Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pasal-pasal terkait pemenuhan Hak Kesehatan Seksual dan Reproduksi (HKSR) dalam Undang-Undang No. 36 Tahun 2009 tentang Kesehatan dan peraturan turunannya, yaitu Peraturan Pemerintah No. 61 Tahun 2014 tentang Kesehatan Reproduksi dan Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan No. 97 Tahun 2014 tentang Pelayanan Kesehatan Masa Sebelum Hamil, Masa Hamil, Persalinan, dan Masa Sesudah Melahirkan, Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Kontrasepsi, serta Pelayanan Kesehatan Seksual. Rangkaian regulasi tersebut secara tekstual mengalienasi hak-hak perempuan lajang atas pemenuhan HKSR mereka, karena hanya perempuan menikah saja yang berhak atas kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan metode penelitian sosio-legal, dengan menganalisis implikasi dari pasak-pasal dalam ketiga peraturan perundang-undangan tersebut melalui pendekatan kualitatif. Temuan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1. Rangkaian regulasi kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi yang berlaku berpotensi menjadi justifikasi untuk menolak perempuan lajang yang ingin mengakses layanan kesehatan seksual dan reproduksi; 2. Rangkaian regulasi yang ada berperan dalam penegakan stigma negatif yang menyelubungi pemenuhan HKSR bagi perempuan lajang; dan 3. Perlunya rangkaian regulasi yang sensitif dengan isu gender dan harusz inklusif bagi semua perempuan dan tidak hanya merujuk kepada pengalaman perempuan berstatus menikah.
This research aims to analyze the laws around Sexual and Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) in Law on Health (Law No. 36/2009), Government Regulation on Reproductive Health (Government Regulation No. 61/2014) and Minister of Health Regulation on Health Services during Pre-Pregnancy, Pregnancy, Childbirth and Post-Childbirth, Contraceptive Services and Sexual Health Services (Minister of Health Regulation No. 97/2014). These laws and regulations textually alienate unmarried women and their sexual and reproductive health rights since the laws only recognizes sexual and reproductive health rights for married women. The method used to conduct this research is socio-legal method, which analyzes the implication that comes from the aforementioned laws and regulations through qualitative approach. This research finds: 1. The laws and regulations on sexual and reproductive health has the potential to justify any medical facility to reject unmarried women that wanted to access sexual and reproductive healthcare; 2. The existing set of law and regulations has a role in upholding the negative stigma surrounding SRHR for unmarried women; and 3. There is a need for a set of laws and regulations that are sensitive to gender issues and that it should be inclusive to all women and not only centered around the experience of married women.
Setiap fasilitas pelayanan kesehatan perlu membuat program promotive dan preventif pencegahan abortus provocatus utamanya yang tidak aman, untuk mencegah kesakitan dan kematian Ibu di Indonesia. Abortus, Abortus Provocatus, Indeks Kesejahteraan. ......The Maternal Mortality Rate in Indonesia is still high, as many as 305 deaths occurred per 100,000 live births in 2015 as a result of complications during pregnancy and postpartum period. Abortion, especially unsafe abortion, is very dangerous for pregnant women because it can cause bleeding and infection, those can be a risk of maternal death (Mariza, 2017). This study aims to determine the relationship between the wealth index and Provocatus Abortion incidence among reproductive health women (WUS) in Indonesia. This study is a cross-sectional study using secondary data from The Demographic and Health Survey Indonesia 2017. The sample in this study were women of reproductive age 15-49 years who experienced abortion as many as 1239 people. The results of the analysis using multiple logistic regression tests showed that there was a significant relationship between the wealth index quintile 1 (AOR: 0.090 95% CI: 0.013-0.633), marital status (AOR 6.7: 95% CI 1.39-32.5 ) compared to those who are not married, work status (AOR: 0.4 95% CI 0.1699-0.999) than those who do not work and WUS who live in urban areas (AOR: 0.39 95% CI: 0.173-0.904). Every health service facility needs to create a promotive and preventive program to prevent provocatus abortion, especially those that are unsafe, to prevent maternal morbidity and mortality in Indonesia.
