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Hasil Pencarian

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Nurul Fauzia
Integrasi vertikal dapat dijadikan salah satu strategi untuk meningkatkan daya saing Indonesia yang saat ini berada dalam posisi rendah. Untuk dapat menjalankan strategi integrasi vertikal perlu diketahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhinya. Menurut Stigler (1984) terdapat 3 (tiga) hipotesis yang berhubungan dengan integrasi vertikal yaitu rasio konsentrasi 4 perusahaan terbesar (CR4) dan pertumbuhan permintaan (growth) berpengaruh positif, sedangkan ukuran rata-rata perusahaan berpengaruh (avsize) negatif terhadap tingkat integrasi vertikal. Penelitian ini melibatkan 5 industri dari beragam sektor yakni industri kendaraan bermotor roda empat, industri pengolahan tembakau, industri pengolahan minyak goreng sawit, industri kertas, dan industri tekstil serta produknya untuk periode 2001-2011. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa CR4 industri pengolahan minyak goreng sawit dan industri kertas berpengaruh signifikan, pertumbuhan permintaan pada semua industri tidak berpengaruh signifikan, dan Avsize pada industri kertas dan tekstil dan produk tekstil berpengaruh signifikan terhadap tingkat integrasi vertikal dan sesuai dengan hipotesis Stigler.

Vertical integration may be one of strategy to improve the competitivenes Indonesia which is currently in a low position. Before we implement the strategy, we need to know the factors that related on it. According to Stigler (1984), there are three (3) hypothesis associated with vertical integration: the concentration ratio of 4 biggest companies (CR4) and the growth of demand (growth) has positive effect, while the average of firm size (avsize) has negative affect to the level of vertical integration. This research wants to verify the hypothesis using panel data on five industries namely four-wheeled motor vehicle industry, the tobacco processing industry, palm oil processing industry, paper industry, and textile industry in the period from 2001 to 2011. The result showed that CR4 cooking palm oil processing industry and paper industries have a positive and significant effect. Meanwhile the growth of all industries haven't significant effect, and Avsize on paper and textile industries have a negative and significant effect on the level of vertical integration.;Vertical integration may be one of strategy to improve the competitivenes Indonesia which is currently in a low position. Before we implement the strategy, we need to know the factors that related on it. According to Stigler (1984), there are three (3) hypothesis associated with vertical integration: the concentration ratio of 4 biggest companies (CR4) and the growth of demand (growth) has positive effect, while the average of firm size (avsize) has negative affect to the level of vertical integration. This research wants to verify the hypothesis using panel data on five industries namely four-wheeled motor vehicle industry, the tobacco processing industry, palm oil processing industry, paper industry, and textile industry in the period from 2001 to 2011. The result showed that CR4 cooking palm oil processing industry and paper industries have a positive and significant effect. Meanwhile the growth of all industries haven't significant effect, and Avsize on paper and textile industries have a negative and significant effect on the level of vertical integration., Vertical integration may be one of strategy to improve the competitivenes Indonesia which is currently in a low position. Before we implement the strategy, we need to know the factors that related on it. According to Stigler (1984), there are three (3) hypothesis associated with vertical integration: the concentration ratio of 4 biggest companies (CR4) and the growth of demand (growth) has positive effect, while the average of firm size (avsize) has negative affect to the level of vertical integration. This research wants to verify the hypothesis using panel data on five industries namely four-wheeled motor vehicle industry, the tobacco processing industry, palm oil processing industry, paper industry, and textile industry in the period from 2001 to 2011. The result showed that CR4 cooking palm oil processing industry and paper industries have a positive and significant effect. Meanwhile the growth of all industries haven't significant effect, and Avsize on paper and textile industries have a negative and significant effect on the level of vertical integration.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Napitupulu, Raja Hendrik
"Penelitian ini menggunakan persepsi para investor terhadap naik tidaknya nilai investasi Indonesia melalui peran media bisnis harian sebagai variabel Y atau variabel terikat. Sedangkan variabel bebasnya mencakup beberapa hal berikut, yaitu peran penggunaan media bisnis harian dalam memulai usaha di Indonesia, masalah tenaga kerja, pemberian kredit, proteksi bagi para investor, masalah yang terkait dengan perpajakan, infrastruktur, stabilitas makroekonomi, stabilitas keamanan, stabilitas politik, dan pembiayaan legal untuk membangun usaha. Dari model logit biner yang digunakan pada penelitian ini, terlihat nyata peran media bisnis harian terhadap 9 (sembilan) sektor investasi di Indonesia.
