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Jakarta: Bina Pustaka Sarwono Prawirohardjo, 2015
618.2 BUK
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rima Irwinda
"Kelahiran preterm masih merupakan masalah global. Penyebab kelahiran preterm bersifat multifaktor, di antaranya adalah proses inflamasi dan status nutrisi yang dipengaruhi oleh mikronutrien seperti seng, vitamin A dan D. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh seng, AtRA dan 25(OH)D pada regulasi respons inflamasi pada kelahiran preterm melalui pemeriksaan MyD88, TRIF, NFκB dan IL-1β. Desain kuasi eksperimental dilakukan selama periode Januari-Juni 2017 di RSUPN-CM dan RS Budi Kemuliaan, Jakarta. Subjek dibagi menjadi kelompok aterm (n=25), pretem kontrol (n=27), dan preterm perlakuan (n=26). Kelompok preterm perlakuan diberikan secara oral seng 50 mg/hari, beta-carotene 25.000 IU, dan vitamin D3 50.000 IU/minggu. Seluruh subjek dilakukan wawancara, pengukuran konsentrasi seng, AtRA dan 25(OH)D serum dan plasenta, serta kadar MyD88, TRIF, NFκB dan IL-1β plasenta. Pada kelompok aterm konsentrasi AtRA serum dan plasenta lebih tinggi dibandingkan kelompok lain. Pada kelompok preterm perlakuan, tidak didapatkan adanya perbedaan bermakna konsentrasi seng, AtRA dan 25(OH)D serum sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Ekspresi NFκB dan TRIF lebih rendah pada kelompok aterm dan preterm kontrol, dibandingkan kelompok preterm perlakuan. Konsentrasi IL-1β ditemukan paling tinggi pada kelompok aterm. Konsentrasi seng, AtRA dan 25(OH)D plasenta memiliki korelasi positif sedang dengan IL-1β.
Simpulan: Konsentrasi seng, AtRA dan 25(OH)D plasenta yang rendah berhubungan dengan lebih tingginya ekspresi MyD88, TRIF, NFκB dan IL-1β pada kelahiran preterm. Pemberian seng, beta-carotene dan vitamin D3 berhubungan dengan IL-1β yang lebih rendah.

Preterm birth is still a global burden. Inflammation process and nutritional status are among its multifactorial etiology which is affected by micronutrient such as vitamin A, D and zinc. Quasi-experimental design was conducted to know the role of zinc, beta-carotene and vitamin D3 towards inflammatory regulator of preterm birth during January-June 2017 in RSUPN-CM and Budi Kemuliaan Hospital, Jakarta. Subjects were classified into term (n=25), control preterm (n=27), and experimental preterm group (n=26). Subjects in experimental preterm group were given orally zinc 50 mg/day, beta-carotene 25,000 IU and vitamin D3 50,000 IU/week. Nutrient intake interview, measurement of zinc, AtRA and 25(OH)D level in serum and placenta was performed in all subjects, also placental concentration of MyD88, TRIF, NFκB dan IL-1β. The term group had higher AtRA concentration in serum and placenta. No significant difference of serum zinc, AtRA and 25(OH)D concentration was found in treated group before and after intervention. The term and control preterm groups had lower expression of NFκB and TRIF compared to the experimental group. The concentration of IL-1β was highest among term group. Placental concentration of zinc, AtRA and 25(OH) had moderate positive correlation with IL-1β.
Conclusion: Lower placental concentrations of zinc, AtRA and 25(OH)D relate to higher expression of MyD88, TRIF and NFκB. The supplementation of zinc, beta-carotene and vitamin D3 relate to lower expression of IL-1β."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuyun Lisnawati
"Penyakit membran hialin (PMH) dan gangguan toleransi minum (GTM) merupakan masalah pada bayi prematur dengan morbiditas dan mortalitas cukup tinggi. Pemberian steroid antenatal telah menurunkan angka PMH dan enterokolitis nekrotikans (EKN) komplikasi lanjut dari GTM, tetapi masih belum optimal dan masih didapat luaran yang berbeda pada bayi dengan usia gestasi, berat lahir dan tata laksana antenatalyang sama. Mikronutrien vitamin A, D3 dan seng diketahui memengaruhi organ tersebut. Penelitian ini ingin mengetahui manfaat pemberian vitamin A (beta-karoten), vitamin D3 dan seng menyertai deksametason untuk menurunkan kejadian PMH dan GTM pada bayi prematur.
