Ditemukan 2 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Iwan Inrawan Wiratmadja
Abstrak :
Literature studies
indicate that information technology (IT) clusters encourage innovation and
increase firm-level productivity by providing external economies and facilitating
joint action for its members. The purpose of this study is to identify the
external economy and joint action factors that affect firm innovation and
productivity in the IT cluster. A research model was developed based on earlier
models of joint action and external economies. The model consists of three external
economy related factors, i.e., access to skills, finance, and infrastructure, as
well as three joint action related factors, i.e., vertical, horizontal, and
research and development (R&D) cooperation as the independent variables,
firm innovation as the intervening variable, the firm?s absorptive capacity as
the moderating variable, and firm productivity as the dependent variable. Data
collection was conducted through a survey with respondents from 32 IT firms
located in three clusters in Bandung and one cluster in Cimahi (West Java ?
Indonesia). The partial least square (PLS) approach was used for hypotheses
testing. The results indicate that horizontal cooperation, access to
infrastructure, and access to skill have a positive impact on productivity,
while horizontal cooperation and R&D cooperation have a positive impact on
innovation. Finally, firm innovation is proven to positively influence firm
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Oktri Mohammad Firdaus
Abstrak :
Perkembangan ilmu kedokteran dan juga teknologi informasi dan komunikasi pada saat ini tidak dapat dipisahkan. Artinya adalah dengan semakin cepatnya arus informasi dan pengetahuan yang difasilitasi oleh teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, membuat perkembangan dunia kedokteran menjadi semakin pesat dan sudah menjadi sebuah keharusan bagi para aktornya untuk tetap meningkatkan skill-nya baik yang berupa soft skill maupun hard skill. Kondisi ini bukan tanpa tantangan serius, di mana tidak sedikit individu dokter yang memiliki kelebihan dibandingkan rekan sejawatnya, masih memiliki keengganan untuk berbagi informasi maupun pengetahuan khususnya yang berkaitan dengan kasus unik dan kompleks. Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi motivasi seorang dokter dalam melakukan kegiatan berbagi pengetahuan dengan rekan sejawat khususnya pada rumah sakit pendidikan di Indonesia. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah survey langsung kepada responden melalui computer-based questionnaire. Jumlah kuesioner yang berhasil dikumpulkan dan dapat diolah lebih lanjut sebanyak 76 buah dengan tingkat partisipasinya sebesar 34,55% (dari total 220 buah kuesioner yang disebar menggunakan bantuan surveymonkey.com).
Hasil pengolahan dan analisis data menggunakan PLS-SEM menunjukkan bahwa variabel yang memiliki pengaruh signifikan terhadap motivasi seorang dokter untuk berbagi pengetahuan adalah enjoyment helping others dan rewards. Kesimpulan utama dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa hal yang menentukan motivasi seorang dokter untuk berbagi pengetahuan dengan sejawat masih berasal dari motivasi pribadi bukan dikarenakan adanya stimulus yang berasal dari pihak pimpinan khususnya manajemen rumah sakit, walaupun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebenarnya telah ada mekanisme pemberian rewards dari pihak manajemen namun bentuk maupun dampaknya belum terasa khususnya kepada peningkatan motivasi seorang dokter dalam melakukan kegiatan berbagi pengetahuan secara sukarela kepada rekan sejawat.
Motivation to Share Knowledge of Doctors in Teaching Hospital in Indonesia. The development of medical science and information communication technology recently cannot be separated. Its means that the rapid flow of information and knowledge, facilitated by information and communication technologies, makes the rapid development of medicine field and become a mandatory for all actors to keep improving their skills in the form of both soft and hard skills. This condition is followed with serious challenges, that many doctors still have a reluctance to share information and knowledge to their colleagues, especially with regard to the unique and complex cases. The main objective of this research was to determine the factors that affect the motivation of a doctor in conducting knowledge sharing with peers, especially at 4 (four) teaching hospitals in Indonesia. This research used a direct survey method through computer-based questionnaire. The number of questionnaires were collected and further processed as many as 76 examples with a participation rate of 34.55% (from a total of 220 examples of questionnaires were distributed using surveymonkey.com).
The results of processing and data analysis using PLS-SEM showed that variables that had a significant influence on the motivation of doctors to share knowledge are enjoyment helping others and rewards. The main conclusion of this study is that doctors who determines the motivation to share knowledge with colleagues is coming from personal motivation and is not due to the stimulus coming from the head of the hospital's management, although the results showed that in fact there has been rewards mechanisms of the management, but the impact has not been felt particularly to increased motivation in performing activities of a doctor voluntarily sharing knowledge to colleagues.
Institut Teknologi Bandung. Program Studi Teknik & Manajemen Industri, 2013
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library