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Eva Komalasari
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Bedah jantung terbuka pada anak merupakan pembedahan dengan tingkat stress respon yang tinggi. Salah satu komplikasi tersering adalah infeksi pascabedah yang berkaitan dengan hiperglikemia yang terjadi pascabedah dan diperberat oleh resistensi insulin yang terjadi akibat respon stress dan perubahan neurohormonal akibat pembedahan dan puasa. Salah satu cara yang dipikirkan dapat mengurangi resistensi insulin dan kadar gula darah pascabedah adalah pemberian karbohidrat oral prabedah. Beberapa penelitian telah membuktikkan pemberian karbohidrat oral prabedah dapat mengurangi respon stress tubuh akibat puasa dan mengurangi resistensi insulin pascabedah. Pemberian karbohidrat oral prabedah akan meningkatkan kadar insulin pada kadar tidak puasa sehingga menurunkan resistensi insulin yang terjadi pascabedah. Namun, belum ada penelitian pada bedah jantung terbuka pada anak. Metode: Penelitian ini merupakan uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal untuk mengetahui efek pemberian karbohidrat oral prabedah dalam mengurangi resistensi insulin dan kadar gula darah pascabedah jantung terbuka pada anak. Terdapat 19 subjek pada masing-masing kelompok. Kedua kelompok menjalani puasa 6 jam prabedah, kelompok pertama mendapatkan maltodekstrin 12,5% dan kelompok kedua mendapatkan air putih hingga 2 jam prabedah. Dilakukan pengukuran HOMA-IR, kadar gula darah, procalcitonin dan pencatatan lama ventilasi mekanik. Hasil: Median kadar HOMA IR kelompok karbohidrat oral prabedah didapatkan selalu lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok air putih pada pengukuran saat prabedah, setelah induksi, dan 24 jam pascabedah, namun tidak bermakna secara statistik. Didapatkan perbedaan bermakna penggunaan ventilasi mekanik pada kelompok kontrol dibanding kelompok perlakuan (p=0,001). Kadar prokalsitonin 24 jam pascabedah didapatkan lebih tinggi pada kelompok kontrol (p=0,018). Simpulan: Karbohidrat oral prabedah dapat menurunkan infeksi dan lama penggunaan ventilasi mekanik pascabedah, namun tidak terbukti menurunkan resistensi insulin pascabedah. ......Background: Open heart surgery in children causes metabolic stress and insulin resistance lead to postoperative complication such as infection and prolonged mechanical ventilation. These can be exacerbated by preoperative fasting. One of the measures to improve postoperative outcome is preoperative oral carbohydrate (OCH). Preoperative OCH changes the patient from a fasted state to a fed state and minimize insulin resistance. Many studies have evaluated the effect of preoperative oral carbohydrate on postoperative outcomes, but no study yet on open heart surgery in children. This study was designed to examine the effect of postoperative oral carbohydrate on postoperative insulin resistance, blood sugar level, and postoperative outcome including infection and mechanical ventilation time. Methods: 38 children undergoing elective cardiac surgery were randomly allocated into 2 groups. The control group receive water and the study group receive maltodextrin 12,5% 10 cc/kgBW 2 hours before induction. Blood glucose and HOMA-IR were measured before fasting, after induction, 6 hour and 24 hours postoperative. Procalcitonin as a marker for infection was measured 24 hours after surgery. Time for extubation was recorded. Results: HOMA-IR in CHO group were higher than control group before fasting, after induction and 24 hours after surgery but not statistically different. Procalcitonin level was significantly lower in OCH group (23.1[0.66-212.8] vs 83.82[0.7-553] (p=0,0180). Patient from treatment group had shorter mechanical ventilation time 1380 [300-14000] vs 5460 [900-17200] (p=0,001). Conclusion: Preoperative oral carbohydrate in children undergoing cardiac surgery reduce infection and length of mechanical ventilation postoperative. But does not decrease insulin resistance postoperative.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhi Prasetyo
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Pengetahuan seseorang yang tidak memadai terhadap risiko suatu tindakan medis berpotensi menimbulkan kecemasan dan tuntutan sehingga diperlukan upaya komunikasi dan pemberian edukasi dengan baik. Pembedahan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB) anak berisiko tinggi terjadi morbiditas hingga mortalitas. Terdapat kesan pemahaman ibu yang tidak optimal terhadap pembedahan PJB anak mereka. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengetahuan ibu terhadap pembedahan PJB. Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan uji eksperimen tidak murni (kuasi eksperimen) untuk mengetahui perubahan pengetahuan dan uji potong lintang untuk mengetahui proporsi pengetahuan yang rendah sebelum diberikan edukasi pada ibu anak yang akan menjalani pembedahan jantung pada bulan Mei hingga Juli 2014 di Instalasi Pelayanan Jantung Terpadu (PJT) RSUPNCM. Pengetahuan ibu dinilai menggunakan kuesioner dan edukasi menggunakan media edukasi mini flipchart. Kuesioner dan media edukasi dikembangkan sendiri oleh peneliti. Pengetahuan akan dinilai saat praedukasi dan pascaedukasi. Hasil: Sebanyak 57 subyek diikutsertakan dalam penelitian dan tidak ada subyek yang dikeluarkan saat penelitian. Analisis menggunakan stratifikasi untuk tiap diagnosis dan jenjang pendidikan. Total 47 subyek yang dapat dianalisis. Didapatkan 49% subyek memiliki pengetahuan rendah praedukasi dan seluruh subyek (100%) mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan pascaedukasi. Simpulan: Pemberian edukasi mampu meningkatkan pengetahuan ibu anak dengan PJB yang akan menjalani pembedahan jantung.
