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Sheila Kadir
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Pemberian transfusi darah merupakan salah satu tindakan medis untuk penyelamatan nyawa (live saving) dan penyembuhan penyakit, tetapi disisi lain tindakan ini juga memiliki risiko atau komplikasi. Salah satu komplikasiyang dikenal adalah Transfusion-Associated Graft-vs-Host Disease (TAGVHD). TAGVHD ini akan menyebabkan berproliferasinya limfosit T yangkemudian akan diikuti oleh proses engraft (tertanam) didalam tubuh resipien yang umumnya berada dalam kondisi imunokompeten. Kondisi ini umumnya dialami oleh pasien-pasien dengan gangguan sistem imunologi seperti pada pasien kanker atau penyakit-penyakit autoimun. Saat ini, satu ? satunya metode yang dapat diterima untuk mencegah komplikasi itu dengan cara melakukan iradiasi darah. Bervariasinya rekomendasi tentang dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran untukmenurunkan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ sebagai penyebab terjadinya TAGVHD, menjadi latar belakang dilakukannya penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian ini akan dijadikan rekomendasi untuk prosedur iradiasi terhadap komponen sel darah merah pekatyang akan diberikan pada pasien-pasien imunokompeten di RS Kanker Dharmais Jakarta. Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan disain penelitian eksperimental dengan pemeriksaan time series yang dilakukan terhadap 54 kantong komponen sel darah merah pekat yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan ekslusi yang ditetapkan oleh peneliti. Dilakukan pengujian terhadap jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ dalam tiga dosis dengan tiga serial waktu berbeda. Hasil. Terjadi penurunan jumlah CD 3+ dan CD 4+ pada komponen sel darah merah pekat yang dilakukan iradiasi pada dosis iradiasi dan waktu penyinaran yang berbeda. Simpulan. Penurunan jumlah CD 3+ bermakna atau signifikan pada dosis 2500 pada waktu 5 jam setelah penyinaran.
Background Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.; ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation., ABSTRACTBackground Blood transfusion is a medical treatment for a life saving and cure the disease On the other hand these treatment also have risks or complications one of which is known with Transfusion Associated Graft vs Host Disease TAGVHD This will cause proliferation T lymphocytes and then will be followed by a process engraft embedded in the recipient 39 s body is in a state of immunocompetent This condition is commonly experienced by patients with impaired immunological systems such as cancer patients or autoimmune diseases Currently one the only acceptable method to prevent such complications by way of blood irradiation Variations recommendation on irradiation dose and exposure time in reducing the amount of CD 3 and CD 4 which is the cause of the TAGVHD be doing background research The results of this study will be a recommendation for action to the irradiation of packedred cell that will be given in immunocompetent patients in Jakarta Dharmais Cancer Hospital Methodology This study used an experimental research design time series with the examination conducted on 54 bags of packed red cell that meet the inclusion and exclusion criteria set by the researcher Conducted tests on the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in three doses with three different time series Results A decline in the number of CD 3 and CD 4 in packed red cell irradiation at certain doses of irradiation and different irradiation times Conclusion The decrease in CD 3 meaningful or significant at doses of 2500 in 5 hours after irradiation.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sasi Widuri
Abstrak :
Sifilis disebabkan oleh Treponemapallidum, yang merupakan penyakit kronis dan bersifat sistemik. Selama, dapat menyerang seluruh organ tubuh. Terdapat masa laten tanpa manifestasi lesi di tubuh. Penularan dapat melalui kontak seksual, melalui transfusi darah, dan dari ibu ke anak (sifilis kongenital).Saat ini diagnosis ditegakkan dengan uji serologi untuk mendeteksi antibodi IgM anti Treponemal yang diproduksi dalam dua minggu setelah infeksi diikuti terbentuknya antibodi IgG dua minggu atau empat minggu setelah infeksi. Pemeriksaan uji saring serologi terhadap Treponema pallidum untuk darah donor di Unit Transfusi Darah, menggunakan uji saring serologiyang spesifik terhadap Treponema. Pemeriksaan dengan metoda ELISA dapat mendeteksi antibodi IgG maupun IgM yang spesifik terhadap Treponema. Hasil uji ELISA dapat menyebabkan ditolaknya darah donor yang mengandung antibodi. Padahal sebenarnya sudah tidak infeksius lagi, karena sudah tidak mengandung bakteri penyebab. Pada kasus sifilis primerhasil serologi negatif palsumungkin terjadi karena adanya masa jendela. Di sisi lain hasil serologi positif palsudapat terjadi karena antibodi yang terbentuk dari infeksi masa lalu. Pemeriksaan PCR mempunyai nilai potensi yang besar untuk diagnosis sifilis primer. Keuntungan dari PCR real-time adalah kemampuannya mendeteksi patogen secara langsung. PCR real-time mendeteksigen polATreponema pallidum, yang merupakan gen spesifikTreponemapallidum, dantidakadareaksisilangdengannon