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Ditemukan 12 dokumen yang sesuai dengan query
I Gusti Gede Maha S. Adi
Abstrak :
Program Pengalihan Hutang untuk Kegiatan Konservasi atau Debt-for-Nature Swap (DNS) adalah salah satu mekanisme konversi hutang negara-negara berkembang yang dapat menjadi salah satu sumber utama pendanaan lingkungan hidup. Tahun 2008 nilai hutang pemerintah Indonesia Rp 1.548 triliun dan rasio terhadap Pendapatan Domestik Bruto sudah mencapai 30 persen. Tahun 2006, pemerintah Republik Federal Jerman dan pemerintah Indonesia menyepakati program DNS III senilai EUR 12,5 juta (Rp 125 miliar) yang akan dilaksanakan selama lima tahun, untuk sektor kehutanan dan lingkungan hidup. Hasil analisis sensitivitas dengan AHP menunjukkan bahwa aspek transparansi merupakan isu kebijakan yang memiliki sensitivitas tertinggi sehingga menjadi faktor utama untuk meningkatkan efektivitas implementasi. DNS III. Isu-isu dan masalah kebijakan yang penting berikutnya berturut-turut adalah aspek teknis UMK, kebijakan anggaran dan hutang luar negeri, komitmen negara kreditor, dan kelembagaan. Isu Tranparansi dapat mempengaruhi kinerja program lebih dari 50 persen. Metode analisis kebijakan dan AHP menyimpulkan bahwa untuk mengoptimasikan program DNS III, maka prioritas perbaikan dari para pengambil kebijakan, harus dilakukan dari isu dan masalah yang memiliki tingkat sensitivitas tertinggi termasuk isu tentang partisipasi publik, publikasi dan akses kepada informasi. ......The debt-for-nature swap (DNS) is one of the debt conversiori mechanisms that could become a major environmental fiinding sources in the future. Indonesia is one ofthe most debtor country with total Rpl.548 billion debt in 2008 or reached over 30 percent to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on the same year. Finally, in 2006 Indonesia and Federal Republic of Germany agreed to implement DNS DI five years project’s tema for EUR12.5 miilion debt conversion. Using AHP’s analysis of sensitivity, the result ot this research shows the main issue that get most attention from stakcholders from highest to lowest is Transparancy, Technically Problem of MSE, Budgeting and Extemal Debt Policy, Creditor’s Commitment, and Institution. Tranparancy could influence more than 50 percent to the program performance. Both policy analysis and AHP method indicates that to optimize program performance, policy makers need prioritizing activities from the high sensitivity issue includes public participation, publication, and access to program report.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2009
UI - Tesis Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Elok Faiqotul Mutia
Abstrak :
Kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta adalah isu yang saat ini menjadi perdebatan publik. Perdebatan ini diperkuat oleh isu-isu lingkungan, marginalisasi kelompok-kelompok tertentu, pengaturan otoritas dan juga korupsi dalam proyek Reklamasi Teluk Jakarta. Beberapa lembaga pemerintah pusat dan provinsi mengambil sikap berbeda tentang masalah ini. Tujuan pertama dari penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis kebijakan lingkungan dalam reklamasi Teluk Jakarta dengan pendekatan ekologi politik. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data diperoleh dari wawancara mendalam dengan para pemangku kepentingan yang terlibat dalam pembuatan kebijakan lingkungan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta dan studi literatur. Studi ini menyimpulkan bahwa kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta menciptakan konflik antara pemerintah pusat dan provinsi. Hal ini disebabkan oleh tumpang tindih peraturan otoritas reklamasi Teluk Jakarta serta perbedaan dalam sikap dan kepentingan di antara para pemangku kepentingan. Dalam pendekatan ekologi politik, kebijakan reklamasi Teluk Jakarta telah gagal mengakomodasi ketiga kepentingan tersebut, yaitu kepentingan sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Konflik yang terjadi juga menyebabkan kelalaian yang tidak hanya merugikan ekonomi, tetapi juga memperburuk dampak sosial dan ekonomi.
