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Muhammad Avicenna Diannegara
Abstrak :
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEMFC) atau yang dikenal juga dengan proton exchange membrane fuel cell merupakan salah satu jenis fuel cell yang memiliki bahan dasar berupa polimer dengan fungsi sebagai alat konversi kimia yang mengubah gas hidrogen dan oksigen menjadi sumber energi listrik, panas, dan air. Salah satu komponen penting dalam PEMFC merupakan pelat bipolar, dimana pelat bipolar tersebut mempunyai fungsi utama untuk mengalirkan elektron dari anoda ke katoda. Bahasan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah menganalisa pengaruh penambahan fraksi berat multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) sebesar 1 wt%, 2 wt%, 3wt%, 4 wt%, 5 wt% terhadap karakteristik pelat bipolar PEMFC berbasis nano komposit epoksi. Selain MWCNT, pada penelitian ini juga digunakan grafit limbah Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) serta carbon black yang dihasilkan dari pirolisis serabut kelapa sebagai penguat. Pelat bipolar dicetak dengan menggunakan metode compression moulding pada temperatur 1000C selama 4 jam. Karakterisasi dalam penelitian ini meliputi pengujian densitas, pengujian fleksural, pengujian porositas, pengujian konduktivitas, serta pengamatan morfologi patahan fleksural dengan menggunakan FESEM. Berdasarkan penelitian ini, didapatkan hasil bahwa pelat bipolar dengan penambahan MWCNT sebesar 5 % mempunyai karakteristik yang optimum. Dimana nilai densitas adalah ssebesar 1.51 gr/cm3, nilai porositas sebesar 1.94 %, nilai fleksural sebesar 63.61 MPa dan nilai konduktivitas sebesar 2.30 S/cm. Dari data-data tersebut disimpulkan bahwa penambahan fraksi berat penguat MWCNT dapat menurunkan porositas dan densitas serta meningkatkan nilai konduktivitas listrik dan kekuatan fleksural, dari pelat bipolar PEMFC berbasis karbon polimer komposit.
Polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell (PEFMC) or also known as proton echange membrane fuel cell is one type of fuell cell that has the basic materials of the polymer material as function of chemical conversion device tha converts hydrogen and oxygen into electrical energy, heat, and water. An important component of PEMFC is bipolar plate, where in the bipolar plate has a main function to drain electrons from the anode to the cathode. The main discussion of this study was to analyze the effect of adding the weight fraction of multi walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) of 1 wt%, 2 wt%, 3 wt%, 4 wt% of the characteristic of PEMC bipolar plate based epoksi nano composite. In addition of MWCNT, in this study also used another reinforcement such as graphit waste from electric arc furnace (EAF) and carbon black that made by pyrolisis of coconut fiber. Bipolar plates were made by compression moulding method at a temperature of 1000C for 4 hours. Characterization in this study includes density testing, porosity testing, fleksural testing, electrical conductivity testing, and observation of the flexural fracture morphology using FESEM. Based on this study, showed that the addition of 5% weight fraction of MWCNT gives an optimal characteristic of the bipolar plate, in which the density of the bipolar plate is 1.51 gr/cm3, the value of porosity is 1.94 %, the flexural strength is 63.31 MPa, and the electrical conductivity is 2.30 S/cm. As a conclusion, adding MWCNT as reinforcement in PEMC bipolar plates can reduce density and porosity of. It is also can improve the electrical conductivity and flexural strength of the PEMFC bipolar plates based on carbon polymer composites.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Didi Prayitno
Abstrak :
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) merupakan salah satu energy alternative untuk mengatasi keterbatasan energi fosil, serta ramah lingkungan. Pelat bipolar merupakan komponen penting pada PEMFC sebagai pengumpul dan pentransfer elektron dari anoda menuju katoda. Pada penelitian ini pelat bipolar dibuat dari grafit komposit yang terdiri dari matriks grafit Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), carbon black dan multi-walled carbon nanotube sebagai filler, dan resin epoksi sebagai binder. Bahasan utama penelitian ini ialah pengaruh penambahan multi-walled carbon nanotube yaitu sebanyak 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% dan 5% terhadap konduktivitas karakteristik material pelat bipolar. Karakterisasi pelat bipolar dengan melakukan beberapa pengujian yaitu uji konduktivitas, uji flexural, uji densitas, uji porositas dan pengamatan dengan menggunakan FE SEM. Hasil dari peneltian ini, penambahan multi-walled carbon nanotube pelat bipolar dapat meningkatkan sifat konduktivitas hingga menjadi 8.95 S/Cm dan kekuatan flexural bipolar yaitu sebesar 59.11 Mpa. Namun, penambahan multi-walled carbon nanotube memiliki titik optimum pada penambahan 3%, penambahan multi-walled carbon nanotube diatas 3% dapat menurunkan kembali sifat konduktivitas dan flexural pelat bipolar akibat penggumpalan atau aglomerat dari multi-walled carbon nanotube
Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell (PEMFC) is one of the alternative energy to overcome the limitations of fossil energy, as well as environmental friendly. Bipolar plate in PEMFC is an important component as collector and transferor o f electron from anode to cathode. In this research the bipolar plate is made from graphite composite consisting of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) graphite as matrice, carbon black and multi-walled carbon nanotube as filler, and opxy resin and hardener as binder. The main subject of this research is effect of addition multi-walled carbon nanotube that is as much as 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% and 5% to the characteristics of bipolar plate. Characterization of bipolar plate by doing some testing iare conductivity test, flexural test, density test, porosity test, and observation with FE SEM. Result from this research is addition of multiwalled carbon nanotube can improve the conductivity to be 8.95 S/cm and flexural properties of bipolar plate is 59.11 Mpa. However, the excessive addition of multiwalled carbon nanotube has an optimum point on the addition 3%, the addition multi-walled carbon nanotube over can return decreace the conductivity and flexural properties of bipolar plate because there is agglomeration multiwalled carbon nanotube.
