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Siburian, Marlinang Diarta
Abstrak :
Studi cross sectional pada pasien hepatitis B di Indonesia menunjukkan korelasi mutasi kodon start pre-S2 dengan keparahan penyakit hati. Peran protein-protein HBs pada aktivasi NF-ĸB sebagai salah satu faktor dalam induksi keparahan penyakit hati. Studi ini dilakukan untuk melihat efek varian mutan HBs virus hepatitis B subgenotipe B3 sebagai strain endemik di Indonesia pada keparahan penyakit hati dilihat dari ekspresi dan aktivasi NF-ĸB. Gen HBs dari tiga pasien yang membawa tiga varian HBs berbeda diamplifikasi dan diklon dengan plasmid pcDNA3.1, ditransfeksikan dengan metode lipofektamin ke dalam sel Huh7. Nilai ekspresi mRNA dianalisis dengan real-time PCR terhadap mRNA HBs, IĸB-α, dan NF-ĸB (p50). Ekspresi IĸB-α yang diregulasi oleh NF-ĸB digunakan sebagai parameter untuk aktivasi NF-ĸB. Diperoleh plasmid ekspresi HBs dengan mutasi kodon start pre-S2, delesi pre-S2 dan wild type VHB subgenotipe B3. Plasmid rekombinan pcDNA HBs dapat mengekspresikan mRNA HBs dan menurun pada 48 hingga 72 jam. Kecuali pada mutan delesi pre-S2 yang stabil hingga 72 jam. Ekspresi protein HBs berdasar ELISA menunjukkan nilai relatif konstan pada HBs wild type, sedangkan pada HBs mutan kodon start dan delesi meningkat pada 72 jam. Aktivasi NF-ĸB relatif lebih tinggi oleh tipe wild type dibanding mutan kodon start pre-S2 dan delesi pre-S2, sehingga variasi mutasi tidak memberikan pengaruh pada aktivasi NF-ĸB, meski varian mutan delesi pre-S2 menunjukkan peningkatan aktivasi NF-ĸB setelah waktu kultur yang lebih lama dibanding HBs wild type dan mutan kodon start pre-S2. Ekspresi NF-ĸB (p50) dipengaruhi oleh variasi mutasi, ekspresi p50 lebih tinggi pada mutan kodon start pre-S2 dibanding varian HBs lainnya. Keparahan penyakit hati oleh mutasi kodon start pre-S2 dapat terkait dengan peningkatan ekspresi p50.
Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50.;Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50.;Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50., Cross sectional study on hepatitis B patients in Indonesia showed association of pre-S2 start codon mutation with severity liver disease. Role of HBs proteins on the activation of NF-ĸB as one of the factor in liver disease progression. This study was to see the effects of different HBs mutant variants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) subgenotype B3 as the endemic strain in Indonesia on the expression and activation of NF-ĸB. HBs genes of three hepatitis B patients were amplified and cloned to pcDNA3.1, and were transfected using lipofectamine into Huh7 cell line. Expressions on mRNA level for HBs, IĸB-α and NF-ĸB (p50) were evaluated using real-time PCR. IĸB-α expression which is regulated by NF-ĸB was used as parameter to measure NF-ĸB activation. Recombinant plasmid for HBs expression with pre-S2 start codon mutation, pre-S2 deletion and wild type of HBV subgenotipe B3 were obtained. All three clones showed high level of mRNA expression which decreased after 48 to 72 hours, except for pre-S2 deletion which was relatively stabil up to72 hours. HBs protein expression detected using ELISA was constant for HBs wild type whilst increased at 72 hours for pre-S2 start codon mutation and pre-S2 deletion. NF-ĸB activation was higher for HBs wild type compared to the two mutant variants, suggesting no effect of mutation to increment of NF-ĸB activation, however pre-S2 deletion mutant showed higher NF-ĸB activation after longer period of incubation. NF-ĸB (p50) expression was higher for pre-S2 start codon mutation, suggesting liver disease progression by pre-S2 start codon mutation might associated to increased expression of p50.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rinaldy Kusuma
Abstrak :
