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Ditemukan 4 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Noorwati Sutandyo
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Pasien kanker payudara usia muda cenderung meningkat di RS Kanker Darmais. Faktor hormonal (estrogen) diketahui berperan penting pada karsinogenesis kanker payudara, namun faktor-faktor pertumbuhan, seperti insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) dan Her-2 juga berperan. Banyak Studi mengaitkan kanker payudara usia muda dengan estrogen reseptor (ER) negatif, sedangkan ER negatif dikaitkan dengan overekspresi Her-2. Alur pensinyalan proliferatif faktor pertumbuhan sebagian besar memakai sistem mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Hasil rangsangan proliferatif Ialu memicu transkripsi protein siktus set. Protein siklus set yang pertama terbentuk adalah siklin D1 yang transkripsinya dapat dirangeang baik oleh estrogen maupun faktor pertumbuhan. Belum diketahui apakah ada perbedaan komponen alur pensinyalan tersebut antara penderita kanker payudara usia muda (35 tahun atau kurang) dan yang Iebih dari 35 tahun.

Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari perbedaan pola pensinyalan antara penderita kanker payudara berusia 35 tahun atau kurang dan pasien yang berusia lebih dari 35 tahun.

Metode: Pasien kanker payudara sporadik wanita direkrut untuk penelitian ini dan dibagi dalam dua kelompok, yaitu 35 tahun atau kurang dan lebih dari 35 tahun. Spesimen tumor diambil dari biopsi atau pengangkatan tumor yang dikonfirmasikan secara histopatologik. Ekspresi ER, 1GF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, dan siklin D1 diperoleh dengan iniunonisfokimia. Spesimen darah diambil untuk pemeriksaan kadar estrogen dan IGF-1 serum serta pemeriksaan mutaei gen BRCA-1 dan BRCA-2.

Hasil: Sebanyak 93 orang pasien berhasil direkrut sejak September 2004 sampai Desember 2005. Terdapat 43 orang yang berusia 35 tahun atau kurang. Lebih dari 90% pasien mernpunyai tipe karsinoma duktal invasif dan Iebih dari separuhnya memiliki grade 2. Pulasan imunohistokimia berhasil dilakukan pada 90 spesimen. Ekspresi ER negatif pada 33 (78,6%) pasien berusia 35 tahun atau kurang dan 32 (66.7%) orang yang berusia lebih dari 35 tahun. Ekspresi IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, dan siklin D1 positif berturut-turut pada 17 (40,5%), 11 (26,2%), 26 (66,7%), dan 7 (16,7%) kasus dalam kelompok usia 35 tahun atau kurang dan 16 (37,5%), 11 (22,9%), 37 (77,?I%), dan 9 (16.6%) kasus dalam kelompok usia Iebih dari 35 tahun. Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik pada kedua kelompok. ER negatif terdapat pada 72,2% dan MAPK positif terdapat pada 76,7% kasge. Variasi pola pensinyalan terbanyak adalah ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2- (26 kasus), ER-/IGF- 1R+/Her-2- (19 kasus), dan ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2+ (16 kasus).

Kesimpulan: Pasien kanker payudara usia 35 tahun atau kurang memperlihatkan pole ekepresi ER, IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, dan siklin D1 yang sama dibandingkan pasien berusia Iebih dari 35 tahun. Sebagian besar subyek menunjukkan ER negatif yang memberi kesan bahwa estrogen tidak berperan dominan. Tingginya ekspresi MAPK menimbulkan dugaan peran faktor pertumbuhan yang lebih dominan pada populasi penelitian ini. Terdapat banyak variasi pola pensinyalan yang membutuhkan penelitian lebih Ianjut
Background: Early onset breast cancer patients tend to increase in Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Hormonal factor (estrogen) has been known to play important rote in breast cancer carcinogenesis, but growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (lGF- 1) and Her-2 also have roles. Many studies have linked young onset breast cancer with the negativity of estrogen receptor (ER), white negative ER is associated with Her-2 overexpression. Proliferative signaling path ways from growth factors mostly use the kinase system of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). The proliferative stimuli then activate the transcription of cell cycte proteins. The first cell cycle protein is cyclin D1 which could be generated either by estrogens or growth factors? stimuli. it is not known whether signaling pathways are different between young onset breast cancer patients (35 years old or less) and the older ones (more than 35 years old).