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2012
UI - Skripsi Open  Universitas Indonesia Library
Ratna Permata Sari
Abstrak :
[Telah dilakukan peningkatan konduktivitas listrik LiFePO4 dengan metode penambahan material logam nano Cu dan CNTs. Metode ini menjadi pilihan yang menarik karena mudah dan murah dalam proses pembuatannya. Proses sintesis dilakukan dengan mencampur serbuk LiFePO4 (komersil) dengan variasi presentase berat nano tembaga (komersil) 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 wt. % dan 5 wt. % nano karbon (komersil) kemudian di proses vacuum mixing dan film applicator. Pengujian XRD, SEM dan EDX dilakukan pada serbuk yang diterima untuk mengkonfirmasi fasa, ukuran butir serta ada tidaknya impurities. Hasil XRD dan EDX pada serbuk nano Cu menunjukkan bahwa telah terjadi oksidasi dan terbentuk menjadi CuO dan Cu2O, serta ditemukan adanya impurities elemen S sebesar 8.5 wt. %. Komposisi fasa yang dihasilkan dari proses penambahan didapat dari menganalisis pola difraksi XRD menunjukkan bahwa fasa yang terbentuk adalah LiFePO4 namun ditemukan adanya impurities berupa Cu4O3 pada variasi penambahan 80 wt. % LiFePO4, 5 wt. % Cu, 5 wt. % C, dan 10 wt. % PVDF. Konduktivitas listrik diuji material katoda LiFePO4 dengan EIS, dan hasil uji menunjukkan bahwa konduktivitas listrik LiFePO4 meningkat seiiring dengan penambahan nano Cu namun tidak terlalu signifikan (dalam satu orde), hal ini dikarenakan efek oksidasi pada Cu. Pada variasi penambahan nano C dan nano Cu terjadi peningkatan sebesar 3 orde dengan nilai konduktivitas sebesar 8.4 x 10-5 S/cm pada variasi penambahan 80 wt. % LiFePO4, 5 wt. % Cu, 5 wt. % C. Penambahan nano karbon pada LiFePO4 lebih efektif dalam peningkatan konduktivitas dibandingkan dengan penambahan nano Cu dikarenakan efek oksidasi pada Cu yang tidak dapat dihindari. Morfologi material katoda dan distribusi nano Cu dan nano karbon dianalisis menggunakan SEM/EDX, menunjukkan material yang dicampur pada variasi penambahan nano Cu cukup homogen, struktur butir spherical, sedangkan pada variasi penambahan nano Cu dan nano karbon struktur butir polyhedral dengan ukuran butir berada pada rentang 100- 500 nm. Struktur butir ini mempengaruhi hasil cole plot dimana pada variasi penambahan Cu terbentuk semicircle sedangkan pada penambahan nano C tidak;Improved of Electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 with the method of adding Cu Nano metal material and CNTs has been done. This method is an attractive option because it is easy and inexpensive in the manufacturing process. Synthesis process is done by mixing the powder LiFePO4 (commercial) with a variation of the percentage by weight of Nano copper (commercial) 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 wt. % and 5 wt. % CNTs (commercial) and then process in vacuum mixing and film applicator. Testing XRD, SEM and EDX performed on the powder to confirm the phase, grain size and the presence or absence of impurities. Results of XRD and EDX on Nano Cu powder showed that there had been oxidation and formed into CuO and Cu2O, and discovered the existence of impurities elements S of 8.5 wt. %. Phase composition as the result from adding process obtained with analyzing the XRD diffraction pattern showed that the phase formed is LiFePO4 yet found any impurities in the form of Cu4O3 on variations LiFePO4 addition of 80 wt. %, 5 wt. % Cu, 5 wt. % C, and 10 wt. % PVDF. The electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 cathode material was tested by EIS, and the results showed that the electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 increased with the addition of Nano-Cu but not too significant (still on the same order), this is because the effects of oxidation on Cu. On the addition of Nano C and Nano Cu variation there is an increase of 3 order with conductivity value 8.4 x 10-5 S / cm at variations LiFePO4 addition of 80 wt.%, 5 wt.% Cu, 5 wt.% C. The addition of CNTs is more effective in LiFePO4 conductivity increase, compared to the addition of Nano-Cu due to the effects of oxidation on Cu are unavoidable. Cathode material morphology and distribution of CNTs and Nano Cu analyzed using SEM / EDX, showed mixed material on the variation of the addition of Nano Cu quite homogenous, spherical grain structure, while the variation of the addition of Nano Cu and CNTs structures polyhedral grains with a grain size in the range 100-500 nm. This affects the grain structure results in a variation of Cole plot where the addition of Cu is formed semicircle, while the addition of Nano C is not.;Improved of Electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 with the method of adding Cu Nano metal material and CNTs has been done. This method is an attractive option because it is easy and inexpensive in the manufacturing process. Synthesis process is done by mixing the powder LiFePO4 (commercial) with a variation of the percentage by weight of Nano copper (commercial) 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 wt. % and 5 wt. % CNTs (commercial) and then process in vacuum mixing and film applicator. Testing XRD, SEM and EDX performed on the powder to confirm the phase, grain size and the presence or absence of impurities. Results of XRD and EDX on Nano Cu powder showed that there had been oxidation and formed into CuO and Cu2O, and discovered the existence of impurities elements S of 8.5 wt. %. Phase composition as the result from adding process obtained with analyzing the XRD diffraction pattern showed that the phase formed is LiFePO4 yet found any impurities in the form of Cu4O3 on variations LiFePO4 addition of 80 wt. %, 5 wt. % Cu, 5 wt. % C, and 10 wt. % PVDF. The electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 cathode material was tested by EIS, and the results showed that the electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 increased with the addition of Nano-Cu but not too significant (still on the same order), this is because the effects of oxidation on Cu. On the addition of Nano C and Nano Cu variation there is an increase of 3 order with conductivity value 8.4 x 10- 5 S / cm at variations LiFePO4 addition of 80 wt.