The Jakarta Bay reclamation policy is an issue that is currently a public debate. This debate is strengthened by environmental issues, the marginalization of certain groups, the regulation of authority and also corruption in the Jakarta Bay Reclamation project. Some central and provincial government institutions take different stances on the issue. The first objective of this research is to analyse environmental policy in reclamation of Jakarta Bay with the approach of political ecology. This research uses a qualitative approach. The data were obtained from in depth interviews with stakeholders involved in the policy making of the Jakarta Bay reclamation environment and the literature study. This study concludes that the Jakarta Bay reclamation policy creates a conflict between the central and provincial governments. This is due to the overlapping regulation of Jakarta Bay reclamation authority as well as differences in attitude and interests among stakeholders. In the approach of political ecology, the Jakarta Bay reclamation policy has failed to accommodate the three interests, are social, economic and environmental interests. The conflicts that occur also cause an omission that not only harms the economy but worsens the social and economic impact.
Depok: Universitas Indonesia. Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Ruang adalah salah satu sumber daya yang terbatas. Ruang harus dikelola pemanfaatannya dengan baik. Pemanfaatan ruang terus dilakukan dengan banyak mengabaikan keberlanjutan kota padahal seharusnya mempertimbangkan kualitas lingkungan dan kesehatan masyarakat yang tinggal di dalamnya. Selain itu pemerintah dan masyarakat seringkali berpikir jangka pendek dalam mengambil keputusan pemanfaatan ruang, padahal peran serta masyarakat dan kebijakan pemerintah adalah salah satu faktor yang berperan dalam menentukan masa depan keberlanjutan sebuah perkotaan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh suatu strategi untuk mewujudkan kota sehat berkelanjutan. Penelitian dilakukan di Kota Bekasi karena kota Bekasi adalah salah satu daerah penyangga ibukota Jakarta yang pemanfaatan ruangnya berlangsung besar-besaran. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis komparasi, korelasi, dan menyusun scenario planning. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah bahwa saat ini kualitas udara di Kota Bekasi masih layak menurut PP 41 tahun 1999 tentang Pengendalian Pencemaran udara karena masih berada di bawah baku mutu, akan tetapi harus diwaspadai karena kecenderungan yang meningkat. Meskipun kualitas udara mengalami kecenderungan polutan meningkat dan kuantitas RTH semakin menurun tetapi tidak ada pengaruh yang sinifikan antara dua variable tersebut. Kualitas kesehatan masyarakat Kota Bekasi menurun jika dilihat dari tingkat prevalensi ISPA. Peran serta masyarakat sebagai salah satu subyek pembangunan juga sangat penting, pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku yang baik pada pemanfaatan lahan menjadi potensi yang harus dikelola dengan baik. Skenario yang tersusun menggambarkan kemungkinan-kemungkinan yang dapat diminimalisasi dengan berbagai strategi bidang energi dan pemanfaatan ruang untuk memenuhi ruang hijau perkotaan.;
Space is one of the limited resources. Space utilization must be managed properly. Utilization of space continue to be made with many ignoring the sustainability of cities when it should consider the quality of the environment and the health of people living in it. In addition, governments and communities are often short-term thinking in decision making utilization of space, whereas the role of the community and the government's policy is one of the factors that play a role in determining the sustainability of an urban future. This study aimed to obtain a strategy to achieve sustainable healthy city. The study was conducted in Bekasi as the city of Bekasi is one area that the use of buffer capital Jakarta ongoing massive space. The method used is a comparative analysis, correlation, and prepare scenario planning. Results from this study is that the current air quality in the city of Bekasi still worth the PP 41 of 1999 on air pollution control standards, but