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Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Danang Widiyanto
Abstrak :
Industri pertambangan batubara di Indonesia semakin meningkat sejalan dengan meningkatnya kebutuhan manusia akan energi. Industri pertambangan menghasilkan limbah oli bekas yang jumlahnya cukup besar yang memiliki potensi untuk dimanfaatkan sebagai subsitusi solar dalam pembuatan ANFO namun banyak pelaku industri pertambangan yang belum memanfaatkan limbah oli bekasnya karena belum mengetahui proses, manfaat lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosialnya. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis proses pemanfaatan limbah oli bekas dalam pembuatan ANFO serta menganalisis manfaat lingkungan, ekonomi dan sosialnya. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif yaitu survei, wawancara mendalam dan kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kegiatan pemanfaatan oli bekas sejak tahun 2012-2015 dapat mengurangi limbah oli bekas sebesar 3.585.233,33 liter, menghemat bahan bakar fosil sebesar 3.887.602,41 liter dan memberikan keuntungan ekonomi bagi industri dalam hal efisiensi biaya sebesar Rp. 38.876.024.096 dengan nilai NPV>0 dan B/C Ratio 33,51 serta meningkatkan pengetahuan dan perilaku pekerja dalam hal pengelolaan limbah. Kegiatan ini mendukung pembangunan berkelanjutan sektor pertambangan
Coal mining industry in Indonesia is increasing in line with the growing human need for energy. The mining industry generates large amount of used oil that has potential to be used as a fuel mixture auxiliary blasting (ANFO) but there are still many perpetrators of the mining industry that have not been utilizing their used oil because not knowing the process, environmental, economic and social benefits of used oil utilization. This research aims to analyze process, environmental, economic and social benefits of used oil utilization. This research was carried out by applying quantitative and qualitative methods by undertaking survey, in-depth interviews and questionnaires. The results present that used oil utilization from 2012 until 2015 has environmental benefits that can reduce 3,585,233.33 liters of used oil, saving on fossil fuels 3,887,602.41 liters and provides economic benefits in terms of operational cost efficiency Rp. 38,876,024,096 with NPV>0 and B/C ratio 33.51 and improved the knowledge and behavior of workers in terms of waste management. Used oil utilization activities supporting sustainable development of the mining sector
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Diah Utami Sulistiyani
Abstrak :
Praktek penambangan secara terbuka di Indonesia telah banyak mengakibatkan kerusakan lahan. Lahan yang tertutup vegetasi memiliki fungsi lingkungan, sosial, ekonomi bagi masyarakat. Kegiatan revegetasi adalah salah satu upaya rehabilitasi lahan pascatambang untuk mengembalikan fungsi tersebut. Melalui kegiatan revegetasi, pemrakarsa tambang PT.X di Kabupaten Sukabumi berusaha untuk merehabilitasi lahan pascatambangnya, namun belum ada evaluasi berhasilnya revegetasi, padahal evaluasi berhasilnya penting dilakukan guna mengetahui adanya pemulihan fungsi lingkungan dan sosial. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengevaluasi tingkat berhasilnya revegetasi dan mengidentifikasi peran serta masyarakat sekitar dalam kegiatan revegetasi. Metode penelitian ini secara statistik deskriptif dan perbandingan dengan peraturan yang berlaku tentang berhasilnya revegetasi. Hasil penelitian yaitu hasil revegetasi atas kegiatan penanaman sudah baik, namun untuk pengelolaan material pembentuk air asam tambang belum berhasil baik, dan air keluaran areal revegetasi belum memenuhi Baku Mutu Lingkungan. Peran serta masyarakat masih sebatas lingkup kegiatan pelaksanaan dan jumlahnya masih kurang. Kesimpulannya hasil revegetasi untuk penanaman sudah baik, namun pengelolaan material pembangkit air asam tambang perlu ditelaah ulang dan peran serta masyarakat sudah ada, namun masih perlu ditingkatkan dalam jumlah, dan lingkup kegiatannya