%, 5 wt.% Cu, 5 wt.% C. The addition of CNTs is more effective in LiFePO4 conductivity increase, compared to the addition of Nano-Cu due to the effects of oxidation on Cu are unavoidable. Cathode material morphology and distribution of CNTs and Nano Cu analyzed using SEM / EDX, showed mixed material on the variation of the addition of Nano Cu quite homogenous, spherical grain structure, while the variation of the addition of Nano Cu and CNTs structures polyhedral grains with a grain size in the range 100-500 nm. This affects the grain structure results in a variation of Cole plot where the addition of Cu is formed semicircle, while the addition of Nano C is not., Improved of Electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 with the method of adding Cu Nano metal material and CNTs has been done. This method is an attractive option because it is easy and inexpensive in the manufacturing process. Synthesis process is done by mixing the powder LiFePO4 (commercial) with a variation of the percentage by weight of Nano copper (commercial) 0, 1, 3, 5, 7 wt. % and 5 wt. % CNTs (commercial) and then process in vacuum mixing and film applicator. Testing XRD, SEM and EDX performed on the powder to confirm the phase, grain size and the presence or absence of impurities. Results of XRD and EDX on Nano Cu powder showed that there had been oxidation and formed into CuO and Cu2O, and discovered the existence of impurities elements S of 8.5 wt. %. Phase composition as the result from adding process obtained with analyzing the XRD diffraction pattern showed that the phase formed is LiFePO4 yet found any impurities in the form of Cu4O3 on variations LiFePO4 addition of 80 wt. %, 5 wt. % Cu, 5 wt. % C, and 10 wt. % PVDF. The electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 cathode material was tested by EIS, and the results showed that the electrical conductivity of LiFePO4 increased with the addition of Nano-Cu but not too significant (still on the same order), this is because the effects of oxidation on Cu. On the addition of Nano C and Nano Cu variation there is an increase of 3 order with conductivity value 8.4 x 10- 5 S / cm at variations LiFePO4 addition of 80 wt.%, 5 wt.% Cu, 5 wt.% C. The addition of CNTs is more effective in LiFePO4 conductivity increase, compared to the addition of Nano-Cu due to the effects of oxidation on Cu are unavoidable. Cathode material morphology and distribution of CNTs and Nano Cu analyzed using SEM / EDX, showed mixed material on the variation of the addition of Nano Cu quite homogenous, spherical grain structure, while the variation of the addition of Nano Cu and CNTs structures polyhedral grains with a grain size in the range 100-500 nm. This affects the grain structure results in a variation of Cole plot where the addition of Cu is formed semicircle, while the addition of Nano C is not.]
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Guntur Tri Setiadanu
Abstrak :
Telah dilakukan sintesis LiFePO4/C sebagai material katoda baterai lithium ion dengan menggunakan metode hidrotermal dari bahan LiOH, NH4H2PO4, FeSO4.7H2O, carbon black dan sukrosa. Proses hidrotermal dilakukan pada suhu reaktor 180⁰C dengan lama waktu penahanan 20 jam. Penambahan karbon dilakukan dengan 2 cara. Pertama menggunakan sukrosa sebagai sumber karbon yang dilarutkan bersama prekusor dan kedua menggunakan carbon black yang ditambahkan setelah proses hidrotermal sebelum proses kalsinasi. Temperatur kalsinasi divariasikan pada 500, 600 dan 750⁰C selama 5 jam. Proses dekomposisi termal dianalisis menggunakan DTA-TGA analyzer, karakterisasi fasa dilakukan dengan XRD, morfologi dengan SEM/EDX, nilai konduktifitas dan kapasitansi material dengan LCR-EIS, dan performa baterai dengan pengujian charge-discharge menggunakan baterai analyzer. Hasil LiFePO4/C yang murni berbentuk flake berhasil disintesis dengan penambahan carbon black 5 wt%, sedangkan untuk penambahan karbon melalui pelarutan sukrosa masih terdapat pengotor Fe3(PO4)2 pada hasil kalsinasi. Temperatur kalsinasi optimal adalah 750⁰C dengan ukuran kristalit 39,7 nm, tebal butiran flake 80 nm dan besar butiran rata-rata 427 nm. Konduktifitas LiFePO4 murni terukur 5 x 10-7 S/cm dan konduktifitas LiFePO4/C adalah 2,23 x 10-4 S/cm yang dihasilkan dari sampel dengan tambahan carbon black 5wt% kalsinasi 750⁰C. Dari pengujian charge/discharge didapatkan siklus terbaik dihasilkan oleh sampel LiFePO4/C yang dikalsinasi 750⁰C yang stabil dengan tegangan 3,3-3,4 V, kapasitas spesifik dihasilkan pada 0,1 C = 11,6 mAh/g ; 0,3C = 10,78 mAh./g dan 0,5 C = 9,45 mAh/g. ......LiFePO4/C has been succesfully synthesized through hydrothermal method from LiOH, NH4H2PO4, and FeSO4.7H2O as starting materials and either carbon black or sucrose as carbon source used as cathode material for lithium