Background : Inadequate knowledge about risk of upcoming medical intervention may raise anxiety and demands. Therefore good communication and education are required. Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) children surgery has high risk of morbidity and mortality. There is an impression that the mother has lack understanding of their children?s surgery. This study aimed to assess the mother?s knowledge of CHD surgery. Method : This study used quasi-experimental design to determine changes in maternal knowledge and cross-sectional tests to assess the proportion of low knowledge prior the provision of education on the mothers whose children underwent heart surgery in May to July 2014 in RSUPNCM. Knowledge of mothers was assessed using questionnaires before and after the education. Education was provided using ?mini flipchart? media. Questionnaires and educational media were developed by the researchers. Result : A total of 57 subjects were included in the study and no subjects were excluded during the research. Analysis was done by using stratification for each diagnosis. A total of 47 subjects can be analyzed. We found that 49% of the subjects had low knowledge prior the provision of education and all subjects (100%) had increasing knowledge after education. Conclusion : The provision of education is able to increase the knowledge of mothers whose children will undergo congenital heart disease surgery.;Background : Inadequate knowledge about risk of upcoming medical intervention may raise anxiety and demands. Therefore good communication and education are required. Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) children surgery has high risk of morbidity and mortality. There is an impression that the mother has lack understanding of their children’s surgery. This study aimed to assess the mother’s knowledge of CHD surgery. Method : This study used quasi-experimental design to determine changes in maternal knowledge and cross-sectional tests to assess the proportion of low knowledge prior the provision of education on the mothers whose children underwent heart surgery in May to July 2014 in RSUPNCM. Knowledge of mothers was assessed using questionnaires before and after the education. Education was provided using “mini flipchart” media. Questionnaires and educational media were developed by the researchers. Result : A total of 57 subjects were included in the study and no subjects were excluded during the research. Analysis was done by using stratification for each diagnosis. A total of 47 subjects can be analyzed. We found that 49% of the subjects had low knowledge prior the provision of education and all subjects (100%) had increasing knowledge after education. Conclusion : The provision of education is able to increase the knowledge of mothers whose children will undergo congenital heart disease surgery., Background : Inadequate knowledge about risk of upcoming medical intervention may raise anxiety and demands. Therefore good communication and education are required. Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) children surgery has high risk of morbidity and mortality. There is an impression that the mother has lack understanding of their children’s surgery. This study aimed to assess the mother’s knowledge of CHD surgery. Method : This study used quasi-experimental design to determine changes in maternal knowledge and cross-sectional tests to assess the proportion of low knowledge prior the provision of education on the mothers whose children underwent heart surgery in May to July 2014 in RSUPNCM. Knowledge of mothers was assessed using questionnaires before and after the education. Education was provided using “mini flipchart” media. Questionnaires and educational media were developed by the researchers. Result : A total of 57 subjects were included in the study and no subjects were excluded during the research. Analysis was done by using stratification for each diagnosis. A total of 47 subjects can be analyzed. We found that 49% of the subjects had low knowledge prior the provision of education and all subjects (100%) had increasing knowledge after education. Conclusion : The provision of education is able to increase the knowledge of mothers whose children will undergo congenital heart disease surgery.]
