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Elsye As Safira
Abstrak :
Pendahuluan: Upaya pencegahan sakit akibat kerja karena pajanan bahan kimia dapat dilakukan melalui program kesehatan kerja yang berbasis risiko. Kajian risiko penting bagi Proyek Konstruksi LNG. Pekerjaan yang bersifat jangka pendek, jumlah tenaga keria yang besar, Iokasi proyek di daerah terpencil dan dengan jenis pekerjaan yang sangat bervariasi serta dikerjakan secara simultan (SIMOPS) dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam risiko kesehatan kerja melalui pajanan berbagai macam bahaya kesehatan termasuk bahan-bahan kimia. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat dekriptif dengan meiakukan evaluasi penggunaan pendekatan He-althMap dalam mengkaji risiko bahan kimia pada Proyek Konstruksi LNG di Perusahaan X yang dilakukan pada tahun 2007. Evaluasi dilakukan dengan cara membandingkan hasil kajian risiko yang diperoleh melalui pendekatan Hea!thMap dengan hasil kajian risiko yang diperoleh melalui Studi Iiteratur. Hasil telitian: ldentifikasi Hazard. Beberapa hazard bahan kimia tidak teridentifikasi seperti benlium, karbon monoksida, debu, gas, isocyanates. Tidak teridentirikasinya hazard tersebut karena kurangnya kompetensi pelaksana dan tidak tersedianya alat bantu. Kaiian Pa'|anan. Faktor ketidakpastian cukup besar karena tidak tersedianya data pajanan, kesulitan menentukan besar relatif populasi terpajan dan terbatasnya informasi untuk mengestimasi tingkat pajanan. Kaian dan Prioritisasi Risiko. Tingkat risiko Iebih ditentukan dari aspek konsekuensi atau dampak kesehatan. Pnoritisasi diiakukan untuk menyesuaikan dengan kemampuan proyek dalam melakukan tindak-Ianjut. Kesimpulanz ldentifikasi Hazard. (1) Pemberian alat bantu berupa daftar periksa dapat membantu proses identiiikasi hazard. (2) Kompetensi pelaksana identifikasi hazard mempengaruhi hasil identihkasl. (3) Proses prioritisasi pada tahap identitikasi hazard mengakibatkan tidak terkajinya beberapa hazard bahan kimia pada tahapan selanjutnya. Ka`|ian Pa'|anan. (1) Penentuan tingkat pajanan yang berdasarkan nilai ambang batas sulit untuk dipahami oleh karyawan yang non-specialist. (2) Kajian pajanan dilakukan dengan hanya mempertimbangkan besar relatif populasi berisiko. (3) Terdapat tingkat ketidakpastian yang tinggi dalam menentukan besar pajanan tanpa data pengukuran lingkungan kerja. Kaiian dan Prioritisasi Risiko. (1) Penentuan tingkat risiko berdasarkan tingkat hazard atau pajanan yang lebih tinggi sudah tepat. (2) Diperlukan kekuatan analisa assessor dalam menentukan tingkat risiko. (3) Hasil Healthlvlap belum bisa dijadikan basis yang kuat dalam pengembangan manajemen dan program kesehatan kerja. (3) HealthMap sebagai screening awal dalam kajian risiko dapat membantu perusahaan agar dapat Iebih etisien dan efektif dalam melakukan manajemen risiko.
