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Yuli Cahyanti
Abstrak :
Kejahatan uang palsu adalah kejahatan yang mengalami peningkatan secara kuantitas semenjak krisis melanda negara. Kejahatan uang palsu ini memang tidak tergolong dalam kekerasan (violence), melainkan lebih mengarah pada kejahatan tanpa kekerasan (non-violence) yaitu kejahatan yang tidak mengakibatkan derita kekerasan fisik secara langsung kepada korbannya. Meskipun demikian, akibat dari kejahatan uang palsu, yang termasuk dalam kategori Professional Crinimal Behavior ini sangat merugikan masyarakat dan negara. Untuk itulah maka pengetahuan mengenai modus operandi dari kejahatan uang palsu ini sangat dibutuhkan, tujuannya adalah agar masyarakat bisa sadar dan tidak menjadi korban dari kejahatan ini. Penelitian mengenai modus operandi kejahatan uang palsu ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan semua modus operandi kejahatan uang palsu yang ada di wilayah hukum Polres Metro Jakarta Selatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa modus operandi kejahatan uang palsu ini dibedakan antara modus operandi pembuatan uang palsu dengan modus operandi pengedaran uang paisu. Modus operandi pembuatan uang palsu yang digunakan oleh pelaku adalah dengan menggunakan gabungan beberapa teknik cetak yang ada, yaitu teknik cetak offset digabungkan dengan teknik sablon dan teknik cetak sablon digabungkan dengan teknik komputer. Sedangkan modus operandi pengedaran uang palsu adalah dengan melakukan pembayaran secara langsung, menukarkan ke dolar Amerika dan memperjualbelikan dengan menggunakan perbandingan tertentu. Tempat-tempat yang digunakan untuk mengedarkan uang palsu adalah tempat-tempat yang telah disepakati bersama, misalnya rumah pelaku, area pakir, plaza, atau restauran. Pelaku mengedarkan uang palsu ini pada jam-jam yang telah disepakati bersama, bisa pagi hari, slang hari, sore hari atau bahkan malam hari.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siregar, Muhammad Bahari
Abstrak :
Peristiwa tawuran nyaris tidak pernah tuntas dihentikan. Memecahkan masalah seperti ini tentu bukan perkara mudah, kompleksnya persoalan membutuhkan keterlibatan beragam komponen masyarakat. Meskipun kompleks tawuran pelajar harus dipecahkan dengan memulai dari inti persoalannya, karena apa yang menjadi tujuan utama dari terbentuknya basis, sebagai faktor utama terjadinya tawuran semata-mata adalah agar mendapatkan rasa aman dalam perjalanan menuju sekolah dan ketika pulang sekolah. Penelitian ini menitik beratkan pada pencegahan dan penanggulangan terhadap masalah tawuran pelajar maka penelitian ini diklasifikasikan sebagai penelitian evaluatif yang merupakan bentuk khusus dari penelitian aplikasi, dibuat untuk mengevaluasi program. Hasil dari penelitian dalam menangani tawuran pelajar tindakan tegas diperlukan bukan saja sebagai shock terapy terhadap para pelajar tetapi juga termasuk melindungi orang-orang di sekeliling mereka agar tidak menambah jatuhnya korban jiwa. Bermacam tindakan aparat pengendalian sosial dalam menanggulangi masalah tawuran menunjukkan bahwa tawuran pelajar harus dikendalikan melalui berbagai macam tindakan yang kesemuanya mengacu kepada tujuan yang diharapkan bersama yaitu semakin meminimalisir terjadinya tawuran. Baik tindakan pre emtif, preventif dan represif pada dasarnya adalah merupakan kesatuan yang utuh yang harus dijalankan secara bersama-sama agar berhasilguna dan berdayaguna. Temuan penelitian ini juga menunjukkan kegagalan aparat pengendalian sosial dalam menanggulangi tawuran pelajar, program penanggulangan ada yang bersifat aplikatif dan ada yang tidak aplikatif, hal ini disebabkan karena adanya pemahaman yang salah terhadap faktor-faktor penyebab tawuran pelajar, tidak adanya keterpaduan tentang rencana program mengakibatkan masing-masing instansi pengendalian sosial berjalan sendiri-sendiri, rencana dan pendanaan program dilaksanakan sendiri-sendiri, rencana program hanya sampai pada rapat-rapat koordinasi saja tidak ada penanganan lebih konkrit dilapangan, tidak ada sense of crisis (rasa krisis/gawat) dari pengendalian sosial sehingga issu-issu kasus tawuran ini ditanggapi secara spontan dan cenderung mengatasi gejala daripada mengobati penyakitnya.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2003