Uji klinis acak dilakukan pada subjek ibu hamil 28-34 minggu dan bayinya. Ibu hamil dirawat di rumah sakit untuk persiapan kelahiran prematur atas indikasi janin atau ibu. Subjek dibagi dalam kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kedua kelompok mendapat deksametason 2 x 6 mg intravena (2 hari). Kelompok intervensi mendapat dosis tunggal beta-karoten 25.000 IU dan vitamin D3 50.000 IU per oral, serta seng 50 mg/hari peroral (3 hari), sedangkan kelompok kontrol tidak. Sampel darah ibu dan tali pusat diambil untuk pengukuran kadar serum retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng. Bayi dipantau selama 4 minggu. Angka kejadian PMH, GTM, PMH-GTM dan hubungan kadar serum retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng pada kedua kelompok dengan luaran PMH-GTM, dianalisis dengan uji Chi-Square atau Fisher, uji t tidak berpasangan atau uji Mann Whitney dan uji t berpasangan atau uji Wilcoxon.
Jumlah subjek 116 pasangan ibu-bayi, terbagi sama di kelompok intervensi dan kontrol. Kejadian PMH dan GTM pada bayi kelompok intervensi 7 (12,1%) dan 9 (16,1%), lebih rendah dan bermakna dibandingkan kelompok kontrol, 16 (27,5%) dan 19 (34,5%). Bayi PMH-GTM kelompok kontrol mempunyai kadar retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng di serum ibu dan tali pusat yang lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok intervensi. Perbedaan bermakna didapatkan pada kadar 25(OH)D.
Simpulan: Angka kejadian PMH dan GTM pada kelompok intervensi secara bermakna lebih rendah dibandingkan kelompok kontrol. Kadar retinol, 25(OH)D dan seng di serum ibu dan tali pusat berhubungan dengan luaran PMH-GTM.

Hyaline membrane disease (HMD) and feeding intolerance (FI)are still problems of premature neonatal morbidity and mortality. Antenatal steroid administration has been recognized to reduce HMDand FImortality rates, but it is still not optimal and there are still different outcomes in neonates with similar gestational age, birth weight and treatment. Micronutrients of vitamin A, D3 and zinc are known to play a roleon the lung and intestines of the fetusand neonates. This study aimed to find out the benefits of administration of vitamin A (beta carotene), vitamin D3 and zinc accompanying antenatal steroids for lung maturation, in order to reduce the incidenceof HMD and FI.
A randomized clinical trial was conducted on pregnant women 28-34 weeks of gestational age who were hospitalized for the preparation of preterm delivery on the indication of the mother or fetus. Both groups received dexamethasone for lung maturation. The intervention group received oral micronutrients, i.e., beta carotene 25,000 IU single dose, vitamin D3 50,000 IU single dose and 50 mg zinc per day for 3 days. The incidence of HMD, FI, HMD-FI and the relationship of serum retinol, 25(OH)D, zinc concentrationsin maternal and umbilical cord with HMD-FI were analyzed by Chi-Square or Fisher test, unpaired t or Mann Whitney test and paired t or Wilcoxon test between the intervention and control groups.
The total subjects were 116 pairs of pregnant mothers and neonates (58 interventions and 58 controls). The incidence of HMDand FIin neonates in the intervention group were 7 (12.1%) and 9 (16.1%),which weresignificantly lower thanthe control group, 16 (27.5%) and 19 (34.5%). The HMD-FI neonates in the control group had lower serum retinol and 25(OH)D concentrations in maternal and umbilical cord than in the intervention group. Significant differences were only found at 25 (OH) D concentration.
Conclusion: The incidence HMD and FI in the neonates intervention group were significantly lower than the control group. There was a relationship betweenserum retinol, 25(OH)D and zinc concentrations with HMD-FI outcome."
