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Eva Byuti Zumrudah
Abstrak :
Pelayanan darah adalah upaya pelayanan kesehatan yang memanfaatkan darah manusia sebagai bahan dasar dengan tujuan kemanusiaan dan tidak untuk tujuan komersial. Di Negara berkembang, transfusi darah paling banyak diberikan untuk perawatan komplikasi kehamilan dan persalinan, anemia yang parah pada anakanak, trauma dan perawatan kelainan darah. Akses pada darah yang aman dapat mencegah hingga seperempat kematian ibu setiap tahun. persediaan darah adalah 2% dari populasi penduduk. Persentase tertinggi kebutuhan ideal darah se-Indonesia ada di Jawa Barat namun ketersediaan darah hanya mencapai 35,4% kebutuhannya. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui dukungan pemerintah daerah tingkat Provinsi Jawa Barat dalam pelayanan darah tahun 2010-2015. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain kualitatif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Pengumpulan data diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan telaah dokumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peraturan daerah provinsi tentang penyelenggaraan kesehatan, namun belum mengacu pada peraturan baru terkait pelayanan darah. Terdapat alokasi anggaran program rutin yang secara tidak langsung mendukung pelayanan darah dan bantuan hibah Palang Merah Indonesia Provinsi Jawa Barat. Bantuan hibah ini belum diperhitungkan dalam biaya pengganti pengolahan darah tingkat provinsi. Jumlah Unit Transfusi Darah dinilai mencukupi namun jumlah Bank Darah Rumah Sakit masih sedikit. Sistem informasi manajemen yang terintegrasi dengan Unit Transfusi Darah Pusat PMI masih sedikit. Tidak terdapat tenaga kesehatan PNS tingkat provinsi yang diperbantukan di UTD. Data Upaya Kesehatan Berbasis Masyarakat pendonor darah melalui desa siaga aktif belum dipetakan. Komunikasi data antara Dinas Kesehatan dan UTD masih lemah. Tren jumlah pendonor, jumlah produksi komponen darah dan tingkat partisipasi masyarakat semakin besar. Tren penggunaan darah meningkat di bidang kebidanan. Diperlukan sosialisasi peraturan-peraturan terbaru, penyesuaian peraturan daerah dengan kebijakan nasional, penerapan jejaring pelayanan darah provinsi dan pelaksanaan program quick win pelayanan darah.
Blood service is one of health services that utilize human blood as the base material for humanitarian and not for commercial purposes. In developing countries, most blood transfusions are given for pregnancy and childbirth complication treatment, severe anemia in children, trauma and blood disorders. Access to safe blood can prevent up to a quarter of maternal deaths annually. Blood supply recommendation is 2% of the population. The highest percentage of blood needs in Indonesia is in West Java which in 2013 availability of blood accounted for 35.4% needs. This study investigated the local government support of West Java province for blood service 2010-2015. This study was qualitative design with case study approach. The data collection obtained through in-depth interviews, observation, and study literature. The results showed there were provincial regulations on health administration, but not comply with the new regulations. There was a regular program budget allocation, which indirectly support the blood service and grants to Indonesia Red Cross branch West Java. This grant has not been taken into account in provincial level of blood processing charge. Blood transfusion services were considered sufficient but the number hospital blood banks were still small. Management information system among BTS-es integrated with Indonesia Red Cross Central BTS were small. There were no civil servants in provincial level employed at BTS. Blood donor data through Desa Siaga Aktif were not available. Data communication between the Provincial Health Office and BTS was still weak. There were rising trend in the number of donors, blood component production and level of community participation. There was increasing blood use trend in obstetrics. Socialization of recent regulations is needed, adjustment of local regulations with national policy, the implementation of the provincial network of blood services and the blood service quick-win program should be endorsed.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ranti Dwi Astriani
Abstrak :