Pertama, variabel-variabel NAKER, PROTEKSI, POLITIK, dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Pertanian, Peternakan, Kehutanan, dan Perikanan.
Kedua, variabel PROTEKSI, PAJAK, MAKRO, dan POLITIK berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Pertambangan dan Penggalian.
Ketiga, variabel PROTEKSI dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Industri Pengolahan.
Keempat, variabel PROTEKSI, PAJAK, dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Listrik, Gas, dan Air Bersih.
Kelima, variabel NAKER dan KREDIT berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Konstruksi.
Keenam, variabel PROTEKSI, AMAN, dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Perdagangan, Hotel, dan Restoran.
Ketujuh, variabel NAKER, PROTEKSI, PAJAK, AMAN, dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Pengangkutan dan Komunikasi.
Kedelapan, variabel MAKRO, AMAN, dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Keuangan, Real Estat, dan Jasa Perusahaan.
Kesembilan, variabel PROTEKSI dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di sektor Jasa-jasa.
Kesepuluh, variabel NAKER, PROTEKSI, AMAN, POLITIK, dan BIAYA berpengaruh signifikan di seluruh sektor investasi secara total.

This study uses the perception of investors towards increased whether or not the investment value of Indonesia through the media daily business as a variable Y or dependent variable. While the independent variables include the following points, namely the role of media use daily business in starting a business in Indonesia, problems of labor, credit, protection for investors, the problems related to taxation, infrastructure, macroeconomic stability, security and stability, political stability, and legal financing to build the business By the logit biner models that using for this research, we can see the significant influences of daily business newspaper as a support to Indonesian investment, by 9 (nine) sectors the Indonesia investment.
First, variables NAKER, PROTEKSI, POLITIK, and BIAYA significant to the sectors Agricultures, Livestock, Forestry, and Fishery.
Second, variables PROTEKSI, PAJAK, MAKRO, dan POLITIK significant to the sectors Mining.
Third, variables PROTEKSI dan BIAYA significant to the sectors Manufactures Industry. Fourth, variables PROTEKSI, PAJAK, dan BIAYA significant to the sectors Electricity, Gas, and Water Supply.
Fifth, variables NAKER and KREDIT significant to the sectors Construction.
Sixth, variabel PROTEKSI, AMAN, and BIAYA significant to the sectors Trade, Hotels, and Restaurant.
Seventh, variables NAKER, PROTEKSI, PAJAK, AMAN, and BIAYA significant to the sectors Transportation and Communication.
Eighth, variables MAKRO, AMAN, and BIAYA significant to the sectors Finance, Real Estate, and Company Services.
Nineth, variables PROTEKSI and BIAYA significant to the sectors Services.
Tenth, variables NAKER, PROTEKSI, AMAN, POLITIK, and BIAYA significant to the all sectors of investment."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sinaga, Arince Guntamor P.
"Bisnis telekomunikasi, khususnya seluler di lndonesia terus mengalami pertumbuhan pesat. Konsekuensinya meningkat pula pembangunan infrastruktur pendukung, yaitu menara telekomunikasi. Untuk mengaturnya, maka Pemerintah dimulai dengan Permenkominfo, kemudian diikuti dengan Peraturan Bersama 4 (empat) Kementerian/Lembaga (Kemenkominfo, Kemendagri, KemenPU dan BKPM), mengeluarkan "Pedoman Pembangunan, dan Penggunaan Bersama Menara Telekomunikasi". Lahirnya sebuah industri baru yaitu "Industri (Pasar) penyediaan menara bersama telekomunikasi" adalah salah satu harapan yang akan timbul pasca pengaturan menara bersama.