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Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hutabarat, Martina
Preeklamsia merupakan masalah kesehatan maternal yang berdampak luas pada kesehatan manusia. Defek plasentasi merupakan faktor predisposisi utama preeklamsia yang mengakibatkan spektrum kematian sel apoptosis, aponekrosis dan autofagi. Autofagi juga berperan sebagai mekanisme ketahanan selular melalui nutrisi sebagai regulator utama. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran nutrisi dan autofagi sebagai ketahanan selular pada patomekanisme preeklamsia . Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian dengan desain potong lintang yang dilakukan terhadap 4 kelompok yakni; hamil normal, preeklamsia awitan lanjut, preeklamsia awitan dini dan PJT dengan jumlah sampel 10 pasien tiap kelompok. Dilakukan analisis nutrisi secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif untuk zat nutrisi vitamin D, kalsium dan seng serta zat nutrisi sebagai marka inflamasi yaitu vitamin A dan mineral besi. Dilakukan pemeriksaan marka kematian sel LDH dan pemeriksaan marka autofagi LC3, Beclin-1, kegagalan autofagi rasio LC3/Beclin-1 serta marka nutrisi plasenta VDR. Selama periode Agustus hingga Oktober 2015 terdapat 40 pasien yang mengikuti penelitian di RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo dan RS Budi Kemuliaan Jakarta. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna ekspresi LC3 dan Beclin-1 serta rasio LC3/Beclin-1 di antara kelompok penelitian. Kelompok preeklamsia awitan dini dan PJT memiliki ekspresi LC3 dan Beclin-1 tertinggi, sedangkan kelompok hamil normal dan preeklamsia awitan lanjut memiliki rasio LC3/Beclin-1 tertinggi. Terdapat korelasi antara kegagalan autofagi dengan LDH. Terdapat defisiensi vitamin D, kalsium dan seng serta terdapat peningkatan retinol dan ferrum sebagai marka inflamasi pada kelompok kehamilan patologis. Terdapat mekanisme up regulation ekspresi nutrisi plasenta reseptor vitamin D VDR pada kelompok preeklamsia awitan lanjut dan awitan dini , sementara ditemukan ekspresi VDR yang rendah pada kelompok PJT. Terdapat korelasi negatif antara rasio LC3/Beclin-1 dengan marka nutrisi maternal terutama kelompok preeklamsia awitan lanjut dan awitan dini. Terdapat korelasi bermakna antara rasio LC3/Beclin-1 dengan ekspresi VDR sebagai marka nutrisi plasenta pada kelompok preeklamsia awitan dini. Autofagi berperan dalam proses kematian sel dan ketahanan selular trofoblas. Terdapat peran nutrisi yang berkorelasi dengan proses autofagi pada patomekanisme preeklamsia. Kata kunci : Autofagi, kematian sel, ketahanan selular, nutrisi, preeklamsia.

Preeclampsia is a maternal health problem which largely affects human well being. Placentation defects is the main predisposition factor of preeclampsia which cause cell death spectrum of apoptotic, aponecrosis, and autophagy. Autophagy also has a role as cellular survival mechanism as well through nutrition as main regulator. This research aims to understand the roles of nutrition and autophagy as cellular survival in pathomechanism of preeclampsia. The research has cross sectional study design which was conducted to four groups of pregnancy normal pregnancy, late onset preeclampsia, early onset preeclampsia, and intrauterine growth restriction IUGR with 10 samples for each group. Qualitative and quantitative nutrition analysis was done for vitamin D, calcium and zinc. The same methods was done to nutrients as inflammatory markers which is vitamin A and iron. Assessment was done for cell death marker LDH, autophagy markers LC3, Beclin 1, autophagy failure ratio of LC3 Beclin 1, and placenta nutrition marker VDR. During the period of August to October 2015 there were 40 patients participated in research which was conducted in RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo and RS Budi Kemuliaan Jakarta. Analysis shows statistically significant difference between groups of the expression of LC3 and Beclin 1 and ratio of LC3 Beclin 1 as well. Early onset preeclampsia and IUGR group showed the highest LC3 and Beclin 1 expression, while normal pregnancy and late onset preeclampsia