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Elisabeth Irma Dewi K
Endoftalmitis merupakan kegawatdaruratan dibidang mata yang bila tidak ditangani cepat akan mengalami penurunan tajam penglihatan bahkan kebutaan. Fasilitas vitrektomi sebagai terapi baku emas jarang tersedia di RS begitupula antibiotika (seftazidim) intra vitreal belum tersedia secara komersil dengan dosis yang sesuai, sehingga perlu diracik dan dapat berisiko meningkatkan kontaminasi atau kesalahan pengenceran. Tujuan mencari alternatif antibiotika intra vitreal untuk pengobatan endoftalmitis akibat Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Metode menggunakan dua belas kelinci New Zealand White terbagi dua kelompok (n=6). Dibentuk endophthalmitis dengan injeksi intra vitreal P. aeruginosa 2x105 CFU/0,1mL. Kelompok A mendapat intra vitreal levofloksasin 0,5% 0,1mL dan kelompok B mendapat intra vitreal seftazidim 2,25 mg/0,1 mL setelah 24 jam inokulasi bakteri. Penilaian klinis dilakukan hari ke-1 hingga ke-6. Pada hari ke-6 dilakukan pemeriksaan mikrobiologi dan histopatologik. Hasil selisih skor klinis hari ke-1 dan 6 kedua kelompok tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang bermakna. Terdapat 2 kelinci mengalami perbaikan di kelompok levofloksasin namun secara statistik tidak bermakna. Penghitungan jumlah bakteri memberikan hasil kelompok A dan kelompok B mengalami penurunan menjadi 1,5x102 (4x101-7,3x103) CFU/0,1mL dengan hasil yang tidak berbeda bermakna begitu pula dengan skor pemeriksaan histopatologik. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan injeksi intra vitreal tetes mata levofloksasin 0,5% 0,1mL sama efektif dengan seftazidim dan dapat dijadikan alternatif dalam terapi endoftalmitis akibat P. aeruginosa.

Aim to find and evaluate intravitreal 0.5% levofloxacin as an alternative treatment for Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis in an experimental model. Method: Twelve New Zealand White rabbits were divided into two groups (n = 6 in each). The right eye was inoculated with 2x105 CFU / 0,1mL of Pseudomonas aeruginosa suspension. Group A treated with intravitreal 0.5% levofloxacin and group B received intravitreal injection of 2.25 mg / 0.1 mL ceftazidime. The clinical evaluations of the eyes in each group were performed on the 1st day until the 6th day after inoculation. Microbiological and histopathological examination was evaluated on 6th day. Results: The mean clinical assessment scores in both groups were similar at 24 hours after inoculation (p> 0.05). Clinical score at day 1 and day 6 do not show any significant difference. Two rabbits experienced improvement in the levofloxacin group but there was no statistically significant difference. The number of microbiological bacteria results in group A and group B were decreased, but microbiological analysis and histopathological scoring demonstrated no statistically significant difference between 2 groups. Conclusion: intra vitreal 0,5% levofloxacin ophthalmic appeared to be effective in the treatment of Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis in rabbits, but was not superior to intravitreal ceftazidime administration. Therefore, intravitreal 0,5% levofloxacin may be a useful alternative to ceftazidime for Pseudomonas aeruginosa endophthalmitis."
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UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Jantika Djuarna
"Latar belakang: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor MPNST, merupakan sarkoma jaringan lunak yang prognosis nya buruk karena tidak responsif terhadap kemoterapi. Epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR terlibat dalam transduksi sinyal mitogenik dan jalur proliferasi sel. Ekspresi EGFR yang tinggi pada tumor sudah dipakai untuk menentukan apakah tumor dapat diberikan terapi anti-EGFR. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat perbedaan ekspresi EGFR pada MPNST derajat tinggi dan derajat rendah serta ekspresi EGFR sebagai faktor prognostik.
Metode: Penenelitian ini merupakan penelitian potong lintang, restrospektif, deskriptif. Sampel terdiri atas 20 kasus MPNST derajat rendah dan 20 kasus MPNST derajat tinggi yang telah didiagnosis selama periode 2007-2015. Dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia dengan antibodi monoklonal EGFR. Selanjutnya dilakukan scoring berdasarkan persentase sel dengan membrane dan atau sitoplasma yang berwarna coklat pada 500 sel/5 LPB : 0 tidak terpulas, 1 terpulas 30. Perbedaan ekspresi EGFR pada MPNST derajat tinggi dan derajat rendah dianalisis menggunakan uji Chi-square. Selain itu di analisis hubungan antara ekspresi EGFR dengan umur, lokasi dan ukuran tumor.
