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Fadhli Kusuma Warjana
Abstrak :
Perkembangan industri dapat memberikan permasalahan terhadap lingkungan, yakni permasalahan limbah hasil buangan produksi. 4-Nitrofenol (4- NP) adalah salah satu contoh limbah industri, oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penanganan terhadap limbah 4-NP. Salah satu cara dalam menangani limbah 4-NP ialah dengan mengubah 4-NP menjadi 4-Aminofenol (4-AP) melalui proses reduksi. Pada penelitian ini, digunakan zeolit alam Indonesia yang dimodifikasi dengan polianilin (PANI) sehingga membentuk zeolit@PANI sebagai agen pereduksi 4-NP. Sintesis zeolit@PANI dilakukan melalui penambahan monomer anilin ke dalam zeolit, selanjutnya ditambahkan APS (Ammonium Peroksodisulfat) sebagai inisiator dalam polimerisasi. Perbandingan konsentrasi APS/Anilin yang digunakan sebesar 1,25 dengan konsentrasi anilin yang digunakan 0,08 M dan konsentrasi APS 0,1 M. Hasil uji FTIR dan spektrofotometer UV-Vis mengindikasikan bahwa PANI yang diperoleh merupakan bentuk Emeraldine Salt (ES), dan dengan FTIR memperlihatkan adanya interaksi antara PANI dengan zeolit. Hasil pengukuran dengan spektrofotometer UV-Vis menunjukkan bahwa zeolit@PANI 0,08 M sebanyak 0,7 g mampu mereduksi 4-NP sebesar 93,81 %. Konsentrasi optimum 4-NP yang dapat direduksi adalah 8,6 x 10-5 M pada suhu optimum 29 oC dengan persen reduksi yang diperoleh selama 30 menit pengadukan sebesar 87,23 %. Tetapan laju reduksi orde satu untuk 4-NP diperoleh sebesar 0,02367 menit-1. ......Increasing industrial activities make a problem for the environment, especially the chemical waste. 4-Nitrophenol (4-NP) is one of the chemical waste that can pollute the water, therefore it needed to handle this waste. In this research zeolit@PANI is used as a reductor for 4-NP. Zeolite is modified by polyaniline (PANI) with the concentration ratio of APS/Aniline 1,25. Zeolite@PANI synthesis was performed by adding aniline monomer into zeolite, after that APS is added as oxidator. The result of FTIR and UV-Vis characterization, indicating that PANI which was formed as Emeraldine Salt (ES), and FTIR showed the existence of interaction between PANI and zeolite. The result of reduction 4-NP with zeolit@PANI characterized by Uv-Vis, and it showed that 4-NP can be reduced with zeolit@PANI 0,08 M 0,1 g. Mass optimum zeolit@PANI was used 0,7 g,because it can reduce 4-NP up to 93,81 %. The optimum consentration of 4- NP is 8,6 x 10-5 M with the temperature reduction of 29 oC. Reduction of first- order rate constant obtained for 30 minutes is 0,02367 minute-1.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2013
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Reza Mulyawan
Abstrak :
Limbah yang mengandung logam berat timbal (Pb) sangat berbahaya bagi lingkungan. Selama ini beberapa proses pengolahan telah diperkenalkan untuk mengolah limbah, dari proses pengendapan, hingga menggunakan resin penukar ion. Daun ketapang telah di gunakan sebagai media pengolahan air yang digunakan untuk akuarium. Para peneliti telah menunjukkan daun ketapang berpotensi sebagai pengolah air limbah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui potensi biosorpsi daun ketapang pada limbah yang tercemar logam berbahaya, dengan mempelajari karakteristik biosorpsi, kesetimbangan, kinetika dan termodinamika. Kondisi optimum seperti pH, dosis daun ketapang, waktu kontak dan suhu akan di amati pada penelitian ini. Hasil Penelitian Biomassa daun ketapang berpotensi sebagai biosorben, dengan perlakuan asam atau basa, daun ketapang ini masih memberikan % adsorpsi yang kompetitif dengan daun ketapang yang diperlakukan asam. Penyerapan sangat dipengaruhi oleh pH , konsentrasi ion Pb, massa adsorben, waktu kontak dan suhu, yang berurutan nilai maksimum nya adalah pH 3, konsentrasi ion Pb 5 mg/L, massa adsorben 0,5 gram, waktu kontak 4 jam, dan suhu 40 oC. Laju reaksi berjalan pada orde satu dan memenuhi kaidah isotermal Freundlich serta Langmuir. Daun ketapang dengan perlakuan diasamkan memiliki keunggulan dibandingkan daengan daun ketapang murni dan daun ketapang dibasakan.
