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Ditemukan 14 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Abstrak :
Minyak goreng diet adalah minyak goreng yang tidak dapat dimetabolisine oleh tuhuh dan dapat mcnarik koleslerol serta asam lemak bebas keluar dari tubuh. Studi ini . mensintesa ester dari sukrosa , fruktosa dan asam oleat serta stearat dengan menggunakan katalis asam (HC1) pada temperature 45 "C dengan pelarut DMF. Senyawa ester sukrosa oktaoluat dan fruklosa pentaoleat terbentuk dengan ditandai hilangnya serapan gugus OH pada bilangan gelombang 3500 - 3326 cm. Reaksi berlangsung dengan waktu 96 jam dan 112 jam.Titik didih sukrosa oktaoleat adalah 234 - 236 "C frukiosa penta oleat 216 - 217 "C fruktosa petaolat 257-260 °C. Sukrosa oklaslearal 272-274 "C sedangkan titik didih minyak bimoli 182- I83°C.
Cholesterol and trigliserida may he excreted by diet palm oil from the human body. In this study, it had already been synthesied such ester like as fructuosa pentasicoric. fructose pentastcaric. sucrosa octa olcic and sucrose oclasicaric. This ester can be synthesizes by substitution reaction between oleic or sacaric acid and sucrose or fructose as carbohydrate base.Those ester result simply from heating oleic or stearic acid and sucrosa or fructosa in DMF solution containing small amount of strong acid (HCI) catalyst at 45 °C. The esterification reaction is successfully, its to be convince by the fungsional group of hidroksil (3500 3326 em "1) have already disappear. The reaction completed at about 96 hour for fructose pentanteic ester and 112 "C of sucrose octaoleic. The boiling point of fructose penta oleic - 216-217 C. Sucrosa ociaoleic = 234-236 "C. Fructosa pentaolcic = 257-260 "C. Sucrose octastearie -? 272-274 "f where as Bimoli palm oil= 182-183 °C.
[place of publication not identified]: Sains Indonesia, 2003
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Breslow, David S.
New York: Interscience, 1966
547.59 BRE m
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johnson, James T.
Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing, 1960
657.64 JOH r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Johnson, James T.
Cincinnati: South-Western Publishing, 1965
657.4 JOH r
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amsterdam: EM. Querido's Uitgeverij B.V, 1991
BLD 839.32 SCH
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yuyun Yuniar
Abstrak :
Indonesia is facing shortage of pharmacist in public health centers (PHCs), therefore the local government and PHCs have to cope with this problem. This paper aimed to describe the pharmaceutical manpower availability in PHCs, the problems occurred and potential applied solutions. Data was taken from National Health Facility Research 201. Quantitative data related to pharmaceutical manpower in PHCs was analyzed descriptively based on regions. Supporting qualitative data through in-depth interviews with the health office staffs in Bogor and Bekasi and pharmacists in four PHCs were conducted and being analyzed using thematic analysis. It was found that Sulawesi had the highest percentage of PHCs having pharmacist (29.1%) while Eastern Indonesia 51.5% of PHCs didn?t have any staff with pharma- cy related educational background. The highest percentages of staff com- position were pharmacy technician followed by nurse. The main problem was due to high workload with limited manpower available. The proposed solutions are recruitment of new pharmacists, but in case it is not possible then placing pharmacist in certain type of PHCs with urgent needs is a priority. Empowering pharmacy technician, all available trained staff and other resources such as on job students are other feasible choices.

Indonesia masih menghadapi keterbatasan jumlah apoteker di puskesmas, sehingga pihak pemerintah daerah dan puskesmas harus berupaya me- ngatasi permasalahan tersebut. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggam- barkan ketersediaan dan distribusi tenaga pelayanan kefarmasian di puskesmas serta permasalahan dan alternatif pemecahannya. Data di- ambil dari hasil Riset Fasilitas Kesehatan (Rifaskes) tahun 2011I. Data kuantitatif tentang tenaga pelayanan kefarmasian di puskesmas dianalisis secara deskriptif berdasarkan regional. Data kualitatif sebagai pendukung diperoleh melalui wawancara mendalam dengan bagian kepegawaian dinas kesehatan dan apoteker empat puskesmas di Kota Bogor dan Bekasi, 3 kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisis tema. Hasil analisis menun- jukkan bahwa Sulawesi memiliki persentase puskesmas dengan tenaga apoteker tertinggi (29,1%) sedangkan Indonesia Timur memiliki persentase puskesmas tertinggi dengan tenaga pelayanan kefarmasian tanpa latar belakang pendidikan farmasi (51,5%). Persentase tenaga kefarmasian terbesar di puskesmas adalah tenaga teknis kefarmasian kemudian pera- wat. Permasalahan utama yang dihadapi puskesmas adalah beban kerja yang berat dengan kondisi tenaga yang terbatas. Alternatif pemecahan masalah yaitu pengangkatan apoteker baru, namun jika tidak memungkin- kan maka penempatan apoteker pada puskesmas dengan kebutuhan men- desak merupakan prioritas utama. Pilihan lain yang memungkinkan adalah pemberdayaan tenaga teknis kefarmasian dan staf lain yang sudah dilatih atau memanfaatkan tenaga siswa magang.
