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Ditemukan 5 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Lumbun, Topane Gayus
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh antara budaya hukum masyarakat penganut ajaran confucius terhadap pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup; mengetahui faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi adanya perubahan budaya hukum masyarakat penganut ajaran confucius terhadap pelestarian fungsi lingkungan hidup. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa budaya hukum masyarakat sangat berperan dalam melestarikan fungsi lingkungan, khususnya lingkungan sosial. Hal ini terjadi pada masyarakat Cina Singkawang yang masih berpegang teguh pada ajaran confucius. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian yuridis normatif, yaitu mengacu kepada norma0norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan norma-norma yang hidup di dalam masyarakat. Selain itu, digunakan juga metode penelitian kualitatif, yaitu menganalisis suatu data secara mendalam dan holistik. Penelitian ini dititikberatkan pada studi kepustakaan dan lapangan. Penelitian kepustakaan dilakukan untuk memperoleh data sekunder baik yang berupa bahan hukum primer, bahan hukum sekunder maupun bahan hukum tertier.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ermanto Fahamsyah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian hukum normatif yaitu mengacu kepada norma hukum yang terdapat dalam peraturan perundangundangan dan keputusan pengadilan. Penelitian kepustakaan tersebut dilanjutkan dengan penelitian lapangan melalui wawancara dan peninjauan ke dua desa di Lebak, Banten. Yang menjadi permasalahan dalam disertasi ini adalah apakah perjanjian-perjanjian dalam Pola Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Perkebunan di Lebak, Banten adil bagi petani peserta? Apakah Pola Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Perkebunan dapat membawa kesejahteraan yang kontinu kepada petani peserta di Lebak, Banten? Faktor-faktor apakah yang menyebabkan Pola Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Perkebunan di Lebak, Banten akhirnya tidak berhasil? Usaha-usaha apakah yang perlu dilakukan agar Pola Perusahaan Inti Rakyat Perkebunan membawa keuntungan baik untuk perusahaan inti maupun petani peserta di Lebak, Banten? PIR Perkebunan dilaksanakan untuk membangun petani perkebunan yang sejahtera dan mandiri melalui peningkatan pendapatan dan taraf hidup. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut dilakukan melalui mekanisme yang telah diatur dalam peraturan perundang-undangan dan perjanjian. Pola PIR Perkebunan dalam pelaksanaannya mengalami hambatan-hambatan atau kesulitan-kesulitan. Di samping ada PIR Perkebunan yang berhasil, tetapi ada pula yang mengalami kegagalan. Hasil penelitian menyimpulkan bahwa perjanjian dalam Pola PIR Perkebunan yaitu perjanjian pembelian-pembayaran hasil panen dan kredit petani peserta dibuat dalam bentuk standar dengan tujuan untuk memperhatikan asas keseimbangan, tetapi dalam pelaksanaannya tidak selalu tercapai. Perjanjian mengenai pengelolaan kebun dan kredit petani peserta dibuat dalam bentuk perjanjian standar dan isinya belum sepenuhnya adil bagi petani peserta. Sementara perjanjian kredit dibuat dalam bentuk standar, tetapi dalam perjanjian tidak ditemukan unsur-unsur yang memberatkan petani peserta. Selanjutnya Perjanjian Produksi dan Jual Beli buah kelapa sawit semula dibuat untuk memberikan keuntungan bagi perusahaan inti dan petani peserta, tetapi perjanjian tersebut belum sepenuhnya adil bagi petani peserta. PIR Perkebunan akhirnya tidak dapat membawa kesejahteraan yang kontinu kepada petani peserta di Lebak yang ditunjukkan dengan rendahnya tingkat pendapatan petani peserta dan beberapa mengalihkan tanah perkebunan. Pola PIR Perkebunan yang mempunyai tujuan mulia ternyata gagal membawa kesejahteraan kepada petani peserta di Lebak karena tidak berjalannya mekanisme dalam Pola PIR Perkebunan. Usahausaha yang perlu dilakukan agar PIR Perkebunan dapat membawa keuntungan bagi perusahaan inti dan petani peserta di Lebak diantaranya harus dilakukan perbaikan tugas dan peran perusahaan inti serta petani peserta, kelembagaan petani peserta harus dibentuk dan diperkuat, serta kemitraan antara perusahaan inti dan petani peserta harus diperbaiki. ......This research utilizes the legal normative research methodology which is based on legal norms within regulations and courts decision. In addition to that, library research is complemented by field research through interviews and observation to the two villages in The Regency of Lebak, Banten Province. Specifically, the main research questions for this research are whether the agreements within The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations are impartial for its farmer members? Other questions that will be evaluated are whether The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations could bring continuous social prosperity for its farmers in Lebak, Banten? Moreover, which factors are influencing the failures of The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations in Lebak, Banten? More importantly, what efforts need to be made so that The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations could be beneficial for its own good and also the its farmers in Lebak, Banten? Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations are designed to create a prosperous and self-sufficient farmers through increasing their wages and living conditions. These objectives are pursued through the establishment of a mechanism which are managed through existing regulations and agreement. During its implementation, the pattern of Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations encountered obstacles and difficulties whereas in spite of several successful NES Plantations, there are also those that failed. The result of this research has shown that the agreements within The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations namely, the agreement on the buying-payment of harvest results and farmers credit are made with equality in concept but it failed to achieve its intended goals during its implementation. In addition to that, the agreement on the management of plantations and farmers credit are made in the form of standard agreements in which its contents does not serve the interest of the farmers. At the same time, the credit agreements are created in the standard forms but it is not found to have a negative impact on the farmers. Furthermore, the agreement on production and selling of palm oil are originally designed to benefit for the nucleus estate and its farmers, but as this research has shown it has not created a fair and just impact for its farmers. As a result, The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations could not create continuous social prosperity for the farmers in Lebak as shown by the low income of the farmers and several plantation lands issues. The noble goal of The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations in the end has not been beneficial on the farmers in Lebak due to the failed mechanism within The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations. Therefore, efforts need to be made so that The Nucleus Estate Smallholder Plantations could create a positive output for the nucleus estate and the farmers in Lebak, these reforms can be made in the form of improving the scope of task and roles of nucleus estate and its farmer?s members, the strengthening of the farmer?s institutions and improving the partnership model between nucleus estate and its farmer?s members in the future.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Idrus Abdullah
Abstrak :
Berdasarkan asumsi bahwa pranata-pranata lokal masih banyak digunakan untuk menyelesaikan sengketa-sengketa hukum sejalan dengan budaya masing-masing masyarakat, maka secara kritis dapat dikemukakan permasalahan pokok penelitian dengan rumusan: "Mengapa warga masyarakat Peresak Timur dan desa Bayan menggunakan mekanisme pranata lokal untuk penyelesaian sengketa mereka?. Tujuan yang hendak dicapai dalam penelitian ini yaitu menemukan dan menganalisis pranata-pranata penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan formal pada masyarakat sasaran penelitian dan faktor-faktor yang berpengaruh dalam sejarah perkembangannya; menemukan dan menganalisis prosedur-prosedur yang mendasari penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan formal; menemukan dan menganalisis prinsip-prinsip hukum yang mendasari penyelesaian di luar pengadilan formal; menemukan dan menganalisis pertimbangan-pertimbangan apa saja yang mempengaruhi pihak-pihak bersengketa memilih mekanisme pranata di luar pengadilan formal tersebut; menemukan dan menganalisis faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi peyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan formal dapat tercapai; menemukan dan menganlisis sengketa-sengketa hukum bidang perdata yang diselesaikan melalui pranata-pranata penyelesaian sengketa di luar pengadilan formal, dan menjelaskan implikasi teorits atas penerapan pranata di luar pengadilan formal tersebut.
Depok: Fakultas Hukum Universitas Indonesia, 2002
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Harto Juwono
Abstrak :
Disertasi ini menguraikan tentang proses kontrak sewa tanah dan semua ketentuan yang mengaturnya di wilayah Kesunanan Surakarta dan Kesultanan Yogyakarta selama periode 1818-1912. Fokus penelitian ini adalah terjadinya kontrak sewa atas tanah-tanah apanage dan tanah-tanah lain di kerajaan-kerajaan Jawa oleh pengusaha asing dalam berbagai bentuk hak sewa. Pendekatan struktural dan teori tentang hukum adat digunakan untuk menjelaskan terjadinya proses perubahan yang berlangsung di wilayah Projo Kejawen, terutama dengan adanya pergeseran di bidang hukum. Kajian ini menemukan bahwa proses persewaan tanah mengakibatkan terdesaknya penggunaan hukum adat oleh hukum positif Barat, terutama dengan adanya penerapan prinsip Konkordansi. Prinsip ini bertujuan untuk memberlakukan hukum yang berlaku di Belanda bagi tanah koloninya, termasuk di wilayah raja-raja Jawa (Vorstenlanden). Seiring dengan perubahan itu, sejumlah peraturan kontrak sewa tanah dibuat oleh pemerintah kolonial Hindia Belanda bagi persewaan tanah di Projo Kejawen. Sebagai akibat proses tersebut, muncul berbagai bentuk hak atas tanah yang tidak pernah dikenal dalam hukum adat Jawa. Kondisi yang diciptakan dalam struktur kepemilikan tanah oleh perubahan ini menjadi dasar yang kuat untuk memotivasi pemerintah kolonial melakukan reorganisasi agraria di Vorstenlanden.