Adanya lipid pada sampel darah pendonor diduga dapat mempengaruhi hasil uji saring IMLTD. Jenis dan kadar lipid yang diduga menganggu hasil uji saring perlu diketahui untuk menghindarkan adanya hasil negatif palsu ataupun positif palsu uji saring HBsAg yang berdampak pada keamanan darah. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menentukan adanya pengaruh lipid terhadap hasil uji saring HBsAg metoda CLIA dalam menjaga keamanan darah, menentukan rentang kadar trigliserida dan kolesterol total yang mempengaruhi hasil uji saring HBsAg, memprediksi mekanisme yang paling mungkin menyebabkan gangguan hasil uji saring HBsAg pada sampel dengan kadar trigliserida dan kolesterol total tinggi dan cara efektif yang dapat menghilangkan lipid. Metode yang digunakan adalah eksperimen dengan kelompok sampel pertama 6 kantong plasma non lipemik reaktif HBsAg yang dibuat menjadi lipemik dengan penambahan lipofundin dan kelompok sampel kedua adalah 25 kantong  plasma donor lipemik non reaktif terhadap uji saring IMLTD yang diberikan perlakuan untuk menghilangkan lipid pada plasma tersebut. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna hasil uji saring HBsAg sebelum dan setelah penambahan lipofundin serta sebelum dan setelah diberikan perlakuan untuk menghilangkan lipid.  Cara menghilangkan lipid dapat dilakukan dengan sentrifugasi kecepatan tinggi, penambahan PEG 6000 8% dan penambahan dietylether. Kesimpulan penelitian ini, keadaan hiperlipidemia baik karena peningkatan kadar trigliserida ataupun kolesterol total tidak mempengaruhi kadar HBsAg dan cara yang efektif untuk menghilangkan lipid yang paling baik diperoleh dengan ekstraksi oleh dietylether.
The types of lipids and their amount in the blood donors sample can presumably affect transfusion transmitted infections (TTI) screening test result. The interference in the screening test needs to be identified to avoid false negative result or false positive result of Hepatitis B Antigen (HBsAg) screening test in which blood safety is impacted. This study aims to investigate the impacts of blood lipids towards HBsAg screening test result using Chemiluminescence Immuno Assay (CLIA) methods, to determine the triglycerides range and total cholesterol levels that affect  HBsAg screening test result using CLIA method, to predict which mechanism that significantly causes interference in lipemic sample for HBsAg screening test  as well as to find the effective ways to remove lipids. Experimental method was used in this study by using two sample groups; the first sample group was 6 non lipemic-reactive HbsAg  plasma bags which were modified to lipemic samples using lipofundin  and the second sample group  was 25 lipemic- non-reactive HBsAg which were given treatment to remove the lipids in the plasma. The results suggested that there were no significant differences in HBsAg level either in the first group before and after adding  lipofundin and also in the second group before and after treatment. In addition, it was found that high speed centrifugation, PEG 6000 8% and dietylether could be used to remove lipids from lipemic plasma. As the conclusion, the state of hyperlipidemia caused by  high triglyceride and total cholesterol in this study had shown no effect on the HBsAg level. Moreover, this study showed that one of the effective ways to eliminate lipids was obtained by dietylether extraction.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Winarti
Abstrak :
Pemeriksaan IMLTD merupakan pengolahan darah untuk memastikan darah yang diberikan telah aman. Darah reaktif harus diperiksa ulang dengan menggunakan reagen yang sama dan in duplicate. Jika hasil RR maka darah harus dimusnahkan. Donor diberitahukan untuk tidak menyumbangkan darah dan melakukan uji diagnostik di RS. Sering terjadi perbedaan hasil antara uji saring UTD dengan uji diagnostik. Konfirmasi diperlukan pada kasus dimana terjadi perbedaan hasil. Western Blot (WB) adalah uji konfirmasi untuk mendeteksi antibodi terhadap virus. Saat ini juga terdapat metode immunokromatografi yang memiliki spesifisitas sama dengan WB. Tujuan penelitian mengetahui uji konfirmasi metoda imunokromatografi menjamin keamanan darah terhadap HIV. Desain penelitian deskriptif analitik dan uji diagnostik dengan 77 sampel yang memenuhi nilai inklusi. sampel berupa darah lengkap dengan volume tiga ml sebanyak 6 tabung. Hasil menunjukkan perbandingan WB dengan immunokromatografi didapatkan 5 sampel reaktif WB maupun immunokromatografi, 5 sampel non reaktif WB dan reaktif immunokromatografi. 67 sampel non reaktif WB maupun immunokromatografi. Kesimpulan terdapat perbedaan hasil reaktif dari metode ChLIA dengan hasil pemeriksaan diagnostik menggunakan RDT, WB dan imunokromatografi dan diferensiasi Ab HIV 1 dan 2 dan ketepatan konfirmasi Imunokromatografi memiliki kesesuaian hasil HIV 1 dengan WB.
