Emergency landing sebagai keadaan darurat bandara memerlukan tindakan yang cepat dan tepat oleh Kantor Kesehatan Pelabuhan (KKP) sebagai koordinator medis. Penanganan medis dalam emergency landing sangat menentukan keselamatan dan keamanan korban, hal ini berbasis pada pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku petugas KKP bandara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui tingkat pengetahuan, sikap dan perilaku petugas KKP Bandara Internasional Soekarno Hatta (SOETTA) dan Bandara Internasional Zainuddin Abdul Majid (ZAM) terhadap emergency landing. Penelitian dilakukan secara deskriptif dengan potong lintang. Sembilan puluh delapan petugas KKP dari 74 bandara SOETTA dan 24 bandara ZAM telah diambil datanya lewat kuesioner. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan pengetahuan petugas KKP SOETTA yang tergolong cukup 63,5% sementara pengetahuan petugas ZAM yang tergolong cukup 79,2%. Untuk hasil sikap petugas KPP SOETTA yang tergolong positif 67,6% sementara di ZAM sikap petugas KPP yang tergolong positif 54,16%. Untuk hasil perilaku petugas KPP SOETTA yang tergolong baik 55,4% sementara di ZAM perilaku petugas KPP yang tergolong baik 75%. Kesimpulannya tingkat pengetahuan petugas KKP SOETTA dan petugas KKP ZAM terhadap emergency landing sudah cukup. Sikap petugas KKP SOETTA dan petugas ZAM terhadap penanganan emergency landing positif. Perilaku petugas KKP petugas KKP SOETTA dan petugas ZAM cukup baik terhadap emergency landing.
Emergency landing as airport emergency requires quick and appropriate action by the Port Health Office (KKP) as the medical coordinator. Medical treatment in an emergency landing will determine the safety of victims, this is based on the knowledge, attitudes and behavior of airport KKP officers. This study aims to determine knowledge, attitudes and behavior of KKP officers at Soekarno Hatta International Airport (SOETTA) and Zainuddin Abdul Majid International Airport (ZAM) toward emergency landing. The study was conducted descriptively by cross section. Ninety-eight KKP officers from 74 SOETTA airport and 24 ZAM airport have taken their data through questionnaires. The results showed that knowledge of SOETTA officers who were classified as enough 63.5% while ZAM officers 79.2%. For the results of the attitude of the SOETTA officers who were classified as positive 67.6% while in ZAM 54.16%. For the results of the behavior of SOETTA officers who were classified as good 55.4% while in ZAM 75%. In conclusion, the level of knowledge of SOETTA and ZAM KKP officers towards emergency landing was enough. The attitude of SOETTA and ZAM KKP officers towards handling emergency landing was positive. The behavior of SOETTA and ZAM KKP officers is good towards emergency landing.