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Ardibian Krismanti
"Dari pemeriksaan MRI, diperoleh gambar jaringan otak, yang akan digunakan oleh proton MRS untuk menentukan konsentrasi metabolit otak pada jaringan yang didiagnosa astrocytoma, seperti metabolit NAA, choline, creatine, Lipid, Lactate, Myoinositol, dan Glutamine-glutamate. Dari hasil MRS ini, astrocytoma dapat diklasifikasi berdasarkan derajat keganasannya (grade), yaitu high grade dan low grade. Proses klasifikasi astrocytoma, biasa dilakukan secara manual oleh ahli patologi atau secara statistik. Dalam skripsi ini, akan dibahas proses klasifikasi astrocytoma menjadi tiga kelas derajat keganasan dengan menggunakan metode Principal Component Analysis (PCA) dan Spherical K-Means terhadap data MRS. Algoritma Spherical K-Means merupakan algoritma K- Means dengan cosine similarity. Sedangkan PCA merupakan teknik yang digunakan untuk mencari vektor-vektor basis subruang tiap kelas (grade). Vektor-vektor basis ini akan membangun Principal Component yang akan digunakan dalam pengidentifikasian grade suatu data MRS. Data yang digunakan dalam skripsi ini adalah data yang berasal dari laboratorium radiologi Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Jakarta. Hasil penelitian yang dilakukan pada skripsi ini, diketahui bahwa PCA dapat mengklasifikasi astrocytoma dengan akurasi tertinggi, yaitu 85%. Selain itu, dari penelitian ini dihasilkan perangkat lunak yang dapat digunakan untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan yang terkait dengan klasifikasi astrocytoma menjadi high grade, low grade, dan normal.

MRI gives information in form of brain tissue image, which will be used by MRS proton to determine the concentration of brain metabolites on the astrocytoma diagnosed tissue, such as NAA, choline (Cho), creatine (Cr), Lipid (Lip), Lactate (Lac), Myoinositol (MI), and Glutamine-glutamate (Glx). From that result, astrocytoma could be classified to high grade and low grade. This classifying could be processed manually by pathologist, or be processed statistically. On this essay, astrocytoma would be classified into three class of astrocytoma grades with the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Spherical K-Means of the MRS data. Spherical K-Means algorithm is a K-Means algorithm with cosine similarity. At the same time, PCA is a technique which used to find the basis vectors of each class (grade) subspace. These basis vectors would build Principal Component which would be used in identifying a grade of a MRS data. The data used in this essay is resourced from radiology laboratory of Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM), Jakarta. From this research, note that PCA can classify astrocytoma with the highest accuracy, ie 85%. In addition, this research produce software that can be used to assist decision making related to the classification of astrocytoma to high grade, low grade, and normal"
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anggi Pandyo Wibowo
"Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) membantu ahli radiologi untuk mengetahui tingkat keganasan dari kanker otak (astrocytoma). Dalam tugas akhir ini akan dibahas proses klasifikasi terhadap data hasil MRS untuk mengetahui tingkat keganasan dari astrocytoma yang terdiri dari Tingkat rendah (Low Grade), Tingkat tinggi (High Grade), dan Normal. Data yang digunakan dalam tugas akhir ini berasal dari RSU Pusat Nasional Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. Metode yang digunakan untuk klasifikasi adalah metode Independent Component Analysis dan metode Possibilistic C-Means.
Hasil percobaan yang dilakukan menunjukkan bahwa metode Independent Component Analysis mempunyai nilai akurasi 96,67% sementara nilai akurasi dari metode Possibilistic C-Means mencapai 90,91%. Dalam tugas akhir ini, akan dibuat sebuah perangkat lunak untuk pendukung keputusan yang membantu memberikan informasi mengenai tingkat keganasan dari astrocytoma.

Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS) helps radiologists to determine the level of malignancy of brain cancer (astrocytoma). In this final project, we will discuss the classification process of MRS data to determine the level of malignancy of astrocytoma consisting of low grade, high grade, and normal. The data used in this final project comes from the National Central Hospital Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Jakarta. The methods used for classification are the Independent Component Analysis method and the Possibilistic C-Means method.
The experimental results show that the Independent Component Analysis method has an accuracy value of 96.67% while the accuracy value of the Possibilistic C-Means method reaches 90.91%. In this final project, a decision support software will be made to help provide information about the level of malignancy of astrocytoma.