Waste containing of lead (Pb) is very dangerous for environment. However, waste treatment process has been introduced to minimize the waste, either by precipitation process or ionic exchange resin. In addition, researchers have shown that ketapang leaves (Terminalia Catappa) can be potentially used in waste water treatment. It has been used as water treatment media for fresh water aquarium. Moreover, this research is aimed to find out the potential of ketapang leaves biosorption for waste that has been polluted by dangerous metal, such as lead, by investigating the characteristics of biosorption, balance, kinetics and thermodynamics. Maximum conditions of pH, ketapang leaves dose, contact time, and temperature were also investigated in this research. The result shows that biomass of ketapang leaves is potential to be biosorbent, and with regard to acid or base reaction it still has potential to be biosorbent. Nevertheless, the absorbtion is really dependent to pH, Pb concentration, adsorbent mass, contact time, and temperature, in which the maximum limits are 3; 5 mg/L; 0.5 gram; 4 hours; 400C; respectively. Reaction rate, moreover, was running on first order and was fulfilled the principle of Freundlich as well as Langmuir. Ketapang leaves with acidified treatment has advantages over the pure ketapang leaves and leaf ketapang basified.;Waste containing of lead (Pb) is very dangerous for environment. However, waste treatment process has been introduced to minimize the waste, either by precipitation process or ionic exchange resin. In addition, researchers have shown that ketapang leaves (Terminalia Catappa) can be potentially used in waste water treatment. It has been used as water treatment media for fresh water aquarium. Moreover, this research is aimed to find out the potential of ketapang leaves biosorption for waste that has been polluted by dangerous metal, such as lead, by investigating the characteristics of biosorption, balance, kinetics and thermodynamics. Maximum conditions of pH, ketapang leaves dose, contact time, and temperature were also investigated in this research. The result shows that biomass of ketapang leaves is potential to be biosorbent, and with regard to acid or base reaction it still has potential to be biosorbent. Nevertheless, the absorbtion is really dependent to pH, Pb concentration, adsorbent mass, contact time, and temperature, in which the maximum limits are 3; 5 mg/L; 0.5 gram; 4 hours; 400C; respectively. Reaction rate, moreover, was running on first order and was fulfilled the principle of Freundlich as well as Langmuir. Ketapang leaves with acidified treatment has advantages over the pure ketapang leaves and leaf ketapang basified., Waste containing of lead (Pb) is very dangerous for environment. However, waste treatment process has been introduced to minimize the waste, either by precipitation process or ionic exchange resin. In addition, researchers have shown that ketapang leaves (Terminalia Catappa) can be potentially used in waste water treatment. It has been used as water treatment media for fresh water aquarium. Moreover, this research is aimed to find out the potential of ketapang leaves biosorption for waste that has been polluted by dangerous metal, such as lead, by investigating the characteristics of biosorption, balance, kinetics and thermodynamics. Maximum conditions of pH, ketapang leaves dose, contact time, and temperature were also investigated in this research. The result shows that biomass of ketapang leaves is potential to be biosorbent, and with regard to acid or base reaction it still has potential to be biosorbent. Nevertheless, the absorbtion is really dependent to pH, Pb concentration, adsorbent mass, contact time, and temperature, in which the maximum limits are 3; 5 mg/L; 0.5 gram; 4 hours; 400C; respectively. Reaction rate, moreover, was running on first order and was fulfilled the principle of Freundlich as well as Langmuir. Ketapang leaves with acidified treatment has advantages over the pure ketapang leaves and leaf ketapang basified.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Karina Permata Sari
Abstrak :
Pencemaran makanan oleh zat aditif seperti formalin dan melamin merupakan hal yang sudah tidak asing lagi di telinga kita. Pengembangan metode yang mudah, cepat, dan sensitif untuk mendeteksi formalin dan melamin sangat penting, salah satunya dengan nanopartikel Au (AuNP). Dalam sintesis AuNP seringkali digunakan bahan yang mencemari lingkungan. Pada penelitian ini berhasil dikembangkan green synthesis AuNP dengan ekstrak kulit manggis (EKM) (Garcinia Mangostana L.) yang berpotensi sebagai pendeteksi formalin dan melamin. Hasil partisi, kromatografi kolom, KLT, dan karakterisasi dengan spektrofotometer FTIR dan LC-MS menunjukkan bahwa senyawa aktif yang terkandung dalam EKM yang diusulkan adalah senyawa aktif turunan flavonoid. Pada kondisi optimum sintesis AuNP@EKM diperoleh λmaks 531 nm (22 nm). AuNP@EKM stabil selama 17 hari dengan λmaks 530-532 nm. Hasil karakterisasi spektrofotometer UV-Vis dan PSA menunjukkan