Open pit-mining practices in Indonesia, has caused a lot of damage in our land. Land covered vegetation have the function of the environmental, social, and economic for the community. Revegetation practice is one effort among others, to rehabilitate postmining land for the purpose to restore functions mentioned above. Through revegetation practice, the PT. X mining initiator in Sukabumi District, will undertake to rehabilitate the post-mining land, however, they were no evaluation performed yet on the success of revegetation, even though the evaluation of the success of revegetation is important to determine the recovery of environmental and social function. The purpose of this research is to evaluate the success level of the revegetation and to identify local community participation on the revegetation. This method of research is descriptive statistically and the comparison with the existing regulation regarding the success of revegetation. The results from research on revegetation activity has not been all work well. The cultivation is successful but the management of material of potential acid forming is not successful yet and the water output revegetation areas do not meet the Environmental Quality Standards. Community participation is still limited scope of implementation and the numbers are still lacking. In conclusion the results of revegetation for planting is good, but the management of material potential acid forming needs to be reviewed and the communities? participation already exists, but it still needs to be improved in the number and scope of its activities.;;
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Erikha Maurizka Mayzarah
Abstrak :
Masalah utama pada penelitian ini adalah penggunaan metode koagulasi membutuhkan biaya yang sangat besar dan koagulan yang berbahan kimia dapat menimbulkan efek jangka panjang, sehingga memerlukan metode pengolahan air limbah yang lebih ramah lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis tingkat efisiensi metode koagulasi yang telah dilakukan PT. Vale Indonesia, menganalisis tingkat efisiensi metode fitoremediasi untuk mengurangi kandungan kromium heksavalen, dan menganalisis persepsi stakeholders terkait metode fitoremediasi. Metode analisis tingkat efisiensi digunakan untuk menentukan tingkat efisiensi metode koagulasi dan fitoremediasi, Analisis untuk menentukan pengaruh berat tanaman kayu apu Pistia stratiotes terhadap tingkat efisiensi penyisihan kromium heksavalen, dan analisis ANOVA two ways untuk mengetahui pengaruh dari sumber tanaman dan HRT terhadap efisiensi fitoremediasi. Penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat efisiensi metode koagulasi pada tahun 2017 sebesar 95 . Tingkat efisiensi metode fitoremediasi skala batch sebesar 60-100 dengan variasi konsentrasi 0,5 ppm, 1 ppm, 2 ppm, 5 ppm, dan 7 ppm. tingkat efisiensi metode fitoremediasi skala kontinyu 27-30 dengan HRT 1,5 jam, 2 jam, 3 jam dan sumber tanaman D-Lagoon. Persepsi stakeholders mengungkapkan metode fitoremediasi mampu memberikan manfaat pada aspek triple bottom lines pada waktu jangka panjang. Kesimpulannya adalah penggunaan Tanaman Kayu Apu sebagai fitoremediator berpotensi dalam mereduksi kromium heksavalen.
The main problem is research is the use of coagulation methods requires many costs and chemical coagulants can have long term effects that require more ecofriendly methods of wastewater treatment. This study aims to analyze the efficiency level of coagulation method that has been done by PT. Vale Indonesia, analyzed the efficiency of phytoremediation methods to reduce hexavalent chromium content, and analyzed stakeholder perceptions regarding phytoremediation methods. Efficiency level analysis method was used to determine the efficiency level of coagulation and phytoremediation method, Analysis to determine the influence of weight of water lettuce Pistia stratiotes on the efficiency level of hexavalent chromium removal, and ANOVA two ways analysis to determine the effect of plant source and HRT on phytoremediation efficiency. This study shows that the efficiency level of coagulation method in 2017 is 95 . The efficiency level of batch scale phytoremediation method is 60 100 with concentration variation of 0.5 ppm, 1 ppm, 2 ppm, 5 ppm and 7 ppm. Efficiency level of continuous scale phytoremediation method 27 30 with HRT 1.5 hours, 2 hours, 3 hours and source of D Lagoon plant. Stakeholders 39 perceptions reveal phytoremediation methods capable of providing benefits to long term aspects of triple bottom lines. The use of P. stratiotes as a phytoremediator shows potential in removing hexavalent chromium.