ion batteries. In this work, hydrothermal reaction temperature was at 180C for 20 hours.Carbon sources were added in two routes. Firstly, sucrose solution was mixed with precursor solution before hydrothermal reaction. Secondly carbon black was added after hydrothermal reaction before calcination process. Calcination temperatures were performed at 500, 600, and 750C each for 5 hours. Thermal decomposition process was analyzed using DTA-TGA analyzer, phases and morphological were characterized by using XRD and SEM/EDX measurement, conductivity and electrical capacity were characterized by EIS measurement, and batteries performance were tested with charge discharge testing by battery analyzer. Pure LiFePO4/C flake shaped was successfully synthesized with the addition of 5 wt% carbon black, while the addition of carbon through the dissolution of sucrose still contained impurity from Fe3(PO4)2 in calcination product. Optimal calcination temperature was obtained at 750⁰C with crytallite size of 39.7 nm, flake particles diameter of 80 nm with particles average length of 427 nm. Pure LiFePO4 conductivity was measured to be 5 x 10-7 S/cm and conductivity LiFePO4/C was 2.23 x 10-4 S/cm produced from samples with carbon black addition of 5 wt% and calcined at 750⁰C. Charge/discharge cycles test showed that best battery performance was obtained from the sample with carbon black of 5wt% calcined at 750⁰C, with a stable voltage 3.3 to 3.4 V, specific capacity of 0.1 C = 11.6 mAh/g ; 0.3C = 10.78 mAh./g dan 0.5 C = 9.45 mAh/g.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Abstrak :
[Komposit Li4Ti5O12 dan Sn untuk material anoda baterai lithium-ion dipreparasi dengan 2 rute, yaitu sintesis Li4Ti5O12 (LTO) dengan metode hidrotermal dan mixing LTO dan Sn menggunakan ball mill. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk memperoleh suhu kalsinasi yang optimum pembentukan fasa spinel LTO serta penambahan berat serbuk Sn yang tepat untuk memperoleh peningkatan performa LTO. Sampel dikarakterisasi menggunakan DT/TGA, XRD, SEM EDX, dan EIS. Sedang properti elektrokimia dianalisis menggunakan tes charge/discharge battery analyzer. Hasil menunjukkan telah terbentuk fasa spinel LTO dan butir tumbuh 17, 20, dan 40 nm masing-masing untuk suhu kalsinasi 500, 600, dan 700oC. Foto SEM memperlihatkan butir-butir berbusa dan mengalami aglomerasi yang merupakan efek dari proses sintesis hidrotermal. Dari penelitian ini diperoleh sampel komposit LTO 500oC dan Sn 10% dengan nilai konduktivitas tertinggi yaitu 9,06 x 10-7 S/cm. Uji cyclic voltammetry menunjukkan pasangan anodik-katodik tegangan reduksi-oksidasi LTO 1,5 dan 1,7 V, serta 1,71 dan 2,11 V untuk TiO2. Sedangkan tegangan litiasi Sn terdeteksi0,61 V. Untuk uji charge/discharge komposit LTO 500oC dan Sn 10% memperlihatkan penambahan Sn akan memberi keuntungan saat tegangan rendah (0,6 V) yaitu komposit masih memiliki kapasitas. Kapasitas spesifik untuk komposit LTO 500oC dan Sn 10% mencapai 110 mAh/g dengan C/3.;Li4Ti5O12 and Sn composites as anode material for lithium-ion battery have been prepared with two routes, ie. synthesis of Li4Ti5O12 (namely LTO) with hydrothermal method and mixing LTO and Sn using mechanical ball milling method. The purposes of this study are to obtain the optimum calcination temperatures LTO spinel phase formation and the precise addition of Sn powder is to obtain the improved performance of LTO. Samples have been characterized by DT/TGA, XRD, SEM EDX, and ElS. Meanwhile, electrochemical properties were analyzed using a charge-discharge test battery analyzer. Results showed that LTO spinel phase has been formed and the grains growth 17, 20, and 40 nm respectively for calcination temperature 500, 600, and 700°C. SEM photograph showing a grain foaming and run into agglomeration which is the effect of hydrothermal synthesis process. From this study, LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite has the highest conductivity value ie 9.06 x 10-7 S/cm. Test cyclic voltammetry showed a couple of anodic-cathodic reduction-oxidation voltage LTO 1.48 and 1.74 V, and 1.65 and 2.11 V for TiO2. Lithiation voltage for Sn at 0.61 V. For test charge/discharge LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite showed the addition of Sn will benefit current low voltage (0.6 V) is a composite still has capacity. Specific capacity for LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite up to 110 mAh/g with C/3.;Li4Ti5O12 and Sn composites as anode material for lithium-ion battery have been prepared with two routes, ie. synthesis of Li4Ti5O12 (namely LTO) with hydrothermal method and mixing LTO and Sn using mechanical ball milling method. The purposes of this study are to obtain the optimum calcination temperatures LTO spinel phase formation and the precise addition of Sn powder is to obtain the improved performance of LTO. Samples have been characterized by DT/TGA, XRD, SEM EDX, and ElS. Meanwhile, electrochemical properties were analyzed using a charge-discharge test battery analyzer. Results showed that LTO spinel phase has been formed and the grains growth 17, 20, and 40 nm respectively for calcination temperature 500, 600, and 700°C. SEM photograph showing a grain foaming and run into agglomeration which is the effect of hydrothermal synthesis process. From this study, LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite has the highest conductivity value ie 9.06 x 10-7 S/cm. Test cyclic voltammetry showed a couple of anodic-cathodic