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Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2010
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ifni Nursam
"Latar belakang: Ultrasonografi (USG) merupakan modalitas utama untuk evaluasi nodul tiroid. Dependensi operator yang tinggi membuat nilai diagnostik USG relatif rendah terutama bagi operator yang minim pengalaman. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) merupakan sistem terkomputerisasi yang mampu melakukan penilaian USG nodul tiroid dengan objektif, konsisten dan diharapkan dapat meningkatkan akurasi diagnostik USG dalam penilaian nodul tiroid. AmCAD adalah aplikasi CAD untuk penilaian nodul tiroid yang sudah tersedia saat ini, namun belum ada data mengenai penggunaan AmCAD di Indonesia, sehingga diperlukan penelitian untuk melihat kesesuaian penilaiannya dengan kriteria penilaian yang selama ini sudah digunakan Tujuan: Menilai kesesuaian AmCAD dan ACR TI-RADS dalam menentukan nodul jinak dan ganas tiroid berdasarkan gambaran USG. Metode: Data sekunder hasil USG pasien dengan nodul tiroid di Departemen Radiologi RSCM dari tahun 2015-2019 dilakukan penilaian oleh peneliti sesuai kriteria ACR TI-RADS, kemudian gambar yang sama dilakukan penilaian terpisah menggunakan aplikasi AmCAD. Kesesuaian AmCAD dan ACR TI-RADS dalam menentukan nodul jinak dan ganas tiroid dianalisis. Hasil: Sampel penelitian ini sebanyak 85 nodul tiroid (jenis kelamin terbanyak wanita, rerata usia 49,8 ± 13,9 tahun). Hasil analisis menunjukkan AmCAD dan ACR TI-RADS memiliki kesesuaian yang baik dalam membedakan nodul jinak dan ganas tiroid berdasarkan gambaran USG dengan nilai konkordans 87,1 % , Kappa Cohen R 0,570 (p 0,001). Kesimpulan: AmCAD dan kriteria ACR TI-RADS memiliki kesesuaian yang baik dalam melakukan penilaian nodul tiroid.

Background: Ultrasonography (USG) is the main modality for evaluation of thyroid nodules. High operator dependency makes the diagnostic value of ultrasound relatively low especially for operators who lack experience. Computer Aided Diagnosis (CAD) is a computerized system that is able to carry out ultrasound assessment of thyroid nodules objectively, consistently and is expected to improve the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasound in the assessment of thyroid nodules. AmCAD is a CAD application for the assessment of thyroid nodules that are currently available, but there is no data regarding the use of AmCAD in Indonesia, so research is needed to see the appraisal of the assessment with the assessment criteria that have been used so far. Objective: Assess the suitability of AmCAD and ACR TI-RADS in determine benign and malignant thyroid nodules based on ultrasound images. Methods: Secondary data on the ultrasound results of patients with thyroid nodules in the Department of Radiology RSCM from 2015-2019 were assessed by researchers according to the ACR TI-RADS criteria, then the same image was assessed separately using the AmCAD application. The suitability of AmCAD and ACR TI-RADS in determining benign and malignant thyroid nodules was analyzed. Results: The sample of this study was 85 thyroid nodules (most female sex, mean age 49.8 ± 13.9 years). The results of the analysis showed that AmCAD and ACR TI-RADS were well-suited in distinguishing benign and malignant thyroid nodules based on ultrasound images with concordance values ​​of 87.1%, Kappa Cohen R 0.570 (p 0.001). Conclusion: AmCAD and ACR TI-RADS criteria are well-matched in assessing thyroid nodules."
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maharani Bayu Handayani
"ABSTRAK Skrining maupun diagnostik mamografi merupakan pemeriksaan yang dianjurkan dalam mendeteksi kanker payudara sehingga dapat menurunkan angka mortalitas kanker payudara. Kekurangan mamografi adalah pada payudara dengan densitas tinggi yang banyak ditemui pada perempuan Indonesia. Pemeriksaan kombinasi mamografi dan USG dapat meningkatkan hasil sensitivitas dan spesifisitas deteksi lesi, namun tidak efisien dan efektif dalam segi pembiayaan dan waktu. Mengetahui hasil mamografi berdasarkan densitas payudara dan rasio volume lesi dan volume payudara berguna dalam optimalisasi penggunaan ultrasonografi dalam mendeteksi lesi.

Tujuan : Mengetahui penggunaan modalitas mamografi dan ultrasonografi dalam upaya mendeteksi lesi dan pengukuran rasio volume lesi pada pemeriksaan diagnostik payudara untuk efisiensi waktu dan biaya.

Metode : Menggunakan dua jenis disain penelitian yang saling terkait. Penilaian tingkat kesesuaian hasil temuan lesi berdasarkan pemeriksaan mamografi dengan ultrasonografi, dan mamografi saja dengan kombinasi mamogafi dan ultrasonografi dilakukan disain studi asosiasi. Untuk pengukuran rerata rasio volume lesi dan volume payudara menurut tingkat densitas payudara dilakukan dengan disain survei deskriptif. Kesimpulan : Deteksi lesi menggunakan mamografi pada payudara densitas a dan b dikombinasikan dengan ultrasonografi hanya dilakukan hanya bila perlu saja, namun pada payudara densitas c dan d dilakukan kombinasi dengan ultrasonografi. Volume lesi dan volume payudara dapat dicantumkan sebagai salah satu pertimbangan informasi tata laksana.

