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Donny Kurniawan
Latar belakang: Olahraga bola basket merupakan olahraga yang populer di dunia dan digemari oleh banyak kalangan. Walaupun bersifat non kontak namun kontak sesama atlet tetap sering terjadi dan mempunyai risiko sedang untuk terjadinya cedera. Di Indonesia studi kesintasan cedera olahraga bola basket masih terbatas dan faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi cedera belum sepenuhnya diketahui. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memperoleh gambaran kesintasan cedera atlet bola basket profesional dalam satu musim kompetisi berdasarkan waktu latihan dan waktu pertandingan.Metode: Penelitian ini menggunakan metode observasional prospektif. Keluaran utama penelitian ini adalah insiden cedera, angka kejadian cedera saat pertandingan dan latihan yang digunakan untuk memperoleh gambaran kesintasan cedera dalam satu musim kompetisi yang digambarkan menggunakan kurva Kaplan-Meier.Hasil: Insiden cedera dalam 1 musim pertandingan adalah 4.82 /1000jam dengan insiden cedera saat pertandingan 7 kali lebih besar dibandingkan latihan. Pada akhir musim didapat fungsi kesintasan 20 dengan peluang subyek tidak mendapatkan cedera saat pertandingan 24 . dan saat menjalani latihan 42 .Kesimpulan: Kesintasan cedera saat latihan lebih tinggi dibandingkan kesintasan cedera saat pertandingan

"Background Basketball is a popular sport in the world and loved by many people. Although it is non contact, but contact between fellow athlete is still common and it has a moderate risk of injury. In Indonesia Survival analysis in basketball injuries is still limited and the factors that may affect the injury is not fully known. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of survival analysis in professional basketball athlete injuries for one season by practice and games.Methods This study used a prospective observational method. The main outputs of this study were the incidence of injury, the incidence of injury in games and practices that used to obtain injury survival that will be presented using the Kaplan Meier curves.Results The incidence of injuries in one season is 4.82 1000AE with the incidence of injury in the games 15.21 1000AE and in practices 2.19 1000AE. Survival function at the end of the season is 20 with a chance of a subject who is not getting injured during the games by 24 and during practices 42 . Conclusion Probability subjects who is not get injured during practices is higher than during the games."
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Jakarta: Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Indonesia, 2016
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Windu Santoso
"ABSTRAK Pengelolaan pasien hipertensi di rumah sakit masih dominan pada upaya farmakologi.
Konseling keperawatan (KP) sebagai upaya non farmakologi belum optimal. Pasien
hanya mengandalkan obat dokter dan tidak mengubah gaya hidup sehat. Asuhan
komprehensif dibutuhkan untuk menghindari dampak seperti penyakit jantung, stroke,
gagal ginjal dan kematian dini. Besarnya biaya perawatan merupakan masalah serius.
Konseling keperawatan diharapkan dapat mengubah gaya hidup menjadi lebih sehat.
Tujuan penelitian untuk mengetahui prediktor pelaksanaan konseling keperawatan pada
pasien hipertensi. Metode survey crossectional dengan kuesioner pada 200 perawat.
Analisis menggunakan uji chi-square, regresi logistik berganda. Ada hubungan yang
signifikan antara kemampuan konseling p value=0.001, pemahaman informasi p
value=0.001, dukungan dan sistem kualitas p value=0.000, kondisi lingkungan p
value=0.000 dengan pelaksanaan konseling keperawatan. Umur p value= 0,250, jenis
kelamin p value= 0,57, pengalaman kerja p value= 0,177 dan pendidikan terakhir p
value=0,583, tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan. Lingkungan dan dukungan sistem
kualitas merupakan prediktor utama. Kondisi lingkungan dan dukungan yang baik, 8 kali
lebih baik pada konseling keperawatan. lingkungan yang didukung dengan infrastruktur
dan fasilitas yang baik sangat mendukung terlaksananya konseling keperawatan.

