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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Napitupulu, Elizhabet
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Remineralisasi dentin dapat dicapai melalui beberapa metode, di antaranya secara Guided Tissue Remineralization (GTR) dalam sistem Polymer-Induced Liquid Precursor (PILP). Remineralisasi secara GTR terbukti dapat meremineralisasi affected dentin dengan membentuk mineral intrafibrillar dan ekstrafibrillar. Melalui sistem PILP, kristal terbentuk dengan ukuran kecil sehingga remineralisasi lebih banyak terjadi secara intrafibrillar. Penambahan fluor dalam sistem PILP diharapkan dapat membentuk kristal fluoroapatit yang berukuran lebih besar dan mampu menyempurnakan remineralisasi hingga ke ekstrafibrillar. Penelitian yang ada selama ini hanya berfokus pada permukaan dentin, sedengkan belum terdapat penelitian untuk membuktikan remineralisasi dengan penambahan fluor yang terjadi pada dinding tubulus dentin. Tujuan: Mengetahui pengaruh penambahan fluor 5ppm dan 25ppm dalam sistem PILP terhadap perubahan topografi dinding tubulus dentin dan persentase fluoroapatit. Metode: Sampel blok dentin terdemineralisasi direndam pada larutan remineralisasi dengan penambahan 5ppm dan 25ppm fluor. Sampel blok dentin kemudian akan dipotong lintang menggunakan metode fraktur lalu diamati dan dianalisis menggunakan uji FE-SEM dan XRD. Hasil: Terjadi perubahan topografi pada dinding tubulus dentin setelah dilakukan remineralisasi melalui proses PILP dengan penambahan 5ppm dan 25ppm fluor selama 14 hari yang dievaluasi secara deskriptif menggunakan FE-SEM. Hasil analisis XRD menunjukkan tidak ada perbedaan bermakna secara statistik penambahan fluor pada larutan remineralisasi PILP terhadap persentase fasa mineral fluoroapatit, namun secara substansi terjadi peningkatan persentase fluorapatit. Kesimpulan: Penambahan fluor dalam sistem PILP berpengaruh terhadap perubahan topografi dinding tubulus dentin dan persentase fluoroapatit. ...... Background: Dentine remineralization can be achieved through several methods, including Guided Tissue Remineralization (GTR) in the Polymer-Induced Liquid Precursor (PILP) system. GTR remineralization has been shown to remineralize affected dentin by forming intrafibrillar and extrafibrillar minerals. Through the PILP system, crystals are formed with small sizes so that more remineralization occurs intrafibrillarly. The addition of fluorine in the PILP system is expected to form larger fluoroapatite crystals and be able to complete the remineralization to extrafibrillar. Existing research so far has only focused on the dentin surface, although there has been no research to prove remineralization with the addition of fluorine that occurs in the dentine tubule walls. Objective: To determine the effect of adding 5ppm and 25ppm fluorine in the PILP system on changes in the topography of the dentinal tubule walls and the percentage of fluoroapatite. Methods: Demineralized dentine block samples were immersed in remineralization solution with the addition of 5 ppm and 25 ppm fluorine. The dentine block samples will then be cross-sectioned using the fracture method and then observed and analyzed using the FE-SEM and XRD tests. Results: Topographical changes occurred in the dentinal tubule walls after remineralization through the PILP process with the addition of 5ppm and 25ppm fluorine for 14 days which were evaluated descriptively using FE-SEM. The results of the XRD analysis showed that there was no statistically significant difference in the addition of fluorine to the percentage of fluoroapatite mineral phase in the addition of fluorine to the percentage of fluoroapatite, but in substance there was an increase in the percentage of fluorapatite. Conclusion: The addition of fluorine in the PILP system affected the topography of the dentinal tubule walls and the percentage of fluoroapatite.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Noerazizah Kusuma Puspaningrum