group showed the highest ratio of LC3 Beclin 1. There was a correlation between autophagy failure and LDH. There were deficiencies of vitamin D, calcium and zinc and the increase of retinol and iron as inflammatory markers in pathological pregnancy. There was up regulation of vitamin D receptor VDR expression in early and late onset preeclampsia, while low expression of VDR in placenta of IUGR group. There was negative correlation between ratio of LC3 Beclin 1 and maternal nutrition markers particularly in preeclampsia group. There was significant correlation between the ratio of LC3 Beclin 1 and expression of placenta VDR as nutrition marker in early onset preeclampsia group. Autophagy plays a role in the spectrum of cell death and cellular survival in trophoblast. There is role of nutrition in correlation with autophagy process in pathomechanism of preeclampsia Keywords Autophagy, cell death, cellular survival, nutrition, preeclampsia"
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UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Silalahi, Eva Roria
"Preeklamsia dibagi menjadi preeklamsia awitan dini (PEAD) jika terjadi pada usia kehamilan < 34 minggu dan preeklamsia awitan lanjut (PEAL) pada kehamilan > 34 minggu. Intoleransi imun diduga menyebabkan penolakan imun terhadap fetus di plasenta. Dendritic cell 10 (DC-10) dan sel T regulator CD4+CD25+FoxP3 (Treg) di desidua berperan penting dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang tolerogenik selama kehamilan. Namun, peran spesifik dalam patomekanisme PEAD dan PEAL serta faktor-faktor nutrisi yang berperan dalam regulasi DC-10 dan Treg, yaitu seng, vitamin A, dan vitamin D belum diteliti secara jelas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memahami patomekanisme penolakan imun pada preeklamsia melalui jumlah DC-10 dan sel Treg desidua serta hubungannya dengan vitamin A, vitamin D, dan seng.
Desain penelitian ini adalah studi potong lintang komparatif antara kehamilan dengan PEAD, PEAL, dan NT antara Oktober 2019 dan Desember 2021. Subjek penelitian direkrut dari RSUP Fatmawati (Jakarta), RSUPN Cipto Mangunkusumo (Jakarta), dan RSUD Karawang (Jawa Barat). Kriteria penerimaan adalah semua ibu hamil 20–40 minggu yang menjalani persalinan dengan seksio sesaria dan setuju untuk dilibatkan dalam penelitian. Kriteria penolakan meliputi pasien dengan penyulit obstetrik, plasenta previa, memiliki riwayat penyakit kronik, hipertensi sebelum kehamilan 20 minggu, terdiagnosis COVID-19, demam dan leukosit >15.000 /mL pada saat pemeriksaan dan kematian janin dalam rahim. Spesimen desidua diperoleh dengan kuretase tajam setelah seksio sesaria. Jumlah DC-10 dan sel Treg dihitung dengan flow cytometry. Konsentrasi faktor nutrisi diperiksa dengan metode ICP-MS dan LC-MS. Perbandingan median dianalisis dengan uji Kruskal-Wallis, sedangkan koefisien korelasi diperoleh dengan uji korelasi Spearman. Subjek penelitian adalah 14 ibu hamil untuk setiap kelompok (total 42 kasus). Jumlah DC-10 lebih rendah secara bermakna pada PEAD dibandingkan NT (p < 0,001) dan lebih rendah secara bermakna pada PEAL dibandingkan NT (p = 0,015). Sebaliknya, sel Treg FoxP3+CD25+ lebih tinggi secara bermakna pada PEAD dibandingkan NT (p = 0,015). Tidak terdapat korelasi antara faktor nutrisi dan jumlah faktor tolerogenik pada kelompok preeklamsia (PE). Namun, terdapat korelasi sedang antara konsentrasi seng desidua dan DC-10 di kelompok NT (r = 0,656; p = 0,011) dan korelasi kuat antara konsentrasi retinol desidua dan DC-10 juga di kelompok NT (r = 0,746; p = 0,002). Korelasi sedang didapatkan antara konsentrasi vitamin D dan jumlah sel Treg FoxP3+CD25+ di kelompok NT (r = 0,590; p = 0,026). Disimpulkan bahwa jumlah DC-10 pada PEAD lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan kehamilan NT, sedangkan jumlah sel Treg pada PEAD secara bermakna lebih tinggi dibandingkan dengan kehamilan NT. Konsentrasi faktor nutrisi desidua tidak berkorelasi dengan jumlah DC-10 atau Treg desidua pada preeklamsia (PEAD dan PEAL). Namun, pada kelompok NT terdapat korelasi positif antara seng dan DC-10, retinol dan DC-10, serta vitamin D dan jumlah sel Treg desidua.

