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Hasil Pencarian

Ditemukan 8 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Gorga Shahran
"Dengan peningkatan akses dan popularitas dalam penggunaan internet, pemasar mencoba lebih kreatif untuk mempromosikan sebuah produk. Menggunakan media sosial, pemasar mencoba membuat resonansi ditujukan agar konsumen lebih banyak membeli produk. Untuk mengetahui lebih dalam seputar topik ini, teori kegunaan dan gratifikasi telah digunakan untuk menganalisa faktor apa saja yang bisa mempengaruhi resonansi konsumen. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mencoba menganalisa dimensi teori kegunaan dan gratifikasi yang bisa menerangkan fenomena konsumen resonansi dan apa pengaruh yang dia punya ke keinginan membeli konsumer. Hasil dari riset ini menunjukan bahwa tingginya nilai hedonik, homophily, kepercayaan, dan presentasi diri bisa berpengaruh positif ke resonansi konsumen, tetapi resonansi konsumen sendiri tidak berpengaruh besar ke keinginan membeli.

With the ever increasing access and popularity of internet, marketer has become more creative in their attempt to promote a product. Using social media, marketer have tried to create resonance in order to drive their consumer to buy more product. In order to gain more understanding surrounding the topic, uses and gratifications theory have been used to analyze what are the factors that could influence consumer resonance. This study will try to analyze which dimensions of uses and gratification theory that could explain the phenomenon of consumer resonance and what influence it have to consumers purchase intention. The result from this research show that high level of hedonic value, homophily, trust, and self-presentation could positively influence consumer resonance, but consumer resonance itself does not have significance toward purchase intention.
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Egi Widya Nur Iqbal
Youth shoppers merupakan kelompok umur yang terus berkembang sehingga menjadikan kelompok umur ini sebuah segmen yang sangat berarti di pasar. Ditambah lagi jumlah mall sebagai tempat berbelanja yang semakin hari kian bertambah di kota Jakarta, sering dijadikan tempat untuk bersosialisasi dan aktualisasi diri dari youth shoppers. Studi ini membagi youth shoppers menjadi segmen-segmen yang dibedakan atas karakteristik berdasarkan tinggi rendahnya tingkat self-esteem, extraversion, dan interpersonal communication. Sehingga terbentuk grup segmen unik yaitu, Social Butterfly, Confident Techies, dan Self-Contained Shoppers. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menguji perbedaan antara ketiga grup segmen tersebut atas shopping motives, preferensi store attribute yang mereka anggap penting, dan shopping enjoyment, sehingga pihak manajemen dapat memberikan treatment yang berbeda dalam hal kegiatan pemasarannya pada masing-masing grup segmen. Selanjutnya penelitian ini menemukan hasil bahwa terdapat beberapa dimensi yang paling mempengaruhi shopping enjoyment, dimensi tersebut ialah anticipated utilty (β=0,396), enhancement (β=0,170), dan price orientation (β=0,158) secara berturut-turut menjelaskan shopping enjoyment pada youth shoppers. Penelitian ini menggunakan analisis K-Means Cluster, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, dan regresi berganda dengan Stepwise Method.
;The number of malls which is increasingly growing in the city of Jakarta is often used as a place for socializing and self-actualization by youth shoppers. As an emerging age group, youth shoppers are also identified as a vital market segment. Firstly, this study divides youth shoppers into segments that are distinguished on the characteristics of high and low levels on self-esteem, extraversion, and interpersonal communication. Consequently, these characteristics form a distinct and unique segment group, which are Social Butterfly, Confident techies, and Self-Contained Shoppers. Secondly, this research examines the differences between the three groups segments on shopping motives, preferences of store attributes which youth shoppers consider important, and shopping enjoyment. As a result, the management can provide different treatment in terms of marketing activities in each segment group. Finally, this research conducts to find the most influencing dimension of shopping enjoyment. These dimensions are anticipated utilty (β = 0.396), enhancement (β = 0.170), and price orientation (β = 0.158) which respectively explain youth shoppers’ shopping enjoyment. The research uses K-Means Cluster Analysis, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, and Multiple Regression with Stepwise Method.
, The number of malls which is increasingly growing in the city of Jakarta is often used as a place for socializing and self-actualization by youth shoppers. As an emerging age group, youth shoppers are also identified as a vital market segment. Firstly, this study divides youth shoppers into segments that are distinguished on the characteristics of high and low levels on self-esteem, extraversion, and interpersonal communication. Consequently, these characteristics form a distinct and unique segment group, which are Social Butterfly, Confident techies, and Self-Contained Shoppers. Secondly, this research examines the differences between the three groups segments on shopping motives, preferences of store attributes which youth shoppers consider important, and shopping enjoyment. As a result, the management can provide different treatment in terms of marketing activities in each segment group. Finally, this research conducts to find the most influencing dimension of shopping enjoyment. These dimensions are anticipated utilty (β = 0.396), enhancement (β = 0.170), and price orientation (β = 0.158) which respectively explain youth shoppers’ shopping enjoyment. The research uses K-Means Cluster Analysis, One Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlations, and Multiple Regression with Stepwise Method.
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Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasiholan, Frans
Dalam beberapa dekade terakhir, penelitian mengenai Resource-Based View RBV telah memperoleh perhatian banyak pihak. Konstruk yang menjelaskan bagaimana sumber daya internal perusahaan mempengaruhi performa perusahaan menjadi menarik untuk dipelajari lebih lanjut. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh keunggulan posisional terhadap performa perusahaan, dengan orientasi pasar, orientasi kewirausahaan, dan kualitas sumber daya manusia sebagai indikator-indikator reflektif bagi konstruk keunggulan posisional. Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pelaku UMKM yang beroperasi pada industri telekomunikasi di Indonesia, khususnya pada industri hulu, yang kebanyakan menjadi mitra bagi operator-operator besar telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Metode pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah Structural Equation Model SEM . Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa orientasi pasar, orientasi kewirausahaan, dan kualitas sumber daya manusia adalah memang benar indikator reflektif yang positif bagi keunggulan posisional, dan keunggulan posisional pada gilirannya berpengaruh positif terhadap performa perusahaan.