Treponema. Metodologi.Pada penelitian ini dilakukan deteksi DNA Treponema pallidum pada 350 sampel darah donor dengan hasil uji serologi antibodi terhadap Treponema pallidum reaktif dan non reaktif, masing masing 175 sampel, menggunakan metoda ELISA. Hasil. Deteksi DNA Treponema pallidum menggunakan metoda PCR real-time didapatkan hasil, yaitu 41/350 sampel atau 11,71% adalah positif mengandung DNA Treponema pallidum dan 309/350 sampel atau 88,29% tidak mengandung DNA Treponema pallidum. Pada sampel darah yang mengandung antibodi terhadap Treponema pallidum yang non reaktif, ada yang terdeteksi positif mengandung DNA Treponema pallidum sebesar 21 sampel Hal ini berarti masih ada resiko penularan penyakit sifilis kepada resipien sebesar 5,71% (21/175) Simpulan. Deteksi DNA Treponema pallidum pada darah donor berdasarkan pemeriksaan PCR real-time adalah sebesar 11,71%, dan masih ada resiko penularan penyakit sifilis kepda resipien sebesar 5,71%
Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum, which is a chronic and systemic diseases . During the course of the disease, can affect all organs of the body. There is a latency period without manifestations of lesions in the body. Transmission can be through sexual contact, through blood transfusion, and from mother to child ( congenital syphilis ). This time the diagnosis is made by serological test for the detection of anti- treponema IgM antibodies produced in two weeks after infection followed by the formation of IgG antibodies two weeks or four weeks after infection. Examination of serological screening of blood donors to Treponema pallidum in Blood Transfusion Services, using specific serological screening test for Treponema with ELISA method can detect IgG and IgM antibodies specific to Treponema. ELISA test results can lead to rejection of donor blood that contains antibodies. When in fact it is not infectious anymore, because it does not contain bacteria. In case of primary syphilis serology false negative results may occur because of the window period. On the other hand the false positive serological results may occur because the antibodies from past infections. PCR has great potential value for the diagnosis of primary syphilis. The advantage of real -time PCR is the ability to detect pathogens directly. Real-time PCR to detect gene PolATreponema pallidum, which is a specific gene of Treponema pallidum, and no cross-reactions with non Treponema. Methodology. In this research, the examination of 350 samples of blood donors with serologic test results for antibodies to Treponema pallidum reactive and non- reactive using ELISA method, will be investigated using real -time PCR method. Results. Detection of Treponema pallidum DNA using real-time PCR method obtained results, 41/350 or 11.71% of samples were positive for DNATreponema pallidum DNA and 309/350 or 88.29% of samples did not contain Treponema pallidum DNA. In blood samples containing antibodies against Treponema pallidum is non reactive, there were detected positive for Treponema pallidum DNA samples of 21. This means that there is still a risk of transmission of syphilis to the recipient amounting to 5.71% Conclusion . Detection DNA Treponema pallidum in blood donors by real -time PCR assay is 11.71 % and still a risk of transmission os syphilis to the recipient about 5,71%.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar belakang. Cryoprecipitate digunakan sebagai terapi pengganti pada pasien Hemofilia A. Untuk meningkatkan kandungan F VIII dan proses inaktivasi patogen dilakukan mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F. Telah diketahui bahwa kadar vWF dan aktivitas F VIII dalam golongan darah O lebih rendah dari Non O. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah ingin mengetahui apakah kadar vWF dan aktivitas F VIII dalam mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F dari golongan darah O lebih rendah dari Non O. Metodologi. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 14 kantong mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F, 7 kantong golongan darah O dan 7 kantong Non O. Sampel berasal dari UDD PMI DKI Jakarta. Pembuatan mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F di UTD Pusat dan pemeriksaan kadar vWF dan aktivitas FVIII di laboratorium Patologi Klinik RSCM. Pemeriksaan vWF dengan alat Mini Vidas (Vidas vWF bioMerieux) dan pemeriksaan FVIII dengan alat Sysmex CA ? 560. Hasil. Hasil penelitian pada mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F didapatkan kadar vWF dalam mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F pada golongan O rerata 238,6 IU/kantong dengan SD 145,92 IU/kantong, pada Non O rerata 408,68 IU/kantong dengan SD 261,08 IU/kantong. Aktivitas FVIII pada golongan darah O rerata 179,86 IU/kantong dengan SD 68,65 IU/kantong, pada Non O rerata 258,1 IU/kantong dengan SD 106,70 IU/kantong. Secara statistik terbukti bahwa kadar vWF dan aktivitas F VIII dalam mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F pada golongan darah O lebih rendah dari darah Non O. Simpulan. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kadar vWF dan aktivitas F VIII dalam mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F pada golongan darah O lebih rendah dari Non O.