Mammography is recommended tool for breast cancer screening and diagnostic to decrease mortality. Lack of mammography in detecting lesions related with high breast density, which founded in Indonesian women. The use of diagnostic ultrasonography combined with mammography able to improve the specificity and sensitivity on lesions detection, but it has an issue with cost and time effective. Knowing the result of mammography based on breast density and the ratio of volume lesions and breast volume is useful in optimizing the use of ultrasonography in lesions detection. Purpose : To determine the ability of mammography and ultrasonography on lesion detection and assess the volume lesion ratio and breast volume with the purpose of cost and time efficient. Method : Using two related research design. Assessment of breast lesion findings based on mammography and ultrasonography and the combination findings were carried out with association study design, and the assessment of lesion volume ratio and breast volume was carried out with descriptive study design. Conclusion : The use of ultrasonography combined with mammography for lesions detection is carried out for breast density c and d. The implementation for this combination method for breast density a and b is only for necessary purpose. Lesions volume and breast volume can be included in the report as a consideration for therapy.
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Butarbutar, Elius Tua
"TUJUAN: Mengevaluasi variasi normal kanal fallopii segmen timpani dengan high-resolution multidetector computed tomography (HR-MDCT) serta mendapatkan nilai proporsi dehisensi dan protrusi inferior kanal fallopii segmen timpani.
METODE: Seratus sampel tulang temporal diperoleh dari rekonstruksi 50 raw data subyek yang sebelumnya dilakukan pemeriksaan CT-kepala dengan menggunakan parameter rekonstruksi slice thickness 0.6 mm, increment 0.3 mm, kernel filter H70s, dan window setting mastoid (WW 4000/WL 600). Sebelumnya, data tersebut harus memenuhi kirteria inklusi dan tidak memenuhi kriteria eksklusi. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi rekonstruksi multiplanar, kanal fallopii segmen timpani dievaluasi ada tidaknya dehisensi dan posisi terhadap oval window yang dibagi menjadi kategori protrusi ≥50% dan <50% lebar oval window serta tidak ada protrusi. Evaluasi menggunakan potongan koronal-oblik dan sagital-oblik sedemikian rupa agar struktur kanal fallopii, oval window, dan incudo-stapes terlihat jelas. Pengukuran protrusi menggunakan garis imajiner yang dibuat sejajar dengan aksis dua titik, yaitu processus lenticularis dan di tengah lebar oval window.
HASIL: Karakateristik demogratik subyek (n=50) terdiri dari 52% laki-laki dan 48% perempuan, dengan usia 7-80 tahun (rerata=44,5). Dehisensi kanal fallopii segmen timpani ditemukan 31 dari 100 sampel (31%) predominan pada laki-laki dibandingkan perempuan. Protrusi ≥50% sebanyak 4%, protrusi <50% sebanyak 15%, dan 81% tidak terdapat protrusi. Tiga dari empat sampel dengan protrusi ≥50% terdapat dehisensi kanal fallopii segmen timpani. Menggunakan uji kemaknaan Chi-square hubungan antara dehisensi dan protrusi kanal fallopii tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna (p=0.176).
KESIMPULAN: HR-MDCT dan aplikasi MPR merupakan modalitas pencitraan yang sangat berguna dalam mengevaluasi stuktur kecil telinga tengah, terutama mengobservasi adanya dehisensi dan protrusi kanal fallopii segmen timpani sebagai evaluasi pre-operatif sebelum operasi stapes.

PURPOSE: Evaluate normal variation of tympanic segment fallopian canal through high-resolution multidetector computed tomography (HR-MDCT) of which proportion of dehiscence and inferior protrusion of tympanic segmen fallopian canal can be obtained.
METHODS: One hundred sample of temporal bone which were obtained by reconstruction from raw data of 50 subjects previously performed head CT examination using parameters slice thickness 0.6 mm, increment 0.3 mm, kernel filter H70s, and window setting of mastoid (WW 4000/WL 600). Beforehand, subject data have to fulfil inclusion criteria and there?s no exclusion criteria. Using multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) application, tympanic segment fallopian canal were evaluated from the presence of dehiscence and its position towards oval window which were categorized into ≥50% protrusion oval window width, <50% protrusion oval window width, and no protrusion. Evaluation were using coronal-oblique and sagittal-oblique planes so that fallopian canal, oval window, and incudo-stapes superstructures can be fine depicted. Measurement of protrusion using imaginary lines which were made parallel to axis of two points, processus lenticularis and the middle of oval window width.
