Ditemukan 10 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Pungki Prayughi
Abstrak :
Nowadays the quality aspects of information technology (IT) implementation plays an imperative role in the case of supporting services to its related stakeholders, mainly more on the issue of an effective and efficient process. To provide a more reliable, understandable, reusable, and maintainable academic information systems, Graduate School of IPB needs to improve the quality of its IT. Development of information systems (IS) through the proper stages of analysis and design expected to create a reliable and qualified IS. This research will evaluate the effectiveness of Academic Management IS. An evaluation conducted by observing the current system, using questionnaires, and measurement using a Likert scale. Questionnaire instrument tested for its validity (Product Moment) and reliability (Cronbachs Alpha) using SPSS version 19. This study adopts an integrated database schema that IPB has developed and designing research seminar online registration prototypes using object-oriented approach for a better IS future development.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Yudhi Trisna Atmajaya
Abstrak :
Information and communication technology (ICT) has been implemented in almost every division at the National Library. This implementation is supported by Undang Undang Nomor 43 tentang Perpustakaan. The aim of using ICT is to improve working performance and services of National Library. Pusat Pendidikan dan Pelatihan (Pusdiklat) is one of divisions that has not fully implemented ICT yet to increase the training quality and quantity, therefore management information system is required to support decision making related to the training. This research objective is to design a management information system using enterprise architecture framework, TOGAF. TOGAF provides a flexible framework to accommodate management information system design according to the organizations vision, mission and goals. This research yielded a blueprint of management information system of trainings program and evaluation. It is expected that this blueprint could be used to guide the development of management information system in Pusdiklat.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2016
020 JPI 15:1-2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The largest region that produces oil palm in Indonesia has an important role in improving the welfare an economy of the society. Oil palm production has increased significantly in Riau Province in every period. To determine the production development for the next few years, we proposed a prediction of the production results. The dataset were taken to be the time series data of the last 8 years (2005-2013) with the function and benefits of oil palm as the parameters. The study was undertaken by comparing the performance of Support Vector Regression (SVR) method and Artificial Neural Network (ANN). From the experiment, SVR resulted the better model compared to the ANN. This is shown by the correlation coefficient of 95% and 6% for MSE in the kernel Radial Basis Function (RBF), whereas ANN resulted only 74% for R2 and 9% for MSE on the 8th experiment with hidden neuron 20 and learning rate 0,1. SVR model generated predictions for next 3 years which rose 3%-6% from the actual data and RBF model predictions
Daerah penghasil kelapa sawit terbesar di Indonesia mempunyai peranan penting dalam peningkatan kesejahteraan dan ekonomi masyarakat. Produksi kelapa sawit mengalami peningkatan yang signifikan di Provinsi Riau dalam setiap kurun waktu, untuk menentukan perkembangan produksi beberapa tahun ke depan, kami mengusulkan suatu prediksi dari hasil produksi. Dataset yang diambil adalah data time series dari data yang diperoleh selama 8 tahun terakhir (2005-2013) dengan fungsi dan manfaat kelapa sawit sebagai parameter. Dalam implementasinya peramalan dilakukan dengan membadingkan kinerja metode Support Vector Regression (SVR) dan Artificial Neural Network (ANN). Dari percobaan, SVR menghasilkan model terbaik dibandingkan dengan ANN yaitu ditunjukkan dengan koefisien korelasi sebesar 95% dan MSE 6% pada kernel Radial Basis Function (RBF), sedangkan ANN hanya menghasilkan R2 sebesar 74% dan MSE 9% pada percobaan ke-8 dengan hidden neuron 20 dan learning rate 0,1. SVR model menghasilkan prediksi untuk 3 tahun kedepan yang memiliki kenaikan antara 3%-6% dari data aktual dan prediksi model RBF
Riau: Faculty of Science and Technology, 1Information System Department UIN Sultan Syarif Kasim Riau, 2016
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Erus Effendi
Abstrak :
Information technology application of in libraries functionsin a variety offorms, one of which shaped by the utilization of libraryi nformation system to enablet he processing of data and reports quickly. Therefore the libraryi nformation system is in dispensable in determining business decisions. The development of library information systems are needed to carried out in accordance with the need of the business process. The purposeof this research is developing feature reports SliMS at President University Libraryto meet business process. SLiMS has been chosenasone of the development library information system to creat the enrichment of the report feature. They are Annual Circulation, Circulation per Capita, Membership Report, Registration as a Percentage of Population, Visitor perYear, Library Visit perCapita, Growing of Collection, with using the method of prototyping model.The Testing sistem results the enrichment of report feature can help to create library report with user friendly dan based on decision making for future library planning at President University Library.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
ISBN is an International Standard Book Number. The ISBN is a unique international identifer for monographic publication, assigning a number replaces the bandling of long bibliographic descriptive records. The objective of this study are to analyze of publsiher's staification on website wualty of ISBN online. the average yield of the overall perception and expectations of the publisher, the degree of conformity was 83.7%, this score is below the scale of 100%, which suggest that generally speaking, publisher are dissatisfied with the website quality. All attributes have a negative gap, the average gap was-0.6, which indicates that the overall perception that respondents have of the system is that performance scores lower than importance. To develop the findings of the IPA analysis, the created a prototype in accordance with the expectations of the publisher, the prototype was created using adobe dreamweaver cs6 and tested using black boc method . testing result showed that the prototype can fulfill all functional requirements
Bogor : Perpustakaan IPB , 2015
020 JPI 14:1 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Firmansyah Ibrahim
Abstrak :