[, ]: 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Endy Thorino Juanda
Abstrak :
Kegiatan pertambangan jika tidak dikelola secara tepat dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan. Reklamasi adalah upaya untuk memulihkan fungsi lingkungan sesuai dengan peruntukanya. Salah satu indikator penting dalam keberhasilan reklamasi adalah vegetasi, tetapi tidak semua lahan bekas tambang yang direklamasi memiliki tutupan vegetasi yang baik. Riset ini bertujuan untuk menentukan indeks vegetasi NDVI keberhasilan reklamasi lahan bekas tambang. Metode riset adalah analisis komparatif secara spasial terhadap indeks vegetasi pada peruntukan awal dan setelah direklamasi. Tutupan vegetasi pada kawasan hutan mengalami penurunan karena area ini masih ditambang, sebaliknya tutupan vegetasi pada kawasan APL mengalami peningkatan. Indeks vegetasi pada area reklamasi kawasan hutan menyamai rona awal dalam waktu 3–5 tahun dan indeks vegetasi pada area penggunaan lain menyamai rona awal dalam waktu 5 tahun. Reklamasi kawasan hutan menghasilkan serapan CO2 sebesar 68,86 ton/ha CO2e dengan valuasi ekonomi Rp. 95.964.700,00–1.919.294.500,00. Reklamasi kawasan APL memberikan peningkatan pendapatan masyarakat rata-rata Rp. 3.139.056/bulan. ......Mining activities if not managed properly can have a negative impact on the environment. Reclamation is an attempt to restore environmental functions in accordance with its designation. One important indicator in the success of reclamation is vegetation, but not all reclaimed post mine land has good vegetation cover. This research aims to determine the vegetation index, NDVI, of the success of post mine land reclamation. The research methodology is a spatially comparative analysis of the vegetation index at the baseline condition and after reclamation. Vegetation cover in forest areas decreased because it is still mined, while vegetation cover in the non-forest estate has increased. The vegetation index in the reclaimed area of the forest area equals the baseline condition within 3–5 years and the vegetation index in non-forest estate equals the baseline condition within 5 years. Reclamation of forest areas produces CO2 uptake of 68.86 tons/ha of CO2e with an economic valuation of Rp. 95,964,700.00–Rp. 1,919,294,500.00. Reclamation of the non-forest estate provides an increase in the average community income Rp. 3.139.056/month.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiyas Nurcahyani
Abstrak :
Penambangan batubara secara tambang terbuka akan menimbulkan perubahan rona lingkungan baik berupa bukit-bukit kecil ataupun lubang bekas penambangan (void). Metode pembuangan tanah penutup secara bacfilling di areal penambangan akan memperkecil void yang terjadi. Void yang ditinggalkan pada akhir kegiatan tambang tanpa adanya perencanaan pemanfaatan berpotensi menimbulkan dampak yang tidak diinginkan bagi lingkungan. Rona akhir tambang dalam penelitian ini dibatasi pada: cadangan tersisa, peruntukan lahan, dan air permukaan. Penelitian bertujuan untuk mengkaji pemanfaatan lubang bekas tambang (void) terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa lubang bekas tambang (void) berpotensi memberi kontribusi terhadap pembangunan berkelanjutan. Program pemberdayaan masyarakat sekitar tambang dalam memanfaatkan lubang bekas tambang menjadi sangat penting bagi kelangsungan pembangunan. Informasi mengenai kandungan logam baik pada tanah maupun air dapat menjadi suatu gambaran terhadap bahaya atau tidaknya pemanfaatan air tersebut bagi kesehatan manusia. ......Open pit coal mining will cause changes in the environmental setting that either the hills or small holes mined (void). Backfilling disposal method of in the area of mining will decrease the voids happened. The hole left by the post mine at the end of mining activities without use utilization planning could potentially cause unwanted effects on the environment. Post mining in this study is limited to: the remaining reserves, land use and surface water. The study aims to assess the utilization of the void to sustainable development. The results of this study indicate that the void potentially contribute to sustainable development. Community empowerment programs around the mines in mined utilizing the hole becomes very important for the continuity of development. Information of metal content in soil and water may be an illustration of the dangers of whether or not the utilization of water for human health.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2011
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Marikha Ulfah Utami
Abstrak :
Kenaikan harga batubara dunia yang mencapai USD 100,69/ton, mempengaruhi pendapatan negara dan peningkatan produksi batubara di Indonesia. Di sisi lain, kegiatan penambangan batu bara menyebabkan sejumlah konflik sosial dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji pelaksanaan program pengembangan dan pemberdayaan masyarakat (PPM) terkait peran Pemerintah Pusat, Pemerintah Daerah, Pengusaha dan masyarakat di sekitar tambang, biaya PPM, serta aspek yang paling berpengaruh untuk keberlanjutan. Metode yang digunakan adalah wawancara mendalam, analisis regresi dan korelasi, dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan melakukan pelaksanaan pengembangan masyarakat dengan melibatkan masyarakat dan pemerintah (pusat dan daerah). Hasil statistik regresi menunjukkan hubungan antara variabel bersifat positif dan kuat (R= 0,82 dan R2=67%), dengan rumus persamaan biaya pengembangan masyarakat = 979.296.927,41 + 858,95 (Produksi Batubara), untuk tingkat produksi batubara diatas 1.000.000 ton. Jumlah produksi batubara berpangaruh pada variabel biaya PPM yang artinya jika produksi batubara meningkat, maka pelaksanaan kegiatan dan biaya PPM bertambah. Alternatif implementasi kegiatan PPM yang tepat untuk kemandirian ekonomi dan pembangunan berkelanjutan adalah perkebunan dan peternakan terintegrasi dengan bobot 0,57.
Along with the significant increase of world coal price reaching USD 100.69/ton, it can be affects the increase of coal production in Indonesia and state revenues. On the other hand, coal mining activities cause a number of social and environmental conflicts. On the other hand, coal mining activities cause a number of social and environmental conflicts. This study examines the implementation of community development and empowerment (PPM) programs related to the role of the Central Government, Regional Governments, Entrepreneurs and communities around the mine, and the cost of PPM, as well as the most influential aspects for sustainability. Results of interviews and primary data analysis, implementation of Community Development carried out by the Company involving the community and the government (central and regional). The regression statistical results show the relationship between variables (R2 = 67%), and also the Community Development Cost Equation formula = 979,296,927.41 + 858.95 (Coal Production). Coal Production and Production Costs have a positive effect on the Community Development Cost variable, which means that if coal production increases, the cost of PPM will increase. The alternative program for PPM activities that can be chosen for economic independence and sustainable development is integrated plantation and livestock activities with a weight of 0.57.