RESULTS: Subjects demographic characteristics (n=50) consist of 52% men and 48% women, aged from 7 untill 80 years old (mean= 44.5). Presence of tympanic segment fallopian canal dehiscensce were found in 31 of 100 samples (31%) predominantly in men than women. Presence of ≥50% protrusion were found 4%, <50% protrusion 15%, and the remaining 81% samples do not have protrusion. Three of four samples of ≥50% protrusion were dehiscent, while one samples was not dehiscent. Using Chi-square significance test, there?s no significant relationship between fallopian canal dehiscence and protrusion (p=0.176).
CONCLUSION: HR-MDCT and application of MPR were invaluable imaging tools to evaluate middle ear superstructures, especially in this study to observe presecence of dehiscence and protrusion of tympanic segment fallopian canal as a pre-operative evaluation before stapes surgery.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Komalasari
"Koinfeksi HIV dan tuberkulosis masih merupakan ancaman kesehatan global saat ini. Diperkirakan sebanyak 1.4 juta kasus tuberculosis pada pasien HIV (+) dilaporkan pada tahun 2007. HIV merupakan risiko terbesar untuk tuberculosis, risiko berkembang menjdai TB laten 20 kali lipat. Tuberkulosis penyebab utama kematian pada pasien HIV.Pengobatan tuberculosis paru pada pasien HIV harus dimulai sesegera mungkin saat diagnosis ditegakkan, inisiasi dari pengobatan berkorelasi dengan menurunnya mortalitas dan risiko penularan infeksi tuberculosis.
Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menilai perubahan radiografi toraks pada pasien HIV dengan tuberculosis selama pemberian obat anti tuberkulosis (OAT) di rumah sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo. Semua pasien yang menjalani pemeriksaan radiografi toraks proyeksi AP atau PA sebelum pengobatan, setelah 2 bulan dan 6 bulan setelah pengobatan diberikan dan juga bulan ke 9 dan 12 apabila pengobatan dilanjutkan. Kemudian perubahan scoring lesi radiografi toraks diamati dan dievaluasi.
Hasil penelitian adalah statistic deskriptif menggambarkan perubahan scoring lesi radiogafi toraks sebelum dan 2 bulan serta setelah pengobatan 2 bulan dan 6 bulan setelah terapi diberikan. Perubahn yang terlihat pada radiografi toraks membaik 33 pasien (60%), menetap 9 pasien (16.4%) dan memburuk 13 pasien (23.6%). Perubahan lain pada bulan ke-2 dan ke-6 adalah; membaik 43 pasien (78.2%), menetap 6 pasien (10.9%) dan memburuk 6 pasien (10.9%). Kemungkinan kecurigaan kasus imune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS) terdapat pada 3 pasien (5.45%). Perubahan skoring lesi pada bulan ke-2 dan ke-6 dianalisa dengan menggunakan Friedman Rank test dengan nilai confidence interval CI 95% ( p = 0.000).
Kesimpulan : Perubahan skoring lesi pada radiografi toraks pasien HIV dengan tuberkulosis paru lebih terlihat membaik setelah 6 bulan sejak diberikan obat anti tuberkulosis. Radiografi toraks masih merupakan modalitas bermakna dalam mengevaluasi perubahan lesi pada pasien HIV dan tuberculosis paru.

HIV and tuberculosis coinfection are major global health threats recently. It was estimated1.4 milionnew tuberculosis cases in patient with HIV- positive were reported in 2007. HIVconfers the greatest risk for tuberculosis, increasing the risk of latentTB reactivation 20-fold.Tuberculosis is a leading cause of death among patients with HIV.The initiation treatment of lung tuberculosis in HIV patients beginsmust be started as early as possible at the time when diagnose is made, the initiation treatment of tuberculosis correlated with decreasing mortality and risk of transmission tuberculosis infection.
The aim of this research is to observe changes of chest radiography in HIV patients with tuberculosis during administration of anti tuberculous therapy at CiptoMangunkusumo hospital. All of patients have taken chest radiography with PA or AP projection before the treatment begin and after 2 and 6 months therapy was given and also after 9 and 12 months if therapy continued, than the changes scoring lesion of chest radiography finding is observed and examined.
Descriptive statistic is provided as scoring lesion changes of chest radiography devided into changes chest radiography before and 2 month after anti tuberculous therapy was given and changes at 2 months to 6 months therapy was given. In group before and 2 months therapy, the changes was seen in chest radiography; better in 33 patients (60%), stationary condition in 9 patients (16.4%) and worse 13 patients (23.6%). Another changes in 2 and 6 months therapy was seen; better in 43 patients (78.2%), stationary condition in 6 patients (10.9%) and worse 6 patients (10.9%). Imune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome was suspected in 3 patients (5.45%).
The changes of scoring lesion in 2 and 6 months therapy was examined used Friedman Rank test with confidence interval CI 95% ( p = 0.000).