reduction-oxidation voltage LTO 1.48 and 1.74 V, and 1.65 and 2.11 V for TiO2. Lithiation voltage for Sn at 0.61 V. For test charge/discharge LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite showed the addition of Sn will benefit current low voltage (0.6 V) is a composite still has capacity. Specific capacity for LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite up to 110 mAh/g with C/3., Li4Ti5O12 and Sn composites as anode material for lithium-ion battery have been prepared with two routes, ie. synthesis of Li4Ti5O12 (namely LTO) with hydrothermal method and mixing LTO and Sn using mechanical ball milling method. The purposes of this study are to obtain the optimum calcination temperatures LTO spinel phase formation and the precise addition of Sn powder is to obtain the improved performance of LTO. Samples have been characterized by DT/TGA, XRD, SEM EDX, and ElS. Meanwhile, electrochemical properties were analyzed using a charge-discharge test battery analyzer. Results showed that LTO spinel phase has been formed and the grains growth 17, 20, and 40 nm respectively for calcination temperature 500, 600, and 700°C. SEM photograph showing a grain foaming and run into agglomeration which is the effect of hydrothermal synthesis process. From this study, LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite has the highest conductivity value ie 9.06 x 10-7 S/cm. Test cyclic voltammetry showed a couple of anodic-cathodic reduction-oxidation voltage LTO 1.48 and 1.74 V, and 1.65 and 2.11 V for TiO2. Lithiation voltage for Sn at 0.61 V. For test charge/discharge LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite showed the addition of Sn will benefit current low voltage (0.6 V) is a composite still has capacity. Specific capacity for LTO 500oC and 10%Sn composite up to 110 mAh/g with C/3.]
Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2015
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Khoirun Nisa Aulia Sukmani
Abstrak :
Tesis ini mendiskusikan mengenai proses penciptaan karya fotografi dalam konteks lifeworld fotografer di dunia nyata dan dunia maya. Dalam kedua dunia tersebut tidak menutup kemungkinan kehidupan pribadi dan publik fotografer melebur menjadi satu sebagai dasar dalam proses penciptaan karya fotografi. Pendekatan sosial media ethnography digunakan untuk melihat aktivitas media sosial yang dilakukan secara online juga dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas secara offline. Instagram merupakan tempat bagi fotografer untuk beraktivitas secara online dan mempublikasikan karya yang telah diciptakan. Penelitian ini memerlukan waktu selama April 2018 sampai dengan September 2018. Sebagai fotografer yang merasa dirinya berada dalam kehidupan masyarakat, dan akan memperlihatkan karya yang diciptakannya mampu menunjukkan kebermaknaan diri dan karyanya. Analisis lifeworld memberikan 3 (tiga) rangkaian proses dalam penciptaan karya yaitu (1) proses pandangan; (2) proses interaksi; dan (3) proses imajinasi di mana dalam masing-masing proses memiliki hubungan satu dengan lainnya untuk memberikan an imaginative message terhadap karya fotografi yang telah diciptakan. Kemana arah karya fotografi akan dilabuhkan menjadi dasar penciptaan karya itu sendiri, menciptakan karya yang memiliki makna bagi penonton merupakan tanggung jawab besar yang harus dipenuhi oleh fotografer. Instagram sebagai tempat pameran maya, merupakan wadah bagi fotografer untuk dapat menunjukkan kebermaknaan diri dan karyanya, serta menempatkan karya fotografinya sebagai manfaat bagi orang lain yang menontonnya. Simpulannya adalah lifeworld fotografer dalam dunia maya dan dunia nyata merupakan bagian penting dalam proses penciptaan, serta kepekaan yang timbul dari pribadi lain juga penting dalam bagian proses penciptaan karya fotografi.
This Thesis discusses the process of creating photography in the context of lifeworld photographers in the real world and cyberspace. In both worlds it does not rule out the possibility that the photographers personal and public life will become one as the basis for the process of creating photography. The social media ethography approach used to view social media activities conducted online is also influenced by offline activities. Instagram is a place for photographers to move online and publish works that have been created. This research requires from April 2018 to September 2018. As a photographer who feels in the life of the community, and will show the work that created is able to show the meaning of self and works. Lifeworld analysis provides 3 (three) processes in the creation of works, namely (1) the process of view; (2) the interaction process; and (3) the process of imagination in which each process has a relationship with one another to provide an imaginative message to the photography work that has been created. Where the direction of the photography work will be anchored becomes the basis of the work itself, creating a work that has meaning for spectactor who is responsible for the photographer. Instagram as a virtual exhibition venue, is a place for photographers to be able to show the meaning of themselves and thei work, and place their photography works as benefits for others who watch them. The conclusion is that lifeworld photographers in cyberspace and the real world are an important part of the creation process, and the sensitivity arising from other personalities is also important in the part of the process of creating photography works.
