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Abstrak :
Kajian dalam tesis ini bermaksud mengevaluasi sejauh mana pelestarian bahan-bahan pustaka deposit di Perpusda-DIY telah dikerjakan dengan mengikuti pedoman yang diberikan oleh Perpusnas-RI, baik dalam hal pelaksanaan teknisnya maupun dalam hal perencanaan dan manajemennya. Kajian dilakukan dengan mengamati di tempat dengan menggunakan Survey Form Cunha yang telah dimodifikasi, dan petunjuk Suchman dalam soal evaluasi proses manajemen.

Kajian menyimpulkan bahwa dalam hal teknis pelestarian bahan-bahan pustaka Perpusda-DIY telah banyak melakukan usaha pelestarian dengan benar, sekalipun -- karena beberapa faktor -- hasilnya belum dapat dinilai optimal menurut tolok baku yang telah diberlakukan oleh Perpusnas. Faktor kendala itu tidak hanya bersifat teknis, akan tetapi juga bermula dari persoalan manajemen, khususnya belum terwujudnya value formation yang meyakini tugas pelestarian bahan-bahan pustaka sebagai tugas pelestarian informasi. Belum terwujudnya value formation juga menyebabkan tidak tertegaskannya tujuan akhir (goal) kegiatan pelestarian, dan pada gilirannya juga menyebabkan tiadanya perencanaan program-program pelestarian yang komprehensif.
The study reported here is to evaluate the performance of Perpusda-DIY in the efforts to preserve its material collections. in a accordance with the guidelines consigned by Perpusnas. The evaluation is dealing with the technical as well as the managerial aspects of the preservation. The study has been carried out by making thorough observations on the spot, using Cunha's Survey Forms and also Suchman's suggested Evaluation Scheme at the analysis.

The study conclude that -- judged from the technical point of view - Perpusda-DIY has accomplished a large part of its preservation efforts in proper manners. although due to some circumstantial factors the result has failed to reach the optimum level. to meet the standard of preservation performance commended by the Perpusnas. The constraining factor have been identified not solely technical in character, but also managerial at the very onset. No value formation on the real purpose of preservation -- i.e. to preserve valuable information and not merely to preserve materials -- could be observed up to the present time among the personnels of the Perpusda. Consequently, no definite goal has been clearly set, and no comprehensive preservation programs has been planned, so as to make all the preservation efforts look more purposeful and meaningful.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ana Suraya AE
Abstrak :
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah (1) mendapatkan gambaran menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan pelestarian surat kabar Indonesia, hambatan dalam pelaksanaan, kondisi fisik surat kabar koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional RI, serta perkembangan surat kabar Indonesia tahun 1996-2005 (2) memberikan data tentang anggaran, sumberdaya manusia, metoda pelestarian, serta komitmen Perpustakaan Nasional RI dalam pelestarian surat kabar Indonesia (3) mengidentifikasi beban Perpustakaan Nasional RI dalam pelestarian surat kabar Indonesia selama 10 tahun (1996-2005) (4) mendapatkan alternatif pemikiran tentang upaya pelestarian surat kabar sesuai dengan kondisi peramalan selama 10 tahun mendatang.

Tidak semua tujuan penelitian dicapai melalui pembuktian hipotesis akan tetapi tetap dijawab sebagai permasalahan penelitian. Hipotesis digunakan untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian nomor tiga, yaitu: (1) Ada pengaruh yang maknawi antara perubahan tahun dengan perubahan jurnlah judul surat kabar harian; (2) Ada pengaruh yang maknawi antara perubahan tahun dengan perubahan jumlah judul surat kabar mingguan; (3) Ada pengaruh yang maknawi antara perubahan tahun dengan perubahan jumlah halaman surat kabar harian; (4) Ada pengaruh yang maknawi antara perubahan tahun dengan perubahan jumlah halaman surat kabar mingguan.

Jenis penelitian adalah penelitian deskriptif. Populasi penelitian terdiri dari dua kelompok, pertama adalah surat kabar Indonesia tahun 1982-1994; dan yang kedua adalah pembuat kebijakan di kalangan Perpustakaan Nasional RI. Sampel untuk pembuat kebijakan diambil secara total sampling, yaitu 26 Perpustakaan Daerah dan 1 Perpustakaan Nasional RI di Jakarta sedangkan sampel untuk surat kabar diambil secara acak sederhana. Data tentang pelaksanaan pelestarian, hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pelestarian, dan kondisi koleksi surat kabar Indonesia diperoleh melalui kuesioner serta wawancara sebagai alat pengumpul data pelengkap. Data surat kabar diperoleh dari dokumentasi. Analisis data dilakukan dengan teknik analisis deskriptif analitik serta dengan analisis kuantitatif dengan uji statistik regresi liner sederhana.. Perhitungan menggunakan perangkat lunak Microstat.