Depok: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Putu Diyan Diwyastra
Abstrak :
Void tambang merupakan masalah yang ditinggalkan setelah kegiatan penambangan berakhir Hilangnya fungsi lingkungan air void tambang sebagai sumber daya air baku dapat menyebabkan menurunkan nilai jasa lingkungan Untuk mengembalikan nilai jasa lingkungan diperlukan pengelolaan air void agar dapat digunakan sebagai air baku yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh masyarakat Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui karakteristik masyarakat pengguna sumberdaya air void tambang sebagai air baku mengestimasi nilai willingness to pay WTP masyarakat terhadap penggunaan air baku yang diperoleh dari air void tambang mengetahui faktor faktor yang mempengaruhi WTP masyarakat mengkaji kelayakan finansial pemanfaatan air void tambang sebagai air baku dan budidaya perikanan air tawar Penelitian dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan informasi melalui kuesioner di Desa Margahayu yang melibatkan 100 responden Hasil penelitian karakteristik pengguna air void tambang menunjukan 69 responden berusia 41 60 tahun tingkat pendidikan mayoritas lulus Sekolah Menengah Pertama SMP Sederajat sebanyak 33 dengan tingkat penghasilan kurang dari Rp 1 500 000 00 sebanyak 51 jumlah kebutuhan air responden berkisar antara 8 31 m3 bulan KK Rata rata nilai WTP sebesar Rp 5 620 00 per m3 yang dipengaruhi oleh faktor pendidikan penghasilan dan jumlah kebutuhan air Berdasarkan analisis finansial diperoleh nilai Net Present Value NPV sebesar Rp 1 528 812 844 21 Net Benefit Cost Ratio Net B C sebesar 2 56 nilai IRR sebesar 17 3 Pemanfaatan air void tambang layak dan memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat dan diharapkan kepada pemerintah dan pihak pihak terkait agar dapat memfasilitasi pengembangan pemanfaatan air void tambang dan kelengkapannya melalui kemudahan dalam melakukan peminjaman dana investasi serta dukungan lain yang diperlukan.
Mine void is a problem that abandoned mines after mining ends The loss of function of the mine void water as raw water resources may lead to lower values of environmental services To restore the value of environmental services void water management is required to recycle void water as raw water that can be utilized by the community This study was conducted to determine the characteristics of community that use mine void water resources as a raw water estimate willingness to pay WTP community against the use of raw water obtained from the mine void water determine factors that affecting WTP society assessing the financial feasibility of utilization of mine void water as a raw water and freshwater aquaculture The study was conducted by gathering information through questionnaires in the Margahayu village involving 100 respondents Results of the study are the characteristics of the mine void water users showed 69 of respondents aged 41 60 years the majority of education level is graduated from junior high school as much as 33 with the income level of less than Rp 1 500 000 00 as much as 51 the amount of water needs ranged between 8 31 m3 month household The average value of WTP Rp 5620 00 per m3 which is influenced by education income and the amount of water needs Based on the financial analysis is obtained value of Net Present Value NPV of Rp 1 528 812 844 21 Net Benefit Cost Ratio Net B C by 2 56 IRR of 17 3 Mine void water utilization feasible and provide benefits to the community and is expected to governments and relevant parties in order to facilitate the development of the mine void water use and completeness through the ease of borrowing investment funds and other support needed , Mine void is a problem that abandoned mines after mining ends The loss of function of the mine void water as raw water resources may lead to lower values of environmental services To restore the value of environmental services void water management is required to recycle void water as raw water that can be utilized by the community This study was conducted to determine the characteristics of community that use mine void water resources as a raw water estimate willingness to pay WTP community against the use of raw water obtained from the mine void water determine factors that affecting WTP society assessing the financial feasibility of utilization of mine void water as a raw water and freshwater aquaculture The study was conducted by gathering information through questionnaires in the Margahayu village involving 100 respondents Results of the study are the characteristics of the mine void water users showed 69 of respondents aged 41 60 years the majority of education level is graduated from junior high school as much as 33 with the income level of less than Rp 1 500 000 00 as much as 51 the amount of water needs ranged between 8 31 m3 month household The average value of WTP Rp 5620 00 per m3 which is influenced by education income and the amount of water needs Based on the financial analysis is obtained value of Net Present Value NPV of Rp 1 528 812 844 21 Net Benefit Cost Ratio Net B C by 2 56 IRR of 17 3 Mine void water utilization feasible and provide benefits to the community and is expected to governments and relevant parties in order to facilitate the development of the mine void water use and completeness through the ease of borrowing investment funds and other support needed ]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuli Sulistiyohadi