Hasil: Ditemukan ekspresi EGFR yang lebih tinggi pada MPNST derajat tinggi dibandingkan dengan MPNST derajat rendah yang secara statisitk bermakna p=0,000. Tidak ditemukan hubungan antara ekspresi EGFR dengan umur, lokasi maupun ukuran tumor.
Kesimpulan: Ekspresi EGFR yang tinggi dapat digunakan untuk dasar memberikan terapi anti-EGFR pada MPNST derajat tinggi.

Background: Malignant peripheral nerve sheat tumor MPNST is a sarcoma that is difficult to differentiate with other spindle cell sarcomas, because of their similar morphology. The behavior of MPNST is aggressive, with a high recurrence and tend to metastases hematogenous, especially to lung. Histologic type and location are amongs factors that determine prognosis of MPNST. Combined therapies on MPNST which consist of complete resection, chemoterapy, and radiation do not increase the survival. Anti EGFR therapy has been used in epithelial tumor, while its use in sarcoma is still in research. The aim of this study is to see the correlation between expression of epidermal growth factor receptor and histopathology grading and other prognostic clinical variables.
Method: This was a retrospective cross sectional study, using consecutive sampling. The cases consist of 20 low grade MPNST and 20 high grade MPNST in Departement of Anatomical Pathology FKUI RSCM 2007 2015.MPNST was diagnosed by histopathology and confirmed by immunostaining.EGFR immunostaining was performed and scored semiquantitatively. Analysis the correlation between over expression of EGFR and histopathology grading and other clinical variables, such as age, sex, size, location of the tumor and margin of the tumor.
Result: Overexpression of EGFR was observed in 80 cases of high grade MPNST and 20 cases of low grade MPNST p 0,000. There is a significant correlation between EGFR over expression and histopathology grade. There is no correlation between EGFR expression and age, sex, size, location of the tumor and margin of the tumor.
Conclusion: High expression of EGFR is in parallel with high histologic grade, therefore it may be of additional use as prognostic factor.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Jantika Djuarna
"Latar belakang: Malignant peripheral nerve sheath tumor MPNST adalah sarkoma jaringan lunak yang sulit dibedakan dengan beberapa sarkoma sel spindel karena morfologinya yang serupa. MPNST bersifat agresif dengan angka rekurensi yang tinggi dan cenderung bermetastasis terutama ke paru.Tipe histologik dan lokasi termasuk faktor yang menentukan prognosis MPNST. Terapi kombinasi pada MPNST dengan reseksi komplit, kemoterapi, dan radiasi belum meningkatkan kesintasan pasien MPNST. Anti terhadap Epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR telah dipakai dalam terapi untuk tumor epitelial ganas, sedangkan penggunaannya pada sarkoma masih dalam penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai hubungan antara peningkatan ekspresi EGFR dengan derajat keganasan histologik dan variabel prognostik klinis lainnya.
Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode potong lintang dengan pemilihan sampel secara konsekutif. Sampel terdiri atas 20 kasus MPNST derajat rendah dan 20 kasus MPNST derajat tinggi di Departemen Patologi Anatomi FKUI/RSCM tahun 2007-2015. Diagnosis MPNST ditegakkan secara histopatologik dan imunohistokimia. Dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia EGFR pada MPNST derajat tinggi dan MPNST derajat rendah dengan penilaian semikuantitatif, serta menganalisis hubungan antara peningkatan ekspresi EGFR dengan derajat keganasan dan variabel klinis seperti usia, jenis kelamin, ukuran, lokasi tumor dan batas sayatan.
Hasil: Ekspresi EGFR pada MPNST derajat tinggi lebih tinggi secara bermakna dibandingkan dengan MPNST derajat rendah 80 vs 20 , p=0,000 .Terdapat hubungan yang kuat antara peningkatan ekspresi EGFR dengan derajat keganasan MPNST. Tidak ditemukan hubungan antara ekspresi EGFR dengan usia, jenis kelamin, lokasi tumor, ukuran tumor dan batas sayatan.
Kesimpulan: Peningkatan ekspresi EGFR sejalan dengan peningkatan derajat histologik, sehingga dapat digunakan untuk membantu menentukan progressifitas MPNST.