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sonya Anasrul
Latar belakang dan tujuan: Menentukan korelasi nilai Ejection Fraction (EF) ventrikel kiri pada echo 2D dan DSCT jantung pada pasien Penyakit Jantung Koroner (PJK) stabil di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo, sehingga nilai EF ventrikel kiri DSCT jantung dapat dijadikan acuan untuk evaluasi, penatalaksanaan dan prognosis pada PJK stabil yang mempunyai indikasi dilakukan CT jantung.
Metode: Analisa retrospektif dari 30 pasien PJK stabil yang menjalani pemeriksaan echo 2D dan DSCT jantung dengan jarak waktu ≤ 3 bulan, meliputi penilaian EF ventrikel kiri. Berdasarkan nomor rekam medis yang ada, dilakukan pengambilan data EF ventrikel kiri echo 2D serta data tambahan lainnya. Nilai EF ventrikel kiri secara DSCT di evaluasi kembali pada cardiac workstation (Siemens, Leonardo), kemudian ditentukan bagaimana korelasinya dengan nilai EF ventrikel kiri secara echo 2D. Analisis statistik penelitian ini menggunakan uji Spearman
Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan nilai EF ventrikel kiri sebanyak 4% antara echo 2D dengan DSCT jantung. Perbedaan sebanyak 4% ini tidak bermakna signifikan secara klinis namun bermakna secara statistik. Nilai R Spearman yang didapat adalah 0,17 sementara nilai p 0,364 (p > 0,005), artinya tidak terdapat korelasi antara nilai EF ventrikel kiri secara echo 2D dengan DSCT jantung pada pasien PJK stabil yang menjalani pemeriksaan echo 2D dan DSCT jantung dengan jarak ≤ 3 bulan di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo.
Kesimpulan: Walaupun pada penelitian ini secara statistik tidak berkorelasi, namun pada keadaan hasil echo yang borderlineatau pada pasien PJK stabil yang mempunyai indikasi dilakukan CT jantung, nilai EF ventrikel kiri pada CT dapat menjadi acuan untuk penatalaksanaan selanjutnya.

Background and Objectives: to determine the correlation left ventricle Ejection Fraction (EF) between echo 2D and cardiac DSCT in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, so that the value of the left ventricular EF cardiac DSCT can be used as a reference for the evaluation, treatment and prognosis in stable CHD who have an indication of cardiac CT.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of 30 patients with stable CHD who underwent 2D echo and cardiac DSCT with interval ≤ 3 months, include assessment of left ventricular EF. Based on the existing medical record number, performed data collection left ventricular EF 2D echo and other additional data. Value of left ventricular EF in DSCT in return on cardiac evaluation workstation (Siemens, Leonardo), then determined how its correlation with left ventricular EF values in 2D echo. Statistical analysis of this study using the Spearman test.
Result: There are differences in left ventricular EF value by 4% between 2D echo with cardiac DSCT. The difference of 4% is not clinically significant, but statistically significant. Spearman R value obtained was 0.17 while the p-value 0.364 (p> 0.005), meaning that there is no correlation between the value of the left ventricular EF in 2D echo and cardiac DSCT in patients with stable CHD who underwent 2D echo and cardiac DSCT with distance ≤ 3 month in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital.
Conclusion: Although this study was not statistically correlated, but the results echo borderline or in stable CHD patients who had cardiac CT indications, left ventricular EF values on CT can be a reference for further management.;Background and Objectives: to determine the correlation left ventricle Ejection Fraction (EF) between echo 2D and cardiac DSCT in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, so that the value of the left ventricular EF cardiac DSCT can be used as a reference for the evaluation, treatment and prognosis in stable CHD who have an indication of cardiac CT.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of 30 patients with stable CHD who underwent 2D echo and cardiac DSCT with interval ≤ 3 months, include assessment of left ventricular EF. Based on the existing medical record number, performed data collection left ventricular EF 2D echo and other additional data. Value of left ventricular EF in DSCT in return on cardiac evaluation workstation (Siemens, Leonardo), then determined how its correlation with left ventricular EF values in 2D echo. Statistical analysis of this study using the Spearman test.
Result: There are differences in left ventricular EF value by 4% between 2D echo with cardiac DSCT. The difference of 4% is not clinically significant, but statistically significant. Spearman R value obtained was 0.17 while the p-value 0.364 (p> 0.005), meaning that there is no correlation between the value of the left ventricular EF in 2D echo and cardiac DSCT in patients with stable CHD who underwent 2D echo and cardiac DSCT with distance ≤ 3 month in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital.
Conclusion: Although this study was not statistically correlated, but the results echo borderline or in stable CHD patients who had cardiac CT indications, left ventricular EF values on CT can be a reference for further management., Background and Objectives: to determine the correlation left ventricle Ejection Fraction (EF) between echo 2D and cardiac DSCT in Coronary Heart Disease (CHD) patients at Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital, so that the value of the left ventricular EF cardiac DSCT can be used as a reference for the evaluation, treatment and prognosis in stable CHD who have an indication of cardiac CT.