will have to watch out because the upward trend. Although the quality of the air is increased and the quantity of pollutant trends RTH decreases but no effect sinifikan between the two variables. The quality of the Bekasi City public health declined when viewed from the prevalence of ARI. Community participation as one of the subject of development is also very important, knowledge, attitudes and behavior both on land use potential that must be managed properly. Arranged scenario illustrates the possibilities that can be minimized with a variety of strategies in energy and space utilization to being the urban green space., Space is one of the limited resources. Space utilization must be managed properly. Utilization of space continue to be made with many ignoring the sustainability of cities when it should consider the quality of the environment and the health of people living in it. In addition, governments and communities are often short-term thinking in decision making utilization of space, whereas the role of the community and the government's policy is one of the factors that play a role in determining the sustainability of an urban future. This study aimed to obtain a strategy to achieve sustainable healthy city. The study was conducted in Bekasi as the city of Bekasi is one area that the use of buffer capital Jakarta ongoing massive space. The method used is a comparative analysis, correlation, and prepare scenario planning. Results from this study is that the current air quality in the city of Bekasi still worth the PP 41 of 1999 on air pollution control standards, but will have to watch out because the upward trend. Although the quality of the air is increased and the quantity of pollutant trends RTH decreases but no effect sinifikan between the two variables. The quality of the Bekasi City public health declined when viewed from the prevalence of ARI. Community participation as one of the subject of development is also very important, knowledge, attitudes and behavior both on land use potential that must be managed properly. Arranged scenario illustrates the possibilities that can be minimized with a variety of strategies in energy and space utilization to being the urban green space.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Anita Putri Ayu Djaya Wisnu Wardhani
Abstrak :
Pertumbuhan jumlah penduduk di Indonesia turut pula meningkatnya kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap layanan kesehatan, sehingga jika layanan kesehatan bertambah maka limbah medis juga meningkat. Dampak dari pengelolaan limbah medis yang tidak terkelola adalah timbulnya pencemaran air, darat dan udara. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian deskriptif dan menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Pemilihan alternatif menggunakan Metode Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Riset dilakukan pada 4 unit Puskesmas dan 4 unit Posyandu yang disebut Layanan Kesehatan Pemerintah (LKP), 2 orang expert dari Dinas Kesehatan dan Badan Pengelola Lingkungan Hidup (BPLH) Kota Bekasi, 2 orang expert dari Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan, dan 1 orang praktisi di bidang pengelolaan limbah medis. Berdasarkan hasil riset, jumlah limbah medis masing-masing LKP adalah rata-rata 2 kg/hari, karakteristik limbah medis sebanyak 100% terdiri atas limbah benda tajam dan farmasi, serta komposisi limbah medis terdiri atas limbah jarum suntik, benda tajam, kapas, perban juga sebanyak 100%. Terkait penanganan limbah medis bahwa belum ada satupun puskesmas dan posyandu yang memiliki dokumen lingkungan hidup. Alternatif pengelolaan limbah medis yang diperoleh melalui AHP adalah pembangunan insinerator utama oleh Pemerintah Kota Bekasi sebagai prioritas utama dengan nilai bobot 0,430.