This dissertation describes the process of landlease contract and all provisions that regulate it in the Kesunanan of Surakarta and the Sultanate of Yogyakarta the period 1818-1912. The focus of this study was the occurrence of a lease of apanage lands and other lands in the Javanese royal realm by foreign businessmen in various forms of lease rights. Structural approach and a theory of adat law is used to describe the process of change that taken place in the Projo Kejawen, especially with the shift in the legal aspect. This study finds that the process of the landlease resulted in the replacing of customary law by the Western positive law, especially with the implementation of Concordance principle. This principle aims to enforce the laws of the Netherlands for the land colonies, including in the area of the kings of Java (Vorstenlanden). Along with those changes, a number of landlease regulations were made by the Dutch East Indies colonial government for leasing land in the Projo Kejawen. As a result of the process, other forms of land rights which never recognized in the adat law of Java were applied. Conditions that created in the structure of land ownership by this change was a strong basis to motivate the colonial government to make a program of agrarian reorganization in Vorstenlanden.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Budaya Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Disertasi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erna Widjajati
Abstrak :
In its development of the last three years, there has been a new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction; i.e. public claims made using a class action procedure. The utilization of such a procedure has been made so frequently and obtained legal forces because it has got us opportunity and justification in a variety of Indonesian legislations; among other things: law no. 23, 1997 concerning environmental management, law no. 8, 1999 regarding consumer protection and law no. 41 governing forestry followed up by a litigation procedure through the supreme court?s regulation no. 1, 2002. such a regulation has bridged the concept and legal theory which is subsequently used to execute .civil dalm procedures since there has been a shift from using an individual model to using a representative one. before the supreme court issued this regulation, courts had always' rejected collective claims on the ground that Indonesias civil law, especially section 123 of hir, a revised indonesia's law, stated that such claims could be brought up their claimants or by hiring Iavvyers. without a special authorization, however, lawyers could not represent class interest to be in session of court now, on the basis of article 4 of supreme court regulation to represent a ciass interest, the representative is not required to have this special authorization from the group he represents. social groups having the some case shoulclnot bring their case individually to prevent a recurrent case from happening. this oollective claim, class action, can be made at a lower cost so that the general public may bring their claims to court. in addition, to void mutually controversial verdicts, when each individual make his own claim, class action constitutes to be a more effident procedure. class action as a litigation procedure has its historical, social and cultural background in the common law system. therefore, class action as an effort of civil law reform in Indonesia has a tendency toward the civil law system; from legal comparison viewpoint, lt requires brillian thoughts on the part of judges in order to implement the existing laws actively; let alone, when we consider that the supreme court regulation no. 1, 2002 is but a way of transferring on America or Australian model. on the other hand, class action as a legal protection over Indonesian communities can be exercised as a social control; i.e. as social norms against deviant behaviours and their effects that include prohibitions, demands, condemnation and compensation. dispude resolution procedures with regard to compensation over unlawful deeds in class action should be prepared in detail, covering mechanism of its distribution for all members of a class including suggestions on court proving or panel to help distribute compensation more smoothly. when a compensation demand is approved, a judge isobliged to decide in detail the class grouping, compensation distribution mechanism`and steps to be taken by class representatives such as the obligation of notification. among the frequent cases are environmental function recovery, waste management improvement, pollution source eradication, compensation for the affected group and attitudinal changes among law breakers. Besides, class action as a tool of social engineering, that is, when a gap between law and social change appears, should find its solution whereas class action as a social emancipation means the equal right among various aspects of social life.based on the fact that court decision in class action is binding to all, any interest group using this procedure should help reduce administrative problems. this new phenomenon in Indonesia jurisdiction, public claims using a class action procedure, ls relevant to Frederick Calvert's theory. the people?s interest represented by a class action is in accordance with the theoiy of utilitarianism proposed by Jeremy Bentham. judges, accordingly, should make their decision on the basis of equilibrium principle between individual and collective interests as put forward by John Rawls In his theory of justice. rules are then needed to avoid a conflict of interests, between individual and collective ones. law as an umpire is indispensable.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library