Introduction: Occupational illnesses due to exposure to chemicals can be prevented through risk»based occupational health programs. Therefore, risk assessments are important during the construction phase of the LNG project. A variety of occupational health risks, including exposure to chemicals, can be the result of: ~ Short-term work activities, » Large numbers ofworkers, » Remote area locations, ` ~ Various types of work performed simultaneously (SIMOPS). Method: This research, conducted in 2007, is descriptive in nature and was carried out by evaluating the implementation of the ?HealthMap" approach in assessing chemical risks during the construction phase of the LNG project at Company X. This evaluation was conducted by comparing the results of the health risk assessment from the HealthMap approach and literature. Research results: Hazard Identitication: Several chemical hazards were not identitied, such as beryllium, carbon monoxide, dust, gas, and isocyanates due to a lack of competent skills of the personnel involved and unavailability of hazard identification tools. Exposure Assessment: There was a great deal of uncertainty due to an unavailability of data regarding exposure, dificulties in estimating the populations at risk and limited information available to estimate the exposure levels in the workplace. _Risk Assessments and Prioritizations: Risk levels were determined by focusing more on the consequences rather than the effects of the hazards themselves. Prioritizations were determined to ensure that the project is capable of implementing the risk control programs. Conclusions: Hazard Identification: (1) A checklist as a tool to identify hazards is necessary to optimize this process. (2) The competencies of personnel who cany out the hazard identitications are critical in ensuring that the results are accurate. (3) Prioritization processes during the hazard identification may result in the overlook of chemical hazard review in the next stage. Exposure Assessment: (1) Determining the exposure levels based on threshold limit value is difticult for non-specialist personnel to understand. (2) Exposure assessments are conducted by merely considering the relative numbers of people at risk. (3) There is still a great deal of uncertainty about how to determine the exposure levels without any access to workplace environmental monitoring data. Risk Assessments and Prioritizations; (1) Detennining risk levels based on more stringent level between the effects of hazards and exposure would be more suitable. (2) Personnel with more highly developed analytical skills are required to determine the risk levels. (3) The HealthMap results are not adequate as a basis for developing occupational health management and programs. (3) Using Healthlvlap as a preliminary screening to assess health risks can assist the company in becoming more efhcient and effective in managing risks.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Achda Ferdians
Abstrak :
Perilaku tidak sehat dapat meningkatkan risiko timbulnya berbagai problem kesehatan termasuk penyakit jantung koroner. Melalui review MCU karyawan shift di Proyek Tangguh didapat 16% merokok, 78% memiliki BMI (Body Mass Index) diatas normal dan 49% memiliki kolesterol darah diatas normal. Lokasi kerja yang terpencil dan terisolasi, meningkatkan potensi perilaku tidak sehat sekaligus meningkatkan resiko dalam penanganan kasus penyakit jantung. Agar diketahui proporsi dan nilai tertinggi tahap kesiapan ( stage of change ), termasuk gambaran tahap belum mau merubah perilaku merokok dan intake makan berkolesterol karyawan shift di Proyek Tangguh dilakukanlah penelilian ini. Sebanyak 81 karyawan shift diminta mengisi kuesioner untuk mengetahui tahap kesiapan mereka merubah perilaku merokok dan intake makan berkolesterol. Dari hasil kuesioner merokok didapat 42% responden perokok, dimana 20 berada di tahap precontemplation, 26% ditahap contemplation, 3% ditahap preparation, 3% ditahap action dan 35% ditahap maintenance. Dari hasil kuesioner intake makan berkolesterol diketahui 4% ditahap precontemplation, 43% ditahap contemplation, 6% ditahap preparation. 31% ditahap action dan 15% ditahap maintenance. Hasil penelitian memperlihatkan, baik untuk perilaku merokok dan intake makan berkolesterol, sebagian besar karyawan belum mau merubah perilaku tidak sehatnya. Proporsi merokok tidak sesuai dengan proporsi Prochaska sedang proporsi intake makan berkolesterol relatif sesuai. Hasil tertinggi pada perilaku merokok ada di tahap maintenance, sedang hasil tertinggi pada perilaku intake maka berkolesterol di tahap contemplation. Sebagai kelanjutan penelitian ini disarankan untuk dilakukan program intervensi dengan menggunakan matrix stage of change dan process of chaneg.
The unhealthy behavior would increase the risk of various health problems. including coronary heart disease. The review of shift employee health examinations at Tanggult project shown that 16 % is smoker. 78% is overweight. 49% is hypercholesterol. The remoteness and isolated of the work location, tend to increase tlte unhealthy behavior then increasing the risk in managing heart diseases. This research is aimed to get the picture ofthe proportion and highest score of the stage of change, as well as a picture of the stage of where there is no intention to change smoking and cholesterol consumption behavior of shift employee at Tangguh project. To get a picture of readiness to change of shift employee?s smoking and cholesterol consumption behavior 81 shift employees have tiled the qucstionarre. Result from smoking questionarre shown that. 42% is smoker divided by 20% is precontemplation. 26% is contemplation. 3% is preparation. 3% is action and 35% is maintenance. Result from cholesterol consumtion questionarre shown that 4% is precontemplation, 43% is contemplation, 6% is preparation, 31% is action and 15% is maintenance. Result of this research has shown that for both smoking behavior and cholesterol consumption behavior, most of the shift employees have not intended to change their unhealthy behavior. Proportion of the stages of smoking has not met with Prochaska conclution while the cholesterol consumption showing it met. The highest stage of smoking is maintenance while the cholesterol consumption is contemplation. As a follow up. it is recommended to conduct health promotion intervention program using stage and process of change matrix.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2008
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library