Methods: A retrospective analysis of 30 patients with stable CHD who underwent 2D echo and cardiac DSCT with interval ≤ 3 months, include assessment of left ventricular EF. Based on the existing medical record number, performed data collection left ventricular EF 2D echo and other additional data. Value of left ventricular EF in DSCT in return on cardiac evaluation workstation (Siemens, Leonardo), then determined how its correlation with left ventricular EF values in 2D echo. Statistical analysis of this study using the Spearman test.
Result: There are differences in left ventricular EF value by 4% between 2D echo with cardiac DSCT. The difference of 4% is not clinically significant, but statistically significant. Spearman R value obtained was 0.17 while the p-value 0.364 (p> 0.005), meaning that there is no correlation between the value of the left ventricular EF in 2D echo and cardiac DSCT in patients with stable CHD who underwent 2D echo and cardiac DSCT with distance ≤ 3 month in Cipto Mangunkusumo hospital.
Conclusion: Although this study was not statistically correlated, but the results echo borderline or in stable CHD patients who had cardiac CT indications, left ventricular EF values on CT can be a reference for further management.]"
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Christopher Silman
"Latar belakang dan tujuan: Penyebab utama kematian pada pasien thalassemia di Indonesia adalah siderosis jantung. MRI T2* relaxometry merupakan pemeriksaan non-invasif terbaik dalam mendeteksi siderosis jantung dan tidak tergantikan oleh pemeriksaan lain. Perhitungan T2* jantung menggunakan perangkat lunak CMRtoolsTM hanya terbatas di RSCM. Peneliti bertujuan menvalidasi perangkat lunak SyngoMRTM yang memiliki cakupan daerah yang lebih luas, sehingga pemeriksaan ini dapat dilakukan di tempat lain di Indonesia.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang ini menggunakan data sekunder MRI T2* relaxometry subjek thalassemia. Data kasar MRI T2* relaxometry dihitung ulang dengan perangkat lunak SyngoMRTM dan dibandingkan dengan hasil perhitungan perangkat lunak CMRtoolsTM. Analisis data dilakukan untuk mendapatkan sensitivitas, spesifisitas, nilai prediksi positif dan nilai prediksi negatif Perhitungan Syngo MRTM dengan CMRtoolsTM sebagai baku emas.
Hasil: Terdapat korelasi positif bermakna antara perhitungan Syngo MRTM dengan CMRtoolsTM. Nilai cut-off perhitungan T2* jantung SyngoMRTM sama dengan CMRtoolsTM. Perhitungan T2* berdasarkan SyngoMRTM dapat membedakan jantung siderosis dengan jantung normal subjek thalassemia dengan sensitivitas 91,8%, spesifisitas 100%, nilai prediksi positif 100%, nilai prediktif negatif 98,11%, accuracy 98,42%. SyngoMRTM dapat mendiferensiasi derajat siderosis ringan-sedang dengan siderosis berat dengan sensitivitas 86,6%, spesifisitas 100%, nilai prediksi positif 100%, nilai prediksi negatif 90,48%, accuracy 94,12%.
Kesimpulan: Perhitungan T2* berdasarkan SyngoMRTM dapat dengan baik membedakan jantung siderosis berat, ringan-sedang dan jantung normal subjek thalassemia.

Background and objective: Cardiac iron overload are the leading cause of death of Thallassemic patients in Indonesia. MRI T2* relaxometry are the best non- invasive examination in detecting cardiac iron overload. T2* Relaxometry calculated by CMRtoolsTM only limited in CiptoMangunkusumo Hospital. The goal of this research is to validate alternative T2* calculator software (SyngoMRTM) that’s more available in Indonesia.
Method: A cross-sectional method is used on thalassemia MRI T2* relaxometry raw data. This raw data are re-calculated with SyngoMRTM software and compared with the result that calculated using CMRtoolsTM software. Data analysis is performed to obtain sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value Syngo MRTM with CMRtoolsTM as a gold standard.
Result: There is a significant positive correlation between Syngo MRTM and CMRtoolsTM. SyngoMRTM has the same cut off point in determining cardiac iron overload with CMRtoolsTM. SyngoMRTM can differentiate between normal cardiac and cardiac iron overload on thalassemia with sensitivity 91,8%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 98,11%, accuracy 98,42%. SyngoMRTM can differentiate degree of cardiac iron overload sensitivity 86,6%, specificity 100%, positive predictive value 100%, negative predictive value 90,48%, accuracy 94,12%.