Depok: Pusat Teknologi Intervensi Kesehatan Masyarakat Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Kesehatan Kementerian Kesehatan Indonesia, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Munchen : K.G. Saur , 1991
025.04 LIB
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Penna, C. V.
Paris : Unesco , 1970
020.6 PEN p (1)
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library
Sriana Azis
Abstrak :
One important aspect of district public health service is the management and budgeting of drugs. Up to this time no indicates can be used yet as guidelines for evaluating drug management and budgeting effectiveness in a district in Indonesia. The objective of this study is to determine the effect of training managing drug staff on the evaluation capability increase and their knowledge. Training has been conducted [mice in 2 provinces, 4 districts ex HP IV each, catering DIMS Kesehatan, GFK, 5 PHCs per district and 300 outpatients. There are 7 groups of indicator which include a total of 29 indicators. Training involved computation of indicators of drug management and budgeting in a district. Tests were carried out before training and after the first and second training. Data were analyzed using paired t-test for the effect of training on the increase of knowledge and capability of managing drug staff in indicator computation for this evaluation of drug management and budgeting as well as linear regression for (he relation between education and walking experience of the stuff and unpaired t-test for the difference in the increase in knowledge of pharmacy assistant and non pharmacy assistant. Results from the study on 54 managing drug staff in 8 district shows that knowledge increase significantly after the first and second training, whilst the latter increase is greater than the former one and that the increase in knowledge and non pharmacy assistent exceeds that of-non pharmacy assistant.
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
G. Alit Artha
Abstrak :
Kasus ?Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumor? (PNET) sangat jarang dan sangat sukar didiagnosis. Sebuah kasus PNET didiagnosis dengan teknik histopatologi dan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia. Seorang bayi laki-laki umur 4 bulan diperiksakan ke rumah sakit dengan benjolan pada dinding dada sejak bayi tersebut berumur 3 hari. Benjolan tersebut makin lama makin membesar hingga akhirnya mencapai diameter ± 10 cm, selanjutnya penderita dibawa ke klinik. Benjolan tersebut terfiksir pada dinding dada dengan batas tidak tegas, pada kulit diatas tumor tampak dua ulkus. Selanjutnya tumor tersebut didiagnosis sebagai suatu hemangioma. Secara makroskopis tumor berukuran 17 x 13 x 5,5 cm, berbatas tidak tegas, berwarna putih dan lunak. Secara mikroskopis massa tumor terdiri atas sel-sel berukuran kecil yang tidak berdiferensiasi, berbentuk bulat-oval, dengan inti hiperkromatik, dan sebagian membentuk struktur roset, Homer-Wright di antara bagian lainnya yang difus. Mitosis 7/10 HPF, nekrosis minimal kurang dari 25%. Gambaran ini sesuai dengan suatu ?malignant small round sel tumor?, Pada pemeriksaan imunohistokimia dengan panel antibodi meliputi Vimentin, NSE, Chromogranin dan CD99 menunjukkan Vimentin positif lemah-sedang, NSE negatif-positif lemah, Chromogranin negatif-positif lemah dan CD99 positif lemah-sedang. Secara keseluruhan, berdasarkan pemeriksaan makroskopis, histopatologik, dan imunohistokimia disimpulkan sebagai suatu ?Malignant Small Round Cell Tumor? yang sesuai dengan PNET / ES (Ewing?s sarcoma) yang perlu di konfirmasi dengan pemeriksaan sitogenetik. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:108-12).
Primitive Neuro Ectodermal Tumor (PNET) is rare and difficult to diagnose. A case of PNET was diagnosed based on histopathological and immunohistochemical findings. A 4-month-old infant was admitted to the hospital with a tumor on the midline of his chest wall since he was 3 days old. The tumor was fixed on the chest wall and had ill-defined margin, enlarged over time and reached more than 10 cm in diameter when he was brought to a clinician. Two small ulcers were seen on the skin overlying the tumor. It was diagnosed as soft tissue tumor suggestive of a hemangioma. The tumor was 17 x 13 x 5.5 cm in size, white colored and firm to the touch. Microscopic examination revealed malignant small round cells with round to ovoid nuclei, coarse chromatin and scanty cytoplasm. Most cells were arranged in a solid pattern with scattered Homer-Wright rosettes. The mitotic count was 7/10 HPF, and necrosis was minimal (less than 25%). On immunohistochemical examination, the cells showed weak to moderate immunoreactivity to Vimentin and CD99, but showed negative to weak positive reactivity to NSE and Chromogranin. Based on the clinical features, gross findings, histopathologic and immunohistochemical examinations, the case was diagnosed as a malignant small round cell tumor consistent with PNET / ES (Ewing?s Sarcoma). To confirm the diagnosis, cytogenetic examination is suggested. (Med J Indones 2007; 16:108-12).
Medical Journal of Indonesia, 2007
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
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