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Lany Nurhayati
Undang-undang RI No. 19 tahun 2009, pengesahan konvensi Stockholm tentang bahan pencemar organik yang persisten, dan telah melarang penggunaan kategori insektisida yaitu aldrin, klordan, dieldrin, endrin, heptaklor, heksaklorobenzena, mirex, toxaphene dan poliklorinatbifenil (PCB), serta membatasi penggunaan insektisida diklorodifenildikloroetana (DDT). Faktanya, keberadaan insektisida organoklorin tersebut masih ditemukan di tanah sawah Kabupaten Karawang yaitu aldrin, DDT, endosulfan, endrin, heptaklor dan lindan dengan konsentrasi berkisar antara 1,5 ng/g sampai dengan 5,37 ng/g. Teknologi pengendalian residu pestisida dapat dilakukan melalui ameliorasi secara biologi dengan bioremediasi, secara fisika dengan adsorpsi arang aktif, sedangkan, secara kimia melalui penambahan alum dan lain-lain. Bioaugmentasi adalah introduksi mikroba tertentu pada daerah yang akan diremediasi. Bakteri tempatan potensial pendegradasi heptaklor hasil isolasi adalah Citrobacter sp. Setelah diidentifikasi dengan 16S rRNA, bakteri tersebut adalah Raoultella ornithinolytica B4, bakteri ini golongan Enterobacteriaceae, Gram negatif, dan menghasilkan enzim katalase. Biochar tempurung kelapa (BTK) memiliki sifat adsorben berdasarkan nilai daya serap iod sebesar 570,22 mg/g, luas permukaannya 371,943 m2/g, dan diameter pori 0,4-7,0 mm karena proses karbonasi 300 oC menghasilkan ukuran makropori. Hasil uji adsorpsi BTK 5% (b/b) terhadap heptaklor 2 mg/L secara adsorpsi fisik, terlihat dari persamaan Langmuir memiliki linearitas y=1,704x ? 0,002, kapasitas adsorpsinya 1,704 mg/g, dengan efisiensi adsorpsinya sebesar 75,01%. Proses bioaugmentasi tanah sawah tercemar heptaklor oleh bakteri tempatan Raoultella ornithinolytica B4 dengan bantuan BTK 5%, menghasilkan degradasi heptaklor (Rt 11,31 menit) menjadi 1-hidroksiklordene (Rt 12,38 menit), dengan nilai efisiensi remediasi sebesar 75,38%.

The regulation of Republic of Indonesia No. 19 in 2009, about the ratification of the Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic Pollutans (POPs), that bann the use of insecticides category, namely aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, toxaphene and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB), and as well as the restriction use of insecticide dichlorodiphenyldichloroethane (DDT). In fact, the presence of insecticides organochlorine are still found on paddy filed, from nine villages and sub-districts in Karawang contained seven types, they are aldrin, DDT, endosulfan, endrin, heptachlor and lindane concentrations in the district ranges from 0.3 ng/g in up to 5.37 ng/g. Bioaugmentation is the applications of indigenous or allochthonous wide type or genetically modified microorganisms to hazardous waste polluted sites in order to accelerate the removal of undesired compounds. Indigenous Bacteria that is potential to degrade heptachlor is obtained from the isolation of Citrobacter sp and finally identified by 16S rRNA identification technique, that this bacteria is Raoultella ornithinolytica B4 which is classified as a group of bacteria of Enterobacteriaceae, as a Gram-negative, and produce the enzyme catalase. Biochar coconut shell (BCS) as adsorbent was tested for its quality by SNI-06-3730-1995 method. It has a water content of 11.88% (w/w), ash content of 3.32%, an easily evaporated substance content of 13.61%, bounded carbon to 71.20%, and iod number of 570.22 mg/g. The adsorption result of BCS 5% (w/w) to heptachlor was 2 mg/L which was fit with physical adsorption of Langmuir equation with adsorption linearity y = 1,704x - 0,002, adsorption capacity of 1.704 mg / g, so BCS can adsorb heptachlor well. Bioaugmentation using single strain of R. ornithinolytica B4 successful for removal of heptachlor with efficiency was observed in 35 days incubation was 75.38%, and heptachlor (11,31 minute) degraded to 1-hydroxychlordene (12,38 minute).
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UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library
Hasnawati Amqam
Penggunaan jangka panjang insektisida klorpirifos (CPF) akan menimbulkan efek
pada Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) dan hormon-hormon tiroid
(triidiotironin/T3 dan tirotoksin/T4). Studi ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh
insektisida CPF terhadap kadar TSH dan hormon-hormon tiroid pada petani sayur
dari tinjauan aspek genetik populasi. Studi ini dilakukan dengan desain potong
lintang. Terdapat 273 petani sayur yang menjadi subjek, yang diambil pada tiga
populasi suku, yaitu Jawa, Sunda, dan Makassar. Terdapat variasi genetik
paraoxonase 1 (PON1) pada ketiga populasi dan alel Q banyak ditemukan pada
semua populasi. PON1 dapat menjadi prediktor terjadinya gangguan pada kadar
hormon-hormon tiroid dan TSH. TCP sebagai metabolit CPF merupakan biomarker
kemampuan metabolisme individu terhadap CPF. Pada masyarakat petani yang
terpajan klorpirifos, TCP urin yang tidak terdeteksi berperan dalam terjadinya kadar
FT3 rendah dan kadar TCP urin yang rendah berperan dalam terjadinya kadar FT4
tertil rendah dan kadar TSH tinggi. Efek CPF terhadap ketiga hormon ini diduga
terjadi melalui mekanisme terganggunya sistem neurotransmitter dan proses
deyodinasi pada perifer dan hati.

Long-term use of chlorpyrifos (CPF) insecticide will affects Stimulating Thyroid
Hormone (TSH) and thyroid hormones (triidiotironin/T3 and tirotoksin/ T4). This
study aimed to assess the effect of insecticide CPF on levels of TSH and thyroid
hormones of the vegetable farmers as the reviews of population genetic aspects. This
study was conducted with a cross-sectional design. There were 273 vegetable farmers
as subjects, taken in three population, namely Java, Sunda, and Makassar. There was
genetic variation of paraoxonase 1 (PON1) in a population of in the three populations
and Q alleles found in all populations. PON1 may be a predictor of causing
interference to the levels of thyroid hormones and TSH. TCP as CPF metabolite was
a biomarker of individual metabolic capabilities toward CPF. In exposed CPF
farming communities, undetected TCP urine played a role in occurrence of low FT3
levels while low levels of TCP urine play a role for lower tertile FT4 level and high
TSH level. CPF effect to the hormones possiblyoccured through the mechanism of
disruption of neurotransmitter system and deiodinase process in peripheral and liver"
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UI - Disertasi Membership  Universitas Indonesia Library