Hypertensive Patients in hospitals in East Java, Indonesia
Counsellor :Agung Waluyo, Mustikasari, Ede Surya Darmawan
Management of hypertensive patients in hospitals is still dominant in pharmacological
efforts. Nursing counseling (KP) as a non-pharmacological effort is not optimal. Patients
only rely on doctor's medication and do not change their healthy lifestyle.
Comprehensive care is needed to avoid impacts such as heart disease, stroke, kidney
failure, and premature death. The cost of treatment is a serious problem. Nursing
counseling is expected to change lifestyle to be healthier. The aim of the study was to
determine the predictors of the implementation of nursing counseling in hypertensive
patients. Crossectional survey method with questionnaires on 200 nurses. Analysis using
the chi-square test, multiple logistic regression. There is a significant relationship
between expertise and skills p-value = 0.001, giving information p-value = 0.001,
support and quality systems p-value = 0.000, environment p-value = 0.000 with the
implementation of nursing counseling. Age p value= 0,250, gender p-value = 0,583,
work experience p value= 0,177 and education p-value=0,583 there is no significant
relationship. Environment and quality system support are the main predictors. Good
environmental conditions and support, 8 times better in nursing counseling. the
environment which is supported by good infrastructure and facilities strongly supports
the implementation of nursing counseling
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Amelia K
"Bencana menyebakan kematian, kehilangan dan kesakitan meningkat. Di Indonesia pada tahun 2018 saja terdapat 5.395 jiwa meninggal dan hilang; luka 19.610 orang; penduduk yang terdampak dan mengungsi 603.873 orang. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan model pelatihan keperawatan yang dapat meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan menangani kegawatdaruratan pascagempa. Penelitian memakai metode riset operasional dengan dua tahap penelitian. Tahap I: pengembangan model melalui penelitian phenomenology dengan metode wawancara mendalam diikuti diskusi kelompok terfokus (FGD), studi literatur dan konsul pakar. Tahap II: validasi model dengan desain true eksperimental blok control alokasi. Wawancara mendalam mendapat 9 partisipan dan FGD 10 partisipan. Didapatkan Model Pelatihan ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, kesiapan dan kesediaan perawat. Intervensi dilakukan selama satu bulan dengan jumlah sampel total 124 perawat. Pelatihan memakai zoom meeting serta aplikasi ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ yang diunduh di Play Store. Uji T-test dan General Linear Model repeated measure membuktikan Model Pelatihan ‘Aku Sigap Bencana” meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan, pengetahuan, kesiapan dan kesediaan (p value < 0,05) dan memiliki ketahanan lebih lama (p value <0,05). Faktor perancu tidak mempengaruhi hasil yang didapat (p value > 0,05). Rekomendasi Model ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ dapat dipakai untuk pelatihan perawat di Pusat Kesehatan Masyarakat dan Rumah Sakit diseluruh Indonesia agar kemampuan menangani korban dan kesediaan hadir pascagempa meningkat.

Disasters can lead to death and loss. In 2018, Indonesia suffered 5.395 death and loss, 19.610 people were injured, and 603.873 lived in shelters. This study aimed to develop a training model to increase nurses’ preparedness in responding to post-earthquake emergency situations. An operational research method used consisting of two stages. Stage I: training model development using phenomenology with interviews and then followed by focus group discussions, literature review and expert consultation. Stage II: model validation using a true experiment with allocated block design. A total of nine interview participants and ten focus group discussion was included in this study. A training model named ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ developed to increase the knowledge, preparedness, and readiness of nurses. The training intervention was carried out for a month and included 124 nurses. It was delivered using zoom meeting and an application of ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ that can be downloaded from the Play Store. T-test and General Linear Model repeated measure approved that ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ significantly increased knowledge, preparedness, readiness and willingness of nurses (p value < 0,05) and have longer resilience (p value <0,05). Confounding factors were not influence the result (p value > 0,05). The training model ‘Aku Sigap Bencana’ can be used to train nurses working at primary care centres and hospitals across Indonesia to increase nurses’ knowledge and willingness in responding to post-earthquake emergency situations."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2022
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Tanjung, Dudut
Ambulasi pascaoperasi penting dilakukan untuk mempercepat pemulihan pada pasien fraktur ekstremitas bawah. Ambulasi pascaoperasi sesuai dengan waktu yang direkomendasikan dapat memberikan manfaat klinis dan mencegah komplikasi pascaoperasi. Studi ini bertujuan untuk menguji efektifitas program konservasi keperawatan terhadap kemampuan ambulasi pascaoperasi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan yaitu uji klinis dengan kontrol tanpa randomisasi. Program konservasi keperawatan dirancang berdasarkan Model Konseptual Levine, yang terdiri dari; manajemen energi, latihan nafas dalam, latihan kekuatan otot, latihan rentang pergerakan sendi, terapi latihan; ambulasi, pendidikan kesehatan dan pemberdayaan keluarga. Populasi dalam penelitian yaitu: fraktur pinggul, fraktur femur, fraktur tibia/ fibula, dan fraktur pergelangan kaki. Penarikan sampel secara convenience sebanyak 54 responden, 30 responden kelompok kontrol dan 24 responden kelompok intervensi. Primary outcome yang dinilai, yaitu kemampuan ambulasi; waktu ambulasi, kemampuan fungsional dan tingkat ketergantungan. Sedangkan, secondary outcome yang dinilai yaitu: tingkat kelelahan, tingkat nyeri, keyakinan diri, dan dukungan keluarga. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan program konservasi keperawatan efektif mempercepat waktu ambulasi, meningkatkan kemampuan fungsional, menurunkan tingkat ketergantungan, menurunkan tingkat kelelahan, menurunkan tingkat nyeri, dan meningkatkan keyakinan diri p