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Samsul Hafiz
Abstrak :
Naskah ringkas ini membahas tentang sebuah teknik alternatif dalam mengembangkan metode penyeimbang tegangan baterai yang terkoneksi seri yang berbasis metode Switched Capacitor yakni dengan menambahkan Shunting Resistor yang dimodifikasi dengan penambahan rangkaian seri beberapa dioda. Teknik ini kemudian dievaluasi dengan cara komparasi terhadap metode Switched Capacitor konvensional melalui simulasi menggunakan software Scilab 6.0 yang selanjutnya divalidasi berdasarkan eksperimen. Hasil evaluasi menunjukkan bahwa teknik ini mampu memberikan efek penyeimbangan yang lebih cepat dibanding metode Switched Capacitor konvensional, baik pada variasi State of Charge SOC level bawah, tengah, atas maupun ekstrim. Kecepatan penyeimbangan dari metode usulan dapat ditingkatkan melalui optimasi yang tepat pada bagian kontrol durasi switch ON-OFF Shunting Resistor. Pengaturan durasi ON 800 ms dan durasi OFF 200 ms dapat memberikan efek penyeimbangan yang cukup cepat tanpa kenaikan temperatur yang berlebihan yaitu hanya sampai 50 oC dari keadaan awal 25 oC. Dengan demikian metode pengembangan dengan teknik ini layak untuk dikembangkan lebih jauh sebagai teknik alternatif dalam pengembangan metode-metode penyeimbang tegangan baterai yang banyak dikembangkan sampai saat ini. ...... This thesis discusses about an alternative technique to develop battery voltage balancing method based on the Switched Capacitor method by adding a modified Shunting Resistor with the addition of several series diodes. This technique is then evaluated by means of comparison to conventional Switched Capacitor method through simulation using Scilab 6.0 software and then validated based on experimental results. Evaluation results show that the proposed method has better balancing ability than convensional Switched Capacitor method in all levels of Battery State of Charge SOC variation, either in the bottom level, the middle level, the top level or in the extreme variation level. The balancing speed of the proposed method can be increased through proper optimization on the control part of the duration of the ON OFF Shunting Resistor switch. Setting duration of ON 800 ms and duration OFF 200 ms can provide a fairly rapid balancing effect without excessive temperature rise ie only up to 50 oC from the initial 25 oC. Thus the development technique with this technique is feasible to be developed further as an alternative technique in the development of battery voltage balancing methods that that are widely developed today.
Depok: Fakultas Matematika dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam Universitas Indonesia, 2018
UI - Tesis Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Maria Vina Elmaresa
Abstrak :
Kehadiran media sosial dalam kehidupan masyarakat telah memasuki banyak ranah kehidupan manusia, termasuk ranah politik. Dinamika yang terjadi pada Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017 diwarnai dengan kehadiran beragam meme yang tersebar di media sosial seperti Twitter. Meme menjadi media pengantar pesan yang digunakan oleh para pembuatnya dalam menanggapi berbagai isu yang hadir selama Pilkada DKI Jakarta 2017. Tidak hanya membaca meme secara harafiah, teori tindak ujaran diperlukan untuk benar-benar memahami maksud berbagai meme tersebut. Dengan menggunakan metode etnografi, penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik bermedia yang dilakukan para pembuat meme didasari oleh agensi yang mereka miliki. Tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa praktik bermedia dengan membuat meme dan menyebarkannya di Twitter merupakan bentuk partisipasi politik era digital. Pengalaman yang dimiliki pembuat meme menjadi landasan untuk mewujudkan ekspresi dalam bentuk meme bertema politik. ...... The presence of social media in the life of society has entered many aspects of human life, including the political sphere. Dynamics that occurred during 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election was colored by the presence of diverse memes spread across social media such as Twitter. Meme became the medium to deliver message that used by the authors in response to various issues that were present during the 2017 DKI Jakarta gubernatorial election. Not only reading it literally, speech act theory is necessary to truly understand the meaning of the various memes. Using ethnographic methods, this research shows that the media based practices made by meme makers are based on their own agencies. This study shows that the practice of media by making memes and spreading them on Twitter is a form of political participation in the digital age. The experiences that meme makers possess serve as a foundation for realizing expression in the form of a political themed meme.