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang: Bleaching merupakan prosedur mencerahkan warna gigi dengan bantuan bahan kimia yang memiliki efek samping berupa perubahan pada permukaan material resin komposit. Sementara itu, kekasaran permukaan memainkan peran penting dalam penentuan interaksi material restorasi dengan lingkungan rongga mulut karena tekstur permukaan yang tidak baik dapat meningkatkan retensi akumulasi plak dan dapat menimbulkan penyakit lainnya. Namun, penelitian mengenai efek bleaching agent pada kekasaran permukaan melaporkan hasil yang kontroversial. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh in-home bleaching agent terhadap kekasaran permukaan resin komposit nanofilled dan microhybrid. Metode: Resin komposit nanofilled FiltekTM Z350 XT Universal Restorative (3M ESPE) dan resin komposit microhybrid FiltekTM Z250 Universal Restorative (3M ESPE) digunakan pada penelitian ini. Sebanyak 16 spesimen disiapkan dari masing-masing jenis resin komposit yang dinyatakan oleh kelompok A resin komposit nanohybrid dan kelompok B resin komposit microhybrid (jumlah total spesimen adalah 32). Seluruh spesimen dibuat dengan penumpatan material ke dalam mould dengan diameter 6 mm dan ketebalan 2 mm menggunakan kaca preparat dengan strip seluloid kemudian diberikan beban 500 gram. In-home bleaching agent (Opalescence Tooth Whitening Systems 10% Carbamide Peroxide Concentrations) diaplikasikan selama 8-10 jam/hari. Seluruh perlakuan dilakukan pada suhu 37°C dan in-home bleaching agent dibilas setiap hari selama 1 minggu dan disimpan dalam air saline steril selama periode hiatus. Kemudian, seluruh spesimen diuji dan dicatat nilai kekasaran permukaan (Ra) dalam satuan μm dengan menggunakan alat uji surface roughness tester (Surtronic® S-128) sebelum dan sesudah perlakuan. Data dianalisis secara statistik dengan uji Paired T-Test dan Independent T-Test. Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kekasaran permukaan resin komposit nanofilled dan microhybrid sebelum dan sesudah aplikasi in-home bleaching agent (p<0,005). Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara resin komposit nanofilled dan microhybrid sesudah aplikasi in-home bleaching agent (p<0,005). Kesimpulan: In- home bleaching agent secara signifikan meningkatkan nilai kekasaran permukaan pada kedua jenis material resin komposit dengan resin komposit nanofilled lebih rendah dari resin komposit microhybrid. Kekasaran permukaan pada kedua jenis resin komposit masih dapat diterima secara klinis karena menunjukkan nilai di bawah ambang batas kritis 0,2 μm. ......Background: Bleaching is a procedure that involves lightening the color of a tooth through the application of a chemical agent, which has a side effect in the form of changes to the surface of the composite resin material. Meanwhile, surface roughness plays a vital role in determining a material’s interaction with the oral environment due to the poor surface texture of dental materials. It has a significant influence on plaque accumulation and causes other diseases. However, studies on the effect of bleaching agents on the surface roughness of dental materials have reported controversial results. Objectives: This study aimed to analyze the effect of in-home bleaching agents on the surface roughness of nanofilled and microhybrid composite resin. Methods: Nanofilled composite resin FiltekTM Z350 XT Universal Restorative (3M ESPE) and microhybrid composite resin FiltekTM Z250 Universal Restorative (3M ESPE) were used in the present study. Sixteen specimens were prepared from each type of composite resin that represented by group A for nanofilled composite resin and group B for microhybrid composite resin (total number of specimens were 32). Each specimen was prepared by compressing a sufficient amount of material into a mold of 6 mm in diameter and 2 mm in thickness using glass slides with celluloid strip, then given a load of 500 grams. In-home bleaching agents (Opalescence Tooth Whitening Systems 10% Carbamide Peroxide Concentrations) were applied 8-10 hours/day. All treatment was conducted at 37°C temperature, and an in-home bleaching agent was applied and rinsed off daily for one week and stored in distilled water during the hiatus period. Then, the surface roughness of all specimens was measured and recorded (Ra) value in μm using a surface roughness tester (Surtronic® S-128) before and after being treated. Data were statistically analyzed with Paired T-Test and Independent T-Test. Result: There was a statistically significant difference between the surface roughness of nanofilled and microhybrid composite resin before and after being bleached with an in-home bleaching agent (p<0,005). There was a statistically significant difference between nanofilled and microhybrid composite resin after being bleached with an in-home bleaching agent (p<0,005). Conclusion: In-home bleaching agent significantly increased the surface roughness value of both types of composite resin with nanofilled composite resin is lower than microhybrid composite resin. Surface roughness for both composite resins is still clinically acceptable because values tested below the critical threshold of 0,2 μm.