Background: Malignant peripheral nerve sheat tumor MPNST is a sarcoma that is difficult to differentiate with other spindle cell sarcomas, because of their similar morphology. The behavior of MPNST is aggressive, with a high recurrence and tend to metastases hematogenous, especially to lung. Histologic type and location are amongs factors that determine prognosis of MPNST. Combined therapies on MPNST which consist of complete resection, chemoterapy, and radiation do not increase the survival. Anti EGFR therapy has been used in epithelial tumor, while its use in sarcoma is still in research. The aim of this study is to see the correlation between expression of epidermal growth factor receptor and histopathology grading and other prognostic clinical variables.
Method: This was a retrospective cross sectional study, using consecutive sampling. The cases consist of 20 low grade MPNST and 20 high grade MPNST in Departement of Anatomical Pathology FKUI RSCM 2007 2015. MPNST was diagnosed by histopathology and confirmed by immunostaining.EGFR immunostaining was performed and scored semiquantitatively. Analysis the correlation between over expression of EGFR and histopathology grading and other clinical variables, such as age, sex, size , location of the tumor and margin of the tumor.
Result: Overexpression of EGFR was observed in 80 cases of high grade MPNST and 20 cases of low grade MPNST p 0,000 . There is a significant correlation between EGFR over expression and histopathology grade. There is no correlation between EGFR expression and age, sex, size, location of the tumor and margin of the tumor.
Conclusion: High expression of EGFR is in parallel with high histologic grade, therefore it may be of additional use as prognostic factor.
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Feriandri Utomo
Pendahuluan: Penurunan kadar Zink (Zn) pada prostat berkorelasi dengan peningkatan skor Gleason adenokarsinoma prostat dan menyebabkan rendahnya Caspase-3 sebagai eksekutor apoptosis. Tingkat ekspresi transporter Zn pada sel tumor prostat berhubungan dengan tingkat keganasannya. ZnT-1 merupakan transporter Zn ke luar sel prostat, sedangkan ZIP-1 merupakan transporter Zn ke dalam sel prostat. Ekspresi ZIP-1 turun pada adenokarsinoma prostat. Korelasi ZnT-1, ZIP-1 dan Caspase-3 diduga berpengaruh dalam karsinogenesis prostat, sehingga berpotensi untuk menjadi faktor prognosis adenokarsinoma prostat. Tujuan: Mempelajari korelasi ekspresi ZnT-1 dan aktivasi Caspase-3 terhadap skor Gleason, menganalisis korelasi ekspresi ZIP-1, ZnT-1 dan aktivasi Caspase- 3, serta mengetahui profil ekspresi ZnT-1 pada jaringan adenokarsinoma prostat yang berbeda skor Gleason, dibandingkan dengan jaringan Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH),
Desain: Studi retrospektif analitik potong lintang. Metode: Sampel penelitian ini adalah 31 blok parafin prostat yang dikelompokkan menjadi BPH, adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason ≤ 7 dan skor Gleason > 7. Ekspresi ZnT-1 dinilai dengan pulasan imunohistokimia. Data ekspresi ZIP-1 dan Caspase-3 merupakan data sekunder dari penelitian Septiawan et al. Hasil: Ekspresi ZnT-1 berkorelasi dengan skor Gleason adenokarsinoma prostat. Ekspresi ZIP-1 berkorelasi dengan aktivasi Caspase-3 pada adenokarsinoma prostat dan adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason ≤ 7. Ekspresi ZnT-1 berkorelasi dengan ekspresi ZIP-1 pada adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason > 7. Ekspresi ZIP-1 berkorelasi kuat dengan aktivasi Caspase-3 pada adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason 8. Ekspresi ZnT-1 pada adenokarsinoma prostat skor Gleason > 7 lebih rendah dibandingkan pada skor Gleason ≤ 7, tetapi tidak dapat dianalisis kemaknaan perbedaannya dengan BPH karena hanya diperoleh 1 sampel BPH pada penelitian ini. Kesimpulan: Transporter Zn berpotensi untuk menjadi faktor prognosis adenokarsinoma prostat.

Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al?s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al’s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.;Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al’s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma., Background: Decreased levels of Zinc ( Zn ) in the prostate correlates with an increase in the grade Gleason score of prostate adenocarcinoma and decrease in Caspase-3 as apoptosis executor. Zn transporter expression levels in prostate tumor cells associates with the level of malignancy. The ZnT-1 is Zn exporter, while the ZIP-1 is Zn importer of prostate cells. ZIP-1 expression drops on adenocarcinoma prostate. Correlation ZnT-1, ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 allegedly influential in prostate carcinogenesis and potential to be prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.
