Ditemukan 6 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Mita Apriyanti
Abstrak :
Tesis ini meneliti fungsi dan kedudukan Dewan Menteri Uni Eropa Pada awal
berdirinya bernama ECSC Dewan Uni Eropa atau yang lebih dikenal sebagai
Dewan Menteri merupakan lembaga eksekutif di dalam struktur Uni Eropa
Dewan Menteri bertahan diposisi eksekutif sejak Traktat Paris hmgga Traktat
Roma Traktat Maastncht memberikan kekuasaan lebih kepada Parlemen
sehingga Dewan Menteri tidak lagi menjad lembaga yang memiliki kekuasaan
tertinggi seperti pada saat pembentukannya Traktat Lisabon 2009 menciptakan
posisi sejajar antara Dewan Menten dengan Parlemen sebagai lembaga legislatif
Uni Eropa kedua lembaga tersebut berbagi kekuasaan pada posisi legislatif
tersebut Sangat menarik untuk dikaji bagaimana proses transformasi fungsi dan
kedudukan Dewan Menten dan lembaga eksekutif menjadi lembaga legislatif.
The focus of this study is the function and position of the Council of European
Union From the first estabhshed as ECSC Council of European Union or as
known as Council of Mmisters was executive body m European Union Council
of Mmisters exist become the executive body smce The Treaty of Paris and the
Treaty of Rome Treaty of Maastricht gave more power to Parhament so that
Council of Mmisters no longer the most power body m European Union The
Treaty of Lisbon 2009 made Council of Mmisters and Parliement m an equal
position as legislative bodies so that they shares power m the structure of
European Union Institutions Very interesting to study how the transformation of
Council of Mimster from executive to legislative bodies.
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Humprey A. Russel
Abstrak :
The Balkan conflict which shocked the international community during the 1990's has now marked history as one of the greatest humanitarian tragedies during of that decade. The basic principle of self-determination by the republic states within the Yugoslav Federation was responded with armed conflict by the ruling Serbs. Bosnia Herzegovina as one of the many republic states that attempted to separate itself from the Yugoslav Federation, faced direct military aggression from the Serbian-controlled Yugoslavian National Army (JNA), desperately trying to maintain integrity of the disintegrating Yugoslavian Federation.
This military aggression instigated ethnic conflict within the territories of Bosnia Herzegovina into the following opposite ethic factions: Bosnian Serbs, Bosnian Croats and Bosnian Muslims. The escalating conflict gained the attention of the international community, which opted to mediate a peaceful solution for the conflicting parties. The European Community, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Western European Union (WEU) were the key regional organizations in Europe that supported the United Nations (UN) effort of peacekeeping operations in the Bosnian conflict area.
History has recorded the UN peacekeeping operations in Bosnia as a continued polemic in regard to its effectiveness and implementation. The internal bureaucracy of the United Nations, specifically the UN Security Council and its mandates has shown ambiguities affecting the overall outcome of the peacekeeping operations.
This thesis attempts a qualitative study to further analyze the dynamics within the United Nations, and its effectiveness in implementing peacekeeping operation efforts during the Balkan crisis in Bosnia.
T 20651
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library
Lubis, Oloan Bahagia
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mendeskripsikan dan menganalisis tentang sentimen kedaulatan anggota Uni Eropa yang menjadi kendala dalam memaksimalkan peran CFSP. Masalah ini dapat diidentifikasi sebagai hal seperti bagaimana menyelaraskan kebijakan luar negeri dan keamanan bersama dengan negara-negara anggota secara efektif di dalamnya, kemudian masalah alat atau instrumen pelaksana kebijakan, dan yang paling penting adalah bagaimana Uni Eropa mengatasi atau menyatukan perbedaan. Kepentingan anggota Uni Eropa yang umumnya dipengaruhi oleh tiga negara inti Uni Eropa yaitu Prancis, Jerman, dan Inggris yang selalu mendominasi dan menentukan berbagai pertumbuhan dalam kerangka Uni Eropa dan Eropa, termasuk juga dalam hal keamanan Eropa. Tesis ini juga mencoba untuk mengetahui bentuk-bentuk kerjasama pertahanan dan keamanan Uni Eropa yang dapat aktif dalam menjaga perdamaian regional dan diasumsikan dapat diterima oleh semua anggota Uni Buropean tanpa harus mengabaikan kepentingan nasional salah satu atau beberapa negara anggota. . Tesis ini, meskipun menyimpulkan bahwa CFSP Uni Eropa khususnya dalam hal kebijakan pertahanan dan keamanan Uni Eropa masih bergantung pada NATO dan masih akan dilanjutkan......This thesis describes and analyzes about sentiment of member sovereignty of the European Union that is becoming constraint in maximizing role of CFSP. This problem can be identified as a thing such as how to harmonize common foreign and security policy with member nations effectively in it, then the problem of appliance or instrument executor of policy, and the most important thing is how European Union overcome or unite the different interests of member of European Union which was generally influenced by the three EU core states that is, French, Germany, and UK which always predominate and determinant various growth in framework of European Union and Europe, including also in the case of European security. This thesis also tries to find out the forms of European Union defense and security cooperation that can be active in taking care of regional peace and assumed can be accepted by all member of Buropean Union without having to disregard natonal interest one of or some of member's state. This thesis, although conclude that CFSP of European Union especially in the case of EU's defense and security policies still dependent on NATO and still will be continued.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Ahmad Munawaruzaman
Abstrak :
Tesis yang berjudul "Defisit demokrasi Parlemen Eropa" pada awalnya hanya di latar belakangi oleh studi penulis dan keingintahuan bagaimana fungsi dan kedudukan parlemen Eropa. Pada perkembangannya, lebih spesifik melihat defisit demokrasi dalam parlemen Eropa. Lalu terdorong menganalisanya dalam tinjauan hukum dan politik, dimana parlemen biasanya full power malah harus berbagi power, tidak mandiri atau tidak independen.