Pertanyaannya, apakah Pasar baru yang diharapkan itu dapat terwujud secara definitif? dan apakah pengaturan tersebut berimplikasi positif kepada iklim (persaingan) usaha di pasar? Dengan menggunakan metode uji regulasi Competition Assessment Toolkit yang terstandar oleh OECD, Serta upaya identifikasi komponen penyusun pasar.
Didapatkan kesimpulan, sebuah Pasar baru berhasil di identifikasi secara definitif. Sedangkan implikasi regulasi, oleh pasar ditanggapi positif; karena di anggap tidak mengganggu iklim persaingan usaha yang sehat.

Telecommunications business especially mobile in Indonesia continues to experience rapid growth. Consequently it increase the need for supporting infrastructure which is telecommunications tower. To manage it, the Government starts with Permenkominfo and followed by the Joint Rule of 4 (four) of the Ministry / Agency (Kemenkominfo, Kemendagri, KemenPU and BKPM) issued "Guidelines for the Erection and the Use of the Joint Telecommunication Tower". The birth of a new industry called "The joint telecommunications tower providers (Market) Industry" is one of hope that will arise after the arrangement of the joint tower concept.
The question is whether the expected new markets can be found definitively? Next, whether these arrangements has a positive impact to the business (competition) climate in the market? Using the regulations test method named Competition Assessment Toolkit that standardized by the OECD, as well as the efforts to identify components of the market.
It was concluded, a new market had been identified definitively. While the implications of regulation by the market responded positively, because it is considered not injure healthy competition climate."
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Utami Pudjiastuti
"Fokus tesis ini adalah analisis penetapan pasar bersangkutan dalam Putusan Komisi Pengawas Persaingan Usaha No. 26/KPPU-L/2007 tentang penetapan harga pada layanan pesan pendek (SMS). Penelitian menggunakan metode analisis kualitatif, yaitu dengan membandingkan alur/sistematika penetapan pasar bersangkutan yang ditetapkan oleh Majelis Komisi dalam Putusan tersebut dengan teori pasar bersangkutan serta pedoman dari otoritas pengawas persaingan usaha dan regulator sektor telekomunikasi di negara lain. Hasil penelitian menyatakan bahwa metode penetapan pasar bersangkutan dalam Putusan tersebut belum sepenuhnya mengikuti ketentuan dalam teori dan pedoman. Disarankan agar analisis pasar bersangkutan dapat ditingkatkan kualitasnya dengan menggunakan pendekatan-pendekatan yang lebih terukur, baik secara kuantitatif maupun kualitatif.

The focus of this study is to analyse the relevant market which defined in Commission on Supervision of Business Competition`s Decision No. 26/KPPU-L/2007 about price fixing on short messaging service (SMS). This study is mainly using qualitative approach by comparing the methodology used on relevant market delineation in the Decision with the perspective of economics theory and guidelines from six countries. The result shows that relevant market`s delineation process is not fully suitable either from theory nor guidelines perspectives. It is suggested to make some improvement on the process by using quantitative and qualitative scientific method."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Riris Munadiya,author
"This thesis is underlining by fact that Indonesia?s jet fuel market is monopolize by Pertamina, Corp. Under which condition, the jet fuel price in Indonesia is pricier than international price. This showed by condition where increased in the Crude Oil price is swiftly response by increasing domestic jet fuel price. Notwithstanding that, response on Indonesia?s jet fuel price is slower on declining Crude Oil price. This is not apprehend by Singaporean market, which have better respond on any price increase or decrease in Crude Oil as well as jet fuel price as the final output.
Generally, this condition is explained by the theory of asymmetric price transmission (APT), where the downstream price react differently compare to the upstream price changes. Thus the null hypothesis of this research is that under monopoly?s market structure, domestic jet fuel price?s movement in Indonesia is consider to be asymmetric on the Crude Oil price.