2021: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dicky Yudha Andhika Zikrullah
Abstrak :
Latar Belakang : SIK sebagai bahan restorasi memiliki kemampuan untuk berikatan secara kimiawi terhadap struktur gigi dan kemampuan melepaskan fluoride sehingga cocok digunakan pada pasien dengan risiko karies tinggi namun memiliki kekuatan mekanis yang buruk. Modifikasi bahan restorasi SIK melalui penggabungan dengan bahan bioaktif untuk mendapatkan manfaat seperti meningkatnya sifat mekanis, sifat antibakteri dan potensi remineralisasi telah di sebutkan pada beberapa literatur penelitian. Pada studi ini, bubuk carboxymetyl-chitosan (CMC) ditambahkan pada komponen bubuk dari SIK konvensional. Tujuan: Menganalisis pengaruh modifikasi material semen ionomer kaca (SIK) dengan carboxymetyl-chitosan (CMC) terhadap Kekuatan kompresi dan morfologi permukaan. Metode: Tiga puluh lubang pada cetakan akrilik silindris Diameter 4 mm tinggi 8 mm diisi dengan material SIK (FUJI IX, GC corp, Japan), modifikasi SIK dengan CMC 5% dan 10% yang di campurkan pada komponen bubuk SIK. Sampel dibagi menjadi 3 kelompok yaitu kelompok kontrol SIK (n=10) dan kelompok SIK-CMC 5% (n=10) serta kelompok SIK-CMC 10% (n=10). Kekuatan kompresi diukur dengan menggunakan Universal Testing Machine (Tensilon RTG-10Kn, A&D, Japan) dan dihitung dengan rumus KK= P/(πr2) dimana P adalah beban maksimum dan r adalah radius dari spesimen. Data dianalisis dengan analisis statistik menggunakan One-Way ANOVA dan Post hoc Bonferroni (p<0,5). Morfologi permukaan material modifikasi SIK-CMC dan kontrol di amati dengan menggunakan Scanning Electronic Microscope (EVO MA-0, Zeiss, Germany). Hasil: Terdapat perbedaan bermakna antara kelompok modifikasi SIK-CMC 5% dan SIK-CMC 10% dengan kelompok kontrol (One-Way ANOVA; p<0,05). Berdasarkan uji Post Hoc Bonferroni (p<0,5) terdapat perbedaan yang bermakna Kekuatan kompresi pada material modifikasi SIK-CMC 5 % dan SIK-CMC 10% dengan kelompok kontrol SIK. Modifikasi SIK dengan CMC mempengaruhi perubahan morfologi berupa berkurangnya porusitas dan bertambahnya permukan retakan seiring dengan penambahan persentase CMC. Kesimpulan: Modifikasi SIK dengan Penambahan CMC Mengurangi kekuatan kompresi dengan rerata hasil paling rendah pada penambahan CMC 10%. Porusitas permukaan material modifikasi SIK dengan penambahan CMC memiliki kecenderungan berkurang dan bertambahnya permukaan retakan yang melebar seiring dengan penambahan persentase CMC ......Background: GIC as a restorative material has the ability to chemically bond to the structure of teeth and the ability to release fluoride so that it is suitable for use in patients with a high caries risk but has poor mechanical strength. Modification of GIC restorative materials with combination with bioactive materials to obtain benefits such as increasing mechanical properties, antibacterial properties and remineralization potential has been mentioned in some research literature. In this study, Carboxymethyl-chitosan (CMC) is added to the powder phase of conventional GIC to increase the compressive strength. Objective: to analyze the influence of modified GIC with the addition of CMC on compressive strength and surface morphology. Methods: Thirty holes in a cylindrical acrylic mold, each hole has a diameter of 4 mm and thickness of 8 mm, were filled with conventional GIC restorative material (FUJI IX, GC corp, Japan), modified GIC with 5% CMC and 10% CMC added in the powder phase. The samples were divided into 3 groups: control group GIC (n=10), GIC-CMC 5% group (n=10) and GIC-CMC 10% group (n=10). The compressive strength measurement performed with Universal testing machine (Tensilon RTG-10Kn, A&D, Japan), and were calculated according to the following equation: CS= P/(πr2) Where P is the maximum load and r is the radius of the cylinder-shaped specimen Statistical analysis was done by One-Way ANOVA and Post hoc Bonferroni (p<0.05). The surface morphology of the material modification of GIC-CMC and control group was observed using the Scanning Electronic Microscope (EVO MA-0, Zeiss, Germany). Results: There is a significant difference between the GIC-CMC 5% and GIC-CMC 10% modification groups and the control group (One-Way ANOVA; p<0.05). Based on the Post Hoc Bonferroni (p<0.5) test there is a significant difference in compressive strength in SIK-CMC modification materials of 5% and SIK-CMC of 10% with the SIK control group. Modification of SIK with CMC affects morphological changes in the form of reduced porosity and increased fractures along with the addition of CMC percentage.Conclusion: Modification of GIC with CMC addition reduces compressive strength with the lowest average yield at 10% CMC addition. The surface porusity of SIK modification material with the addition of CMC tends to decrease and increase the surface of cracks that widen along with the addition of CMC percentage.
Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Gigi Universitas Indonesia, 2021
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library