In the last few decades, research on Resource Based View RBV has received the attention of many parties. The construct that explains how company rsquo s internal resources affect company rsquo s performance becomes an interesting subject to be studied further. This study was conducted to analyze the effect of company rsquo s positional advantage on company rsquo s performance, with market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and human capital as the indicators of positional advantage. Respondents in this study were the owner of SMEs engaged in telecommunication industry in Indonesia, especially in the upstream level, which mostly are the suppliers of major telecommunication operators in Indonesia. Structural Equation Model SEM is used as data processing method. The results of this study indicate that market orientation, entrepreneurial orientation, and human capital are indeed the positive indicators of positional advantage, and positional advantage has a positive effect on company performance."
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UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sheilla Ananda Berliana

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak publisitas negatif pada consumer attribution, brand image, brand attitude, dan purchase intention untuk Garuda Indonesia dengan tingkat keparahan rendah dan tinggi. Sampel penelitian ini adalah partisipan yang menggunakan layanan terbang Garuda Indonesia selama 6 bulan terakhir dan berusia antara 17 hingga 40 tahun. Data penelitian ini diolah dengan Partial Least Square (PLS) menggnakan software SmartPLS 3.0. Hasil dari penelitian ini menyatakan bahwa consumer attribution mempengaruhi brand attitude dan purchase intention, sementara brand image dan brand attitude mempengaruhi purchase intention secara positif. Tidak ada moderasi dari tingkat keparahan terhadap hubungan apapun terkecuali untuk consumer attribution terhadap brand image yang tidak ditemukan signifikan dalam uji sebelumnya.


This study aims to analyze the impact of negative publicity on consumer attribution, brand image, brand attitude, and purchase intention for Garuda Indonesia with mild and high severity of negative publicity. The sample of this research include individuals who are flying with Garuda Indonesia within the last 6 months, and are aged between 17 to 40 years old. The data of this study was processed with Partial Least Square (PLS) and the software SmartPLS version 3.0. Result of this research shows that consumer attribution under negative publicity has negative influence on brand attitude and purchase intention, and brand image as well as brand attitude under negative publicity influenced purchase intention positively. There was no moderation by information severity towards the relationships, with the exception of consumer attribution towards brand image, which was found insignificant in the earlier test.


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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Adila Clevana Annissa
Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk menjelaskan bagaimana usaha pemasaran melalui media sosial berjalan pada perusahaan farmasi, bagaimana pemasaran media sosial dapat mempengaruhi ekuitas merek, dan mengetahui aktivitas- aktivitas yang dilakukan untuk menambah pelanggan perusahaan. Konsep- konsep yang terkait dengan pemasaran melalui media sosial, ekuitas merek dan hubungan keduanya disampaikan dan dibahas dalam bab tinjauan pustaka laporan ini. Pengamatan dan temuan selama magang juga disampaikan dalam laporan ini. Hasil praktek menunjukkan bahwa media sosial dapat memperbaiki ekuitas merek melalui loyalitas merek dan kesadaran merek. Media sosial yang biasa digunakan adalah Situs Web; Facebook; Twitter; dan ; Instagram. Perusahaan harus bisa memilih media sosial yang cocok untuk mempresentasikan produk- produk dengan isi konten yang tepat. Kesalahan dia manajemen media sosial dapat memberikan dampak negatif terhadap perusahaan.

