ABSTRAKPenelitian ini membahas teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah karya Shaykh Muh}ammad al-Ghawth al-Hindi>. Teks ini merupakan buku manual bagi para pengikut tarekat Shat}t}a>riyah dalam menempuh jalan tasawuf. Penelitian ini bertujuan menjawab tiga pertanyaan: di antara naskah-naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah yang ditemukan, naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah yang manakah yang dapat dijadikan landasan untuk edisi teks, apa saja isi kandungan teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, bagaimana konteks yang melatarbelakangi proses penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah dari Banten. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyajikan suntingan teks, terjemah, dan tinjauan isi teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah serta mengungkap kontek penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah dari Banten. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian kepustakaan dengan menggunakan beberapa metode dan pendekatan, seperti: filologi, kodikologi dan analisis tema. Riset ini berhasil membuat suntingan teks dan terjemahannya, mengungkap isi teks al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah salinan dari Banten yang berisi ?tiga permata? yakni tatacara beribadah, tatacara berzuhud, dan tatacara berdo‟a dengan menggunakan al-Ism al-A?z}am, serta menjelaskan konteks penyalinan naskah al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah Banten.;
ABSTRACTThis study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.;This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.;This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten., This study discusses the text al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, a work of al-Shaykh} Muhammad Ghawth al-Hindi>. This text is a manual for the followers of the shat}t}a>riyah congregation in the path of Sufism. This study aims to answer three questions: among of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah manuscripts that was found, which one of them can be used as the basis for edition, what are the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah, how is the context underlying the process of copying manuscripts of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study aims to present the text editing, translations, and reviews the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah and copying manuscripts reveal the context of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten. This study is the research literature by using several methods and approaches, such as philology, codicology and tematic analysis. This research managed to make text editing and translation, revealing the contents of the text of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten which contains a copy of the "three gems" that is the procedure of worship, zuhud procedures, and method and procedures of praying by using al-Ism al-A'z}am, as well as explaining the context of the manuscript copy of al-Jawa>hir al-Khamsah from Banten.]"