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Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Sisva Maryadi
Yogyakarta: Kepel Pess, 2017
610 SIS b
Buku Teks SO  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Ida Mariati
Abstrak :
Pendugaan Persentase Kejadian Gizi Buruk di Jawa Timur Menggunakan Model Regresi Terboboti Geografis. Provinsi Jawa Timur memiliki karakteristik wilayah yang berbeda. Perbedaan karakteristik wilayah dapat berupa masalah sosial, ekonomi, budaya, pola asuh, pendidikan, dan lingkungan, sehingga dapat menyebabkan adanya perbedaan kejadian balita gizi buruk antara wilayah satu dengan wilayah lainnya. Penderita gizi buruk dari satu wilayah diduga dipengaruhi oleh wilayah sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan suatu pemodelan statistik dengan memperhitungkan faktor spasial. Metode statistik yang dapat digunakan untuk menganalisis data dengan memperhitungkan faktor spasial adalah regresi terboboti geografis (RTG). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan model kejadian gizi buruk di Provinsi Jawa Timur menggunakan model RTG dengan pembobot kernel adaptif kuadrat ganda dan membandingkan model RTG dengan model regresi linear konvensional. Data yang digunakan adalah data sekunder dari survei sosial ekonomi nasional (SUSENAS) dan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (RISKESDA) 2010 pada 38 kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Pendugaan parameter model dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode weighted least squares (WLS) yaitu dengan memberikan pembobot yang berbeda untuk setiap wilayah. Hasil penelitian diperoleh terdapat 38 model kejadian gizi buruk yang berbeda untuk setiap kabupaten/kota di Jawa Timur. Model RTG dengan menggunakan pembobot fungsi kernel kuadrat ganda lebih baik digunakan untuk memodelkan kejadian gizi buruk di Jawa Timur dibandingkan dengan regresi linear konvensional berdasarkan kriteria kebaikan model yaitu R-square, mean square error (MSE) dan Akaike information criterion (AIC).
The province of East Java has its characteristics that differentiate it from any other regions. Dissimilarities in characteristics of a region may encompass issues such as social, economic, cultural, parenting, education, and the environment, so as to cause the difference in the case of severe under nutrition between one region to another. Sufferers of malnutrition in one region may be linked and influenced by the surrounding regions. Therefore, we need a statistical modeling that can take into account the spatial factor. Statistical methods that can be used to analyze the data and also takes into account the spatial factor are the Geographically Weighted Regression (GWR). This study is aimed to determine the case of malnutrition models in East Java Province using GWR model with kernel adaptive bi-square weighting and comparing it to the conventional linear regression model. The data used in the study are secondary data obtained from the National Socio-Economic Survey and Basic Health Research (2010) conducted in 38 districts in East Java. Estimation is done by using the Weighted Least Squares method that provides different weighting values to each region. The result showed that there are 38 models of the malnutrition case that is different from each district in East Java. The GWR model with bi-square kernel weighting function is better in modelling the case of malnutrition in East Java compared to the conventional linear regression models that are based on the criteria of goodness that is the R- square, Mean Square Error and the Akaike Information Criterion.
Universitas Cenderawasih. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Ida Mariati
Abstrak :
Faktor yang Memengaruhi Kekerasan berdasarkan Jenis Kelamin pada Wanita Hamil yang Mengunjungi Klinik Antenatal di Pusat Pelayanan Kesehatan Primer Daerah Syangja, Nepal. Kehamilan dan kelahiran anak merupakan waktu rawan yang khusus untuk penganiayaan kekerasan karena perubahan fisik, sosial, emosi, dan kebutuhan ekonomi wanita selama kehamilan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan faktor yang berkaitan dengan kekerasan berdasarkan jenis kelamin pada wanita hamil yang datang ke klinik ANC. Penelitian cross sectional dilakukan pada 202 wanita hamil yang mengunjungi bagian antenatal PHC di daerah Syangja selama September 2014 hingga Desember 2014 menggunakan kuesioner semi terstruktur dengan wawancara tatap muka. Perangkat lunak SPSS digunakan untuk menganalisis data. Prevalensi GBV di antara wanita hamil diperoleh sebesar 91,1%. Variabel sosio demografik seperti suku, agama, usia responden, usia pernikahan, pekerjaan, dan pendapatan per tahun tidak berkaitan dengan pengalaman berbagai jenis GBV (p>0,05). Walaupun demikian, ada hubungan secara statistik antara pendidikan suami (p=0,03), usia kehamilan (p=0,039), dan jenis pernikahan (p=0,013) pada kasus kekerasan psikologis dan ekonomi walaupun tidak ada hubungan secara statistik dengan jenis kekerasan yang lain. Kesimpulannya, kekerasan berdasarkan jenis kelamin selama kehamilan merupakan masalah kesehatan masyarakat yang paling utama di daerah Syangja, Nepal. Berdasarkan pada usia pernikahan, jenis pernikahan, dan pendidikan suami dapat mengurangi kekerasan berdasarkan jenis kelamin pada wanita hamil. Pemberdayaan wanita, kemandirian ekonomi, sensitisasi, kepedulian dan perlunya survei berdasarkan populasi skala besar merupakan rekomendasi utama penelitian ini.
Pregnancy and childbirth were a time of unique vulnerability to violence victimization because of changes in women?s physical, social, emotional, and economic needs during pregnancy. This study aims to determine the factors associated with gender-based violence among pregnant women attending antenatal care clinic (ANC). A cross-sectional study was conducted among 202 pregnant women attend antenatal ward of primary health care centre (PHC) of Syangja district during September 2014 to December 2014 by using semi-structure questionnaire with face to face interviews. SPSS software was used for analysis the data. The prevalence of gender based violence (GBV) among pregnant women was found to be 91.1%. The socio-demographic variables such as ethnicity, religious, the age of respondents, the age of marriage, occupation, and annual income had no association with the experience of different types of GBV (p > 0.05). However, there was a statistically association between husband education (p=0.03), the age of marriage (p=0.039) and type of marriage (p=0.013) in case of psychological and economic violence whereas there was no statistically association between with other types of violence. In conclusion, gender based violence during pregnancy was a major prevalent public health problem is Syangja district of Nepal. Focus on age of marriage, types of marriage and education of husband may reduce gender based violence among the pregnant women. Women?s empowerment, economic autonomy, sensitization, awareness and needed of large-scale population-based surveys were the major recommendation of this study.
Universitas Cenderawasih. Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences, 2015
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
This study aimed to formulate strategies that need to be done to improve the environmental performance of the airport. The research uses survey methods to acquire data about the factors that affect the environmental performance improvement strategies in Angkasa Pura I airport. The data are analyzed by using regression analysis techniques, needs analysis, and prospective analysis. The results of the analysis show that: (1) respondents who are concerned about environmental performance within the company reached an average of 4.12 (care) and within the environment outside the company reached an average of 4.07 (care); (2) the needs of stakeholders for environmental quality inside and outside the company are: the improvement of airport performance; efficient, distinct, precise, and customer-ease-oriented services; improvement of airport officials? professionalism; socialization of clear and firm rules and legal enforcement for the employees and customers; development of airport facilities and its supporting access; and (3) the key successes underlying the improvement of airport performance within and outside company in the future are leadership, cleanliness, caring, modesty, and service-oriented attitude.
Bogor: Institut Pertanian Bogor, Program Studi PSL, 2009
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: Gramedia Pustaka Utama, 2003
362.5 MEN
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library