The purpose of this study is to examine how social media marketing works in a pharmaceutical company, social media marketing influence towards brand equity in Kalbe nutritionals, and to understand other activities done to acquire more customers for the company. Concepts related to social media marketing, brand equity and other relationship are introduced and examined in the Literature Review part of the report. The experiences and findings along internship are presented in this report. The practical result indicate that social media can improve brand equity through increase brand loyalty and brand awareness of a product. Social media that commonly used are Web site Facebook Twitter and Instagram. The company should able to choose the right social media that fit with its product and to present the interested conents. The mistake in social media management can make negative impact for the company. "
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UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nuurhaniifah Shannon Darmawan
"Laporan magang ini bertujuan untuk menambah pengetahuan, keterampilan pengembangan diri, serta menganalisis pengalaman dan observasi real time penulis dengan tinjauan literatur manajemen tentang strategi pemasaran dalam konteks pengelolaan konsesi bandara Bisnis Ritel dan Ancillary PT Angkasa Pura Solusi. Studi kasus kualitatif melalui data sekunder dan observasi langsung. Data sekunder diberikan langsung dari situs web Divisi Bisnis Ritel, jurnal, surat kabar, situs web, catatan pemerintah dan analisis data wawancara lebih lanjut dilakukan selama laporan magang. Laporan magang ini dibuat dan dikembangkan agar penulis dapat merefleksikan pengalaman dan mengintegrasikannya dengan pengetahuan dan keterampilan sebelumnya dengan harapan dapat memberikan wawasan kepada pembaca tentang bisnis ritel di PT Angkasa Pura Solusi di Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta.

This internship report aims to gain knowledge, personal development skills, and analyzing writer's real time experience and observation with the management literature review about marketing strategy in the context of airport concession management of Retail and Ancillary Business of PT Angkasa Pura Solusi. Qualitative study case through secondary data and direct observation. Secondary data was given directly from Retail and Ancillary Business Division’s websites, journals, newspapers, websites, government records and further data analysis is conducted throughout the internship report. This internship report is made and developed for the writer to reflect on the experience and integrate it with previous knowledge and skills and in hope it can enlighten the reader and give insight into the retailing business in PT Angkasa Pura Solusi at Soekarno-Hatta International Airport.
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Velysia Sanjaya
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan langsung dan tidak langsung antara motivasi dan kepuasan wisatawan terhadap destinasi wisata melalui peran experiental-related factors dan destination image yang dipersepsikan oleh para wisatawan selama berwisata di situs warisan. Sampel penelitian ini merupakan Warga Negara Indonesia yang pernah berwisata ke Candi Borobudur dalam waktu satu tahun terakhir. Pengolahan data penelitian ini menggunakan Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) dengan 442 sampel responden. Hasil penelitian mengindikasikan bahwa terdapat pengaruh signifikan antara motivasi dan kepuasan wisatawan melalui peran destination image dan salah satu experiental-related factors. Temuan ini membantu dalam memahami faktor penentu perilaku dan kepuasan dari wisatawan terhadap situs wisata warisan.

This study aims to determine the direct and indirect effects between motivation satisfaction of tourists towards the heritage destination through the role of experience related factors and destination images perceived by tourists during a visit to a heritage destination. The sample are Indonesian citizens who had traveled to Borobudur Temple last year. The research is using Partial Least Square Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) for processing data from 442 respondents. The result indicate that there is a significant effect between motivation-satisfaction through the role of destination image and one of the experiental related factors. These findings contribute to understanding the determinants of tourists behavior and satisfaction towards a heritage destination."
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan BIsnis Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Avitasya Febryani Syahrial
"SMS location-based advertising LBA atau iklan berbentuk promosi melalui SMS yang memanfaatkan informasi lokasi telefon seluler diketahui dapat meningkatkan penjualan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh extrinsic dan intrinsic motivation terhadap pembentukan attitude toward SMS LBA yang selanjutnya melihat pengaruhnya terhadap purchase intention dalam konteks foodservice. Pada penelitian ini terdapat uji variabel moderasi yaitu brand familiarity untuk mengetahui apakah tingkat familiaritas terhadap merek mempengaruhi sikap konsumen terhadap niat pembelian produk yang diiklankan melalui SMS LBA.
Penelitian ini melibatkan 229 responden dari seluruh Indonesia yang pernah mendapatkan SMS LBA dari Krispy Kreme. Data diolah menggunakan metode Structural Equation Modelling SEM. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa extrinsic dan intrinsic motivation dapat meningkatkan attitude toward SMS LBA yang selanjutnya dapat mendorong purchase intention. Selain itu ditemukan pula bahwa pengaruh ini di moderasi oleh brand familiarity.

SMS LBA is a promotion advertising through SMS that uses information of mobile phone rsquo s location in order to increase sales. This study aims to analyze the effect of extrinsic and intrinsic motivation on the establishment of attitude toward SMS location based advertising and its impacts on purchase intention in foodservice area. There is a test of brand familiarity as a moderating variable to find out whether the level of consumer rsquo s brand familiarity affect attitude toward SMS LBA on intention to purchase a product that advertised through SMS LBA.
The data for this research were collected from 229 respondents from all over Indonesia who had received SMS LBA from Krispy Kreme. They were then analyzed using Structural Equation Modelling SEM. The result of this research shows that extrinsic and intrinsic motivation increases attitude toward SMS LBA that further leads to increase in purchase intention. Furthermore, the result shows that brand familiarity does moderate attitude toward SMS LBA on purchase intention.
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Depok: Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library