The growth of population in Indonesia was also the increasing needs of the community with respect to health services, increased health services so that if the medical waste is also increasing. The impact of medical waste management unmanaged is the incidence of pollution of water, land and air. This research used a qualitative approach and descriptive research method. Alternative selection using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Research conducted on 4 Puskesmas, 4 Posyandu it called Health Services of Government (LKP 2 expert from the Department of Health and Environmental Management (BPLH) at Bekasi City, 2 expert from Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and1 person who related to waste management practitioners. Based on the results of research, the amount of medical waste each LKP is the average ± 2 kg/day, the characteristics of medical waste by as much as 100% consists of sharps waste and pharmaceuticals, as well as the composition of the medical waste consists of waste syringes, sharps, cotton, bandages also much as 100%. Relating to the medical waste management that there is no one puskesmas and posyandu have an Environment Document. Alternative waste management which was obtained through AHP are build an incinerator where of a main value weights priority in Bekasi as 0,430., The growth of population in Indonesia was also the increasing needs of the community with respect to health services, increased health services so that if the medical waste is also increasing. The impact of medical waste management unmanaged is the incidence of pollution of water, land and air. This research used a qualitative approach and descriptive research method. Alternative selection using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) method. Research conducted on 4 Puskesmas, 4 Posyandu it called Health Services of Government (LKP 2 expert from the Department of Health and Environmental Management (BPLH) at Bekasi City, 2 expert from Ministry of Environment and Forestry, and1 person who related to waste management practitioners. Based on the results of research, the amount of medical waste each LKP is the average ± 2 kg/day, the characteristics of medical waste by as much as 100% consists of sharps waste and pharmaceuticals, as well as the composition of the medical waste consists of waste syringes, sharps, cotton, bandages also much as 100%. Relating to the medical waste management that there is no one puskesmas and posyandu have an Environment Document. Alternative waste management which was obtained through AHP are build an incinerator where of a main value weights priority in Bekasi as 0,430.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
Persoalan kerusakan lingkungan semakin meningkat dengan terjadinya penurunan luas lahan hutan ke non hutan. Cadangan luas hutan yang semakin terbatas menimbulkan permasalahan dari sisi suplai dan berimplikasi pada peningkatan emisi Gas Rumah Kaca (GRK). Sebagai gambaran, pada tahun 2005 sebesar 62,8% emisi GRK Indonesia dihasilkan dari perubahan penggunaan lahan dan kehutanan (Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, 2010). Emisi karbon dari perubahan lahan hutan memiliki keterkaitan erat dengan perekonomian (PDB) suatu wilayah. Salah satu model yang sering digunakan untuk menganalisis hubungan indikator kerusakan lingkungan dan indikator ekonomi di suatu wilayah adalah Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). Secara umum di 7 (tujuh) wilayah terjadi penurunan emisi karbon dari perubahan penutup lahan pada periode 1997-2013. Wilayah Sumatera adalah wilayah dengan emisi karbon/tahun tertinggi yaitu 148,08 juta ton CO2, selanjutnya wilayah Kalimantan 130,51 juta ton CO2, wilayah Papua sebesar 66,34 juta ton CO2, dan wilayah Sulawesi sebesar 62,97 juta ton CO2. Sedangkan 3 (tiga) wilayah lainnya yaitu wilayah Maluku sebesar 16,21 juta ton CO2, wilayah Jawa sebesar 9,13 juta ton CO2, dan wilayah Bali dan Nusa Tenggara sebesar 5,44 juta ton CO2. Hasil estimasi data panel, hubungan emisi karbon per kapita dari perubahan penutup lahan dan PDRB per kapita di Sumatera, Bali dan Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, dan Papua digambarkan dengan bentuk kurva U yang berarti bahwa emisi karbon per kapita akan terus meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan pendapatan per kapita, sedangkan wilayah Jawa dan Maluku digambarkan dengan bentuk kurva U terbalik sesuai dengan hipotesis EKC yang berarti bahwa setelah mencapai titik balik emisi karbon per kapita akan terus menurun seiring dengan peningkatan pendapatan per kapita.