Objective: The aim of this study was to find signaling pathway differences between breast cancer patients aged 35 years old or less and patients aged more than 35 years old.

Method: Sporadic, female breast cancer patients were consecutively recruited and divided into two age groups, i.e. 35 years or less and more than 35 years old. Specimens were obtained by biopsy or surgical removal of the tumors and were confirmed by histopathological examination. The expression of ER, IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, and cyclin D1 were obtained by immunohisto-chemistry method. Blood specimens were taken from patients for estrogen and serum lGF-1 assay and gene mutation analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Results: Ninety-three patients were recruited since September 2004 to December 2005. Forty-three patients were 35 years or below. More than 90% of the patients within the two groups showed invasive ductal carcinomas and more than half of them were grade 2. immunohistochemical staining was successfully done in 90 patients. ER expression was negative in 33 (78.6%) of patients below 35 years old and 32 (66.7%) of older patients. The expressions of IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK and cyclin D1 were positive in 17 (40,5%), 11 (26,2%), 28 (66, 7%), and 7 (16, 7%) cases within the group of 35 years old or less, respectively and 18 (37,5%), 11 (22,9%), 37 (77,1%), and 9 (18, 8%) cases within the group of more than 35 years old. There is no significant difference statistically between the two groups. ln all subjects, ER was negative in 72,2% C8868 and MAPK was positive in 76, 7% cases. The most frequent variations of signaling pathway are ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2- (26 cases), ER-/IGF-1R+/Her-2- (19 cases), and ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2+ (16 cases).