Abstrak :
Booming batubara dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir memunculkan industri tambang yang menjadi tulang punggung terbentuknya kota tambang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai keberlanjutan Beraudan Paser di Provinsi Kalimantan Timur sebagai kota tambang.Industri tambang disini akan memasuki tahap pascatambangpada tahun 2024. Keberlanjutan kota dinilai dengan perbandingan PDRB sektor-sektor penyusun struktur ekonomi. Metodologi yang dilakukan yaitu dengan depth interviews dengan pemangku kepentingan seperti Bupati, Kepala Teknik Tambang dan tokoh masyarakat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembangunan di Paser dan Berau sejak 1993-2013 belum dapat mentransformasi sumber daya alam (SDA) tidak terbarukan menjadi sumber daya manusia (SDM) yang lebih baik, sehingga pembangunan di kedua kota tambang tersebut berpotensi tidak berlanjut menurut definisi lunak pembangunan berkelanjutan. Lima tahun terakhir kualitas masyarakat Berau lebih dari 60% berpendidikan SMP. Pendidikan masyarakat yang rendah, tidak mampu mengelola SDA secara optimal. Interaksi manusia dari luar sebagai pekerja tambang membentuk rente ekonomi yang menumbuhkan interaksi sosial dan ekonomi lebih tinggi dibandingkan interaksi sosial ekonomi antar penduduk lokal. Pekerja tambang yang bermigrasi ke luar Paser dan Berau akan menurunkan rente ekonomi yang telah terbangun sejak tahun 1993. Valuasi ekonomi lingkungan dapat digunakan untuk menilai SDA, SDM, dan sumber daya buatan di Paser dan Berau. Nilai SDM, SDA terbarukan, dan sumber daya buatan di Berau lebih besar dibandingkan Paser, namun kualitas sumber daya manusia Berau dan Paser masih rendah dan belum dapat mengelola sumber daya alam secara optimal.
Coal booming in the last ten years, made the mining industry as the backbone of the mining town forming. This study aims to assess sustainability at Berau and Paser District in East Kalimantan Province as a mining town, where in 2024 the mining industry will enter the stage of post-mining. Sustainability cities assessed by comparison of GDP sectors making up the structure of the economy. The methodology is made by depth interviews with stakeholders such as Regent, mining manager and community leaders. The results showed that the development in Paser and Berau since 1993-2013 have not been able to transform the non- renewable natural resources into human resources better, so that development in both the mining town has potentially unsustain according to the soft definition of sustainable development. In last five years the quality of Berau people more than 70% graduated from junior high school. It is not enough to manage the environmentoptimallty. Human interaction from the outside as the miners had formed multiplier economic effect, where it was fosters social and economic interaction higher than socio-economic interaction between the local residents. Migrating miners will reduce economic rents that have been built since 1993Economic valuation of natural resources and the environment can be used to assess natural resources (NR), human resources (HR), and man-made resources (MMR) in Paser and Berau. HR value, NR value, and MMR in Berau greater than the value of HR, NR value, and MMR in Paser, but the quality of human resources and Paser Berau is still low and has not been able to manage natural resources optimally., Coal booming in the last ten years, made the mining industry as the backbone of the mining town forming. This study aims to assess sustainability at Berau and Paser District in East Kalimantan Province as a mining town, where in 2024 the mining industry will enter the stage of post-mining. Sustainability cities assessed by comparison of GDP sectors making up the structure of the economy. The methodology is made by depth interviews with stakeholders such as Regent, mining manager and community leaders. The results showed that the development in Paser and Berau since 1993-2013 have not been able to transform the non- renewable natural resources into human resources better, so that development in both the mining town has potentially unsustain according to the soft definition of sustainable development. In last five years the quality of Berau people more than 70% graduated from junior high school. It is not enough to manage the environmentoptimallty. Human interaction from the outside as the miners had formed multiplier economic effect, where it was fosters social and economic interaction higher than socio-economic interaction between the local residents. Migrating miners will reduce economic rents that have been built since 1993Economic valuation of natural resources and the environment can be used to assess natural resources (NR), human resources (HR), and man-made resources (MMR) in Paser and Berau. HR value, NR value, and MMR in Berau greater than the value of HR, NR value, and MMR in Paser, but the quality of human resources and Paser Berau is still low and has not been able to manage natural resources optimally.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library