The issues of environmental damage increases with changing of forest land to non-forest. Reserve forest area is more limited caused supply side problems and the implications of this is increased of Green House Gas (GHG emissions). As an illustration, in 2005, 62,8% Indonesia's GHG emissions resulting from land-use change and forestry (Ministry of Environment, 2010). Carbon emissions from changes in forest land are closely related to the economy of a region (GDP). One model that is commonly used to analyze the relationship between indicators of environmental damage and economic in a region is the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). Generally in 7 (seven) region, carbon emissions from changes in land cover in the period 1997-2013 is decreased. Sumatra region is the region with carbon emissions/year is 148,08 million tonnes of CO2, Kalimantan 130,51 million tonnes of CO2, Papua is 66,34 million tonnes of CO2, and Sulawesi region is 62,97 million tonnes of CO2. While the 3 (three) other areas, namely the Moluccas with a value of 16,21 million tons CO2, Java is 9,13 million tonnes of CO2, and Bali and Nusa Tenggara region is 5,44 million tons of CO2. Relationship between emissions of carbon per capita from land cover change and GDP per capita in Sumatra, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua described by U curve shape which means that the carbon emissions per capita will continue to increase along with the increase in income per capita, while Java and Maluku depicted the shape of an inverted U curve according to the EKC hypothesis, which means that after reaching a turning point in carbon emissions per capita will continue to decrease with the increase of income per capita., The issues of environmental damage increases with changing of forest land to non-forest. Reserve forest area is more limited caused supply side problems and the implications of this is increased of Green House Gas (GHG emissions). As an illustration, in 2005, 62,8% Indonesia's GHG emissions resulting from land-use change and forestry (Ministry of Environment, 2010). Carbon emissions from changes in forest land are closely related to the economy of a region (GDP). One model that is commonly used to analyze the relationship between indicators of environmental damage and economic in a region is the Environmental Kuznets Curve (EKC). Generally in 7 (seven) region, carbon emissions from changes in land cover in the period 1997-2013 is decreased. Sumatra region is the region with carbon emissions/year is 148,08 million tonnes of CO2, Kalimantan 130,51 million tonnes of CO2, Papua is 66,34 million tonnes of CO2, and Sulawesi region is 62,97 million tonnes of CO2. While the 3 (three) other areas, namely the Moluccas with a value of 16,21 million tons CO2, Java is 9,13 million tonnes of CO2, and Bali and Nusa Tenggara region is 5,44 million tons of CO2. Relationship between emissions of carbon per capita from land cover change and GDP per capita in Sumatra, Bali and Nusa Tenggara, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Papua described by U curve shape which means that the carbon emissions per capita will continue to increase along with the increase in income per capita, while Java and Maluku depicted the shape of an inverted U curve according to the EKC hypothesis, which means that after reaching a turning point in carbon emissions per capita will continue to decrease with the increase of income per capita.]
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ravita Sari
Abstrak :
Proses produksi Industri batik menghasilkan air limbah yang memiliki kandungan bahan kimia berbahaya. Untuk menjaga kualitas lingkungan, maka diperlukan upaya pengelolaan. Laweyan telah melakukan upaya pengelolaan air limbah, tetapi pelaksanaannya kurang bagus. Tujuan tesis ini adalah mengevaluasi pengelolaan air limbah, menganalisis persepsi masyarakat tentang pengelolaan air limbah, dan merumuskan strategi pengelolaan air limbah. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode mix-method. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pengelolaan air limbah yang berjalan bagus hanya aspek teknis dan manajerial, aspek ekonomi dan lingkungan tidak berjalan bagus. Sebanyak 61 masyarakat masih memiliki persepsi yang baik mengenai dampak pengelolaan air limbah yang telah dilakukan. Analisis SWOT menunjukkan bahwa kondisi pengelolaan air limbah di Kampoeng Batik Laweyan terletak pada kuadran I Diagram Kartesius. Kesimpulan yang didapatkan adalah pengelolaan air limbah berjalan belum bagus, sebagian besar masyarakat masih persepsi yang baik terhadap pengelolaan air limbah, dan strategi prioritas adalah supports an aggressive strategy. ...... The process of batik industry produces wastewater which contains dangerous chemical substances. In order to maintain the quality of environment, therefore it requires management strategy. Laweyan has conducted some wastewater management system, but the implementation has not been running well. The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate wastewater management system, to analyse people perception in accordance with wastewater management system and to formulate wastewater management system. The method that has been used is the mix method. Based on the research, the wastewater managment system only the technique and managerial system aspects that have been running well, but not economic and enviromental aspects. About 61 percents of the people still believe that the good impact of wastewater managment system. SWOT analysis shows that the condition of the wastewater management system is in kuadran I Cartesius Diagram. The conclusion that the wastewater management system is not running well yet, most of the people still have a good perception of the good impact wastewater management system, and priority of strategy is supports an aggressive strategy.