AuNP@EKM berpotensi mendeteksi formalin dan melamin ditandai dengan pergeseran λmaks dan perubahan warna koloid AuNP@EKM akibat adanya interaksi hidrogen. ......Contamination of food additives such as formaldehyde and melamine is familiar in this recent cases. Developments of easy, rapid, and sensitive methode to detect formaldehyde and melamine are precisely very important and one of the methodes is detection with gold nanoparticles (AuNP). In synthesis of AuNP, often used materials that pollute the environment. This research has successfully developed green synthesis AuNP with mangosteen peel extract (MPE) (Garcinia Mangostana Contamination of food additives such as formaldehyde and melamine is familiar in this recent cases. Developments of easy, rapid, and sensitive methode to detect formaldehyde and melamine are precisely very important and one of the methodes is detection with gold nanoparticles (AuNP). In synthesis of AuNP, often used materials that pollute the environment. This research has successfully developed green synthesis AuNP with mangosteen peel extract (MPE) (Garcinia Mangostana L.) that had potentiality as detector for formaldehyde and melamine. The results of the partition, column chromatography, TLC, and characterization by FTIR spectrophotometer and LC-MS showed that the active compound contained in MPE is flavonoid derivative active compound. The optimum condition of AuNP@MPE synthesis was obtained at λmaks 531 nm (22 nm). AuNP@MPE stable for 17 days with λmaks 530-532 nm. The results of characterization of UV-Vis spectrophotometer and PSA showed that AuNP@MPE has potentiality to detect formaldehyde and melamine. It characterized by shifting of λmaks and discoloration of the colloidal AuNP@MPE due to the interaction of hydrogen.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ika Retnowati
Abstrak :
Metode green synthesis dengan ekstrak daun antanan (Centella asiatica L. Urban) dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai agen pereduksi dan penstabil sintesis nanopartikel emas (AuNP). Larutan HAuCl4 direduksi menggunakan ekstrak daun antanan (EDA) dalam fraksi air yang divariasikan konsentrasinya 0,03; 0,05; 0,07; 0,09; dan 0,11% di bawah radiasi natrium. Proses pembentukan dan pengamatan kestabilan AuNP dianalisis dari perubahan warna dan absorbansi yang terbentuk menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis. Particle Size Analyser (PSA) digunakan untuk mengidentifikasi ukuran AuNP dan muatan AuNP dikarakterisasi dengan potensial zeta. Bentuk kristal AuNP hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi dengan X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) dan Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED). Identifikasi gugus fungsi EDA menggunakan Fouried Transform Infra Red (FTIR) menunjukkan adanya senyawa aromatik ataupun fenolik yaitu satu jenis dari golongan senyawa flavonoid, polifenol dan alkaloid yang berperan sebagai senyawa aktif untuk mereduksi ion Au3+ menjadi Au0. Identifikasi AuNP dengan Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) menunjukan ukuran rerata partikel ± 20 nm dengan bentuk sphere (bulat). Selanjutnya AuNP dalam kondisi optimum pada konsentrasi EDA 0,007% dilakukan uji interaksinya terhadap doksorubisin pada kondisi pH berbeda. Hasil karakterisasi spektrofotometer UV-Vis, PSA dan potensial zeta menunjukkan Dox-AuNP@EDA memiliki jumlah loading dan jumlah release paling baik masing-masing pada pH 1,2 pada pH 7,4 yang ditandai dengan perubahan bentuk serapan spektrum UV-Vis, ukuran partikel serta nilai potensial zeta Dox-AuNP@EDA .
Green synthesis method with antanan leaf extract (Centella asiatica L. Urban) can be used as a reducing agent and stabilizer of gold nanoparticles(AuNP). HAuCl4 solution is reduced using aquoeus leaf extracts of antanan (EDA) with varied concentration of 0,03;0,05;0,07;0,09; and 0,11% under sodium radiation. The formation process of AuNP is analyzed by color changes and its absorbance used UV-Vis spectrophotometer. Particle Size Analyser (PSA) was used to identified particle size distribution of AuNP. AuNP charge was characterized by zeta potential. The crystallization of AuNP was identified by X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) and Selected Area Electron Diffraction (SAED). Identification of functional groups EDA using Fouried Transform Infra Red (FTIR) indicates aromatic or phenolic compound that is a kind of flavonoid, poliphenol and alkaloide compounds that act as an active compounds for reducing Au3+ ions into Au0. Particle size of AuNP was identified by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and it shows that the average of particle size is ± 20 nm in sphere forms. Furthermore, the interaction between doxorubicin and optimum condition of AuNP at concentration of 0,007% was observed under different pH condition. The results showed that the best condition for the interaction between doxorubicin and AuNP is under acidic condition (pH 1,2) while under basic condition (pH 7,4) doxorubicin could not be adsorbed to AuNPs.