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hendy Armanda Zaintama
Abstrak :
Sekitar 1% anak terlahir dengan penyakit jantung bawaan (PJB). Sebagian akan memerlukan kateterisasi jantung baik diagnosis maupun terapeutik. Prosedur ini memerlukan kooperasi pasien dan imobilisasi sehingga dibutuhkan anestesia yang mungkin berulang. Penelitian ini bertujuan melihat efek anestesia umum terhadap fungsi kontraktilitas jantung anak dengan PJB. Kontraktilitas jantung dilihat dari fraksi ejeksi dan TAPSE yang diukur dengan ekokardiografi. Pengukuran dilakukan sebelum anestesia umum, 5 menit pascaintubasi dan akhir tindakan kateterisasi. Metode penelitian kohort observasional dengan consecutive sampling telah dilakukan. Analisis dilakukan terhadap 42 anak berusia 6 bulan hingga 18 tahun dengan PJB yang menjalani kateterisasi jantung dalam anestesia umum pada periode Juni – Agustus 2018. Uji T-test berpasangan dilakukan untuk analisis perubahan fraksi ejeksi dan TAPSE dan analisis multivariat untuk melihat pengaruh usia, jenis PJB, lama dan jenis tindakan kardiologi terhadap perubahan kontraksi. Perubahan fraksi ejeksi turun bermakna pada 5 menit pascaintubasi dan akhir tindakan kardiologi dan TAPSE turun bermakna hanya pada 5 menit pascaintubasi. Pengaruh usia, jenis PJB, lama dan jenis tindakan kardiologi tidak bermakna terhadap perubahan fraksi ejeksi dan TAPSE. Dengan demikian diharapkan kewaspadaan dalam penanganan pasien PJB, termasuk ketika memberikan informasi sebelum persetujuan tindakan medis (informed consent), dan jika memungkinkan menghindari tindakan anestesia umum yang berulang. ......Approximately 1% of children borned with congenital heart disease (CHD). Some will require cardiac catheterization which repeated anesthesia may be needed. This study aims to see the effect of general anesthesia on the cardiac contractility in children with CHD. Cardiac contractility seen from ejection fraction and TAPSE as measured by echocardiography. Measurements were taken before general anesthesia, 5 minutes post-intubation and at the end of the catheterization. An observational cohort with consecutive sampling was conducted. Analysis was carried out on 42 children aged 6 months to 18 years with CHD who underwent cardiac catheterization under general anesthesia in the period June - August 2018. Paired T-test was performed to analyze changes in ejection fraction and TAPSE and multivariate analysis to analyze the effect of age, type of CHD, duration and type of cardiology intervention. Ejection fraction decreased significantly at 5 minutes post-intubation and at the end of cardiology intervention and TAPSE decreased significantly only at 5 minutes post-intubation. Changes of contratility was not significant affected by age, type of CHD, duration and type of cardiology intervention. Therefore, alertness in handling patients with CHD is expected, including when providing information prior to informed consent, and if possible avoid repeated general anesthesia.
Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vera Muharrami
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Defek septum intraventrikel merupakan salah satu penyakit jantung bawaan yang paling sering ditemukan di Indonesia dengan angka kejadian 3,6-6,5 per 1000 kelahiran hidup atau sekitar 20%-30% dari penyakit jantung bawaan. Sebanyak 32% dari kasus memerlukan dilakukannya operasi penutupan defek septum intraventrikel. Pada operasi penutupan defek septum intraventrikel diperlukan penggunaan mesin pintas jantung-paru atau cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) yang secara teoritis dihubungkan dengan inflamasi akibat penglepasan mediator proinflamasi yang dapat mengakibatkan kerusakan miokard. Hal ini menyebabkan praktisi dalam tim pembedahan jantung menggunakan strategi untuk mengatasi, antara lain dengan penggunaan steroid. Data dan uji klinis mengenai masalah tersebut masih terus dilakukan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efek deksametason 1mg/kg (max 15 mg) dibandingkan metilprednisolon 30 mg/kg (max 500 mg) dalam mencegah penurunan kontraktilitas miokard dan peningkatan kadar troponin I pascabedah penutupan defek septum intraventrikel. Metode: Telah dilakukan penelitian uji klinis acak tersamar tunggal pada 36 pasien anak yang menjalani operasi penutupan defek septum intraventrikel antara bulan Januari 2019 hingga April 2019, yang dialokasikan ke dalam kelompok metilprednisolon (kelompok standar) atau kelompok deksametason. Pemeriksaan ekokardiografi untuk menilai kontraktilitas miokard (fraksi ejeksi, fraksi pemendekan, peak E velocity, peak A velocity dan rasio E/A) dilakukan 1 hari sebelum operasi dan 8 jam pasca-CPB sedangkan pemeriksaan sampel darah untuk menilai kadar troponin I dilakukan pada awal induksi dan 8 jam pasca-CPB. Pemeriksaan troponin I dilakukan dengan metode ELISA. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan uji statistik yang sesuai. Hasil: 36 pasien yang menjalani operasi VSD yang memenuhi kriteria penerimaan, 35 pasien dianalisis karena 1 pasien kelompok deksametason meninggal sebelum 8 jam pasca-CPB. Karakteristik demografi, data kontraktilitas miokard dan kadar troponin I praoperatif dan pascaoperatif seimbang pada kedua kelompok. Kontraktilitas miokard pada kelompok metilprednisolon dan deksametason turun bermakna pada 8 jam pasca-CPB. Kadar troponin I 8 jam pascabedah pada kelompok metilprednisolon naik bermakna sedangkan kadar troponin I pada kelompok deksametason berbeda naik tidak bermakna. Simpulan: Deksametason dapat digunakan dalam upaya mencegah inflamasi sistemik akibat operasi jantung terbuka. Ketersediaan deksametason cukup baik di seluruh Indonesia dan lebih ekonomis dibandingkan metilprednisolon. ......Background: Ventricular septal defect is one of the most common congenital heart disease found in Indonesia with an incidence of 3.6-6.5 per 1000 live births or around 20% -30% of congenital heart disease. 32% of cases require ventricular septal defect closure surgery. Surgical closure of the ventricular septal defect requires the use of a heart-lung bypass machine or cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) which is theoretically associated with inflammation due to the release of proinflammatory mediators which can result in myocardial damage. This caused practitioners in the heart surgery team to use strategies to overcome, including the use of steroids. Data and clinical trials regarding these problems are still ongoing. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of dexamethasone 1mg/kg (max 15mg) versus methylprednisolone 30mg/kg (max 500mg) in preventing a decrease in myocardial contractility and an increase in troponin I levels after surgical closure of ventricular septal defects. Methods: A single randomized clinical trial study was conducted in 36 pediatric patients undergoing ventricular septal defect surgery between January 2019 until April 2019, which were allocated into the methylprednisolone group (standard group) or dexamethasone group. Echocardiography (baseline) was carried out 1 day before surgery and 8 hours post-CPB to assess myocardial contractility (ejection fraction, shortening fraction, peak E velocity, peak A velocity and E/A ratio). Blood serum examination to assess troponin I levels was done at the beginning of induction and 8 hours post-CPB. Troponin I examination was carried out by the ELISA method. The data obtained were analyzed by the appropriate statistical test. Results: 36 patients who undergoing VSD surgery who met the admission criteria, 35 patients were analyzed because 1 patient of the dexamethasone group died before 8 hours post-CPB. Demographic characteristics, myocardial contractility data and preoperative-postoperative troponin I levels were balanced in both groups. Myocardial contractility in the methylprednisolone and dexamethasone groups dropped significantly at 8 hours post-CPB. Troponin I levels 8 hours after surgery in the methylprednisolone group increased significantly but troponin I levels in the dexamethasone group increased no significant. Conclusion: Dexamethasone can be used in an effort to prevent systemic inflammation due to open heart surgery. The availability of dexamethasone is quite good throughout Indonesia and is more economical than methylprednisolone.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library