Jakarta: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
T. Maria Tommy Budiyanto
Abstrak :
Permasalahan yang dihadapi dalam pengelolaan kawasan industri, adalah pembangun yang tidak sesuai dengan peraturan lingkungan yang ada, terutama Koefisien Dasar Bangunn KDB . Hal ini disebabkan semakin terbatasnya lahan industri, dan upaya memaksimalkan luas bangunan. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode survei di Kawasan Industri Cibitung, untuk menilai kepatuhan terhadap peraturan lingkungan hidup, dan upaya pengelolaan bersama masyarakat industri untuk memenuhi peraturan bangunan. Kepatuhan dilihat dari kesesuaian rasio KDB terhadap ketentuan bangunan dalam peraturan kawasan industri; maksimal 60 dari luas yang tanah dimiliki, dan Ruang Terbuka Hijau RTH dapat dipertahankan minimal 10. Penelitian ini menemukan bahwa KDB pada populasi 24,55 tenant mencapai 84,77 , dan sisa RTH pada populasi 21,56 tenant hanya 2,49 . Pembangunan dan ekspansi yang berlebihan, menyebabkan terus berkurangnya RTH sebagai daerah penyerapan air hujan, mengakibatkan limpasan air hujan langsung masuk ke sistem drainase lingkungan, dan menyebabkan banjir di kawasan. Diperlukan penegakkan peraturan, pegawasan pembangunan, dan upaya bersama masyarakat industri dalam konservasi air tanah, untuk dapat mewujudkan terciptanya pengelolaan sustainable eco-industrial park yang baik. ......Problem faced in the management of industrial estate, is the development of industrial building which are not in accordance with the existing environmental regulations, especially the building coverage ratio BCR . This is due to the limited available of industrial land, and the tenant 39 s desire to maximize building area. This research with survey methodology conducted at Cibitung Industrial Town, to assess the compliance of industrial building in complying with environmental regulations, and efforts by estate management together with industrial communities to meet building regulations. The compliance is seen from the conformity of the tenant rsquo s BCR to the building provisions contained in the regulation within the industrial estate which is maximum 60 from land owned. And whether the rest of green open space GOS area can still be maintained at a minimum 10. This study found tenant rsquo s BCR at 24.55 population was 84.77 , and the rest of GOS at 21.56 population was only 2.49 , excessive development and expansion led to a continued reduction in GOS as a rainwater absorption area. It resulting the rainfall runoff directly into the environmental drainage system, and causing flooding in the industrial town. It need an environment regulation enforcement, intensive supervision in building development and joint efforts programs for groundwater conservation to meet the better sustainable eco industrial park estate management.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Vita Ruliana
Abstrak :
Pengelolaan sampah padat menjadi salah satu isu lingkungan yang perlu diperhatikan di suatu kota. Peningkatan volume sampah padat tidak sebanding dengan ketersediaan lahan tempat pemrosesan akhir TPA . Keberadaan TPA berpotensi mencemari lingkungan dan menimbulkan masalah kesehatan. TPA Cipayung tempat bermuaranya sampah dari 11 kecamatan di Kota Depok mengalami krisis daya tampung. Untuk mengurangi volume sampah, pemerintah daerah mengeluarkan kebijakan yang menghimbau pemilahan sampah dilakukan setiap orang sejak dari sumbernya. Pemilahan sampah di RW 16 telah diperkenalkan sejak tahun 2014, namun belum berjalan optimal. Keberadaan ember komunal sampah organik belum merata dan masih terdapat pengangkutan sampah bercampur. Penelitian ini mencoba menganalisis hubungan partisipasi pemilahan sampah dengan diseminasi informasi, pengetahuan lingkungan, dan sikap terhadap lingkungan. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif dengan metode kuantitatif dan kualitatif, melalui kuesioner, wawancara, dan observasi. Hasil analisis korelasi Spearman mengungkapkan bahwa partisipasi berhubungan sangat kuat dengan penerimaan informasi sosialisasi pemilahan sampah, berhubungan kuat dengan pengetahuan lingkungan, namun berhubungan lemah dengan sikap terhadap lingkungan. Kondisi lainnya yang membentuk partisipasi yakni kegiatan sehari-hari, lama tinggal warga, ketersediaan fasilitas, tingkat kesejahteraan, dan peran aktor penggerak. Melalui penelitian ini pengembangan strategi partisipasi pemilahan sampah diharapkan memprioritaskan diseminasi informasi secara rutin dan argumentatif, memastikan ketersediaan fasilitas yang memadai termasuk untuk setiap warga pendatang baru, dan fasilitas yang memudahkan warga untuk memilah sampah di sela-sela kesibukan, pendekatan khusus dan pemberian insentif kepada warga dengan tingkat kesejahteraan menengah ke bawah, serta perlunya pendekatan kepada individu dan kelompok masyarakat yang dapat dijadikan aktor penggerak. ......Municipal waste management has become one of major environmental issues that needs attention. In cities of developing countries the amount of waste generation contributed by increasing population is going inversely proportional with the land areas available for landfills and the lifespan of landfills. The existence of landfills themselves is becoming less popular as they pose environmental pollutions and health problems. The problem of landfill depletion has been of a great concern to the City of Depok. TPA Cipayung, the city rsquo s landfill can no longer support the enormous volume of waste coming from all 11 districts. This case has urged the local government to oblige reduction of waste at household level through waste separation. Waste separation has been adopted since 2014 in RW 16, but still shows a low rate of participation. Organic community bins are not fairly distributed and located, and there is still transportation of comingled waste in the area. This study evaluates participation of the residents in waste separation by examining correlation between dissemination of information, environmental knowledge, and environmental attitude. This study exercises quantitative approach with quantitative and qualitative methods. The result of correlation analysis using Spearman Correlation reveals that participation has a very strong correlation with information exposure, a strong correlation with environmental knowledge, and a weak correlation with environmental attitude. Other conditions that may lead to participation are daily activities, living periode, level of income, facilities provision, and the role of a leading actor. At the end, this study concludes the importance of dissemination of information to be carried out in routine basis, the importance to incorporate argumentative and persuasive messages about the significance of waste separation, suggests incentive to low income families, the importance of facilities provision, and the importance of the role of a leading actor in helping to increase public participation in waste separation.
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Asri Annur
Abstrak :
Pertambahan penduduk, konsumsi dan produksi masyarakat adat Kajang yang memanfaatkan sumber daya alam untuk memenuhi kebutuhan sehari-hari dan kebutuhan lainnya. Pemanfaatan sumber daya alam dikelola dengan memanfaatkan hasil hutan berdasarkan praktik konservasi lingkungan. Bagaimana kondisi sosial ekonomi lingkungan, pengelolaan ekonomi kreatif, dan strategi pengembangan kerajinan yang berkelanjutan di Tana Toa. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif, dengan metode deskriptif. Populasi dalam penelitian ini yaitu pengrajin dan kedua adalah stakeholder. Metode pengambilan data dengan wawancara. Hasil penelitian menujukkan kondisi sosial ekonomi lingkungan masyarakat mengambarkan (1) sturkut kelembagaan, (2) produksi dan konsumsi masyarakat, (3) guna lahan, (4) sumber daya alam. Terkait pengelolaan menujukkan serangkai proses yang terdiri atas (1) perencanaan, (2) pengorganisasian, (3) pelaksanaan, dan (4) pengawasan. Strategi pengembangan ekonomi kreatif berkelanjutan menujukkan upaya yang dilakukan dengan menjabarkan kekuatan, kelemahan, peluang, dan ancaman. Kemampuan stakeholder meminimalisasi kelemahan dan menekan dampak ancaman baik dengan stategi (S-O), (W-O), (S-T) dan (W-T) merupakan kunci keberhasilan pengembangan ekonomi kreatif di Tana Toa Kajang.
