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Ditemukan 3 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
Ijang Budiana Nur
Abstrak :
Public health center as the &ont line in health development must increase management execution so that in conduct health service can in an optimal fashion. Not yet activity program achievement pickings the maximal at public health center exist in Tasikmalaya regency, show that utilization public health center as according to the fimction by society not yet optimal, mean that performance public health center in this case concem management execution public health center at Tasikmalaya regency still necessary increased again, because function and good management execution very influential towards success a program or well~being efforts that done public health center. Central figure in management execution that is head public health center, there education background medical scholar, society health scholar, and general scholar/nurse. This research aims to detect description management process execution at public health center and factors that connected management process public health center that lead by head public health center that background education differ at Tasikmalaya regency in year 2006, with system approaching consist of input variable (human resource : official total, leadership, erudition, motivation, double function, work load, repaymenthncentive, limd, and infrastnicnue tools), process (planning, activation and execution, monitoring, controlling, constmction, and evaluation) and output variable (perfomiance public health center). This research is done with qualitative approach with analytic plan passes in-depth interview, observation, and document study in six public health center that canvassed, and research time in April and May 2007. From result research inferential that in carry out management function at public health center, each public health center both for led by education medical scholar, society health scholar, and general scholar/nurse, in apply strategy, integrate and coordinating, motivating, overcome conflict, ascertain activity execution, and evaluate activity result, very various, but in principle that all can done in the effort subsidize management iiinction execution at public health center. As to lixctors that management execution public health center, with deficit existence or energy limitedness or human resource either through also quality, directly also not direct influence management function execution at public health center, also operational fund public health center that felled less, for infrastructure tool, physical building Karangjaya public health center improper wear, construction under communication from regcncy health senrice. also not yet optimal. in management function execution, begin from planning/PZKT, activation and execution that is workshop monthly at public health center, supervision, control, constmction, and evaluation, each public health center carry out, but in the case of the execution not yet optimal, especially in planning/P2l
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2007
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Triseu Setianingsih
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor-faktor yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu dalam proses pertumbuhan dan perkembangan bayi (Usia 0-12 bulan) di Wilayah Cikarang Barat Kabupaten Bekasi Tahun 2009. Jenis rancangan penelitian Cross Sectional. Sampel penelitian adalah sebagian ibu yang memiliki balita usia 13-24 bulan sebanyak 250 ibu. Analisis data meliputi analisis univariat, bivariat dan multivariat. Hasil analisis multivariat menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 5 variabel yang berhubungan dengan perilaku ibu yaitu variabel umur, pekerjaan, sikap, dukungan petugas dan akses terhadap pelayanan kesehatan. Variabel yang paling dominan adalah variabel pekerjaan dengan p=0,000 dan OR = 11,537. Disarankan kepada masyarakat khususnya ibu yang tidak bekerja untuk meningkatkan kemampuan dalam memberikan rangsangan terhadap bayi apalagi kuantitas ibu dirumah lebih banyak dibanding ibu yang bekerja, karena frekuensi ibu di rumah ternyata tidak menjamin kualitas perilaku ibu dalam mendukung pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anaknya. ......This thesis have propose to identified some factors that related with mother behavior on toddler's growth and development (age 0-12 months) at West Cikarang, Bekasi Regency in 2009. This research used Cross Sectional studies. The sample is 250 mothers who have toddler at age about 13-24 months. Data analysis encompassed univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. Multivariate analysis show that there is existing 5 variable which related with mother behavior as following age, occupation, attitude, support from related functionary and medical services access. Dominant variable is occupation variable with p=0,000 and OR= 11,537. It's recommended to the community, especially for mother without work, to increase their ability to give stimulus to their toddler. Even though they have more times rather than mother work but not guarantee that they have good behavior quality to support their toddler's growth and development.