Conclusion: T2* based on SyngoMRTM can differentiate normal cardiac and degree of cardiac iron overload on thalassemia major.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
"Latar belakang : CT jantung merupakan modalitas screening pada pasien resiko tinggi penyakit kardiovaskular. Fungsi diastolik ventrikel kiri kurang umum dinilai dibandingkan fungsi kontraksi sistolik ventrikel kiri (ejection fraction, EF). Pasien gagal jantung menunjukkan nilai EF yang baik meskipun pada kondisi stenosis arteri koronaria berat. Mortalitas gagal jantung sama besarnya pada pasien dengan nilai EF normal dan EF menurun, sehingga penilaian dini disfungsi diastolik menjadi hal penting untuk strategi pengobatan yang tepat. Lemak perikardial merupakan faktor prediktor bebas disfungsi diastolik. Penilaian volume lemak perikardial mudah dilakukan, tidak memberikan radiasi dan biaya tambahan, namun tidak rutin dilakukan pada pemeriksaan CT toraks. Penelitian ini melihat hubungan volume lemak perikardial dengan derajat disfungsi diastolik melalui pemeriksaan CT jantung.
Tujuan : Meningkatkan manfaat CT toraks dalam menilai volume lemak perikardial sebagai faktor prediktor disfungsi diastolik.
Metode : Comparative cross-sectional dengan menggunakan data sekunder dari 82 pasien penyakit jantung koroner yang menjalani pemeriksaan DSCT jantung.
Hasil : Terdapat hubungan positif antara volume lemak perikardial dengan disfungsi diastolik derajat sedang pada pasien penyakit jantung koroner yang menjalani DSCT jantung. Titik potong volume lemak perikardial pada disfungsi diastolik derajat berat adalah 220.26cm3, dengan nilai sensitivitas 81.8% dan spesifisitas 74,1%.
Kesimpulan: Volume lemak perikardial dapat digunakan untuk menentukan disfungsi diastolik derajat sedang, dan dapat dipakai sebagai suatu acuan deteksi dini.

Background: Cardiac CT is a modality used for screening patients with high risk of cardiovascular disease by assessing left ventricular systolic contraction function (ejection fraction, EF). It’s still uncommon to assess left ventricular diastolic function. Patients with heart failure showed good EF value despite the severity of coronary artery stenosis. Early assessment of diastolic dysfunction become essential for treatment strategies since there’s equal mortality rate in heart failure patients with normal or decrease EF. Pericardial fat is an independent predictor factor of diastolic dysfunction. Eventhough pericardial fat volume easily assessed and there’s no additional radiation and cost, it still not routinely done in thoracic CT examination. This study looked at the relationship of pericardial fat volume with a degree of diastolic dysfunction through cardiac CT examination.
Purpose: Increase the benefits of thoracic CT to assess pericardial fat volume as a predictor factor of diastolic dysfunction.
Method : Comparativecross-sectional study using secondary data from 82 patients with coronary artery disease who underwent cardiac DSCT.
Result : There is a positive relationship between pericardial fat volume with moderate degree of diastolic dysfunction in patients with coronary artery disease who underwent cardiac DSCT. A cut off value of220.26cm3, determined a sensitivity 81.8% and specivicity 74,1% to detect moderate diastolic dysfunction.
Conclusion: Pericardial fat volume can be used to determine moderate diastolic dysfunction and can be used as a reference for the early detection.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Agus Setyawati
Tujuan: Studi ini merupakan studi MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging) untuk menilai hubungan asimetrisitas volume, hiperintensitas T2WI FLAIR dan nilai ADC hippokampus hubungannya dengan lateralisasi kejang. Pemeriksaan MRI sekuens rutin ditambah prosedur khusus pemeriksaan hipokampus yaitu sekuens T2WI Inversion Recovery dan T2WI Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR) dapat menilai volume hipokampus. Sekuens DWI (Diffusion Weighted Image) dan ADC (Appearent Difusion Coeffesient) merupakan pemeriksaan kuantitatif.
Metode: Penelitian potong lintang menggunakan data sekunder MRI kepala pasien dengan diagnosis epilepsi lobus temporal mesial. Dilakukan pengukuran volume pada potongan koronal sejajar sumbu hippokampus, mulai dari terlihat kepala hippokampus sebanyak 5 irisan. Melihat gambaran hiperintensitas T2WI FLAIR serta mengukur nilai ADC hippokampus dilakukan dengan meletakan ROI pada potongan aksial hippokampus terbesar pada ADC map. Analisis data dilakukan untuk menghitung nilai R Kappa hubungan masing masing variabel dan gabungan variabel.