Objective: To analyze the correlation ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation of the gleason score, to analyze the correlation of the expression of ZIP-1, ZnT-1 and Caspase-3 activation in adenocarcinoma prostate, and to study the profile expression of ZnT-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma with different grading of Gleason scores, compared with benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH),
Design: A cross-sectional retrospective study analytic . Methodology: The sample is 31 paraffin blocks were grouped into BPH, prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored ≤ 7 and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7. Samples are analyzed expression of ZnT-1 by immunohistochemical staining. ZIP-1 and Caspase-3 expression is secondary data of Septiawan et al’s immunohistochemical staining. Results: ZnT-1 expression correlated with gleason score. ZIP-1 correlated with the activation of Caspase-3 in prostate adenocarcinoma and prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7. ZnT-1 correlated with ZIP-1 in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score > 7. ZnT-1 expression in prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason scored > 7 was lower than prostate adenocarcinoma Gleason score ≤ 7, but could not be analyzed the difference significance with BPH because there was only 1 BPH sample in this research. Conclusion: Zn transporters have the potential to be a prognostic factor of prostate adenocarcinoma.]"
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2014
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dian Sari Oethia Vathonati
"Latar belakang : Osteosarkoma merupakan tumor ganas primer tulang yang paling banyak ditemukan pada anak dan dewasa muda. Patogenesisnya melibatkan berbagai perubahan gen yang kompleks. Jalur utama yang berperan dalam patogenesis antara lain jalur protein Retinoblastoma (Rb). p16 bekerja sebagai tumor suppressor pada jalur Rb dalam menghambat pembelahan sel tumor. Salah satu faktor prognosis osteosarkoma adalah respon kemoterapi yang dinilai melalui pemeriksaan histopatologik berdasarkan luasnya nekrosis tumor. Obat kemoterapi dan p16 keduanya bekerja sama didalam menghambat pembelahan sel dan memicu apoptosis. Beberapa penelitian menyebutkan hilangnya fungsi p16 berkaitan dengan tingginya progresivitas sel tumor dan respon terapi yang buruk. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mencari hubungan antara ekspresi p16 dengan respon histologik kemoterapi neoadjuvan pada penderita osteosarkoma konvensional.
Metode: Penelitian menggunakan metode potong lintang. Sampel terdiri atas 33 kasus di Departemen Patologi Anatomik FKUI/RSCM tahun 2013 sampai 2018, 8 kasus (24,2%) memiliki respon histologik baik (nekrosis >90%) dan 25 kasus (75,8%) memiliki respon buruk (nekrosis <90%). Dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia p16 pada setiap kasus biopsi yang belum diberi kemoterapi neoadjuvan, dihitung persentase sel tumor yang positif. Ekspresi p16 positif ditentukan berdasarkan inti sel tumor terpulas sedang atau kuat pada > 30% sel tumor. Hasil perhitungan dikelompokkan menjadi ekspresi positif  dan negatif kemudian dikorelasikan dengan luas nekrosis dari reseksi tumor setelah kemoterapi neoadjuvan.
Hasil : Ekspresi positif ditemukan sebanyak 10 kasus (30,3%) dan ekspresi negatif 23 kasus (69,7%). Pada ekspresi positif, 6 dari 10 kasus memiliki respon kemoterapi baik dan pada ekspresi negatif, 21 dari 23 kasus memiliki respon kemoterapi buruk.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan ekspresi imunohistokimia p16 berhubungan signifikan dengan respon histologik baik kemoterapi neoadjuvan (p=0,004) dengan prevalence ratio 6,90 (95% confidence interval, 1,672-28,480;  p = .004)
Kesimpulan : Ekspresi p16 positif berhubungan dengan respon histologik baik kemoterapi neoadjuvan pada osteosarkoma konvensional.

Background : Osteosarcoma is the most common primary malignant bone tumor in children and young adult. Its pathogenesis has been linked to alterations in several genes. The high percentage is found involving Retinoblatoma (RB) pathway.  p16 plays as a tumor suppressor in RB pathway to controll proliferation of the tumor cell. The degree of neoadjuvan chemotherapy histological necrosis response is related to prognosis of patients with osteosarcoma. Chemotherapy and p16 both synergic in inhibit the cell tumor proliferation and support apoptotic. Loss of p16 function is related to progressiveness of the tumor.
