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Eddy Harianto
Abstrak :
Penyakit kardiovaskular menempati urutan ke-4 atau 15% dari penyebab kematian yang berhubungan dengan pekerjaan. Hipertensi yang meru- pakan salah satu penyakit pembuluh darah, dikenal sebagai silent killer karena sering tidak menimbulkan gejala. Sebagian besar penderita hipertensi di Indonesia tidak terdeteksi, sementara mereka yang terdeteksi umumnya tidak menyadari kondisi penyakitnya dan hanya sebagian kecil yang berobat secara teratur. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui prevalensi hipertensi pada pekerja pelabuhan di wilayah kerja Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Kelas II Tarakan serta faktor-faktor risiko yang berpengaruh. Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah potong lintang; sub- jek diperoleh dari hasil survei penyakit tidak menular tahun 2011 oleh Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Tarakan. Subjek yang terkumpul adalah 361 peker- ja. Nilai pengukuran tekanan darah menggunakan nilai baku dari JNC VII tahun 2003. Prevalensi hipertensi ditemukan lebih rendah daripada angka nasional dan provinsi, yaitu 21,88%. Pajanan kebisingan dikaitkan dengan usia, riwayat keluarga hipertensi, stres, indeks massa tubuh dan berhu- bungan dengan hipertensi.

Cardiovascular disease range ranks fourth or 15 % of the causes of death related to job. Hipertension is one of cardiovascular disease thet is known as silent killer because of lack of simptom. Most of hypertension patients in Indonesia are not detected, while they are whose detected do not conscious their disease condition and only little who get the treatment regularly. The objective of this study was to know the prevalence and risk factors of hypertension among harbor worker at Port Health Office Class II of Tarakan with it?s associated risk factors. The study design used was cross- sectional. The study used secondary data source of noncommunicable di- sease survey, 2011 at Port Health Office of Tarakan. The subjects were 361 workers. Value of blood pressure measurement using the raw value of the Pajanan Kebisingan dan Hipertensi di Kalangan Pekerja Pelabuhan Noise Exposure and Hypertension among Harbor Worker Eddy Harianto* Hadi Pratomo** JNC VII IN 2003. The prevalence of hypertension were found lower than na- tional and province indicator score, 21,88%. Noise exposure is associated with hypertension together with age, family hypertension history, stress, body mass index.
Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan Tarakan Kalimantan Utara, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maryam Said
Abstrak :
Riwayat pemberian Air Susu Ibu (ASI), karakteristik ibu dan anak serta po- la asuh berpengaruh terhadap kecerdasan anak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui proporsi tingkat kecerdasan anak, riwayat pemberian ASI, karakteristik ibu dan anak, serta faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan tingkat kecerdasan anak pada siswa SDSN Pekayon Jaya VI Kota Bekasi. Penelitian kuantitatif dengan desain potong lintang dengan metode systematic random sampling dengan jumlah sampel sebesar 166 respon- den (siswa/i yang berumur 7 _ 9 tahun) beserta ibunya. Penelitian ini dilak- sanakan pada bulan Mei 2013. Pada siswa dilakukan tes kecerdasan menggunakan tes Raven sedangkan ibunya mengisi kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat kecerdasan rendah 6%, rata-rata 36,7%, dan tinggi 57,2%. Variabel yang berhubungan dengan kecerdasan adalah durasi pemberian ASI dan pendidikan ibu. Pendidikan ibu adalah faktor dominan terhadap kecerdasan, bahwa ibu yang berpendidikan tinggi berpeluang mempunyai anak dengan kecerdasan tinggi yaitu 3,556 kali lebih besar dibandingkan ibu berpendidikan rendah setelah dikontrol vari- abel durasi ASI. Untuk Dinas Pendidikan Kota Bekasi agar menyeleng- garakan berbagai aktivitas seperti seminar/pelatihan/konseling bagi orang tua murid tentang pentingnya peran orangtua terhadap tumbuh kembang anak.