Depok: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial dan Ilmu Politik Universitas Indonesia, 2017
UI - Skripsi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Heri Jodi
Abstrak :
Penggunaan elektrolit cair dalam baterai masih menyisakan masalah keamanan akibat kebocoran dan kebakaran. Karena itu, penelitian dan penemuan elektrolit padat dengan performa yang bagus menjadi hal yang sangat menarik dan penting dilakukan, untuk menggantikan elektrolit cair dalam baterai. Lithium Fosfat (Li3PO4) adalah elektrolit padat berbasis xLi2O-yP2O5 (x=3, y=1) yang stabil, namun memiliki konduktivitas ionik yang kecil sekitar 10-9~10-8 S/cm, terlalu rendah untuk diaplikasikan menjadi elektrolit dalam baterai. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan bahan elektrolit padat baru berbasiskan Li2O-P2O5, dengan modifikasi komposisi paduannya, dan dikombinasikan dengan Montmorillonite (MMT) membentuk material komposit elektrolit padat.  Komposit elektrolit dipreparasi melalui teknik pencampuran metalurgi biasa dan disintesis memanfaatkan teknik reaksi padatan melt-quenching. Morfologi komposit hasil sintesis dikarakterisasi menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), dipadukan dengan Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) untuk analisis unsur, sedangkan X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) digunakan untuk analisis struktural. Pengujian performa elektrokimia yang meliputi konduktivitas, impedansi dan sifat dielektrik komposit dilakukan menggunakan Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometry (EIS). Pencampuran paduan Li3PO4 dengan MMT menggunakan pengikat PVDF, memberikan komposit yang menunjukkan konduktivitas sebesar 3.59x10-7 S/cm. Modifikasi komposisi x dari 3 menjadi 1.5, memberikan peningkatan konduktivitas menjadi 3.98x10-6 S/cm, 2-3 orde lebih tinggi dari konduktivitas Li3PO4. Penambahan konten MMT ke dalam paduan hasil modifikasi komposisi 1.5Li2O-P2O5, menciptakan komposit elektrolit padat baru yang menunjukkan konduktivitas lebih baik pada orde 10-4 S/cm. Peningkatan konduktivitas tersebut diyakini merupakan kontribusi fasa dominan Li4P2O7. MMT berkontribusi meningkatkan sifat dielektrik komposit, dan mengakibatkan muatan dalam elektrolit menjadi lebih mudah bergerak, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai energi aktivasi komposit dengan kandungan MMT sebesar 0,86 eV, lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan komposit tanpa MMT sebesar 1.50 eV. Komposit Li2O-P2O5-MMT terbukti bisa berfungsi dengan baik sebagai elektrolit padat dalam sel baterai, dan menghantarkan muatan pada proses charge-discharge
The use of liquid electrolytes in the battery still leaves safety problems due to leaks and fires. Therefore, research and discovery of solid electrolytes with good performance are very interesting and important to do, to replace liquid electrolytes in batteries. Lithium Phosphate (Li3PO4) is a solid electrolyte based on xLi2O-yP2O5 (x = 3, y = 1) which is stable, but has a small ionic conductivity of about 10-9 ~ 10-8 S / cm, that still too low to be applied as solid electrolytes in a battery. This study aims to develop new solid electrolyte materials based on Li2O-P2O5, with modified compositions, and combined with Montmorillonite (MMT) to form a solid electrolyte composite material. Electrolyte composites are prepared through ordinary metallurgical mixing and synthesized using melt-quenching solid reaction techniques. The morphology of the synthesized composite was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), combined with the Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental analysis, while the X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) was used for structural analysis. Electrochemical performance testing which includes conductivity, impedance, and composite dielectric properties were carried out using Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometry (EIS). Mixing Li3PO4 with MMT using PVDF binder, has provided a composite that shows conductivity value of 3.59x10-7 S/cm. Modification of the composition of x value, from 3 to 1.5, gave an increase in conductivity to 3.98x10-6 S / cm, higher by 2-3 order of magnitude than that of Li3PO4. Addition of MMT content to a composition modified system 1.5Li2O-P2O5, has created a new solid electrolyte composite that shows better conductivity in the order of 10-4 S / cm. The increase in conductivity is believed to be the contribution of the dominant phase of Li4P2O7. MMT contributes to increasing composite dielectric properties and results in charge carriers becoming more easily polarized, which is indicated by the activation energy value of the composite with MMT content of 0.86 eV, lower than the composite without MMT of 1.50 eV. Li2O-P2O5-MMT composites have proven to function as solid electrolytes in battery cells and conduct charge carriers in the charge-discharge process.:major-bidi'>dikarakterisasi menggunakan Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), dipadukan dengan Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) untuk analisis unsur, sedangkan X-ray Diffractometer (XRD) digunakan untuk analisis struktural. Pengujian performa elektrokimia yang meliputi konduktivitas, impedansi dan sifat dielektrik komposit dilakukan menggunakan Electrochemical Impedance Spectrometry (EIS). Pencampuran paduan Li3PO4 dengan MMT menggunakan pengikat PVDF, memberikan komposit yang menunjukkan konduktivitas sebesar 3.59x10-7 S/cm. Modifikasi komposisi x dari 3 menjadi 1.5, memberikan peningkatan konduktivitas menjadi 3.98x10-6 S/cm, 2-3 orde lebih tinggi dari konduktivitas Li3PO4. Penambahan konten MMT ke dalam paduan hasil modifikasi komposisi 1.5Li2O-P2O5, menciptakan komposit elektrolit padat baru yang menunjukkan konduktivitas lebih baik pada orde 10-4 S/cm. Peningkatan konduktivitas tersebut diyakini merupakan kontribusi fasa dominan Li4P2O7. MMT berkontribusi meningkatkan sifat dielektrik komposit, dan mengakibatkan muatan dalam elektrolit menjadi lebih mudah bergerak, yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai energi aktivasi komposit dengan kandungan MMT sebesar 0,86 eV, lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan komposit tanpa MMT sebesar 1.50 eV. Komposit Li2O-P2O5-MMT terbukti bisa berfungsi dengan baik sebagai elektrolit padat dalam sel baterai, dan menghantarkan muatan pada proses charge-discharge.