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Serious Human Rights violation in East Timor alleged by HAM Adhoc Jakarta court Attorney where conducted by Police Member (as Defendant) insufficient of evidence, so that the Judge ceremony break free. Serious HAM Collision case that happened before this code of law is invited, formed a HAM Ad hoc Justice after proposed by DPR through President Decision. Crystal clear, Timor Timur case is wight to political aspect compared to legal aspect and competent in consequence terminated. To terminate various case East Timor, Indonesia Government offer a solution through choice for two options, refuse or accept the autonomy. At May 5'h 1999 in New York, this option is written into an agreement between Indonesia" and Portugal under wings of UN Secretary General. In this agreement, agreed that Indonesia Government hold responsible to keep peace and security in East Timor, to ascertain enforceable opinion determination by fair and peaceful, which free from intimidation, hardness or interference from various parties. But the effect of determination of this opinion emerging riot as a result of dissatisfy group of pro-autonomy which fail in determination of this opinion. Effect of the riots and incidence, hence Police as law enforcer and protector of society which that moment undertake in East Timor, is blamed and assumed to conduct serious Human Rights violation. To prove that Police have conducted matter alleged, this thesis tried to prove that police have run its duty by answering three following question: 1. What will be Police role in handling riot after polling opinion at the date of 4'h of September 1999 causing killing of a number of people? 2. Operation and security action like what conducted by Police? 3. What is the negative impacts that emerge as effect of action of the operation and security that included in serious Human Rights violation?
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
The Construction by the Mass Media of the Prison Reality. (Critical Discourse Analysis) About the Reporting of Punishment Reduction of Tommy Soeharto, Bob Hasan and Zarima, Family Meeting of Tommy Soeharto and the Permission to Consult a Doctor of Bob Hasan in The Year 2003The print and electronic media are events flourishing right now. They seem to compete with each other in finding sensational to write about. All the more so, when the objects of the news have value in selling. They are so keen to write the news and didn't want to know whether the news will disturb the subject's rights or not. The subjects of the print media who are the topic of this research are Tommy Soeharto, Bob Hasan, Zanma They became an commodity. Because of the reporting of them , they were violated , so the society have the same negative opinion as the media. The society considered that they were guilty and they were criminals. Who did not deserve to be given rights while living in prison?. It can be seen from the news which was published the media. The media placed them as criminal and they are controversial objects. It's negative attitudes are directed not only to the inmates but also to the prison_ Arrogantly media accused the prison of spoil the inmates. Media also did not want to acknowledge that prisons have the responsibility of giving prisoners their rights inmates' rights either; even their rights are the prison obligation. Through critical discourse analysis we can discover why and how the media presented the news and the hidden motif behind the texts. Then the criminologist will knew what the media did and ignore the truth of the reality. The media has done the wrong things. The research found that the print media was wrong and the reality which posed was virtual reality and it was because of economic motif. The media spread it stigmatization and hating to get the sympathy of the society, so that the society will behave like the media did. The society both the inmates and the prison. In this case there was an unbalanced battle between the prison and the media If it's still going on, so the media deviates From it's role as a socialization agent The media passes on the deviance to public because of the wrong news. (5 introduction pages + 6 tables + 198 content pages + 46 references + 18 appendices + 5 internet).
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Iwan Satriawan
Abstrak :
The research describes the process of the riot in Dili, East Timor after the ballot causing gross violations of human rights. This descriptive research implemented historical approach observing tangible occurrences. The research utilizes collective behavior theories of Neil J. Smelser and Muhammad Mustofa. Smelser proposes that collective behavior occurs cause of structural conduciveness, structural strain, spread of general beliefs, precipitating factors, actions of mobilization and social controls. Meanwhile, Muhammad Mustofa is of a certain opinion that collective behavior occurs in a special atmosphere when a crowd suffers from a foss of control and judges that their cruel, mean, inhuman actions are "just" in order to anticipate their complicated situation.

