Tesis ini fokus pada studi terhadap penyebab dan dampak penurunan tanah di berbagai lokasi di Jakarta. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa akumulasi daripada keempat faktor penyebab penurunan tanah di Jakarta yaitu penurunan akibat struktur geologi, konsolidasi alamiah, beban bangunan, dan akibat pengambilan airtanah, telah menyebabkan terjadinya penurunan muka tanah yang cukup signifikan. Dalam kurun waktu 11 (sebelas) tahun yaitu selama periode waktu 2000 – 2011, penurunan tanah di wilayah Jakarta Utara tepatnya di daerah Muara Baru telah mencapai 1,7 meter. Daerah Cengkareng Barat di Jakarta Barat juga mengalami penurunan tanah lebih dari 1 meter, dan daerah Kelapa Gading di Jakarta bagian Timur mengalami penurunan hampir 80 centimeter. Beberapa daerah di Jakarta Pusat juga mengalami penurunan, walau tidak sebesar penurunan yang terjadi di wilayah Jakarta bagian Utara dan Barat. Di daerah Gunung Sahari misalnya dengan penurunan sebesar sekitar 50 centimeter, Cikini 40 centimeter, Sarinah sekitar 30 centimeter dan daerah Monas sekitar 25 centimeter, namun hal ini juga memerlukan perhatian khusus mengingat daerah ini adalah pusat kegiatan pemerintahan dan perekonomian Indonesia.
Hasil pengukuran dan pengamatan terhadapa penurunan tanah dengan menggunakan metode GPS (Global Positioning System) pada periode 2010- 2011, menunjukkan terjadinya penurunan tanah sebesar 15 centimeter di daerah Cengkareng Barat, Meruya, Kebun Jeruk dan Daan Mogot. Demikian pula dengan di berbagai lokasi lainnya di wialayah Jakarta. Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penurunan tanah masih terjadi dan akan terus berlangsung. Hal ini memerlukan penanganan segera dan membutuhkan perhatian dan kesadaran seluruh stakeholder untuk mencegah terjadinya bencana ekologi yang lebih parah, bahkan bisa lebih parah daripada bencana banjir di awal January 2012, dan di akhir Desember 2013 – awal 2014 yang lalu. ......Land subsidence has been occurred at various location in Jakarta and the impacts has been felt lately in the form of destructive phenomenon such as the increase of inundation area due to appearance of sunken area or flood zone, cracks on building walls, tilting of building, disfunction of drainage channel and damage to the road infrastructure and degradation of environmental quality.
This thesis is focusing on the study of the causes factor of the land subsidence and the impacts at various location in Jakarta. The result of research shows that the accumulated effects of the four factors causing the land subsidence in Jakarta, which are: geology structures, natural consolidation, load of building structures, and groundwater withdrawal, have affected the significant subsidence. Within period of 11 years, from 2000 – 2011, the land subsidence at the area of Muara Baru in Northern of Jakarta has reached the value of 1.7 meter. At West Cengkareng area in Western part of Jakarta land subsidence has exceed of 1 meter drawdown, and Kelapa Gading area in Eastern part of Jakarta has an approximately 80 centimeter of subsidence. Land subsidence also occurred at some area in Central Jakarta, eventhough not as significant as occurred in Northern and Western part of Jakarta. Like what happened in Gunung Sahari, Cikini, and Sarinah with land subsidence of 50 centimeter, 40 centimeter, approximately 30 centimeter, respectively, and area of Monas with a subsidence of about 25 centimeter, but this particular case needs special attention and anticipation, considering that this area is the center of government activity as well as the place of ignition of the economic wheel of Indonesia.
The result of survey and monitoring using the GPS (Global Positioning) method for the period of 2010 – 2011, shows that 15 centimeter subsidence has occurred at West Cengkareng, Meruya, Kebon Jeruk and Daan Mogot and also at various location in Jakarta. The research shows that the land subsidence is still in progress and will keep going on. Thus, immediate action and serious attention from all stakeholders is required to prevent Jakarta from a worse ecology disaster, even worsen than flooding which happened during the rainy season in beginning of January 2012, and in end of December 2013 until beginning of January 2014.