Breastfeeding history, mother and children characteristics, and child care are considered influential on child intellegence. This study aimed to deter- mine the proportion of exclusive breastfeeding, the level of childrens intel- legence, mother and children characteristics, the relationship between du- ration of breastfeeding with the level of students intellegence. This research used a cross-sectional design and through systematic random sampling with a sample size of 166 respondents (students aged 7 _ 9 years old) and their mothers. The intellegence was tested using the Raven test while their Pendidikan Ibu dan Durasi Pemberian Air Susu Ibu dalam Peningkatan Kecerdasan Siswa Usia Sekolah Dasar Mother Education and Breastfeeding Duration in Increasing Elementary School Students Intelligence Maryam Said* Hadi Pratomo** mothers were interviewed. The results showed that the level of childrens in- tellegence was high (57.2%), average (36.7%), and low (6%). Those vari- ables which related to the intellegence level were duration of breastfeeding and the level of mothers education. The mothers education level is one of the factors which has higher effect, againts the childrens intellegence. Those mothers who have high level education will have probability 3,556 to have their children with high level intellegence (after controlling the duration breastfeeding). Suggestion; The Department of Education Bekasi city to or- ganize activities relevant to the improving of parents in growth and deve- lopment of their children through seminars/training/counseling.
Dinas Kesehatan Kota Bekasi, 2013
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Rina Artining Anggorodi
Abstrak :
"In 2002, about 71.8% of community at district bogor consumed iodized salt at adequate category. This figure is far beyond target of universal salt iodization (USI), i.e. >90% of households consume high concentrate iodized salt. If salt consumed fulfills requirement it will minimize problem of swollen goitre glands in community. The study used qualitative method. Data were obtained theough indepth interview, focus group discussion, and iodized salt to test. There were 39 informers that consist of mothers either having an occupation or not who lived or did not live with their parents, providers, cadres, family welfare and empowerement, seller of daily living necessities in market or stalls at subsdistrict of leuwiliang. In general there was a difference between informers living with their parents and those living separately, either in those who worked or did not work. Informers living with their parents tended to choose salt in bricket because they like it. Meanwhile informers living away from parents chose iodized salt without influence of their parents. All informers said that message was communicative and clearly delivered. There was no difference in behavioral changes based on age and occupation. There were informers with elementary or junior high school educaiton found it diificult to change their behavior. Whereas informers with senior high school or diploma 3 education soon changed their behavior by consuming iodized salt after watching campaign. Availability of salt and purchasing power of community were relatively good. There was no special socialization about iodized salt conducted by providers.informers living with their parents tended to choose salt in bricket because their parents like it; on the other hand, informers living away form their parents prefered iodized salt withour influence of their parents. Message in short campaign was memorable so that informers still remember it. Behavioral changes of informers in using iodized salt were not affected by age and occupation but by education. Availability of iodized salt and purchasing power of community were relatively good. "
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu kesehatan Masyarakat Universitas Indonesia, [2010;2010;2010, 2010]
KESMA 5:1 (2010)
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ukik Kusuma Kurniawan
Abstrak :
Keberhasilan program KB mengendalikan tingkat kelahiran di Indonesia selama lebih dari tiga dekade tidak terlepas dari peran petugas Penyuluh Keluarga Berencana (PKB). Di Rwanda, keaktifan penyuluhan oleh PKB dapat meningkatkan prevalensi kesertaan akseptor hingga 29%. Sejak tahun 2004, pascakebijakan desentralisasi di Indonesia, jumlah PKB menurun drastis hingga menyisakan dua pertiga dari jumlah awal sekitar 3.500 petugas. Dampak perubahan tersebut tercermin pada angka fertilitas total (TFR) Indonesia berdasarkan data SDKI 2007 yang bertahan sama dengan data SDKI 2002-2003 (2,6 anak per wanita). Hal tersebut dikhawatirkan dapat semakin meningkat apabila kinerja program KB termasuk kinerja petugas PKB tidak mendapat perhatian. Peningkatan TFR mengancam ledakan penduduk yang dapat menghabiskan sumber daya alam yang terbatas dengan segala konsekuensi negatif. Hal tersebut juga dapat memperberat sasaran BKKBN mencapai pertumbuhan penduduk yang seimbang pada tahun 2015. Direkomendasikan untuk menciptakan iklim kerja yang kondusif dalam lingkungan strategis yang terus berubah sejak kebijakan desentralisasi program KB, antara lain melalui sistem reward dan model pelaporan berbasis teknologi informasi.
Jakarta: Direktorat Pemaduan Kebijakan Program, Kantor BKKBN Pusat, 2010
Artikel Jurnal  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jakarta: UI-Press, 2012
302 BUK
Buku Teks  Universitas Indonesia Library