Depok: Fakultas Kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Nur Widodo
Abstrak :
Pneumonia adalah radang paru-para dengan diagnosa nafas ccpat dan sesak serta adanya tarikan dinding dada bagian bawah ke daiam. Pneumonia disebabkan oleh milcroorganisme patogen (bakteri, virus, mikoplasma), aspirasi bahan atau produk berbahaya Pneumonia dipengaruhi antara lain faktor linglcungan tisik rumah dan karalcteristik anak. Pneumonia masih menjadi masalah di Indonesia khususnya di Kota Tasikmalaya. Diperkirakan proporsi penyakit pneumonia penyebab keniatian pada bayi sebesar l6,4%, sedangkan proporsi penyakit pneumonia pada balita sebesar 25%. Tujuan penelitian ini adaiah untuk mengetahui hubungan kcjadian pneumonia pada balita dengan faktor lingkungan Esik kamar tidur dan karakteristik anak. ' Desain penelitian case control dengan pendekatan retrospektifl Sampel sebanyak 300 responden terdiri dari 150 orang kasus dan _150 orang kontrol. Hasil analisis data diperoleh hasil yaitu dari sepuluh variabel diteliti, yang mempunyai hubungan bermakna dengan kejadian pneumonia yaitu hanya delapan variabel terdizi dari jenis kelamin (p=0,00l;OR=2,3), status imunisasi (p=0,009;OR=1,9l), status gizi (p=0,013; OR=5,04), pembeiian ASI(p=0,028;OR=0,58), ventilasi (p=0,003;OR=0,48), pencahayaan (p=0,022,0R=0,55), kepadatan hunian (p=o,oo9;oR=o,s) dan asap obat nyamuk bakar (p=0,003; OR=2,l ). - Dari hasil uji multivariat tanpa interaksi, faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kejadian penyalcit pneumonia pada anak balita adalah status gizi dengan nilai B 1,799 dan OR = 6,041 (CI 95%=l,607-22,713). Scdangkan hasil uji multivariat dengan intemksi diperoleh' hasil bahwa faktor dominan yang mempengaruhi kejadian pneumonia anak balita adalah interaksi antara asap obat nyamuk dengan status gizi dengan nilai B 1,040 dan OR-2,828 (CI 95%=1,66?7-4,7988). Pada perhitungan probabiiitas didapatkan hasii bahwa balita yang menderita pneumonia memiliki probabililas adds 15,6 kali punya riwayat status imunisasi tidak Iengkap (DPT dan Campak), status gizi kurang dan ada asap obat nyamuk bakar di dalam kamar tidur dibanding balita yang tidak menderita pneumonia Dari hasil penelitian ini disarankan agar anak balita diimunisasi Iengkap (DPT dan Carnpak), diberi asupan makanan dengan gizi seimbang, dan tidak menggunakan obat anti nyamuk bakar di dalam kamar tidur, serta perlu disosialisasikan faktor-faktor' yang berhubungan dengan kcjadian pneumonia pada balita.
Pneumonia is implementation of lengs with fast breath and short - winded diagnosis and existence of chest wall with drawal at down part move inside. Pneumonia is caused of pathogen microorganism (bacterium, virus, rnicoplasma), materials aspiration or dangerous product Pneumonia is aifected by the factors of house physical environment and children characteristics. Pneumonia still become serious problem in Indonesia especially at T asikmalaya City. It was predicted that proportion of pneumonia disease caused to the death of baby is l6,4%, while proportion of pneumonia desease of chlidren imder Eve is 25%. The objective of this research was to lcnow the relation between pneumonia case of children under tive years with physical environment factor of badroom and child characteristic. The research design was case control design and retrospective approach. The samples were 300 respondents consist of 150 and 150 controls. The result of data analysis was got : fiom ten variables studied, the variables that have significant relation ave 8 varables consisted of sex (p=0,00l,OR=2,3), immunization status (p=0,009, OR=l,9l), nutrition status (p=0,0l3,0R=5,04), giving ASI (p=0,027,0R=0,58), ventilation (p=0,022,0R=0,48), lighting (p=0,22,0R=0,55), bed room density (p=0,009,0R=0,5), smoke of medicine for fighting mosquito (p=0,003,0R=2,l). From multivariate test result without interaction was indicated that dominant factors which affected on pneumonia disease occurrence of children under live years old were nutrition status by B-value = l,799 and OR-value == 6,041 CI 95% = 1,607-22,7l3, whereas multivariate test by interaction was obtained a result that dominant factors which affected on pneumonia occurrence of children gander five years old were interaction between smoke of medicine for fighting mosquito and nutrition status by B- value = 1,040 and OR~value = 2,828 Cl 95% = 1,667-4,7988. At probability calculation, it was got the result that children under tive years old who suliered from pneumonia had odd probability 15,6 times of having incomplete immunization status (DPT and Measles), less nutrition statins and there were smoke of bumed mosquito repellent in the bed room compared to chlidren under tive years who suffered from pneumonia. From the result ol' research, it was suggested that children under five years old should be immunized completely (DPT and Measles immunization) it must be given thc lbod suply with ballanced nutrient and don't use burned mosquito repellent in bad room and it need to be sosialized the factors which have relation with pneumonia cases of children under five years old.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library