This thesis is to conduct a price analysis on Indonesia?s jet fuel price using the asymmetric price transmission theory by balancing the domestic jet fuel price on Crude Oil price, and illustrating factors affecting the jet fuel price (using the APT theory) correlated with Indonesia?s jet fuel market.
The analysis showed insignificant phenomena of asymmetric price transmission on Indonesia?s jet fuel market on the Crude Oil price. The asymmetric merely affected by increasing or decreasing jet fuel price in previous period (t-1), where the price increase is adjust vastly and the price decrease is not promptly respond by current jet fuel price (-t period).
This indicates several factors are affecting the finding. These factors are believe to be determined by previous price trendsetter such the previous jet fuel price, contractual term on pricing, applied exchange rate, shipping cost, and market power owned by Pertamina, Corp.

Tesis ini dilatarbelakangi oleh kondisi dimana pasar avtur di Indonesia masih di monopoli oleh PT. Pertamina dan dalam kondisi tersebut, terlihat bahwa harga avtur di Indonesia yang dinilai lebih mahal dari harga avtur luar negeri. Hal ini terlihat dimana kenaikan harga Crude Oil di respon segera dengan kenaikan harga avtur domestik , namun tidak sebaliknya, dimana respon harga avtur di Indonesia lebih lambat terhadap penurunan harga Crude Oil. Hal ini tidak terjadi pada pasar Singapura, yang dinilai lebih cepat merespon baik kenaikan maupun penurunan harga Crude Oil yang mempengaruhi fluktuasi harga avtur sebagai produk akhir Pada umumnya, kondisi ini dapat dijelaskan dengan adanya teori Asymmetric Price Transmission, dimana kondisi dimana harga downstream (hilir) bereaksi berbeda dibanding perubahan harga upstream, sehingga hipotesa awal dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa dengan struktur pasar yang monopoli, pergerakan harga avtur domestik Indonesia bersifat asymmetric price transmission terhadap harga Crude Oil.
Tujuan Tesis ini adalah untuk melakukan analisis pergerakan harga avtur di Indonesia berdasarkan teori Asymmetric Price Transmission dengan cara membandingkan pergerakan harga avtur domestik terhadap harga Crude Oil serta menjelaskan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap pergerakan harga avtur berdasarkan teori Asymmetric Price Transmission dikaitkan dengan kondisi pasar avtur Indonesia.
Berdasarkan pengujian dan analisis data, didapatkan bahwa tidak ditemukan signifikansi fenomena asymmetric price transmission pada pasar avtur di Indonesia terhadap pergerakan harga Crude Oil. Pengaruh asimetrik harga avtur domestik, lebih dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan maupun penurunan harga avtur pada periode sebelumnya (t-1) dimana ketika terjadi kenaikan harga avtur di periode sebelumnya secara cepat di respon harga avtur saat ini , namun ketika terjadi penurunan harga, hal tersebut tidak segera di respon oleh harga avtur saat ini (pada periode ?t).
Terdapat beberapa faktor yang mempengaruhi kenaikan harga avtur baik pada periode sebelumnya yang kemudian mempengaruhi harga avtur saat ini seperti kondisi seperti pembelian avtur pada periode sebelumnya, baik dari sisi kontrak harga, exchange rate , biaya shipping serta market power yang dimiliki Pertamina."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nies Purwati
"Tesis ini membahas tentang dampak dari penerapan kebijakan/peraturan yang diterbitkan oleh Pemerintah Pusat pada tahun 2008 dan 2009, yaitu tentang Pedoman Pembangunan Menara Bersama Telekomunikasi, yang bertujuan untuk menghemat investasi di pembangunan jaringan telekomunikasi, menghindari investasi berulang oleh para operator telekomunikasi, memberikan kesempatan kepada perusahaan dalam negeri, serta meningkatkan persaingan di sektor telekomunikasi. Pada pelaksanaannya di tingkat daerah, ternyata menimbulkan dampak negatif dalam bentuk meningkatnya biaya transaksi yang disebabkan karena beberapa faktor, seperti retribusi, lamanya waktu pengurusan perizinan, dan ketidakselarasan peraturan daerah dengan peraturan pusat. Meskipun terdapat juga dampak positif dari pembangunan menara telekomunikasi, dan dari diperolehnya pendapatan dari bisnis sewa menara, namun bagi operator telekomunikasi, meningkatnya biaya transaksi setiap tahun menjadi kekuatiran yang cukup besar. Secara spesifik dibahas juga faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan meningkatkan biaya transaksi dan saran perbaikannya.