The rapid development of knowledge encourages universities to collaborate on their knowledge in specific expertise field to create an equitable distribution of knowledge. Program of computer science at Bogor Agriculture University (IPB) is a superior expertise in the field of agriculture while Pakuan University (UNPAK) is superior expertise in the field of electronics. The aim of this study was to design a prototype of knowledge management system as the knowledge sharing for learning of inter-universities using Knowledge Management System Life Cycle (KMSLC) method. The study result was Joomla one kind of Content Management System (CMS) can be used to share knowledge in the form of discussion forums and combining various info from IPB and UNPAK in one interface including news, announcements, agenda, and social media. This CMS also collaborate with applications Electronic Learning System (ELS) Moodle and Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML). ELS Moodle serves as an application in learning of inter-university with the single sign concept which was run in a single interface, while HTML serves as a search engine knowledge by generating external link that combines 2 KMS from IPB and UNPAK into one interface. The conclusion was the knowledge sharing for learning of inter-university can be done with the design of knowledge management system through collaboration three different systems.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Tiurma Lumban Gaol
Abstrak :
Institutional repository is an essential part functioning as a storage for keeping the collection of publication digitally. Del Institute of Technology (ITD) has its own collection of institutional publication but it does not have institutional repository. Before developing the application, it is essential that a feasibility study be conducted in order to ensure the development of ITD's application will run well. Feasibility study is conducted through first phase of knowledge management system life cycle and the model is IPB institutional repository. Based on the analysis of the feasibility of the ITD infrastructure percentages obtained in building institutional repository is 51.96%. The percentage is derived from the percentage of the value of the following eligibility is infrastructure (21.44%), human resources (14.33%), Budget (0%), Rules / SOP / SK (3,40%) and Content (12.79%). Based on the results of the study referred to the several things that need to be addressed in the effort to develop the institutional repository ITD and refer to the model repository development in IPB is to provide the infrastructure that is software as a tool for transferring media content repository, making decree team, create a SOP for digital documents and the handover of the scientific work of the academic community ITD.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2016
020 JPI 15:1-2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
A. Muh.Yakin Amin
Abstrak :
Community College of popular as the academic community. Administrative activities in universities can not be separated from the recording of incoming and outgoing mail, file reception and file delivery. The archiving process as an important record of the history of the institution, for easy access and collection of data, synthesize information and improve the utilization of archives. Application of Information Technology (IT) is essential to the use and development of IT for the better in the service of the administration of the university. IPB Archives Unit has been using Dynamic Archival Information System (SIKD) and Static Archival Information System (SIKS) to serve the management of governance archiving. However, the use of information systems used by the Archives Unit IPB unknown level governance capabilities within IT management. Therefore this study to evaluate the capability of IT management level in the management of archives using the framework Control Objectives for Information and related Technology (COBIT). Selection of COBIT framework because it has many advantages one of them as a control tool facilitates business requirements development of Standard Operating Procedures (POB) and provide recommendations to improve management of the management. Domain of COBIT process selected after the mapping with the goal of IPB Archives Unit. The results of the mapping created a questionnaire. Questionnaires were administered to respondents who manage the archiving process on IPB Archives Unit. The data obtained were processed to determine the level of capability IPB Archives Unit. The results obtained from this study indicate that the Archives Unit IPB capability criteria are at level 1 (performed process) to the percentage of votes the capabilities of the application of best practice IT management is at Capability Level L (Largely Achieved).
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2016
020 JPI 15:1-2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Novi Murdiyanti
Abstrak :
Web as a source of global information has created a new challenge for archiving digital material. National Web Archive as one part of the web portal of the National Digital Library has an important role in the effort to store, manage, archive and preserve the documentary heritage of Indonesia in online formats. This study was done to evaluate the utilization of associated factors that interact and influence the level of user acceptance of the technology of this web archiving system. The study using the modeling methodology TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) as a theoretical framework and multivariate statistical analysis techniques SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) using AMOS (Analysis of Moment Structures) software tools. Data were collected through snowball sampling with the help of an online questionnaire, where the number of 110 respondents in this study are pemustaka who utilize the site of the National Library. The results show the suitability of TAM as a theoretical framework that can accept the hypothesis that has positive and significant exception Influence Perception of Benefits (PU) on Intention to Use (BITU) indicates a value below 0.736 because of the measurement standard price table = 1.96 ie thitung < ttable so H0 is accepted.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2016
020 JPI 15:1-2 (2016)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library
Indah Puji Astuti
Abstrak :
Pengidentifikasian penyakit kedelai secara dini menjadi salah satu cara untuk meningkatan angka produktifitas kedelai. Jumlah pakar penyakit kedelai yang masih relatif sedikit apalagi di daerah pedesaan membuat ketergantungan atas keberadaan seorang pakar penyakit kedelai sangatlah tinggi terutama bagi para pemula di bidang pertanian. Suatu sistem pakar menjadi salah satu solusi yang dapat dijadikan sarana untuk berkonsultasi tentang penyakit kedelai layaknya seorang pakar. Sistem yang diimplementasikan dalam basis Android akan lebih mudah digunakan di manapun dan kapanpun tanpa harus bertemu dengan pakar karena kesempatan dan waktu pakar yang tidak mudah untuk ditemui setiap saat. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem pakar identifikasi awal penyakit kedelai dengan mengadopsi metode Expert System Development Life Cycle (ESDLC) untuk tahapan pengembangan sistem dan pendekatan Naïve Bayes sebagai metode inferensinya. Hasil penelitian ini berupa prototype sistem pakar XSIDS yang terdiri dari enam modul utama yaitu modul pengetahuan tentang kedelai, kebijakan pemerintah, konsultasi, tentang kami, tentang XSIDS dan note.
Bogor: Perpustakaan IPB, 2015
020 JPI 14:2 (2015)
Artikel Jurnal Universitas Indonesia Library