerimaan, penyimpanan, penjualan, pengelolaan narkotika, pengelolaan
psikotropika, dan dokumentasi resep. Adapun kegiatan nonteknis kefarmasian
yang dilakukan di apotek adalah penyusunan resep dan struk pembayaran,
penandaan harga pada resep kredit untuk penagihan, dan pembuatan Laporan
Ikhtisar Penjualan Harian (LIPH). Masalah yang terjadi di Apotek Kimia Farma
No. 366 Depok adalah ketiadaan Apoteker Pendamping yang dapat menggantikan
APA ketika sedang tidak ada di tempat.
ABSTRACT Profession Internship at pharmacy was held at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 366Depok. This activity was held for five weeks from October 1st until October 312015. Profession Internship at pharmacy was intended to make apothecary studentunderstand the role of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation ofpharmaceutical practice, and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice inpharmacy. Based on the activities, pharmacist as Pharmacy Manager have beencarrying out the duties and responsibilities in pharmacy management. Apothecarystudent have obtained insight into routine activities in pharmacy. Pharmaceuticaltechnical activities include procurement, reception, storage, sales, management ofnarcotics, management of psychotropics, and prescription documentation. Nontechnicalactivities include archiving prescription and receipt of payment, pricelabelling of credit prescription for billing purpose, and the making of Daily SalesSummary Report. Issue at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 366 is the absence ofpharmacist who can substitute Pharmacy Manager temporarily while PharmacyManager was not in place.;Profession Internship at pharmacy was held at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 366Depok. This activity was held for five weeks from October 1st until October 312015. Profession Internship at pharmacy was intended to make apothecary studentunderstand the role of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation ofpharmaceutical practice, and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice inpharmacy. Based on the activities, pharmacist as Pharmacy Manager have beencarrying out the duties and responsibilities in pharmacy management. Apothecarystudent have obtained insight into routine activities in pharmacy. Pharmaceuticaltechnical activities include procurement, reception, storage, sales, management ofnarcotics, management of psychotropics, and prescription documentation. Nontechnicalactivities include archiving prescription and receipt of payment, pricelabelling of credit prescription for billing purpose, and the making of Daily SalesSummary Report. Issue at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 366 is the absence ofpharmacist who can substitute Pharmacy Manager temporarily while PharmacyManager was not in place.;Profession Internship at pharmacy was held at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 366Depok. This activity was held for five weeks from October 1st until October 312015. Profession Internship at pharmacy was intended to make apothecary studentunderstand the role of pharmacist, have insight into the implementation ofpharmaceutical practice, and know the issues in pharmaceutical practice inpharmacy. Based on the activities, pharmacist as Pharmacy Manager have beencarrying out the duties and responsibilities in pharmacy management. Apothecarystudent have obtained insight into routine activities in pharmacy. Pharmaceuticaltechnical activities include procurement, reception, storage, sales, management ofnarcotics, management of psychotropics, and prescription documentation. Nontechnicalactivities include archiving prescription and receipt of payment, pricelabelling of credit prescription for billing purpose, and the making of Daily SalesSummary Report. Issue at Kimia Farma Pharmacy No. 366 is the absence ofpharmacist who can substitute Pharmacy Manager temporarily while PharmacyManager was not in place."