Depok: Fakultas Teknik Universitas Indonesia, 2019
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Siburian, Robert
Abstrak :
Hadirnya perusahaan pertambangan batubara dengan metode tambang terbuka, mengakibatkan terjadi kontestasi para pihak untuk menguasai tanah yang di dalamnya terkandung batubara. Kontestasi para pihak itu mendorong akses petani pada tanah pertanian turut terganggu. Dengan demikian, mempertahankan akses pada tanah pertanian dari ekspansi perusahaan pertambangan bukan hal mudah, karena petani transmigran dalam memaknai tanah tidak sama.Untuk menganalisis bagaimana upaya petani transmigran mempertahankan akses terhadap tanah pertanian dari ekspansi perusahaan pertambangan yang berusaha menguasai tanah pertanian milik petani, saya menggunakan teori akses yang dikemukakan oleh Ribot dan Peluso. Merujuk pada teori akses itu, petani transmigran berusaha agar tetap mampu mengambil manfaat dari tanah yang dimilikinya dengan berbagai mekanisme. Saya melihat upaya mempertahankan akses yang dilakukan petani tidak terlepas dari sikap agensi yang ada pada diri petani dan globalisasi yang sedang terjadi, sehingga teori agensi dan globalisasi saya gunakan untuk melengkapi teori akses dimaksud. Teori agensi yang dijelaskan Otner bukan dalam konteks hubungan status dan kekuasaan power , tetapi lebih pada kemampuan individu untuk mengambil inisiatif berdasarkan peristiwa yang pernah terjadi dan bertanggung jawab terhadap konsekuensi dari inisiatif yang diambil ketika mencoba mempertahankan akses pada tanah pertaniannya. Sementara dengan globalisasi, terutama dikaitkan dengan batubara selaku komoditi global, pengambilan keputusan baik yang dilakukan oleh petani, maupun perusahaan pertambangan, tidak lepas dari pengaruh globalisasi seperti dijelaskan Giddens dan Appadurai. Dengan globalisasi, perluasan hubungan sosial sedang terjadi, sehingga kondisi sosial-ekonomi sekelompok masyarakat yang berada dalam satu negara tertentu, termasuk petani transmigran di Desa Kerta Buana, tidak lepas dari pengaruh negara lain.Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa mekanisme mempertahankan tanah pertanian yang dilakukan petani, dibagi dua kelompok besar, yaitu petani Bali dan petani bukan Bali. Pengklasifikasian itu didasarkan pada mudah dan sulitnya perusahaan membebaskan tanah dari kedua kelompok petani itu. Mekanisme tersebut adalah sebagai berikut: a petani menentukan harga tanah pertanian yang diincar perusahaan pada level tertinggi di luar jangkauan perusahaan, b petani menganulir harga yang sudah disepakati sebelumnya, tetapi pihak perusahaan lalai membayar tepat waktu, c petani menyebut harga yang diajukan perusahaan belum cocok meskipun harga yang diinginkan petani tidak pernah terlontar, d petani melimpahkan isu penjualan tanah pada level kelompok tani, terkait kesepakatan pada anggota kelompok agar menjual tanah pertanian dilakukan pada perusahaan secara serentak.Mekanisme yang dilakukan oleh petani untuk mempertahankan akses pada tanah pertaniannya, sesungguhnya adalah upaya untuk mempertahankan lanskap sosial yang sudah terbentuk di Desa Kerta Buana. Dengan kata lain, tujuan mempertahankan akses tidak sekedar untuk mengambil manfaat dari sesuatu itu, tetapi juga untuk bertahannya suatu lanskap sosial yang sudah membuat petani transmigran merasa Desa Kerta Buana adalah bagian dari hidupnya.
The presence of coal mining company with open pit method resulted in contestation of the parties to control the land which contains coal. Contestation of the parties that encourage farmers 39 access to agricultural land is also disrupted. Thus, defending access to agricultural land from the expansion of mining companies is not easy because the understanding of the farmers transmigrant on land is not the same.To analyze how transmigrant peasants 39 efforts to defend access to farmland from the expansion of mining companies seeking control of farmer owned farms, I use the access theory proposed by Ribot and Peluso. Referring to the access theory, transmigrant farmers try to keep the benefits of their land under various mechanisms. I see that defending access by farmers is inseparable from the existing attitude of farmers 39 existing agencies and globalization, so that the agency theory and globalization I use to complete the access theory. The agency theory written by Otner describes is not in the context of the relationship of status and power, but rather to the individual 39 s ability to take initiative on the basis of events that have occurred and be responsible for the consequences of the initiative taken while trying to defend access to his farm. While globalization, especially related to coal as a global commodity, decision making by both farmers and mining companies, can not be separated from the influence of globalization as described by Giddens and Appadurai. With globalization, the expansion of social relations is taking place, so that the socio economic conditions of a group of people within a certain country, including transmigrant farmers in Kerta Buana Village, can not be separated from the influence of other countries, especially after the companies operating in Desa Kerta Buana have sold their shares in the stock exchange.The results showed that the mechanisms by farmers to maintain their farms were divided into two major groups, namely Balinese farmers and non Balinese farmers. The classification was based on the ease and difficulty of the company liberating the land from both groups of farmers. Those mechanisms are as follows a the farmer determines the price of agricultural land that the company is targeting at the highest level outside the reach of the company b the farmer annuls the agreed price but the company neglects to pay on time c Farmers call the price proposed by the company is not suitable but farmers do not mention the desired price, d farmers delegate the issue of land sales at farmer group level, related to agreement on group members to sell agricultural land to the company simultaneously.Mechanisms undertaken by farmers to maintain access to their farms, in fact, are attempts to maintain the already established social landscape in Kerta Buana Village. In other words, the goal of sustaining access is not just to take advantage of it, but also for the survival of a social landscape that has made transmigrant farmers feel that Kerta Buana Village is a part of his life.
UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library