IMLTD examination is a blood treatment to ensure that the blood given is safe. Reactive blood must be re-examined using the same reagent and in duplicate. If the RR results, the blood must be destroyed. Donors were told not to donate blood and carry out diagnostic tests at the hospital. There are often differences in the results between blood centers test and the diagnostic test. Confirmation is needed in cases where there are differences in results. Western Blot (WB) is a confirmation test for detecting antibodies to the virus. At present there are also immunochromatographic methods that have the same specificity as WB. The aim of the study was to determine the confirmation test of the immunochromatographic method to ensure blood safety against HIV Descriptive analytic research design and diagnostic test with 77 samples that meet the inclusion value. samples in the form of complete blood with a volume of three ml as many as 6 tubes. The results showed a comparison of immunocromatographic WB with 5 reactive WB samples as well as immunochromatography, 5 non-reactive WB samples and immunochromatographic reactive. 67 WB non-reactive samples and immunochromatography. Conclusion there are differences in the reactive results of the ChLIA method with the results of diagnostic examinations using RDT, WB and immunochromatography and differentiation of Ab HIV 1 and 2 and the accuracy of confirmatory immunochromatography that matches HIV 1 results with WB.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Teuku Ilhami Surya Akbar
Abstrak :
Latar belakang. Komponen darah washed erythrocyte (WE) mempunyai fungsi yang sama dengan leukodepleted PRC (LD-PRC) yaitu untuk mencegah atau mengurangi reaksi transfusi. Namun banyak kekhawatiran para klinisi tentang cara pembuatan komponen darah WE dan bahan yang terkandung pada filter leukosit untuk menangkap leukosit. Tujuan utama dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan bukti secara ilmiah akan keamanan dalam pemakaian komponen darah PRC yang telah dimodifikasi ini dan juga memberikan pemahaman tentang pemakaian yang benar untuk komponen darah ini. Metoda. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang pada 52 sampel darah. Pemeriksaan darah dilakukan pada 26 sampel WE sebelum dan sesudah menjadi komponen darah WE dan 26 sampel LD-PRC sebelum dan sesudah menjadi komponen darah LD-PRC. Pemeriksaan hematologi diperiksa secara otomatis menggunakan Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein diperkirakan menggunakan ADVIA 1650/1800, sedangkan hemolisis darah diamati menggunakan uji Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Hasil. Menunjukan kadar hemoglobin pada kelompok WE berkurang 15,4%, volume hematokrit menurun 8,55%, kadar protein menurun 98,4 %, dan jumlah leukosit menurun 87,31% dibandingkan dengan kelompok PRC sebelum dicuci. Selain itu, kadar hemoglobin dari komponen darah leukodepleted menurun 29,1%, volume hematokrit meningkat 21%, kadar protein menurun 79,1% dan jumlah leukosit menurun 99,9% dibandingkan dengan kelompok WB sebelum dijadikan komponen leukodepleted PRC. Persentase hemolisis pada komponen darah WE dan LD-PRC adalah < 0,8% Perbedaan bermakna komponen darah WE dan LD-PRC dapat diamati pada parameter penilaian protein sisa dan leukosit sisa (p<0,05). Simpulan. Dalam pembuatan komponen darah WE protein plasma berkurang sebanyak 98,4%, sedangkan dalam pembuatan leukodepleted PRC, jumlah leukosit berkurang sebanyak 99,97%. Terjadinya hemolisis dapat diabaikan karena pada kedua komponen darah, hemolisis terjadi < 0,8%. Jika diperlukan komponen darah dengan kandungan protein plasma yang sedikit dapat digunakan komponen darah WE, sementara itu jika diperlukan komponen darah dengan jumlah leukositnya sedikit dapat digunakan/dipilih komponen darah leukodepleted.
Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes? washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required.;Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes’ washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required., Background. Washed erythrocyte (WE) and leukodepleted erythrocyte (LD-PRC) are normally used in clinical transfusion to prevent transfusion reaction. However, clinicians are wondering on the safety of those two blood components. The open system with saline for erythrocyte washing and the use of filter for blood leukodepletion still leave quiries on the possibility of hemolysis and their effectiveness for clinical transfusion. This study aims to provide scientific reasoning and the appropriate use of WE and leukodepleted blood respectively. Methods. A cross sectional approach was employed in this study on two groups of blood component consisting of 52 blood samples each , i.e. WE and LD-PRC respectively. Blood examinations were carried out on 26 WE samples prior to and after washing and on 26 LD-PRC samples prior to and after leukodepletion. Blood indices were examined automatically using Sysmex Xn-2000, total protein was estimated using ADVIA 1650/1800, while blood hemolysis was observed employing Osmotic Fragility Test (OFT). Results. It was shown that hemoglobin concentration of WE group decreased by 15.4%, hematocrit volume decreased by 8.55%, protein concentration decreased by 98.4%, and leukocyte count decreased by 87.3% compared to those the original Packed Red Cells. In addition, it was shown that the hemoglobin concentration of the leucodepleted blood component decreased by 29.1%, hematocrit volume increased by 21%, protein concentrations decreased 79.1% and the leukocyte count decreased by 99.9%. All the sampel of the WE blood products and all the LD-PRC blood sampel has hemolysis level <0,8% However, a significant difference in protein concentration and leukocyte count was observed betwen WE and LD-PRC (p<0.05). Conclusion. The process of erythrocytes’ washing decreased the plasma protein concentration by 98.4%, whilst the process of leucodepletion decreased the leucocyte count by 99.97%. Hemolysis during the preparation of both blood components could be negligible. It is concluded that WE blood component is preferable for transfusion when low plasma protein is required. On the other hand, leukodepleted PRC is preferable when blood component with low in leucocyte count is required.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anna Kartika Yuli Astuti
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Kemampuan survival sel darah merah ini dapat dilihat dari hemolisis sel darah merah selama penyimpanan. Penurunan survival sel darah merah ini kemungkinan salah satunya karena masih adanya leukosit dalam komponen darah. Adanya leukosit dalam produk PRC dapat meningkatkan storage lesion sehingga menurunkan kemampuan survival sel darah merah ini. Selain mengurangi jumlah leukosit, upaya untuk menjaga kestabilan membran sel darah merah dilakukan dengan cara menggunakan manitol dalam additive solution. Metode : 40 sampel PRC yang terdiri dari kantong PRC, PRC+Filter, PRC+SAGM, PRC+SAGM+Filter yang disimpan dengan suhu 2°-6°C diperiksa kadar glukosa, pH dan hemolisis pada hari ke-0, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, dan 42. Data hasil penelitian ini dianalisis menggunakan uji statistik ANOVA dengan batas kemaknaan <0,05. Hasil : Penggunaan filter untuk mengurangi jumlah leukosit didapatkan hasil yang bermakna (<0,05). Terjadi penurunan kadar glukosa, pH dan peningkatan hemolisis selama penyimpanan pada semua jenis kantong. Tingkat hemolisis produk darah PRC pada hari ke-35 telah lebih dari standar, sedangkan pada tiga produk PRC yang lain pada masa simpan 42 hari masih dalam batas normal. Kesimpulan : Baik pengurangan leukosit mau pun penambahan additive solution pada PRC dapat mempertahankan viabilitas sel darah merah sehingga pada penyimpanan hari ke-42.
ABSTRACT Background: The ability of red blood cell survival can be seen from hemolysis of red blood cells during storage. The decrease in survival of red blood cells is probably one of them because of the presence of leukocytes in the blood component. The presence of leukocytes in PRC products can increase storage lesion thereby reducing the survival of red blood cells. In addition to reducing the number of leukocytes, efforts to maintain the stability of the red blood cell membrane are carried out by using mannitol in additive solutions. Methods: 40 PRC samples consisting of PRC bags, PRC+Filters, PRC+SAGM, PRC+SAGM+Filters stored at 2°-6°C were examined for glucose, pH and hemolysis levels on days 0, 7, 14 , 21, 28, 35, and 42. Data from the results of this study were analyzed using ANOVA statistical tests with significance limits <0.05. Results: The use of filters to reduce the number of leukocytes showed significant results (<0.05). A decrease in glucose levels, pH and increased hemolysis during storage in all types of bags. The level of hemolysis of PRC blood products on the 35th day was more than standard, whereas in the other three PRC products the 42-day shelf life was still within normal limits. Conclusion: Both leukocyte reduction and additive solution addition in PRC can maintain the viability of red blood cells so that at the 42nd day storage.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library