Growth of population, consumption and production of Kajang people who utilize natural resources to meet their daily needs and others. Utilization of natural resources are managed by utilizing forest products based on environmental conservation practice. How the socioeconomic conditions, management of creative industries, and sustainable development strategy of creative industry in Tana Toa. This study used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. The population in this study are craftsmen and stakeholders. Methods of data collection by interview. The results showed the socio-economic conditions of the society explain (1) institutional structure (2) production and consumption, (3)division of zone (4) natural resources. Management of the process consists of (1) planning, (2) organization, (3) implementation, and (4) surveillance. The strategy of sustainable development of creative industries showed the efforts made to describe the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The ability of stakeholders to minimize weaknesses and minimize the impact of threats both with strategies (S-O), (W-O), (S-T) and (W-T) is the key to the successful development of creative industries in Tana Toa Kajang.
Depok: Program Pascasarjana Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewa Putu Ekayana
Abstrak :
Perkembangan industri sawit di Indonesia memberikan dampak pada aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Namun, dampak industri sawit pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi lebih dominan dibandingkan dengan dampak pada aspek lingkungan dalam artian sawit lebih memberikan manfaat positif untuk peningkatan kesejahteraan masyarakat dan pertumbuhan ekonomi dibandingkan untuk peningkatan luas tutupan hutan, penurunan konflik kepemilikan lahan, dan potensi penurunan emisi. Intervensi pemerintah dalam bentuk penetapan kebijakan diperlukan untuk menyeimbangkan dampak industri sawit pada aspek ekonomi, sosial dan lingkungan. Intervensi kebijakan pemerintah semestinya komprehensif dan akurat maka dari itu perlu dirumuskan ke dalam bentuk model kebijakan sawit pemerintah dengan memperhatikan aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan secara berimbang dengan tujuan mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan. Permodelan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan dengan system dynamicsbertujuan untuk menganalisis dampak intervensi kebijakan pemerintah pada industri sawit yang selanjutnya memberikan dampak pada aspek sosial, ekonomi dan lingkungan. Berdasarkan hasil permodelan, intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah memberikan dampak positif pada aspek sosial, dan lingkungan dalam industri sawit namun memberikan dampak negatif pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi. Selanjutnya, ditetapka intervensi kebijakan lanjutan (counter policy) pemerintah untuk meminimalisir dampak negatif intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi dalam industri sawit. Intervensi kebijakan lanjutan berhasil memberikan dampak positif pada aspek sosial, dan ekonomi dalam industri sawit yang sebelumnya mengalami penurunan akibat intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah. Permodelan kebijakan pemerintah untuk mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan berhasil menganalisis dampak intervensi kebijakan sawit pemerintah dan kebijakan lanjutan pemerintah pada aspek sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan dalam industri sawit sehingga dapat mewujudkan sawit yang berkelanjutan. ......The development of the palm oil industry in Indonesia has had an impact on social, economic, and environmental aspects. However, the impact of the palm oil industry on social and economic aspects is more dominant than the impact on environmental aspects in the sense that oil palm provides more positive benefits for increasing people's welfare and economic growth compared to increasing the area of ??forest cover, reducing land ownership conflicts, and reducing potential emissions. Government intervention in the form of establishing policies is necessary to balance the impact of the palm oil industry on economic, social, and environmental aspects. Government policy interventions should be comprehensive and accurate, and therefore need to be formulated in the form of a government palm oil policy model that pays attention to social, economic, and environmental aspects in a balanced way with the goal of realizing sustainable palm oil. Modeling government policies to realize sustainable palm oil with a dynamic system aims to analyze the impact of government policy interventions on the palm oil industry which in turn has an impact on social, economic, and environmental aspects. Based on the modeling results, the government's palm oil policy intervention has a positive impact on social and environmental aspects in the palm oil industry but has a negative impact on social and economic aspects. Furthermore, the government's counter policy intervention was established to minimize the negative impact of the government's palm oil policy intervention on social and economic aspects in the palm oil industry. Follow-up policy interventions have succeeded in having a positive impact on the social and economic aspects of the palm oil industry, which previously experienced a decline due to the government's palm oil policy interventions. Modeling government policies to realize sustainable palm oil has succeeded in analyzing the impact of government palm oil policy interventions and government follow-up policies on social, economic, and environmental aspects in the palm oil industry so that sustainable palm oil can be realized
Jakarta: Sekolah Ilmu Lingkungan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
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