The result of the research indicates that the riot after Dili riot influenced by political will of Indonesian Government and certain foreign sides to separate East Timor from the unity of Indonesia through the ballot causing the severe polarization of the East Timorese.

The riot after the ballot in East Timor emerged negative reactions, which are conveyed by certain foreign and internal sides in order to execute human rights court. Indonesia government has been performing human rights court based on international law of 1998 Rome Statute.

The riot after the ballot in East Timor could have been minimized if the authority had taken some measures such as reconciliation at all levels of both hostile parties during the process of the ballot. In addition, the authority should have given responsibility of the security during the ballot to international forces.

In order to gain the bright future, both nations the Indonesian and the people of Timor Leste should implement reconciliation for the sake of maintaining the stability and sustaining the development.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2004
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ciek Julyati Hisyam
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan kebijakan Total Tax Management di perusahaan XYZ dan tindak kejahatan perpajakan di perusahaan XYZ sebagai dampak adanya kebijakan tersebut.

Penelitian dilakukan pada tiga perusahaan di Jakarta. Waktu penelitian selama 4 bulan sejak Maret s/ d Juni 2005. Penelitian menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data melalui observasi, wawancara dan Studi dokumen. Observasi di kantor Pengadjlan pajak untuk data perusahaan yang telah diputus permohonan bandingnya. Wawancara terhadap key informan, petugas pajak di pengadilan pajak dan 3 informan, manajer keuangan atau kepala divisi pajak dengan menggunakan pedoman wawancara. Studi dokumentasi dilakukan melalui buku, data atau arsip pembukuan pajak perusahaan.

Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perusahaan X yang berusaha di bidang perkebunan melakukan kejahatan perpajakan penghindaran pajak (tax avoidance) melalui penggunaan metode penyusutan yang tidak tepat. Perusahaan Y yang berusaha di bidang jasa keuangan melakukan kejahatan perpajakan melalui penggelapan pajak (tax evasion) karena menyembunyikan data perpajakan. Perusahaan Z yang berusaha di bidang produksi minuman ringan tergolong barang mewah melakukan kejahatan melalui penghindaran pajak (tax avoidance) dan penggelapan pajak (tax evasion) terhadap transfer harga karena adanya hubungan istimewa (transfer pricing) dan tidak membayar pajak penjualan barang mewah atas pemakaian sendiri barang produksinya.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Supriyono B. Sumbogo
Abstrak :
Indonesia is dangerous country to journalist. Vertical and horizontal conflict which still happened in this state bring to comer journalist. Defeated Daily journalist of Bernas daily from Yogyakarta, Udin, before reform era in year 1996, civil war ini Timor East October 1999 or defeated RCTI Ersa Siregar journalist in Aceh, becoming black sheet in Indonesia journalistic world. Attendance of Undang-Undang Nomor.40/1999 Tentang Pers, which for example meant to arrange mechanism of solving of dispute between mass media with source of news, do not have spur. Source of more opting news go through band punish as according to Criminal Code (KUHP) or Civil Code (KUHPerdata) with accusation denigrated, affronting, or harming materially. Source of news may even exist which play judge alone, than using rights answer or have recourse Council Mass media to finish case Though, rights answer and mediasi by Council Mass media more suggested by Law Mass media. But the source of news which feel getting disadvantage by news usually assume usage of insufficient answer rights to indemnify or cure good name. Biggest threat is society which not yet ready to or not yet comprehended liberty of the press. Because, to come the envisioned democratic atmosphere is not easy. Various aspiration and importance each other impinging bearing hardness network in the middle of society, both for conducted by police, military, functioner, or mass premanisme actions, what it is true have been started since before reform spandrel opened. At reform era, threat of a kind come from individual, including state officer, and society group in is multifarious of pressure form or hardness to media and journalist. Alliance Journalist Indonesia (AJI) indicate that at period 1 January till 15 May 2000 happened 43 hardness case to journalist, both for conducted by society, police, military, or governmental functionaly. Koalisi Antikekerasan note even also do not far differ from AJI note. At least in range of time 365 day commencing from 3 May 2000 up to 3 May 2001 have happened 118 wounded case of liberty of the press. Asian Note South East of Press Alliance ( SEAPA) mention that in the year 2000 hardness case to tired journalist of number 147 case, year 2001 going down to become 97 case, and go down again become 72 case in the year 2002, and in the early July 2003 only 54 case along the happening of military conflict in Nanggroe Acheh Darussalam ( NAD). Whereas, AJI note happened 27 violences to journalist in the year 2004. For the year of 2005 there is no data which can be made guidance. But, hardness to mass media remain to happen in a number of place. On the contrary, Indonesia mass media even also like to fish guest speaker dander. Moment resource person answer " comment no", for example, this words interpreted as confession and approval. Method journalistic demand to be mass media report on by fair, cover both sides, well-balancedly, and fair and continue to side wide of importance, is frequently disregarded. Scorpion happened various riot action, violence, and badness, mass media is even also alleged as hardness agent. Thereby, mass media not merely as hardness victim, good hardness physical and also non physical, but also act as hardness perpetrator.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Benny Muhamad Saefulloh
Abstrak :
Juvenile delinquency with law today have need to receive an attention because they are a next generation that we must keep watch over them in order that they do not make a deviation that finally they must experience a hard live in prison. A prison as a place for the exile of individual groups because they have a crime behavior. It is not a good place for a juvenile. To enter a juvenile will be contaminated and learn a bigger crime. Research method used a qualitative approach with case study conducted. In data collecting the researcher performed an observation in the research location and interview in depth with the informants and also a structured interview with the prisons officer. An applied incarceration for a juvenile is designed as a punishment in order that a juvenile has a daunt because a juvenile has not a special guiding during in prison, in addition a treatment for adult. Because there do not perform a guiding for a juvenile, so there is much free time, it can be used by a juvenile to learn on other delinquency in way mutual change an experience. A juvenile learning process in performing a delinquency or deviation occur in a long time and in an intimate group. Tis process did not performed only in prison but also it occur after they have released from the prison in intimate group. A crime learning process can be absorbed easily by a juvenile, because during in prison a juvenile has less related to a binding elements. With a weak social relation and occuring a crime learning process that a juvenile had performed in prison, then, a juvenile has a probability in significant to do a delinquency, so that the new and young criminals will be created as an impact of incarceration of juvenile.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2005
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Badrul Munir
Abstrak :
Background of this research is the interest to journalist's rampant attitude by tolerating "thank you envelope" where the often poorly-paid reporter is passed an envelope of money after an interview or media conference in exchange for for favorable coverage. Whilst Jumalist Ethical Code of Pers Council (Dewan Pers, Pasal 6) is strickly prohibit journalist for receaving money from sources. This attitude could cause a very serious problem to our democracy. Inspite of playing their role as the fourth pilar of democracy, journalist-with this attitude shift to be the fourth parasites to democracy together with corruption, colution and nepotism.