Conclusions: Breast cancer patients aged 35 years or less showed similar ER, IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, and cyclin D1 expressions compared to the patients aged more than 35 years old. ER negativity was predominant in these series, suggesting that estrogen do not play a dominant role. The high expression of MAPK raises a possibiiity of the more dominant role of growth factors in these patients. There are many variations of signaling pathways in breast cancer patients that need further studies.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sawitri Darmiati
Abstrak :
Latar belakang: Respons tumor setelah pemberian sitostatik sebagai kemoterapi neoajuvan pada pasien kanker payudara masih belum memuaskan dan respons tumor baru dapat dinilai setelah siklus ke-3; untuk mengurangi efek samping sitostatik dan penghematan biaya bagi yang tidak respons dibutuhkan faktor prediksi respons tumor lebih awal. Tujuan penelitian: Untuk mengetahui apakah perubahan rasio choline/water pada pemeriksaan magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) dapat digunakan sebagai faktor prediksi awal respons tumor pasien kanker payudara yang memperoleh sitostatik sebagai kemoterapi neoajuvan dan menganalisis korelasi persentase perubahan rasio choline/water eksternal dengan internal. Bahan dan cara: Penelitian dilaksanakan di Rumah Sakit Umum Pusat Nasional Cipto Mangunkusumo (RSCM) pada bulan Agustus 2011 sampai April 2014. Subjek memperoleh sitostatik sebagai kemoterapi neoajuvan. Pemeriksaan MRI/MRS 1,5 T dilakukan sebelum sitostatik I, 20 atau 21 hari setelah sitostatik I dan setelah sitostatik III, menggunakan program syngo-GRACE untuk MRS. Tumor diukur berdasarkan RECIST 1.1. Respons tumor ≥ 30% dinyatakan positif, dan < 30% dinyatakan negatif. Hasil: Diperoleh 40 subjek dengan kanker payudara ukuran tumor ≥ 5 cm tanpa ulkus respons tumor positif 47,5%, peningkatan rasio choline/water eksternal 35% dan choline/water internal 42,5%. Peningkatan rasio choline/water eksternal pada MRS I- MRS II pada hari ke-20 atau ke-21 setelah pemberian sitostatik 1 menunjukkan respons tumor positif, RR=0,49 (IK 0,26-0,90) terutama untuk stadium < IIIC. Pada peningkatan rasio choline/water internal RR=0,54 (IK 0,28-1,04) dan penurunan nilai Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) RR= 0,51 (IK 0,23-1,13), didapatkan hubungan yang sama tetapi lebih lemah. Didapatkan pula korelasi sedang arah positif antara persentase perubahan rasio choline/water eksternal dengan persentase perubahan rasio choline/water internal (r=0,572, p=0,000). Derajat keganasan, Ki67, Bcl2 dan MVD tidak dapat digunakan sebagai faktor prediksi respons tumor. Pada Ki67 sama dengan atau lebih dari 14%, masih diperoleh repons tumor positif sedangkan pada Ki67 kurang dari 14%, tidak ditemukan respon tumor positif. Simpulan: Peningkatan rasio choline/water eksternal pada MRS I-MRS II pada hari ke-20 atau ke-21 setelah pemberian sitostatik 1 sebagai kemoterapi neoajuvan dapat memprediksi pengecilan tumor setelah sitostatik III sama dengan atau lebih besar dari 30% terutama untuk stadium < IIIC. Perubahan rasio choline/water eksternal dan internal dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi respons tumor setelah pemberian sitostatik.;
Background : Cytostatics administration as neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not provided satisfactory tumor response in breast cancer patients and could be asses after 3rd cycle. To minimize the side effects and cost of cytostatics, early predictive factor of tumor response following neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients is required. Objectives: The purpose of this study was, to asses of choline/water ratio by using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as an early predictive factor of cytostatics response after neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients, secondly to analyze the correlation between external choline/water ratio and internal choline/water ratio. Material and method: This study was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital since August 2011 to April 2014. Subjects received cytostatics as neoadjuvant chemotherapy underwent MRI/MRS prior to cytostatics I, 20/21 days after having cytostatics I and after cytostatics III. MRI 1.5 T was used for MRI examination and syngo-GRACE program for MRS. Tumor measurement was based on RECIST 1.1, tumor response of ≥ 30% is considered positive, and < 30% is considered negative. Results: Among 40 non-ulcerating breast cancer subjects with tumor size of more or equal to 5 cm, 47.5% show positive response. MRS I and II showed escalation of external choline/water ratio on days 20/21 after the introduction of cytostatic I as neoadjuvant treatment, which could be used to predict tumor shrinkage after cytostatic III as high as 30% or more, RR = 0.49 (CI 0.26 - 0.90), especially for < IIIC stage. Changes of internal choline/water ratio, RR= 0.54 (CI 0.28 - 1.04) and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) changes, RR= 0.51 (CI 0.23-1.13) show similar result but less related. A positive moderate correlation between changes of external choline/water ratio and changes of internal choline/water ratio is seen (r=0,572, p=0,000). No correlation between degree of malignancy, Bcl2, Ki67 dan MVD with tumor response. Changes of choline/water ratio combined with Ki67 higher than or equal with 14% could give positive tumor response, on the other hand, declining of choline/water ratio combined with Ki67 less than 14%, no positive tumor response could be found. Conclusion: Increased of external choline/water ratio on MRS I-MRS II on day 20 or 21 following cytostatic 1 as neoadjuvant chemotherapy can predict tumor shrinkage following cytostatic III of equal or more than 30%, especiallyfor < IIIC stage. Changes of external and internal choline/water ratio could be used to predict tumor response following cytostastic administration., Background : Cytostatics administration as neoadjuvant chemotherapy does not provided satisfactory tumor response in breast cancer patients and could be asses after 3rd cycle. To minimize the side effects and cost of cytostatics, early predictive factor of tumor response following neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients is required. Objectives: The purpose of this study was, to asses of choline/water ratio by using magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) as an early predictive factor of cytostatics response after neoadjuvant therapy in breast cancer patients, secondly to analyze the correlation between external choline/water ratio and internal choline/water ratio. Material and method: This study was conducted at Cipto Mangunkusumo National General Hospital since August 2011 to April 2014. Subjects received cytostatics as neoadjuvant chemotherapy underwent MRI/MRS prior to cytostatics I, 20/21 days after having cytostatics I and after cytostatics III. MRI 1.5 T was used for MRI examination and syngo-GRACE program for MRS. Tumor measurement was based on RECIST 1.1, tumor response of ≥ 30% is considered positive, and < 30% is considered negative. Results: Among 40 non-ulcerating breast cancer subjects with tumor size of more or equal to 5 cm, 47.5% show positive response. MRS I and II showed escalation of external choline/water ratio on days 20/21 after the introduction of cytostatic I as neoadjuvant treatment, which could be used to predict tumor shrinkage after cytostatic III as high as 30% or more, RR = 0.49 (CI 0.26 - 0.90), especially for < IIIC stage. Changes of internal choline/water ratio, RR= 0.54 (CI 0.28 - 1.04) and Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) changes, RR= 0.51 (CI 0.23-1.13) show similar result but less related. A positive moderate correlation between changes of external choline/water ratio and changes of internal choline/water ratio is seen (r=0,572, p=0,000). No correlation between degree of malignancy, Bcl2, Ki67 dan MVD with tumor response. Changes of choline/water ratio combined with Ki67 higher than or equal with 14% could give positive tumor response, on the other hand, declining of choline/water ratio combined with Ki67 less than 14%, no positive tumor response could be found. Conclusion: Increased of external choline/water ratio on MRS I-MRS II on day 20 or 21 following cytostatic 1 as neoadjuvant chemotherapy can predict tumor shrinkage following cytostatic III of equal or more than 30%, especiallyfor < IIIC stage. Changes of external and internal choline/water ratio could be used to predict tumor response following cytostastic administration.]
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noorwati Sutandyo
Abstrak :
Pasien kanker payudara usia muda cenderung meningkat di RS Kanker Darmais. Faktor hormonal (estrogen) diketahui berperan penting pada karsinogenesis kanker payudara, namun faktor-faktor pertumbuhan, seperti insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) dan Her-2 juga berperan. Banyak Studi mengaitkan kanker payudara usia muda dengan estrogen reseptor (ER) negatif, sedangkan ER negatif dikaitkan dengan overekspresi Her-2. Alur pensinyalan proliferatif faktor pertumbuhan sebagian besar memakai sistem mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). Hasil rangsangan proliferatif Ialu memicu transkripsi protein siktus set. Protein siklus set yang pertama terbentuk adalah siklin D1 yang transkripsinya dapat dirangeang baik oleh estrogen maupun faktor pertumbuhan. Belum diketahui apakah ada perbedaan komponen alur pensinyalan tersebut antara penderita kanker payudara usia muda (35 tahun atau kurang) dan yang Iebih dari 35 tahun.

Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mencari perbedaan pola pensinyalan antara penderita kanker payudara berusia 35 tahun atau kurang dan pasien yang berusia lebih dari 35 tahun.

Metode: Pasien kanker payudara sporadik wanita direkrut untuk penelitian ini dan dibagi dalam dua kelompok, yaitu 35 tahun atau kurang dan lebih dari 35 tahun. Spesimen tumor diambil dari biopsi atau pengangkatan tumor yang dikonfirmasikan secara histopatologik. Ekspresi ER, 1GF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, dan siklin D1 diperoleh dengan iniunonisfokimia. Spesimen darah diambil untuk pemeriksaan kadar estrogen dan IGF-1 serum serta pemeriksaan mutaei gen BRCA-1 dan BRCA-2.

Hasil: Sebanyak 93 orang pasien berhasil direkrut sejak September 2004 sampai Desember 2005. Terdapat 43 orang yang berusia 35 tahun atau kurang. Lebih dari 90% pasien mernpunyai tipe karsinoma duktal invasif dan Iebih dari separuhnya memiliki grade 2. Pulasan imunohistokimia berhasil dilakukan pada 90 spesimen. Ekspresi ER negatif pada 33 (78,6%) pasien berusia 35 tahun atau kurang dan 32 (66.7%) orang yang berusia lebih dari 35 tahun. Ekspresi IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, dan siklin D1 positif berturut-turut pada 17 (40,5%), 11 (26,2%), 26 (66,7%), dan 7 (16,7%) kasus dalam kelompok usia 35 tahun atau kurang dan 16 (37,5%), 11 (22,9%), 37 (77,?I%), dan 9 (16.6%) kasus dalam kelompok usia Iebih dari 35 tahun. Tidak ada perbedaan yang bermakna secara statistik pada kedua kelompok. ER negatif terdapat pada 72,2% dan MAPK positif terdapat pada 76,7% kasge. Variasi pola pensinyalan terbanyak adalah ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2- (26 kasus), ER-/IGF- 1R+/Her-2- (19 kasus), dan ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2+ (16 kasus).