Preeclampsia is categorized as early-onset preeclampsia (EOPE) at < 34 week of gestation and late-onset preeclampsia (LOPE) at > 34 week of gestation. Immune intolerance is thought to be the underlying cause of immune rejection to the fetus in the placenta. Decidual dendritic cell-10 (DC-10) and T regulator cell CD4+CD25+FoxP3 (Treg) play important role to create a tolerogenic environment during pregnancy. However, the specific role in the pathomechanism of EOPE or LOPE and nutritional factors that play role in the regulation of DC-10 and Treg, i.e. zinc, vitamin A, and vitamin D have not been widely studied. This study was aimed to know the pathomechanism of immune rejection in preeclampsia through the number of decidual DC-10 and Treg cell and their correlations with vitamin A, vitamin D, and zinc.
The study design was cross-sectional comparative among EOPE, LOPE, and NT pregnancies between October 2019 and December 2021. Study subjects were recruited from Fatmawati General Hospital (Jakarta), Cipto Mangukusumo National General Hospital (Jakarta), and Karawang Regional Public Hospital (West Java). Inclusion criteria were all pregnant women between 20–40 weeks of gestation who underwent cesarean delivery and gave their written consent to be included in the study. Exclusion critera were patients with obstetric complications, placenta previa, history of chronic disease, hypertension before 20 weeks of gestation, was diagnosed with COVID-19, fever and leukocyte count of >15.000 /mL at the time of examination and presence of intrauterine fetal death. Decidual specimens were obtained by curettage after the cesarian section. The number of DC-10 and Treg cells were counted using flow cytometry. Concentrations of nutritional factors were assayed using ICP-MS and LC-MS method. Median comparison among groups was analyzed using Kruskal-Wallis test, while correlation coefficient was obtained by using the Spearman correlation test. Study subjects were 14 pregnant women for each group (42 cases in total). The DC-10 was significantly lower in EOPE compared to NT (p < 0.001) and significantly lower in LOPE compared to NT (p = 0.015). On the other hand, Treg FoxP3+CD25+ cells were significantly higher in EOPE compare to NT (p = 0.015). No correlation between nutritional factors and the number of tolerogenic factors in the preeclampsia group. However, there was a moderate correlation between decidual zinc concentration and DC-10 in the NT group (r = 0.656; p = 0.011) and a strong correlation between decidual retinol concentration and DC-10 also in NT group (r = 0.746; p= 0.002). A moderate correlation was found between vitamin D concentration and Treg FoxP3+CD25+ cells in the NT group (r = 0.590; p = 0.026). To conclude, the number of DC-10 in EOPE is lower than NT pregnancy, whereas the number of Treg cells in EOPE is higher than NT pregnancy. Concentrations of dedicual nutritional factors do not correlate with the number of decidual DC-10 or Treg cells in preeclampsia (EOPE and LOPE). However, in NT group, there is positive correlation between decidual zinc and DC-10, retinol and DC-10, and vitamin D and Treg cells.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Resistantie
"Preeklamsia merupakan salah satu penyebab kematian utama ibu dan perinatal di dunia. Inflamasi disertai tingginya indeks apoptosis di syncytiotrophoblast dan ekspresi Cyclophilin A diduga berperan pada preeklamsia. Faktor tersebut diasumsikan menyebabkan jejas jantung/pembuluh darah yang meningkatkan risiko morbiditas dan mortalitas ibu dan perinatal. Tujuan penelitan ini adalah menganalisis peran inflamasi, indeks apoptosis dan Cyclophilin A terhadap jejas jantung/pembuluh darah pada preeklamsia awitan dini, lanjut dan kehamilan normal.