Hasil penelitian adalah:(1) pelaksanaan pelestarian surat kabar Indonesia oleh Perpustakaan Nasional RI belum memperhatikan kebutuhan kondisi fisik dan kondisi lingkungan penyimpanan, (2) terdapat hambatan dalam pelaksanaan pelestarian seperti belum adanya kebijakan tertulis tentang pelestarian surat kabar Indonesia, rendahnya pengetahuan tentang pelestarian, rendahnya anggaran, rendahnya sumberdaya manusia baik secara kualitas maupun kuantitas, dan sulitnya mendapatkan peralatan dan bahan yang sesuai standar, (3) surat kabar koleksi Perpustakaan Nasional RI mengalami penurunan kondisi fisik berupa pemudaran warna kertas maupun kerapuhan, (4) Perpustakaan Nasional RI melestarikan bentuk fisik maupun isi intelektual surat kabar terbitan Indonesia, mekanisme pelaksanaannya diatur Undang-undang No.4 tahun 1990, (5) anggaran dan sumberdaya manusia Perpustakaan Nasional RI belum sesuai dengan beban yang harus dipikul (6) pertumbuhan persuratkabaran Indonesia mengalami peningkatan relatif pesat untuk skala nasional tetapi bila dilihat per daerah ditemui beberapa daerah tidak mengalami peningkatan, bahkan ada yang mengalami penurunan, (7) berdasarkan ramalan pertumbuhan surat kabar Indonesia selama kurun waktu 10 tahun didapatkan gambaran beban Perpustakaan Nasional RI untuk pelestarian surat kabar Indonesia tahun 1996-2005 yang dideskripsikan dalam bentuk jumlah eksemplar fisik asli, jumlah media penyimpan informasi (mikrofilm), perlengkapan penyimpanan berupa rak dan kotak, beban ruangan penyimpanan; beban juga dinyatakan dalam bentuk rupiah, 8) dengan pertimbangan rendahnya sumber daya dan saran pelestarian di Perpustakaan Nasional RI, perlu dilakukan pembatasan jumlah eksemplar yang disimpan dan pembagian tugas dalam pelaksanaan penyimpanan dan alih media.
The research has four purposes, namely: (I) to draw the feature of conservation of Indonesian newspapers performed by the National Library of Indonesia, constraint under with the conservation is carried out, physical condition of the newspaper collection owned by the National Library of Indonesia, and the trend of Indonesian newspapers development during 1996-2005, (2) to get data about the budget set for, human resources available for, and method applied in the conservation performed by the National Library of Indonesia and the commitment of the institution regarding the matters, (3) to identify the load put on the shoulder of the National Library of Indonesia for a ten-year period (1996-2005) concerning the conservation of Indonesian newspapers, (4) to suggest alternative conception of conservation to meet the forecast made for the next ten years.

Three of the above purposes are answered as problems of the research. Following hypothesis are proposed to obtain the third purpose: (1) changing of year has considerable influence to the number of titles of existing daily newspaper, (2) changing of year has considerable influence to the number of titles of existing weekly newspaper, (3) changing of year has considerable influence to the number of pages of existing daily newspaper, (4) changing of year has considerable influence to the number of pages of existing weekly newspaper.

The research is descriptive one. The population consists of two groups, namely: Indonesian newspaper published in 1982-1994 and the decision makers of the National Library of Indonesia. Simple random method for sampling is applied for the first group, while total sampling is applied to the second group of population. Data about the conservation, it?s performing and constrain as well as the condition of the Indonesian newspaper collection is gathered by means of questionnaire. Interviews are held to obtain additional data needed. Data about Indonesian newspaper is taken from documentation. Analysis method used here are analytical descriptive and quantitative methods with simple linear regression statistic test. Computer software is used in computation in Microstat.

The results of the research are as follow: (1) in carrying out the conservation of Indonesian newspaper, the National Library of Indonesia has not give proper attention concerning the physical and environmental aspects of storage, (2) conservation is performed under the following constraints, lacking of knowledge about conservation, lacking of budget, quantitative as well as qualitative lacking of human resources, difficulties in obtaining conservation material and equipment which meet the standard qualification, (3) there is physical degradation of the Indonesian newspaper of the National Library of Indonesia collection, concerning both color and the fragility of the paper, (4) the National Library of Indonesia is to conservate both physical form and intellectual content of the newspaper. The mechanism is arranged is the W No.4 1990, (5) budget provided and human resources available do not meet the conservation load put on to the National Library of Indonesia, (6) Indonesian newspaper undergoes rapid growth as far as national scale is concern; however, the fact for regional scale appears different since several provinces show no increase at all and even a decrease, (7) based on development forecast of Indonesian newspaper for ten-year period, the views of conservation load beared by the National Library of Indonesia during 1996-2005 can be drawn, describe in the forms of: number of exemplars of the originals, number of the information storage media (microfilm), storage equipment such as boxes and shelves, and the load of the storage areas; the load is described in the forms of rupiahs, (8) considering the lack of human resources and conservation utilities available at the National Library of Indonesia, it is of great urgency to limit the number of exemplars deposited and to allocate the depositing and the medium-transferring tasks.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library