Kesimpulan: Pasien kanker payudara usia 35 tahun atau kurang memperlihatkan pole ekepresi ER, IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, dan siklin D1 yang sama dibandingkan pasien berusia Iebih dari 35 tahun. Sebagian besar subyek menunjukkan ER negatif yang memberi kesan bahwa estrogen tidak berperan dominan. Tingginya ekspresi MAPK menimbulkan dugaan peran faktor pertumbuhan yang lebih dominan pada populasi penelitian ini. Terdapat banyak variasi pola pensinyalan yang membutuhkan penelitian lebih Ianjut
Background: Early onset breast cancer patients tend to increase in Dharmais Cancer Hospital. Hormonal factor (estrogen) has been known to play important rote in breast cancer carcinogenesis, but growth factors such as insulin-like growth factor-1 (lGF- 1) and Her-2 also have roles. Many studies have linked young onset breast cancer with the negativity of estrogen receptor (ER), white negative ER is associated with Her-2 overexpression. Proliferative signaling path ways from growth factors mostly use the kinase system of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK). The proliferative stimuli then activate the transcription of cell cycte proteins. The first cell cycle protein is cyclin D1 which could be generated either by estrogens or growth factors? stimuli. it is not known whether signaling pathways are different between young onset breast cancer patients (35 years old or less) and the older ones (more than 35 years old).

Objective: The aim of this study was to find signaling pathway differences between breast cancer patients aged 35 years old or less and patients aged more than 35 years old.

Method: Sporadic, female breast cancer patients were consecutively recruited and divided into two age groups, i.e. 35 years or less and more than 35 years old. Specimens were obtained by biopsy or surgical removal of the tumors and were confirmed by histopathological examination. The expression of ER, IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, and cyclin D1 were obtained by immunohisto-chemistry method. Blood specimens were taken from patients for estrogen and serum lGF-1 assay and gene mutation analysis of BRCA1 and BRCA2.

Results: Ninety-three patients were recruited since September 2004 to December 2005. Forty-three patients were 35 years or below. More than 90% of the patients within the two groups showed invasive ductal carcinomas and more than half of them were grade 2. immunohistochemical staining was successfully done in 90 patients. ER expression was negative in 33 (78.6%) of patients below 35 years old and 32 (66.7%) of older patients. The expressions of IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK and cyclin D1 were positive in 17 (40,5%), 11 (26,2%), 28 (66, 7%), and 7 (16, 7%) cases within the group of 35 years old or less, respectively and 18 (37,5%), 11 (22,9%), 37 (77,1%), and 9 (18, 8%) cases within the group of more than 35 years old. There is no significant difference statistically between the two groups. ln all subjects, ER was negative in 72,2% C8868 and MAPK was positive in 76, 7% cases. The most frequent variations of signaling pathway are ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2- (26 cases), ER-/IGF-1R+/Her-2- (19 cases), and ER-/IGF-1R-/Her-2+ (16 cases).