Hasil: Jumlah subyek penelitian 54 orang, terdapat hubungan asosiasi yang cukup kuat (sedang) dan ipsilateral antara hiperintensitas T2WI FLAIR dan asimetrisitas volume dengan lateralisasi kejang dengan R Kappa sama sebesar + 0.52. Hubungan asosiasi yang lemah dan bersifat ipsi lateral dengan R Kappa + 0.37 antara nilai ADC dengan lateralisasi kejang. Hubungan asosiasi antara asimetrisitas volume dan asimetrisitas nilai ADC adalah kontralateral dengan hubungan asosiasi cukup kuat (sedang). Penentuan lateralisasi lesi dengan MRI pada masing masing variabel memiliki sensitivitas dan spesifisitas cukup tinggi. Hubungan asosiasi gabungan 2 dan 3 variabel adalah cukup kuat (sedang) dan bersifat ipsilateral, dengan nilai R Kappa, sensitifitas dan spesifisitanya yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan hubungan masing masing variabel.
Kesimpulan: MRI memiliki peranan penting menentukan lateralisasi kejang. Menilai hubungan dari gabungan 2 dan 3 variabel didapatkan secara statistik lebih besar hubungannya dengan lateralisasi kejang dibandingkan dengan menghubungkan masing masing variabel secara terpisah, sehingga penilaian MRI yang dilakukan untuk ke 3 variabel ini akan lebih menguatkan diagnosis sisi hipokampus yang mengalami kelainan.

Objective: This study is MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) to assess the relationship asymmetry volume, T2WI FLAIR hyperintensity and hippocampal ADC values its relationship with the lateralization of seizures. Routine MRI examination sequences plus a special procedure that hippocampal examination Inversion Recovery sequence T2WI and T2WI Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery ( FLAIR ) can assess hippocampal volume. Sequences DWI ( Diffusion Weighted Image ) and ADC ( Appearent Diffusion Coeffesient ) is a quantitative examination.
Methods: A cross-sectional study using secondary data MRI diagnosis of the patient's head with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Volume measurements performed on coronal slice axis parallel to the hippocampus, ranging from the visible head of the hippocampus as much as 5 slices. See picture T2WI FLAIR hyperintensity and measuring the ADC value hippocampus done by placing the ROI on axial cuts at the largest hippocampal ADC map. Data analysis was performed to calculate the value of R Kappa relationship each and combined variable.
Results: There is a fairly strong association relationship (medium) and ipsilateral between T2WI FLAIR hyperintensity volume and asymmetry with lateralization of seizures with R Kappa equal to + 0.52. A weak association relationship and are IPSI lateral with R Kappa + 0.37 between the ADC values with lateralization of seizures. Association relationship between volume and asymmetry value asymmetry ADC is contralateral to the association relationship is strong enough (medium). Determination of lateralization of lesions by MRI in each variable has a fairly high sensitivity and specificity. The combined association relationship 2 and 3 variables are strong enough (medium) and ipsilateral, with a value of R Kappa, sensitivity and spesifisitanya higher than the correlation of each variable.
Conclusion: MRI has an important role determining the lateralization of seizures. Assess the relationship of the combined second and third variables are statistically bigger obtained conjunction with lateralization of seizures compared to connecting each variable separately, so the MRI assessment carried out for 3 to this variable will further strengthen the diagnosis of hippocampal abnormalities., Objective: This study is MRI ( Magnetic Resonance Imaging ) to assess the relationship asymmetry volume, T2WI FLAIR hyperintensity and hippocampal ADC values its relationship with the lateralization of seizures. Routine MRI examination sequences plus a special procedure that hippocampal examination Inversion Recovery sequence T2WI and T2WI Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery ( FLAIR ) can assess hippocampal volume. Sequences DWI ( Diffusion Weighted Image ) and ADC ( Appearent Diffusion Coeffesient ) is a quantitative examination.
Methods: A cross-sectional study using secondary data MRI diagnosis of the patient's head with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy. Volume measurements performed on coronal slice axis parallel to the hippocampus, ranging from the visible head of the hippocampus as much as 5 slices. See picture T2WI FLAIR hyperintensity and measuring the ADC value hippocampus done by placing the ROI on axial cuts at the largest hippocampal ADC map. Data analysis was performed to calculate the value of R Kappa relationship each and combined variable.
Results: There is a fairly strong association relationship (medium) and ipsilateral between T2WI FLAIR hyperintensity volume and asymmetry with lateralization of seizures with R Kappa equal to + 0.52. A weak association relationship and are IPSI lateral with R Kappa + 0.37 between the ADC values with lateralization of seizures. Association relationship between volume and asymmetry value asymmetry ADC is contralateral to the association relationship is strong enough (medium). Determination of lateralization of lesions by MRI in each variable has a fairly high sensitivity and specificity. The combined association relationship 2 and 3 variables are strong enough (medium) and ipsilateral, with a value of R Kappa, sensitivity and spesifisitanya higher than the correlation of each variable.
Conclusion: MRI has an important role determining the lateralization of seizures. Assess the relationship of the combined second and third variables are statistically bigger obtained conjunction with lateralization of seizures compared to connecting each variable separately, so the MRI assessment carried out for 3 to this variable will further strengthen the diagnosis of hippocampal abnormalities.]"
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UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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