ABSTRAK Latar Belakang: Kanker Kolorektal termasuk ke dalam lima besar kanker dengan tingkat insidensi dan mortalitas yang tinggi di Indonesia. Sebesar 20%-25% kejadian kanker kolorektal merupakan faktor keturunan melalui pewarisan mutasi gen-gen high penetrance yang berkontribusi signifikan terhadap pembentukan kanker kolorektal, sedangkan 80%-85% merupakan kanker kolorektal sporadik. Pada kanker kolorektal sporadik mutasi terjadi pada gen-gen low penetrance yang berisiko rendah terhadap pembentukan kanker kolorektal. Identifikasi mutasi pada gen-gen lain yang berpotensi memiliki kontribusi terhadap kanker kolorektal sporadik diperlukan. Prastudi sebelumnya menggunakan metode GWAS telah mengidentifikasi CNV di kromosom 7, 8, 18, dan 20 dari pasien kanker kolorektal sporadik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi gen dengan CNV di kromosom tersebut dan asosiasinya pada kanker kolorektal sporadik serta hubungan variasi genetik CNV terhadap tingkat ekspresi mRNA gen DOK5. Metode: Identifikasi gen berdasarkan seleksi dari analisis data CNV dan SNP prastudi GWAS. Sebanyak 70 pasang sampel jaringan kanker kolorektal dan jaringan kolorektal sehat digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan persetujuan komisi etik serta tujuh jenis sel lestari. Metode Real-Time PCR digunakan dalam analisis CNV gen DOK5 menggunakan DNA dari sampel jaringan maupun sampel sel lestari dan analisis ekspresi mRNA gen DOK5 dari sampel RNA sel lestari. Hasil: Jumlah Copy Number (CN) gen DOK5 yang tinggi secara signifikan (P =0,01) terdapat pada kelompok usia ≥50 tahun (CN=1,58). Variabel CN gen DOK5 berasosiasi signifikan dengan variabel kelompok usia (P=0,028) dimana lebih dari 50% sampel ≥50 tahun memilik amplifikasi gen DOK5. Pada derajat diferensiasi histopatologi dan jenis kelamin tidak ada perbedaan dan asosiasi dengan CN gen DOK5 secara signifikan (P >0,05). CNV gen DOK5 berkorelasi positif kuat (R=0,890) secara signifikan (P=0,007) dengan tingkat ekspresi mRNA gen DOK5 di beberapa sampel sel lestari dari berbagai kanker. Kesimpulan: Amplifikasi CNV gen DOK5 terkait dengan kanker kolorektal sporadik pada subyek berusia ≥50 tahun. CNV gen DOK5 yang teramplifikasi berpengaruh terhadap peningkatan ekspresi mRNA gen DOK5 di sel lestari.
ABSTRACT Background: Colorectal Cancer (CRC) is among top five cancers that have high level of incidence and mortality in Indonesia. About 20%-25% of CRC were familial that inherited a mutation of high penetrance genes with high predisposing risk of CRC, while the rest of 75%-80% were sporadic CRC. Most of predisposing mutation of genes in sporadic CRC were low penetrance genes with low risk of CRC. Identification of other predisposing genes that have significant and higher risk of sporadic CRC were needed. Our previous study using GWAS has identified a significant genetic variation in the form of CNV in chromosomes 7, 8, 18, dan 20 in sporadic CRC patient. This study aimed to identify the gene with CNV in those chromosomes and its association with sporadic CRC also the effect of CNV on expression level of the gene mRNA. Method: The gene was identified by selection using analyzed data of CNV and SNP from GWAS study. Seven type of cell lines and 70 matched paired samples of cancerous and normal tissues were used in this study with approval from ethic commission. Real-Time PCR method was used to analyze both DOK5 gene CNV from DNA sample and DOK5 gene expression from RNA sample. DNA was extracted from tissues and cell lines, while RNA extracted from cell lines. Results: Difference of DOK5 CN was significant in age group (P=0,01) with group ≥50 years old had higher CN of DOK5 gene (CN=1,58). DOK5 CN variable was associated with age group variable (P=0,028) where more than 50% samples of age ≥50 years old showed amplification of DOK5 CN. No significant difference (P >0,05) in CNV of DOK5 gene was detected in subjects if grouped based on their histopathology or gender. In cell lines, CN of DOK5 gene showed significant (P=0,007) and strong positive correlation (R=0,890) with mRNA expression level of DOK5 gene. Conclusion: DOK5 gene was identified from GWAS CNV data. CNV amplification of DOK5 gene was associated with sporadic colorectal cancer in subject ≥50 years old. Amplified CNV of DOK5 gene affect the increased of DOK5 mRNA expression level in cell lines.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library