ABSTRACT Background. Cryoprecipitate is used as replacement therapy in patients with hemophilia A. In order to improve the content of factor VIII and pathogen inactivation process has been developed mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F. It is known that vWF levels in blood type O is lower than blood type Non O. Therefore the main objective of this study was to find out whether vWF and F VIII in mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F derived from blood type O is lower than non-O blood type. Methodology. This study used a cross-sectional design of the 14 mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F bag consists of seven bags of blood type O and 7 bags of blood type Non O. Blood samples derived from UDD PMI Jakarta. Manufacture mini pooled cryoprecipitate held at UTD Center and examination of vWF and factor VIII has done at the laboratory of Clinical Pathology RSCM. Examination by means of the Mini Vidas vWF (vWF Vidas bioMerieux) and F VIII examination by means of Sysmex CA - 560. Results.The results of this research on mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F obtained at the level of vWF in cryoprecipitate mini pooled S/D-F in type O average of 238.6 IU / bag with SD 145.92 IU / bag, in type Non O averages 408.68 IU / bag with SD 261.08 IU / bag. Activity of factor VIII in the blood type O average of 179.86 IU / bag with SD 68.65 IU / bag, in the type of Non O averages 258.1 IU / bag with SD 106.70 IU / bag. On statistically proven that the levels of vWF and factor VIII activity in the S/D-F cryoprecipitate mini pooled blood type O is lower than Non O blood type. Conclusions. This study shows that vWF levels and the activity of factor VIII in the mini pooled cryoprecipitate S/D-F on blood type O is lower than non-O blood type.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Eko Astarini
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Transfusi komponen Packed Red Cell (PRC) dengan metode pengurangan sel darah putih (PRC leukodepleted) mulai banyak digunakan untuk terapi pasien karena mampu mengurangi kejadian pasca transfusi yang tidak diinginkan. Jumlah perokok aktif di Indonesia yang cukup tinggi sehingga berpotensi besar menjadi pendonor darah karena belum ada regulasi yang mengaturnya. PRC leukodepleted pada perokok aktif beresiko besar mengalami kerusakan membran sel darah merah dan hemolisis akibat stres oksidatif yang terjadi karena akumulasi radikal bebas pada perokok aktif. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh stres oksidatif terhadap ketahanan membran PRC leukodepleted donor perokok aktif selama penyimpanan. Metode: PRC leukodepleted diproduksi dari pendonor yang dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok pendonor non perokok (NP), pendonor perokok ringan (PR) dan pendonor perokok sedang (PS). Sampel penelitian dibagi menjadi 6 aliquot untuk diperiksa kadar malondialdehid (MDA), aktivitas enzim superoksida dismutase (SOD), uji fragilitas osmotik (osmotic fragility test, OFT) dan hemolisis pada hari ke 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 dan 35. Hasil: Berdasarkan uji Kruskal Wallis ketiga kelompok menunjukkan perbedaan bermakna antara H0, H7, H14, H21, H28 dan H35 pada parameter MDA, SOD, OFT dan hemolisis yaitu dengan p<0,05. Dalam larutan NaCl 0,54 % pada uji OFT, terjadi hemolisis kelompok NP sebesar 17,53+12,16% pada H35; kelompok PR sebesar 34,10+7,92% pada H28; dan kelompok PS sebesar 30,92+5,98% pada H0. Kesimpulan: Penyimpanan PRC leukodepleted selama 35 hari meningkatkan stres oksidatif. Stres oksidatif paling tinggi terjadi pada kelompok perokok sedang. Terdapat korelasi antara stres oksidatif dengan ketahanan membran sel darah merah. ......Background: Packed Red Cell (PRC) transfusion without the leukocyte (leukodepleted PRC) method has begun to be widely used for patient therapy because it can reduce unexpected post-transfusion effects. The number of active smokers in Indonesia is quite high so they have a great opportunity to become blood donors, since there is no regulation yet. Leukodepleted PRC in active smokers are at great risk for red blood cell membran damage and hemolysis due to oxidative stress that occurs caused by accumulation of free radicals in active smokers. Objective: This study aim to determine the effect of oxidative stress on red blood cells membrane resistance of leukodepleted PRC in active smokers donors during storage. Methods: Leukodepleted PRC was produced from donors who were grouped into non-smoker donors (NP), light smoker donors (PR) and moderate smoking donors (PS). The research sample was divided into 6 aliquots to be examined for the malondialdehyde (MDA) level, activity of superoxide dismutase (SOD) enzyme, osmotic fragility test (OFT) and hemolysis on 0, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35 days of storage. Results: The three groups showed significant differences between D0, D7, D14, D21, D28 and D35 on the parameters of MDA, SOD, OFT and hemolysis (p<0.05, Kruskal-Wallis test). In 0.54% NaCl solution of OFT test, NP group hemolysis was 17.53+12.16% on D35; PR group was 34.10+7.92% on D28; and the PS group was 30.92+5.98% on D0. Conclusion: Storage for 35 days increased the oxidative stress of leukodepleted PRC. The highest oxidative stress occurred in the moderate smoker (PS) group. Oxidative stress has correlation with red blood cell membrane resistance.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library