Siregar, Muhammad Ade Armansyah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Sistem remunerasi bagi pegawai RSUD Tebet telah ditetapkan sejak tahun 2022 di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah (RSUD) Tebet, mengacu pada Peraturan Gubernur DKI Nomor 51 Tahun 2021. Kebijakan remunerasi ini diantaranya bertujuan agar terjadi peningkatan kualitas kinerja bagi pegawai. Penerapan kebijakan remunerasi ini belum memberikan dampak yang signifikan dari capaian kinerja pegawainya, khususnya pegawai yang berstatus Pegawai Negeri Sipil (PNS). Banyak PNS tampak kurang peduli dan ada juga yang menyatakan kurang transparan sistem dan perhitungan remunerasi di RSUD Tebet.
Metode: Penelitian ini adalah studi kasus menggunakan desain kualitatif yang mengangkat tema tentang pelaksanaan kebijakan sistem remunerasi di RSUD Tebet. Telaah dokumen kebijakan dan wawancara mendalam dilakukan termasuk melibatkan sembilan (9) informan kunci. Lokasi penelitian terletak di lingkungan DKI Jakarta dengan status kelas C.
Hasil: Transmisi komunikasi dan kejelasan sistem remunerasi di RSUD Tebet sudah dilaksanakan tetapi belum optimal, sehingga menghambat pemahaman tentang perhitungan formula remunerasi khususnya bagi PNS. Dalam pelaksanaan sistem remunerasi, keterbatasan sumber daya pengelola data, baik secara kuantitas dan kualitas dirasakan sudah cukup walau masih membutuhkan peningkatan substansi melalui pelatihan dan/atau sosialisasi perhitungan yang lebih komprehensif. Hasil penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa sistem remunerasi yang dijalankan di RSUD Tebet saat ini mengkondisikan PNS berada di zona nyaman karena insentif belum memasukkan variable kinerja dan kompleksitas pekerjaan dalam formula remunerasi. Kendati demikian, pegawai PNS siap memberikan dukungan untuk peningkatan pendapatan RSUD yang juga akan menjadi dasar besarnya remunerasi. Dalam mendukung implementasi sistem remunerasi di RSUD Tebet, ketersediaan SOP serta regulasi yang berkaitan dengan kebijakan masih harus di integrasikan untuk menghindari bureaucratic fragmentation.
Kesimpulan: Komunikasi adalah hal terpenting dalam implementasi kebijakan remunerasi di RSUD Tebet, sehingga proses perhitungan remunerasi dapat dijelaskan secara transparan kepada para PNS. Kedepan, dibutuhkan perbaikan terhadap sistem pemberian insentif kepada seluruh pegawai dengan menerapkan insentif berbasis kinerja agar tercapai rasa keadilan dan kelayakan remunerasi bagi pegawai dan dapat memacu motivasi dan kinerja pegawai menjadi lebih baik.
......Background: In 2022, RSUD Tebet, a class C Regional General Hospitals in DKI Jakarta, implemented a remuneration system for its workforce following the guidelines set in DKI Governor Regulation Nomor 51 of 2021. Contrary to the aim of this policy, the adoption of this remuneration system did not yield substantial enhancement in employee performance quality, particularly among civil servants. Some civil servants appeared disinterested, highlighting a lack of transparency in the remuneration process at RSUD Tebet. Employing a qualitative approach, this study examines how the 2022 implementation of this remuneration system policy at RSUD Tebet using the policy implementation theory by Edward III (1980).
Methods: Researchers analyzed the implementation of the remuneration system policy by reviewing documents and conducting in-depth interviews with nine informants from RSUD Tebet, all within the framework of Edward III (1980)’s policy implementation theory.
Results: The outcomes of this qualitative study underscored that communication transmission and clarity surrounding the remuneration system at RSUD Tebet fell short of optimazation, thus hindering transparency. While the data management resources for the remuneration system's implementation were adequate in quantity, there was a noticeable need for improvements in training and/or the dissemination of more comprehensive calculation methodologies. Furthermore, it was revealed that the remuneration system in place at RSUD Tebet tended to maintain civil servants within their comfort zones, as the incentives failed to assess performance variables and the intricacy of job roles in the remuneration formula. Nevertheless, civil servants were inclined to support revenue generation, as it is directly correlated with the extent of remuneration obtained. The study also highlighted the necessity of integrating operational standards and regulations related to the policy, with the objective of preventing bureaucratic fragmentation and reinforcing the implementation of the remuneration system at RSUD Tebet.
Conclusion: Effective communication emerged as a central theme to ensure the successful implementation of the remuneration policy at RSUD Tebet. Transparent articulation of remuneration calculations is pivotal to engage civil servants. Moving forward, it is imperative to improve the incentive distribution system for all employees, incorporating performance-based mechanisms to cultivate a sense of equity and appropriateness in remuneration. Such reforms can ignite employee motivation and subsequently drive enhanced performance levels.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership Universitas Indonesia Library