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Miska Mufidah
Abstrak :
Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) merupakan tumbuhan khas Indonesia. Ekstrak daun kenikir (EDK) mengandung flavonoid dengan kadar kuersetin yang tinggi. Fraksi air EDK diperoleh melalui proses maserasi menggunakan metanol dan dipartisi dengan menggunakan n-heksan, etil asetat dan air. Berdasarkan karakteristik gugus fungsi senyawa yang ada dalamnya, fraksi air EDK diharapkan dapat digunakan sebagai agen pereduksi dan penstabil dalam sintesis AuNP membentuk AuNP-EDK. AuNP-EDK yang stabil diharapkan mampu berinteraksi dengan Doksorubisin (Dox) menghasilkan AuNP-EDK-Dox yang stabil pada pH media fluida sintetik (MFS) 7,4. Karekterisasi AuNP-EDK dilakukan dengan menggunakan spektrofotometer UV-Vis, Particle Size Analizer (PSA), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Difraksi sinar-X (XRD) dan spektrofotometer Fourier Transmission Infra Red (FT-IR). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fraksi air EDK memiliki rendemen sebesar 1.49 %. AuNP-EDK telah berhasil dilakukan pada suhu ruang dengan waktu sintesis kurang dari 3 menit. Kondisi optimum sintesis AuNP-EDK pada konsentrasi ekstrak 0,009 % dan 0,40 mM larutan AuCL4 - serta pH 4,044 membentuk AuNP-EDK yang memiliki λmax sebagai fenomena surface plasmon resonance (SPR) pada 544 nm. Karakterisasi spektrofotometer FT-IR menunjukkan bahwa keberadaan gugus hidroksil (-OH) berperan sebagai pereduksi dan penstabil dalam sintesis AuNP-EDK. Morfologi AuNP-EDK yang dikarakterisasi dengan menggunakan TEM memperlihatkan bentuk bulat dan tetragonal serta memiliki ukuran ± 102,2 nm yang tersusun dalam bentuk fcc. AuNP-EDK telah berhasil terikat dengan Dox sebesar ± 64,75 %. AuNP-EDKDox stabil pada pH Media Fluida Sintetik (MFS) 7,4 dan berpotensi sebagai agen pembawa obat terutama obat kanker.
Kenikir (Cosmos caudatus Kunth) is an original plant from Indonesia. Cosmos caudatus leaves extract (CLE) contained flavonoid of quercetin type in large amount. The CLE was prepared by methanol maceration, and separated using nhexane, ethyl acetate, and water. Based on the characteristics of functional groups compound, the water fraction EDK expected to be used as a reducing agent and stabilizer in the synthesis AuNP forming AuNP-CLE. AuNP-CLE stable expected to interact with Doxorubicin (Dox) at pH synthetic fluid media (MFS) 7.4. AuNPCLE has been characterization by UV-Vis, Particle Size analyzer (PSA), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) and spectrophotometers Fourier Transmission Infra Red (FT-IR) The results showed that the fraction of water EDK has a yield of 1,49 %. AuNP-CLE has been successfully carried out at the time of synthesis of less than 3 minutes. The optimum conditions of synthesis AuNP-CLE at 0,009 % of the extract with 0,40 mM solution of AuCl4 - and pH of solution at 4.044. AuNP-CLE has λmax as the phenomenon of surface plasmon resonance (SPR) at 544 nm. Characterization of FT-IR spectrophotometer showed that the presence of hydroxyl (OH) serves as a reducing agent and stabilizer in the synthesis AuNPCLE. Morphology AuNP-CLE were characterized using TEM showing a sperical and tetragonal shape and has a size of ± 102,2 nm. Cristalinity of AuNP was confirmed by XRD and showed fcc form. AuNP-CLE has successfully bonded with Dox of ± 64,75 %. AuNP-CLE-Dox stable at pH Synthetic Fluid Media (MFS) 7.4 and has the potential as a drug carrier agent, especially a cancer drug
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ardina Purnama Tirta
Abstrak :