Methods : The aim of this study was to investigate the relationship of p16 expression in pretreatment osteosarcoma to pathologic necrotic histological response after neoadjuvan chomotherapy. This is a cross sectional study. p16 stainning was done  and count the positive expression tumor cell in percentage. Positive was defined as strong and medium nuclear stainning in 30% or greater. The samples is catagorized into positive and negative expression then it is correlated into tumor necrotic area based on grade of Huvos.
Results : Samples consist of 33 cases. Positive stainning was found in 10 cases (30,3%), 6 of 10 cases had good chemotherapy response. Negative stainning was found in 23 cases and 21 of 23 cases had poor chemotherapy response. A significant association was noted between p16 expression and histological necrotic response to neoadjuvan chemotherapy (p=0,004) with prevalence ratio 6,90 (95% confidence interval, 1,672-28,480; p = .004)
Conclusion : The result showed that p16 expression associate significantly with histological necrotic response to neoadjuvan chemotherapy in conventional osteosarcoma (p=0,004)."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2020
UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ineke Anggreani
"Latar Belakang: Karsinoma payudara invasif adalah keganasan payudara yang berasal dari proliferasi epitel duktus/asinus payudara. Seiring berjalannya waktu terjadi perubahan molekular menjadi karakteristik yang lebih agresif dan menyebabkan kurang respons terhadap terapi. Kemoterapi berbasis anthracycline dan taxane umum digunakan pada tatalaksana karsinoma payudara invasif. Kemoterapi tersebut pada umumnya berfokus dalam menekan proliferasi. Kemampuan anti-apoptosis sel tumor membuat sel tumor sulit dieliminasi. NF-kB/p65 merupakan faktor transkripsi yang berperan dalam regulasi anti-apoptosis.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan ekspresi NF-kB/p65 dengan respons terapi serta perbandingan ekspresi NF-kB/p65 sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi neoadjuvan pada kasus karsinoma payudara invasif.
Metode: Penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain cross sectional pada kasus karsinoma payudara invasif yang mendapatkan kemoterapi berbasis anthracycline serta kombinasi anthracycline dan taxane dengan siklus kemoterapi lengkap di RSCM periode Januari 2015 sampai Desember 2021. Pengambilan sampel penelitian dilakukan secara consecutive sampling pada blok parafin sediaan biopsi (sebelum kemoterapi neoadjuvan) yang berpasangan dengan sediaan operasi (sesudah kemoterapi neoadjuvan), kemudian dilakukan pemeriksaan imunohistokimia NF-kB/p65 dan dianalisis dengan uji Fisher’s exact.
Hasil: Dari 21 kasus, 4 kasus (19%) tidak respons terapi dan 17 kasus (81%) respons terapi. Pada 2 kasus respons komplet, 1 kasus NF-kB/p65 terekspresi dan 1 kasus lainnya NF-kB/p65 tidak terekspresi pada sediaan biopsi (sebelum kemoterapi neoadjuvant). Kedua kasus tersebut tidak mengekspresikan NF-kB/p65 pada sediaan operasi (sesudah kemoterapi neoadjuvan). NF-kB/p65 yang terekspresi menunjukkan pasien yang tidak respons terapi dan respons parsial, namun tidak bermakna secara statistik (p>0,05). Hasil analisis ekspresi NFkB p65 sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi tidak bermakna (p=0,095).
Kesimpulan: Terekspresinya NF-kB/p65 ditemukan pada respons terapi patologik yang tidak respons dan respons parsial. Ekspresi NF-kB/p65 sebelum dan sesudah kemoterapi menunjukkan ekspresi yang sama.

Background: Invasive breast carcinoma is a breast malignancy originating from proliferation of the ductal/acini epithelium of breast. Overtime, there are molecular changes that become more aggressive characteristics and cause less response to therapy. Anthracycline-based and taxane-based chemotherapy are commonly used in the treatment of breast carcinoma. Chemotherapy generally focuses on suppressing proliferation. The anti-apoptotic ability of tumour cells make it difficult to eliminate tumour cells. NF-kB/p65 is a transcription factor that plays a role in anti-apoptotic regulation.
Objectives: This study aims to determine the relationship between NF-kB/p65 expression and therapy response before and after neoadjuvant chemotherapy in invasive breast carcinoma cases.