Conclusions: Breast cancer patients aged 35 years or less showed similar ER, IGF-1R, Her-2, MAPK, and cyclin D1 expressions compared to the patients aged more than 35 years old. ER negativity was predominant in these series, suggesting that estrogen do not play a dominant role. The high expression of MAPK raises a possibiiity of the more dominant role of growth factors in these patients. There are many variations of signaling pathways in breast cancer patients that need further studies.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Syarifah Dewi
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Keberadaan sel punca kanker payudara diduga berkontribusi dalam timbulnya resistensi terapi. Beberapa mekanisme yang mempengaruhi respons terapi pada kanker yaitu aktifnya jalur sinyal embrionik, hambatan apoptosis dan tingginya perbaikan DNA serta adaptasi sel punca kanker terhadap hipoksia dan stres oksidatif.Tujuan: Menganalisis profil ekspresi gen kepuncaan pada kanker payudara setelah terapi neoajuvan hormonal dan kemoterapi dilihat hubungannya dengan jalur apoptosis p53, jalur stres oksidatif NFkB dan penanda hipoksia HIF- serta respons terapi.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan sampel jaringan kanker payudara stadium IIIB dan IV sebelum terapi neoajuvan 46 sampel pre dan setelah terapi neoajuvan 46 sampel post . Total RNA diekstraksi kemudian dilakukan pengukuran ekspresi dengan menggunakan teknik Next Generation Sequencing Truseq targeted RNA expression Illumina dengan menggunakan panel sel punca, p53 dan NFkB. Selain itu juga ekspresi HIF-1 dan HIF-2 diukur dengan menggunakan qRT-PCR.Hasil: Setelah terapi neoajuvan, profil ekspresi gen kanker payudara yang memiliki respons molekuler yang baik pada jalur kepuncaan adalah CCNE1, CDC42, CTNNB1, HDAC2, PSEN1, PSENEN, pada jalur apoptosis adalah BIRC5, CASP8, CASP9, CDK1 dan PCNA, pada jalur stres oksidatif adalah SOD2, STAT1 dan TBK1, serta pada jalur hipoksia yaitu HIF-1 dan HIF-2 . Profil ekspresi gen dengan respons molekuler yang buruk pada jalur kepuncaan adalah ALDH1A1, ALDH2, CCND2, CXCL12, FZD7, IGF1, sedangkan pada jalur apoptosis adalah ATM dan BID. Respons histopatologis Miller Payne berkorelasi positif bermakna dengan ekspresi gen jalur apoptosis dengan respons molekuler yang baik BIRC5, CASP8, CDK1 , namun berkorelasi negatif bermakna dengan ekspresi gen ALDH1A1. Survival pasien kanker payudara berkorelasi negatif bermakna dengan ekspresi ALDH1A1 dan SOD2.Kesimpulan: Ekspresi gen ALDH1A1 dan SOD2 merupakan faktor penting untuk prediksi prognosis terapi neoajuvan sistemik pada pasien kanker payudara stadium lanjut.
Introduction: The presence of breast cancer stem cells is considered to contribute to therapeutic resistance. There are some mechanisms affected therapy response in the cancer, such as active embryonic signaling pathways, inhibition of apoptosis and high DNA repair, adaptation to hypoxia and oxidative stress.Aim: to analyse the stemness gene expression profile in breast cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and hormonal therapy correlated with apoptotic p53 , oxidative stress NFkB and hypoxia HIF- signaling pathways and also therapeutic responses.Methods: This study used breast tissue samples IIIB and IV before neoadjuvant therapy 46 pre samples and after neoadjuvant therapy 46 post samples . Total RNA was measured the expression profile using Next Generation Sequencing Truseq targeted RNA expression Illumina with stem cell, p53 and NFkB panels. In addition, HIF-1 and HIF-2 expression were measured using qRT-PCR. Results: After neoadjuvant therapy, the expression profiles of breast cancer genes that have good molecular responses in stem cells pathway are CCNE1, CDC42, CTNNB1, HDAC2, PSEN1, PSENEN, in apoptotic pathway are BIRC5, CASP8, CASP9, CDK1 and PCNA, in oxidative stress pathway are SOD2, STAT1 and TBK1, as well as in the hypoxic pathway HIF-1 and HIF-2 . Expression profiles with poor molecular responses in stem cells pathway are ALDH1A1, ALDH2, CCND2, CXCL12, FZD7, IGF1, while in apoptotic pathway are ATM and BID. Histopathologic response Miller Payne was significantly positively correlated with apoptotic pathway gene expression with good molecular response BIRC5, CASP8, CDK1 , but negatively significant correlated with ALDH1A1 gene expression. Survival of breast cancer patients significantly negatively correlated with ALDH1A1 and SOD2 expression. Conclusion: ALDH1A1 and SOD2 gene expression is an important factor for predicting the prognosis of systemic neoajuvan therapy in patients with advanced breast cancer.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library