Mass media companies contribute to this situation by tolerating their journalist to receive money from their source. Only view mass media companies punish their journalist who is found to receive money from their source.

This case study is using qualitative approach in data gathering and analyzing methode. Data is collected mainly by conducting structural, non-structural and indepth interviews to subjects of research, who are categorized as follow: 1. journalist of 4 (four) different mass media; 2.. officer in one of state insitution"X", and; 3. staff from different sections on the institution. Subject of interview are limited to journalist, the member and staffs in state institution "X° during March to May 2006. supporting data is gathered through observation to the relation between subjects around the house during first semester of the year 2006.

Result of the study, at first, gives a background picture of the rampant attitude among journalist. The picture is about a complexity of journalist life, like the low payment they received from their mass media company, the mass media bussines competion which in turn put mass media companies to fight against each other to gain income from advertisement and lose application of journalist ethical code. These three factors have put journalist in situations to "innovate" their strategy in survival or increasing their wealth.

From this study, also found a patern of systemic interactions, which involves journalist and promoter for state institution "X". in most case, they give service in popularity promotion for individual the member of state institution "X", news brokers or provide

Public service relation" for the sections of state institution °X", information seller to the member of state institution °X" and even black mailing. This situation should be a signal for mass media companies to increase salary for their journalists. Discourse for increasing salary fot journalist to Rp. 3 millions at least which is introduced by AJI (aliansi Jurnalis Independen), should be appreciated by mass media companies. At the same time, ethic code should also be conducted strictly.

A progressive action could be taken by Pers Council (Dewan Pers) - if willing to do so - is to name to public mass media and journalist who tolerate money from source. If mass media had contribute to democracy in this country by publishing black/dirty politiciants, it should also be possible and fair to compaign against mass media companies by publishing names of mass media companies who tolerate money from sources.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Yal Robiansyah
Abstrak :
Penelitian ini, meneliti tentang faktor penyebab kekerasan massa oleh FPI terhadap tempat hiburan di kawasan Kemang Jakarta Selatan dan kekerasan massa FPI di kantor majalah Playboy Indonesia. Penelitian ini mengunakan jenis penelitian studi kasus, data yang digunakan dengan mengunakan data kualitatif sedangkan teknik pengumpulan datanya melalui wawancara secara mendalam dan observasi penulis di lapangan. Dari hasil penelitian tentmg kekerasan massa FPI terhadap tempat hiburan di kawasan Kemang. Penulis dapat menyimpulkan bahwa kekerasan massa PPI disebabkan oleh:

Pertama, adanya tempat hiburan yang melakukan pelanggaran jam operasional di saat bulan Ramadhan, sebagaimana yang telah diatur dan ditetapkan dalam Perda No. 10 tahun 2004. Kedua, adanya tempat hiburan yang menyalahi ijin usaha dan fungsi yang sebenarnya. Ketiga, tidak adanya respon dari pemerintah dan aparat Kepolisian terhadap aspirasi dan tuntutan PPI serta umat Islam yang menghendaki seluruh tempat hiburan yang mempasilitasi kemaksiatan agar menutup usahanya pada saat bulan puasa Ramadhan. Keempat, FPI melihat tidak berfungsinya aparat Pemda DKI dan aparat kepolisian bahkan menurut FPI mereka terkesan membiarkan pelanggaran aturan tersebut terlebih-lebih aparat juga tidak melakukan pengawasan dan tidak memberikan sanksi yang tegas terhadap tempat hiburan yang melanggar. Kelima, sebagai bentuk keprihatinan FPI terhadap berbagai kemaksiatan yang terjadi di tempat-tempat hiburan khususnya di masyarakat. Keenam, adanya kondisi yang dapat memicu FPI melakukan tindakan kekerasan, yakni munculnya serangan balasan oleh pihak Iain dalam bentuk aksi peenghadangan jalan menuju tempat hiburan yang menjadi sasaran aksi FPI.

Adapun faktor penyebab kekerasan FPI terhadap majalah Playboy adalah: Pertama, diabaikan seruan dan beberapa tokoh masyarakat, anggota DPR, pemerintah dan ormas-ormas Islam agar pihak Playboy Indonesia menghentikan penerbitannya. Kedua, aparat hukum Iamban dan tidak melakukan tindakan apa-apa atas terbit dan beredar luasnya majalah playboy di masyarakat. Ketiga, telah terjadi kebohongan publik yang dilakukan oleh pihak Playboy Indonesia yang akan menampilkan gambar dan foto-foto yang sopan dan tidak menyuguhkan foto telanjang. Keempat, dengan terbit dan beredarnya majalah Playboy di Indonesia. Hal tersebut membawa citra dan preseden yang buruk bagi Indonesia di mata umat Islam di seluruh dunia, sebab Indonesia sebagai penduduk yang mayoritas penduduknya beragama Islam 'seakan-akan' telah membolehkan beredarnya majalah Playboy. Adapun dampak yang diakibatkan dari kekerasan massa FPI telah mengakibatkan kerugian/ korban fisik, material, dan non materil dari kedua sasaran aksinya tersebut.
This research, checking about factor cause of mass violence Islamic Defender Front (FPI) to hotspot in area Kemang South of Jakarta and mass violence FPI in office Indonesian Playboy magazine. This research is utilizing type of case study research, data used by utilizing is data qualitative, while technique of its data collecting though interview exhaustively and observation of writer in field. Prom result of research about mass violence by FPI to hotspot in area Kemang. Writer can conclude that mass violence FPI because of :

First, existence of hotspot conducting collision clock of operational in moment of month Ramadhan, as which have been arranged and specified in Perda No. 10 Year 2004. Second, existence of hotspot trespassing permission of is effort and the function which in fact. Third, inexistence of respon from government and guard of police to aspiration and demand of FPI and also people of Islam wanting entire all hotspot which providing of immorality in order to close effort at the time of Ramadhan. Fourth, FPI see do not function it worker of Local government of DKI and guard of police even according to their FPI impress to let collision of the order, is more security guard nor conduct observation and do not give coherent sanction to hotspot which impinge. Fifth, as form of concern of FPI to various immorality that happened in hotspot specially in society. Sixth, existence of condition which can trigger FPI conduct action violence, namely appearance of counterattack by other party inthe fonn of action block walke to go to hotspot becoming target of action PPI.

As for factor cause of mass violence by FPI to Indonesian Playboy magazine is: First, disregarded of exclamation from some elite figure, member DPR, governmental and Islamic organizations in order to side Indonesian Playboy magazine discontinue his publication. Second, slowgoing worker law and do not conduct action something for published and circulate playboy magazine broadness in society. Third, have been happened by the public falsehood conducted by Indonesia Playboy party to present photos and picture respectably and do not serve naked photo. Fourth, risingly and circulate it the Playboy magazine in Indonesia. The mentioned bring ugly and prescden image for Indonesia in Islam people eye in all the world, Indonesia cause as resident which its majority resident believe in Islam 'likely' have enabled to circulate it the Playboy magazine. As for impact resulted from mass FPI violence have resulted loss or physical victim, material, and non materil from his action target second.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2006
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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