This thesis is discussing the impact of implementation of a policy/regulation issued by Central Government in 2008-2009, on the Guidelines of Construction and Shared Used of Telecommunication Tower To The Telecommunication Operator's Efficiency in Expanding The Telecommunication Network. The policy/regulation objective is to have a saving in the investment, avoid double investment by operators and to increase the role of domestic company, as well as to increase the competition in the telecommunication sector. In the implementation in regional areas, it creates negative impact in the form of increasing transaction cost due to several factors, such as retribution, the longer time to process permits, and the unharmonized regional regulation with regulation issued by central government. Even thought there is positive impact due to the efficiency of providing tower dan due to additional source of income from tower rental business, the fact that the trend of increasing transaction cost become a big concern to the telecommunication operatoras. Also being discussed are factors which contribute to the increament in the transaction cost, and the recommendation to improve the situation."
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Sukmawati Rahardjo
"Tesis ini membahas mengenai analisa efektivitas kebijakan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu terhadap perusahaan Penanaman Modal Asing di sektor perdagangan penjualan langsung. Dengan adanya kebijakan tersebut, perusahaan melewati 5 (lima) tahapan perizinan dan melalui 4 (empat) institusi untuk dapat memulai kegiatan usahanya di Indonesia secara komersial. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kebijakan tersebut belum efektif karena walaupun terjadi penurunan biaya dan waktu namun penurunan tersebut tidak signifikan dan persepsi pelaku usaha bernilai cukup. Untuk mendukung kebijakan tersebut harusnya dilakukan pelimpahan kewenangan dari berbagai macam instansi dan didirikannya lembaga pemantau kebijakan.

This thesis discusses about the analysis of the effectiveness of One Stop Service Policy towards foreign investment in direct selling sector. With this policy, the company through 5 (five) stages of licensing and through the 4 (four) institutions to be able to start its business in Indonesia. The results showed that the policy is not effective because the decreasing of cost and time was not significant and the perception of the business is worth enough. To support this policy should be total delegation of authority from various agencies and the establishment of a policy monitoring agency."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Simarmata, Elitua H.
"Tesis ini berupaya mengupas selengkap mungkin bagaimana korelasi kepemilikan silang dengan persaingan, dalam konteks organisasi industri. Korelasi keduanya dihasilkan melalui Studi literatur seperii teori organisasi industri dan jumal-jurnal kepernilikan siiang. Korelasi kepemilikan silang dan persaingan akan menjadi perangkat utama untuk mengkaji kebiiakan persaingan, disamping pemngkat lain seperti pengaturan dan contoh kasus di negara lain. Kebijakan persaingan yang dikaji adalah hukum persaingan, kebijakan terkait investasi dan kebijakan terkait privatisasi. Secara umum, hasil studi memmjukkan kurangnya kelengkapan dan kurangnya sinkronisasi antar kebijakan persaingan, dalam memaknai dan mengatur kepemilikan silang, dalam menoegah efek negatif kepemilikan silang, dan dalam penanganan kasus kepemilikan silang, berdasarkan aspek pexsaingan. Kondisi ini berpotensi mengganggu pengatumn petsaingan yang baik. Penyempumaan setiap kebijakan pexsaingan yang dikaji, dilakukan melalui rekomendasi Studi kepada setiap kebijakan tersebut, maupun kepada pihak-pihak yang terkait dengan kepemilikan silang
This study tries to collect and review the completed relationships between cross ownership and competition, from the view of industrial organization. The relationships are defined by reviewing several literatures, i.e. theories, joumals and other relevant works. These relationships will be the primary tools to analyze the competition policy. The other complement tools are cross ownership regulations benchmarking, and several cases of cross ownership at other countries. Competition policy that is analized in the study, comprises of competition law, investment policy and privatisation policy. This study reveals that there are lacks of completeness and lacks of synchronization between those policies. Those policies merely can not capture the relationship of cross ownership and competition. They fail to prevent the negative effects of cross ownership. Furthermore, they even can rule out the competition authority?s decisions. These conditions can hinder the competition in Indonesia This study gives several suggestions or recommendations to each cross ownership related policy, to improve the capacity of those policies."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Budi Saronto
"Dua puluh tahun yang lalu industri Barat terkejut, kagum dan terpesona melihat kemajuan industri Jepang yang dengan cepat berhasil melakukan penetrasi ke pasar dunia. Produk industri otomotif dan elektronik Jepang seakan-akan tanpa terbendung membanjiri pasar dunia, ternnasuk ke negara-negara Barat yang justru merupakan pelopor dikedua bidang tersebut.