Sebanyak 47 wanita hamil yang terpilih dilakukan pemeriksaan hematologi, ekokardiografi dan ultrasonografi Doppler. Plasenta diperiksa secara histopatologis untuk mengukur ekspresi NF-KB dan PARP-1, indeks apoptosis berdasarkan pemeriksan TUNEL, ekspresi Cyclophilin A dan pemeriksaan ultrastruktur mikroskopik pada syncytiotrophoblast. Analisis Anova digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi perbedaan antara ketiga kelompok, sedangkan regresi linier digunakan untuk mengetahui korelasi faktor yang diduga terhadap jejas jantung/pembuluh darah menggunakan SPSS 20.
Usia ibu, indeks massa tubuh (IMT), hitung trombosit, NF- KB dan indeks apoptosis lebih tinggi disertai Cyclophilin A lebih rendah pada preeklamsia awitan dini dibandingkan preeklamsia awitan lanjut dan kehamilan normal. Hitung leukosit lebih tinggi pada preeklamsia awitan lanjut dibandingkan awitan dini dan normal. Total peripheral resistance (TPR) paling tinggi pada kelompok awitan dini dibandingkan awitan lanjut dan kehamilan normal, sedangkan cardiac index (CI) tidak berbeda bermakna pada ketiga kelompok. Resistensi indeks (RI) lebih tinggi pada preeklamsia awitan dini dibandingkan awitan lanjut dan kehamilan normal.
Berdasarkan analisis regresi linier multivariat, membuktikan indeks apoptosis dan Cyclophilin A memiliki hubungan dengan jejas jantung/pembuluh darah. Hal tersebut menunjukkan inflamasi, indeks apoptosis, Cyclophilin A disertai pemeriksan ekokardiografi dan ultrasonografi Doppler merupakan metode yang cepat, tepat dan noninvasif faktor risiko terhadap jejas jantung/pembuluh darah pada preeklamsia. Penelitian yang dianjurkan di masa datang adalah menilai geometri jantung dengan ekokardiografi dan volumetri plasenta dengan ultrasonografi.

Preeclampsia is one of the leading cause of maternal and perinatal death in the world. Inflammation accompanied by a high apototic index of syncytiotrophoblast and Cyclophilin A were speculated to play a role in preeclampsia. Those response were assumed to cause cardiovascular injury which lead to the risk of maternal and perinatal morbidity and mortality in preeclampsia. The objective of the study was to investigate the role of inflammation, apoptotic index and Cyclophilin A in cardiovascular injury in early and late onset preeclampsia compared to normal pregnancy.
A total of 47 pregnant women were selected, consisting almost the same size of each group (30%) and assessed for maternal hematology, echocardiography and Doppler ultrasound. Placentae were assessed histopathologically by measuring nuclear factor kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B cells (NF- KB) and Poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) expression for inflammation marker, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase dUTP nick end labeling (TUNEL) assay for apoptotic index and Cyclophilin A. Confirmation by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) was done. Anova analysis was used to identify the differences between the three groups while linier regression was employed to assess the correlation between factors on cardiovascular injury using SPSS 20.
Maternal age, body mass index (BMI), platelet count, NF- KB and apoptotic index, resistance index (RI) were higher supported by low Cyclophilin A in early onset preeclampsia (EOP) than in late onset preeclampsia (LOP) and normal pregnancy. Leukocyte count was higher in late onset preeeclampsia than in early and normal pregnancy. Total peripheral resistance (TPR) was highest in the EOP compared to LOP and normal pregnancy, while the cardiac index (CI) was not significantly different in all groups.
Based on multivariate linear regression analysis, the apoptotic index and Cyclophilin A correlated to cardiovascular injury. Assesing inflammation, apoptotic index, Cyclophilin A, echocardiography examination and Doppler ultrasound examination might indicated timely and non-invasive detection as an alarm entry point for cardiovascular injury in both early and late onset preeclampsia. Cardiac geometry by echocardiography and placental volumetry by Doppler ultrasound should be performed in future research.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library