Unmet need KB merupakan kondisi perempuan aktif seksual yang ingin menunda atau membatasi kehamilan tetapi tidak menggunakan kontrasepsi. Penelitian ini mengkaji determinan sosiodemografik unmet need di Indonesia. Pengukuran unmet need menggunakan data SDKI 2017 dengan cara non-kalender yang mendasarkan pada status penggunaan kontrasepsi saat survei (11,7%), sedangkan cara kalender mendasarkan status penggunaan kontrasepsi dalam kurun waktu 69 bulan jelang survei (14,7%). Perbedaan sekitar 3% ini menyangkut tambahan hampir 1,6 juta perempuan berisiko kehamilan tidak diinginkan. Indonesia dengan konteks angka putus pakai kontrasepsi relatif tinggi, pengukuran unmet need KB cara kalender lebih sesuai dibanding cara non-kalender. Penguatan konseling oleh tenaga kesehatan, penataan pola pelayanan KB yang lebih sesuai diperkotaan, pemerataan pelayanan KB di seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan menjangkau masyarakat miskin diharapkan dapat menurunkan unmet need KB.
Unmet need for family planning is a condition of sexually active women who want to delay or limit pregnancy but do not use contraception. This study examines the unmet need for sociodemographic determinants in Indonesia. Unmet need measurement uses IDHS 2017 by the non-calendar method which is based on the contraceptive use status during the survey (11.7%), while the calendar method is based on the status of contraceptive use within 69 months prior to the survey (14.7%). This difference of around 3% concerns the addition of nearly 1.6 million women at risk of unwanted pregnancy. In Indonesia with relatively high contraceptive discontinuation rate, the unmet need for family planning in the calendar method is more appropriate than the non-calendar method. Strengthening counseling by health workers, structuring patern family planning services that are more appropriate in urban areas, equitable distribution of family planning services throughout Indonesia, and reaching the poor are expected to reduce unmet need for family planning.
Analisis Pemanfaatan Clinical Pathway Sectio Caesaria Di Rumah Sakit Dalam Program Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis hubungan antara faktor sosial ekonomi dan klinis ibu melahirkan Sectio Caesaria (SC) di Rumah Sakit (RS) dengan pemanfaatan Clinical Pathway (CP), outcome klinis serta pembayaran klaim. Studi desain Cross Sectional pada unit analisis 1155 data rekam medis ibu melahirkan SC periode 1 Januar-31 Desember 2018 di 3 RS. Hasil penelitian menunjukan pemanfaatan CP peserta Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN) yaitu sebanyak 939 Ibu melahirkan SC proporsinya sebesar 43.1% masih menunjukkan pemanfaatan yang kurang baik. Pemanfaatan CP terkait penyimpanan dokumen Clinical Pathway ibu melahirkan SC peserta JKN sebanyak 71.8% tidak tersimpan di Rekam Medis, 72.6% tidak lengkap pengisiannya dan 64.6% kondisi klinis Ibu melahirkan SC tidak sesuai dengan PPK RS. RS Pemda memiliki Proporsi tertinggi skor pemanfaatan CP yang kurang baik sebesar 76.8%, kemudian diikuti RSP (36.8%). RSNP menunjukkan proporsi skor pemanfaatan CP baik. Jenis RS (p=0.000), Kelas rawat (p=0.014) dan Rujukan (p=0.008), jenis SC (p=0.005), Usia Ibu (p=0.053), Paritas (p=0.016), Riwayat ANC (p=0.000), Kondisi Panggul p=0.000), kondisi plasenta (p=0.001), penyakit penyerta (p=0.000) dan riwayat SC (p=0.000) menunjukkan berhubungan secara signifikan dengan pemanfaatan CP (p<0.05). Pemanfaatan CP ibu melahirkan SC peserta JKN menunjukan adanya hubungan yang signifikan dengan Outcome klinis (p=0.002). Outcome Klinis ibu melahirkan SC menunjukkan sebesar 67.5% bermasalah antara lain terkait LOS yang tidak sesuai Panduan Praktek Klinis (PPK) RS, Ibu memiliki komplikasi klinis paska SC atau kondisi bayi saat dilahirkan tidak normal. Pemanfaatan CP berhubungan secara