Abstract Postoperative ambulation is an essential intervention to facilitate recovery in patients with lower extremities fracture. Regular post operative ambulation may contribute to the positive clinical outcomes and prevent post operative complications. This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of Nursing Conservation Program towards ambulation ability in patients with lower extremities fracture. A non randomized control clinical trial design was used in this study. Nursing Conservation Program was designed based on Levine rsquo s Conceptual Model which consisted of energy management, deep breathing exercise, muscle strength exercise, range of motion exercise, exercise therapy ambulation, health education, and family empowerment. Population in this study were patients with hip, femur, tibia fibula, and ankle fracture. The samples were recruited using convenience sampling technique, yielding 54 respondents, 30 respondents were in the control group and 24 respondents were in the intervention group. Primary outcomes were included ambulation ability which consisted of time, functional ability, and dependency level. Meanwhile, secondary outcomes were assessed from the level of fatigue, pain level, self confidence, and family support. This study found that the application of Nursing Conservation Program was effective to accelerate ambulation time, enhance functional ability, reduce self dependency, fatigue and pain level, and increase self confidence p"
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UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Dewi Sartika
"Perawat penting memiliki kesadaran diri dan perilaku ergonomis dalam mengendalikan bahaya ergonomis dari aktivitas asuhan keperawatan yang dapat menyebabkan Low Back Pain (LBP). Supaya angka keluhan LBP tidak terus meningkat dan memberikan dampak yang lebih buruk, diperlukan upaya pencegahan bahaya ergonomis. Belum adanya pengetahuan atau informasi tentang pendekatan yang mengintegrasikan komponen edukasi, pengingat (reminder) dan umpan balik (feedback) pada penelitian terdahulu, maka diperlukan sebuah penelitian dengan tujuan menciptakan model pencegahan bahaya ergonomis yang mengintegrasikan ketiga komponen tersebut menggunakan aplikasi smartphone untuk meningkatkan kesadaran diri dan perilaku ergonomis perawat. Desain penelitian tahap pertama adalah studi kualitatif dan observasi untuk menghasilkan model awal pencegahan bahaya ergonomis, tahap kedua adalah pengembangan model pencegahan bahaya ergonomis berbasis smartphone, dan tahap ketiga adalah quasi experiment untuk membuktikan pengaruh intervensi model terhadap kesadaran diri dan perilaku ergonomis. Besar sampel pada penelitian tahap ketiga yaitu 60 perawat care provider pada kelompok intervensi dan 59 perawat care provider pada kelompok kontrol. Model pencegahan bahaya ergonomis terdiri dari komponen edukasi, pengingat (reminder) dan umpan balik (feedback) kepala ruangan. Komponen edukasi dilaksanakan dengan pemberian edukasi dan informasi menggunakan media modul edukasi dan aplikasi. Komponen pengingat (reminder) dilaksanakan dengan kegiatan safety briefing dan difasilitasi dengan aplikasi. Komponen umpan balik (feedback) dilaksanakan pada kegiatan supervisi dan difasilitasi dengan aplikasi. Intervensi model pada kelompok intervensi menunjukkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi kesadaran diri, pengetahuan, sikap dan tindakan antara sebelum dengan sesudah intervensi (p<0,05). Sedangkan pada kelompok kontrol hanya terdapat perbedaan bermakna proporsi pengetahuan antara sebelum dengan sesudah intervensi (p<0,05). Model ini terbukti dapat meningkatkan kesadaran diri dan perilaku ergonomis perawat. Penerapan model ini dapat menunjang peran dan fungsi manajemen kepala ruangan terutama dalam hal mengingatkan dan memberikan umpan balik kepada perawat untuk dapat meningkatkan kesadaran diri dan perilaku ergonomis dalam memberikan asuhan keperawatan.

Self-awareness and ergonomic behavior are vital for nurses to manage ergonomic hazards during nursing care activities which can lead to Low Back Pain (LBP). In order to prevent the increasing complaints of LBP and to avoid more severe consequences, preventive efforts for ergonomic hazards are necessary. There was no knowledge or information about approaches that integrate educational, reminder, and feedback components in previous research, therefore research is needed with the aim of creating an ergonomic hazard prevention model that integrates these three components using a smartphone application to increase self-awareness and ergonomic behavior of nurses. The research design for the first phase involved a qualitative study and observations to generate an initial model for preventing ergonomic hazards, the second phase involved the development of a smartphone-based ergonomic hazard prevention model, the third phase was a quasi-experiment to demonstrate the impact of the intervention model on self-awareness and ergonomic behavior. The sample size for the third phase consisted of 60 staff nurses in the intervention group and 59 staff nurses in the control group. The ergonomic hazard prevention model consists of educational components, reminders and feedback from the head nurses. The educational component was implemented by providing education and information using media in the form of educational modules and applications. The reminder component was implemented with a safety briefing activity and facilitated with an application. The feedback component was implemented in supervision activities and facilitated with applications. The intervention model for the intervention group showed significant differences in the proportions of self-awareness, knowledge, attitudes, and actions before and after the intervention (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, in the control group, only a significant difference was found in the proportion of knowledge before and after the intervention (p < 0.05). This model has been proven to enhance self-awareness and ergonomics behavior among staff nurses. The application of this model can support the role and function of head nurses, especially in terms of reminding and providing feedback to staff nurses to improve their self-awareness and ergonomics behavior in providing nursing care."
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Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2023
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library