Eutrofikasi merupakan salah satu problem lingkungan perairan yang disebabkan oleh munculnya nutrien yang berlebihan ke dalam ekosistem air. Pada sebagian besar danau, fosfat merupakan nutrisi pembatas pada proses fotosintesis alga. Meskipun konsentrasi fosfat di badan air dikurangi, eutrofikasi masih dapat terjadi karena adanya mobilisasi fosfat dari pore water sedimen ke badan air. Oleh karena itu, monitoring terhadap cemaran fosfat di perairan perlu mengkaji pelepasan fosfat dalam sedimen dan bagaimana interaksinya pada badan air. Studi pelepasan fospat dari sedimen ke badan air dilakukan menggunakan perangkat DGT dengan ferrihidrit sebagai binding gel dan N- -methylenebisacrylamide sebagai crosslinker. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan DGT dengan dengan komposisi akrilamid 15 % ; N- -methylenebisacrylamide 0,1 % dan ferrihidrit sebagai binding gel dapat digunakan untuk pengukuran fosfat yang lepas dari sedimen ke badan air. Hasil penggelaran DGT selama 7 hari pada kondisi oxic dan anoxic menunjukkan proses lepasnya fosfat dari sedimen ke badan air dipengaruhi oleh waktu inkubasi dan kondisi oxic lingkungan. Konsentrasi fosfat yang lepas dari pore water sedimen ke badan air pada kondisi anoxic memiliki nilai lebih tinggi dibandingkan kondisi oxic. Hasil penelitian dari penggelaran DGT selama 7 hari untuk sampel sedimen buatan dan sedimen nyata pada kedalaman 1 sampai 15 cm dari permukaan air menunjukkan sedimen memiliki profil massa fosfat yang berbeda sesuai dengan kedalaman. Konsentrasi fosfat yang lepas cenderung lebih tinggi dengan bertambahnya kedalaman dan waktu inkubasi. CDGT fosfat maksimum yang lepas pada kondisi oxic untuk sampel sedimen buatan hari ke-1 , hari ke-3 dan hari ke-7 masing-masing sebesar 1,00 μg/L pada kedalaman 14 cm, 6,61 μg/L pada kedalaman 14 cm, dan 20,92 μg/L pada kedalaman 11 cm. CDGT fosfat maksimum yang lepas pada kondisi anoxic untuk sampel sedimen buatan hari ke-1 , ke-3, dan ke-7 masing-masing sebesar 9,62 μg/L pada kedalaman 12 cm, 10,31 μg/L pada kedalaman 13 cm, dan 24,19 μg/L pada kedalaman 10 cm. CDGT fosfat maksimum untuk sampel sedimen nyata setelah penggelaran 7 untuk kondisi oxic sebesar 29,23 g/L di kedalaman 14 cm, sedangkan untuk kondisi anoxic sebesar 30,19 g/L di kedalaman 8 cm. ......Eutrophication is one of the environmental problems caused by the excessive nutrients in aquatic ecosystems. In most lakes, phosphate is a limiting nutrient for algae photosynthesis. Even though the concentration of phosphate from external loading into the water body has been reduced, eutrophication could still be occurring due to internal mobilization of phosphate from the sediment pore water into the overlying water. Therefore, released phosphate from sediments and their interaction in the pore water must be included in monitoring of phosphate concentration in aquatic system. Released phosphate from sediment into pore water has been studied by DGT devices with ferrihydrite as binding gel and NN'-methylenebisacrylamide as crosslinker. The results showed that DGT with 15% acrylamide; 0.1 % N-N'-methylenebisacrylamide and ferrihydrite as binding gel was suitable for the measurement of released phosphate from sediment into pore water. The result of deployed DGT in oxic and anoxic condition in seven days incubation showed the released phosphate process from the sediment into pore water affected by incubation time and the existence of oxygen in the environment. Released phosphate from the sediment to the water in anoxic condition has a higher value than oxic conditions. The experimental results of deployed DGT in synthetic and natural sediment core at a depth of 1 to 15 cm from the surface of the water for 7 day showed that the sediment has a phosphate mass profile difference based on depth. The concentration of phosphate tends to be increased with depth. The maximum CDGT of phosphate released for synthetic sediment in oxic condition at 1st, 3rd, and 7th day period of incubation are 1.00 μg/L at 14 cm depth, 6.61 μg/L at 14 cm depth and 20.92 μg/L at 11 cm depth, respectively. The maximum CDGT of phosphate release for synthetic sediment in anoxic condition at 1st, 3rd, and 7th day are 9.62 μg/L at 12 cm depth, 10.31 μg/L at 13 cm depth and 24.19 μg/L at 10 cm depth, respectively. The maximum CDGT of phosphate release from natural sediment in oxic and anoxic condition at 7th day are 29.23 g/L at 14 cm depth and 30.19 g/L at 8 cm depth, respectively.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library