signifikan dengan pembayaran klaim (p=0.000). Pembayaran klaim ibu melahirkan SC peserta JKN bermasalah sebesar 39.3% terkait jangka waktu pembayaran klaim dari BPJSK ke pihak RS. Pembayaran klaim yang tidak bermasalah pada pemanfaatan CP yang kurang baik lebih banyak. Monitoring dan evaluasi yang komprehensif pada pemanfaatan CP, outcome klinis dan proses pembayaran klaim sebagai kendali mutu pelayanan ibu melahirkan SC dalam JKN oleh RS, Organisasi Profesi dan Pemerintah. Pemerintah harus membuat payung hukum yang bersifat operasional pada pemanfaatan CP Ibu melahirkan SC di RS dalam program JKN, sehingga kendali mutu dan kendali biaya pelayanan ibu melahirkan SC menjadi efektif dan efisien. Pedoman Nasional Pelayanan Kedokteran perlu segera diterbitkan dan disosialisikan ke Rumah Sakit. Kata kunci: SC, Sosial-ekonomi dan Klinis, Pemanfaatan Clinical Pathway, Outcome Klinis, Klaim Pembayaran
Analysis of Sectio Caesarea Clinical Pathway Utilization in Hospital Under National Health Insurance This study aims to analyze the relationship between socioeconomic and clinical factors of women giving birth to Sectio Caesaria (SC) in Hospitals (RS) with the utilization of Clinical Pathway (CP), clinical outcomes and claim payment. Cross Sectional design study in the 1155 unit of analysis of medical records of women giving birth to SC for the period January 1 to December 31, 2018 in 3 hospitals. The results showed that the utilization of CP for mothers giving birth to SC (939) participants of the National Health Insurance (JKN) from the 3 research study hospitals, the proportion of 43.1%, still showed poor utilization. Utilization of CP related to document keeping of mother who gave birth SC to JKN participants as much as 71.8% were not kept in the Medical Record, 72.6% were incomplete filling and 64.6% of clinical conditions of mother who gave birth to SC were not in accordance with PPK RS. Regional Government Hospital has the highest proportion of poor CP utilization scores of 76.8%, followed by RSP (36.8%). RSNP shows the proportion of good CP utilization scores. Type of hospital (p = 0.000), nursing class (p = 0.014) and type of referral (p = 0.008), type of SC (p = 0.005), maternal age (p = 0.053), parity (p = 0.016), ANC history (p = 0.000), Pelvic Conditions (p = 0.000), placental conditions (p = 0.001), comorbidities (p = 0,000) and history of SC (p = 0,000) showed significant correlation with CP utilization (p <0.05). Utilization of CP for mothers giving birth to SC JKN participants showed a significant relationship with clinical outcome (p = 0.002). Clinical Outcomes of mothers giving birth to SC showed that 67.5% had problems, among others related to LOS that was not in accordance with the Clinical Practice Guidelines (PPK) of the Hospital. CP utilization was significantly related to claim payment (p = 0,000). Claim Payment of mothers with SC under JKN participants was 39.3% related to the period of payment of claims from BPJSK to the hospital. The utilization of CP which were under score mean seems not having administration problem and paid by JKN earlier and without any problem. Comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of the utilization of CP , clinical outcomes and the process of claim as a quality control service for SC mothers in JKN by hospitals, professional organizations and the government. The government must make an operational legal policy on the utilization of CP for women giving birth to SC in hospitals under the JKN program, so that quality control and cost control of maternal care services for SC become effective and efficient. National Guidelines for Medical Services need to be immediately published and disseminated to hospitals. Keywords: SC, Socio-economic and Clinical, Clinical Pathway Utilization, Clinical Outcome, Payment Claims