Methods: An observational analytic study with a cross sectional design in invasive breast carcinoma’s specimens treated with anthracycline-based and combination with taxane chemotherapy at RSUPN Dr. dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo from January 2015 until December 2021. The study sample was taken by consecutive sampling from block paraffin biopsy preparation (before neoadjuvant chemotherapy) paired with surgical preparation (after neoadjuvant chemotherapy), then NF-kB/p65 immunohistochemistry examination was performed and analyzed by Fisher’s exact test.
Results: Of the 21 cases, 4 cases (19%) did not respond to therapy and 17 cases (81%) respond. In two cases of complete response, one case expressed NF-kB/p65 and other case was not expressed in biopsy specimen. Both cases did not expressed NF-kB/p65 in operation specimen. NF-kB/p65 expressed show in patients who did not respond to therapy and partial response, but not statistically significant (p>0.05). The result of analysis NF-kB/p65 expression before and after chemotherapy were not significant (p=0.095).
Conclusion: Expression of NF-kB/p65 was found in partial response and no response to chemotherapy neoadjuvant. Expression of NF-kB/p65 before and after chemotherapy neoadjuvant showed same expression.
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Depok: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Jessie Theresia Caroline
Latar belakang: Sarkoma Ewing merupakan suatu small round cell tumor yang ditandai dengan fusi gen EWSR1/FLI1 pada 85 kasus. Diagnosis akurat diperlukan karena memiliki respon baik terhadap protokol kemoterapi spesifik. Baku emas diagnosis sarkoma Ewing adalah deteksi translokasi spesifik dengan RT-PCR atau FISH, namun pemeriksaan tersebut belum tersedia di institusi kami, sehingga dilakukan upaya lain untuk mempertajam diagnosis. Secara morfologi, sarkoma Ewing sering overlapping dengan small round cell tumor lainnya. Pulasan CD99 merupakan penanda yang sangat sensitif untuk mendiagnosis sarkoma Ewing, namun juga sering overlapping dengan small round cell tumor lainnya. Beberapa penelitian mengemukakan FLI1 dapat digunakan sebagai penanda diagnosis sarkoma Ewing. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menilai ekspresi FLI1 untuk membantu menegakkan diagnosis sarkoma Ewing pada small round cell tumor yang memberikan hasil positif terhadap CD99, terutama pada kasus biopsi.Bahan dan cara: Penelitian ini menggunakan desain potong lintang. Sampel terdiri atas 36 kasus sarkoma Ewing dan 18 kasus small round cell tumor yang sudah dilakukan pulasan imunohistokimia CD99 di RSCM dari Januari 2011 sampai Mei 2018. Dilakukan pulasan FLI1 dan penilaian menggunakan H-score.Hasil: Titik potong H-score pada ekspresi FLI1 didapatkan 226.1 75 dengan sensitivitas 81.6 dan spesifisitas 94.4 . Ekspresi FLI1 tinggi didapatkan pada 31 kasus sarkoma Ewing, sedangkan pada 18 kasus small round cell tumor umumnya memiliki ekspresi FLI1 yang rendah ABSTRACT
Background: Ewing 39;s sarcoma is a small round cell tumor characterized by EWSR1 / FLI1 gene fusion in 85 of cases. Accurate diagnosis is necessary because it has a good response to a specific chemotherapy protocol. The gold standard of Ewing 39;s sarcoma diagnosis is the detection of specific translocation with RT-PCR or FISH, but the examination is not yet available at our institution, so another attempt is made to sharpen the diagnosis. Morphologically, Ewing 39;s sarcoma is often overlapping with other small round cell tumor. CD99 is a very sensitive marker for diagnosing Ewing 39;s sarcoma, but also often overlapping with other small round cell tumors. Several studies have suggested that FLI1 can be used as a marker of Ewing rsquo;s sarcoma. The purpose of this study was to assess the FLI1 expression to help establish the diagnosis of Ewing rsquo;s sarcoma in small round cell tumors that gave CD99 positive results, especially in the biopsy cases. Materials and methods: This was a cross-sectional study with 36 cases of Ewing rsquo;s sarcoma and 18 cases of other small round cell tumor that had been performed CD99 immunohistochemistry at RSCM from January 2011 to May 2018. All cases stained by FLI1 antibody and evaluated using H-score. Results: The H-score cut-off point on FLI1 expression was obtained at 226.1 75 with 81.6 sensitivity and 94.4 specificity. The high FLI1 expression was obtained in 31 cases of Ewing rsquo;s sarcoma, while in 18 cases of small round cell tumor were generally had low expression of FLI1 p"
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UI - Tugas Akhir  Universitas Indonesia Library