Tesis ini membahas Defisit Demokrasi Parlemen dalam tinjauan hukum yang diukur oleh sejauh mana eksistensi parlemen dalam traktat terutama lisabon, dan dalam tinjauan politik yang diukur oleh relasi kuasa parlemen dengan dewan menteri. Untuk menunjang analisa, tesis ini menggunakan teori yaitu institusionalisme, intergovermentalisme dan pendapat yang mendukung. Asumsi sementara tinjauan hukum parlemen tidak berkorelasi terhadap parlemen secara politis.
Tesis that is title "European Parliament Deficit of Democration" on the first only is plane by writer of knowing how to function and position European of parliament. On depelovement more specific look at democration of deficit in European of parliament. Then, analyzing in law and politics perspective, Usual parliament is full power in the other hand is distingsi of power with council of minister, un stand alone in put into operations of function.
This tesis is discuss European parliament in law perspective that look at parliament existence dynamics in Treaty especially in Lisbon, in politics perspection that is measured by relation parliament power with council of minister. In analyzing, this tesis of using theory is institusionalism and support advice. Law perspective Temporary assumtion of parliament uncorrelation to parliament in politics.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Laila Muthia Karimawati
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini membahas tentang upaya Turki dalam memenuhi persyaratan keanggotaan yang ditetapkan Uni Eropa dalam Copenhagen Criteria. Upaya yang dilakukan Turki difokuskan pada upaya pemenuhan kriteria pertama dari Copenhagen Criicria, yaitu kriteria politik. Permasalahan pada penelitian ini adalah bagaimana Turki berupaya menyesuaikan dan memperbaiki kondisi politik dalam negeri dan HAM agar selaras dengan standar UE. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengemukakan dan menganalisa latar belakang yang mendasari keinginan Turki untuk bergabung ke dalam keanggotaan Uni Eropa, Serta menganalisa upaya-upaya yang dilakukan pemerintahan Turki pada masa pemerintahan Perdana Menteri Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Metode penelitian menggunakan deskriptif analitis dengan pendekatan ilmu hubungan internasional dan ilmu hukum. Faktor paling dominan yang menghambat keanggotaan Turki adalah faktor eksternal. Oleh karena itu, kecenderungan yang terjadi adalah tidak diterimanya Turki menjadi anggota UE.
......The focus of this study is to analyze Turkey?s efforts to accomplish EU's membership criterion called Copenhagen Criteria. Turkey's efforts is focusing on the accomplishment of first criteria, namely political criteria The background of the study is Turkey?s effort to reform its political and human rights condition in order to adjust to EU. The purpose of this study is to analyze Turkey`s background in joining EU membership, and to analyze all the reforms done under the governance of Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. The study uses analitycal-descriptive method, with international relations studies and law studies approaches. The result shows that there are internal and external factors-which is most dominant-that might cause the delay of Turkey's membership in EU. Therefore, it is most likely that Turkey is not successfully joined to EU.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library
Manurung, Glorius Atma Tiopan
Abstrak :
This paper analyses challenges and opportunities EU faces through investing Airbus in developing countries, specifically through strategic alliance between Airbus and China. Why is China chosen as their destination to expand their businesses ? Is this a positive step towards a better mutual understanding ? How the external factors such as : IPR, sharing technologies, etc affect the two entities whether it's a positive or negative manner in terms of EU-China cooperation.
Jakarta: Sekolah Kajian Stratejik dan Global Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Tesis Open Universitas Indonesia Library