Krisis enerji dan resesi duniapun seakan-akan tidak berpengaruh terhadap laju pertumbuhan arus produk-produk Jepang memasuki berbagai negara, sementara industri di negara-negara Barat masih belum pulih sama sekali serta masih disibukkan oleh pengaruh yang menghancurkan industrinya dari situasi parah dalam ekonomi internasional.
Sekarang ini industri Jepang, setelah mengalami krisis pecahnya "gelembung ekonomi" (economic bubble) disekitar tahun 1988-1992, resesi yang cukup panjang dan kesalahan atas estimasi dalam penentuan arah perkembangan diberbagai sektor industri yang didominasi oleh MITI (Ministry of International Trade and Indutlri), nampak sedang menyusun kembali kekuatan dengan menempuh pola baru dalam struktur organisasi perusahaannya.
Kalau dua puluh tahun yang lalu kalangan industri dan akademik Barat bergairah untuk mempelajari apa sebenarnya sumber dari keunggulan industri Jepang terutama dari segi organisasinya, namun sebaliknya Jepang taus berkembang menurut jalur yang dipilihnya sendiri, yang terikat kuat dengan akarakar budayanya yaitu struktur masyarakatnya. Akar-akar budayanya ternyata dapat melahirkan ikatan erat antara birokrasi dan bisnis, yang oleh para peneliti Barat ditafsirkan sebagai "kolusi" antara birokrasi dan bisnis, dan yang kemudian menimbulkan kesan adanya mitos "Japan Incorporated," seperti anggapan tentang grup zaibatsu dan grup keiretsu?"
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 1997
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Since the amendment of patent law (Law No. 47 Year 2003), there have been cases of employees' claim towards their companies regarding the intellectual property rights produced in the relationship. The occurrence of this case is because according to the constitution individual rights iss admitted. This is regulated in the article 32 of Nihon-Koku Kempoo (1947) that stipulated "No person shall be denied the right of access to the courts". Based on this constitution (kempoo), there is new rights to go to the court for each person-to have access in the court. Shuji Nakamura sued Nichia Corporation to the Tokyo District Court to claim the right of "reasonable remunerations" as a reward for his invention based on article 35 (3) (4) the Patent Law (Law No. 47 Year 2003). This prosecution as caused controversy in the public. The company has the opinion thaht the employees are their members and therefore the invention that they produced in the work relationship is the property of the company. On the contrary, the employees have the opinionthat even though the create the invention in the work relation, however, because their invention has provided great profit to the company, it is fair if the company share a reasonable remuncration part of the profit. In the past, the Japanese employees tend to have high work moral. They have the shido ethics (unlimited loyalty) towards the company. However, with the occurrence of the case of Nakamura we can say that there is a shifting of legal culture from unlimited loyalty in to "give and take" one or limited loyalty. SImilarly, with the sifting of shundonshugi or collectivism into kojinshugi namely individualism. Nakamura demanded the justice in terms of economy and ignored the company reward, ignored the Japanese cultural values. The Japanese employees lost their work moral because it is shaken by economic view. The case of Nakamura indicates that these is a change of culture which cause a controversy between law and work morale (culture)."
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Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library